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KJakker last won the day on December 26 2018

KJakker had the most liked content!

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911 +750 Reputation

About KJakker

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  1. Task Force Admiral has released a free playable demo running in parallel with a Kickstarter. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1281220/Task_Force_Admiral__Vol1_American_Carrier_Battles/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/microprose/task-force-admiral-limited-first-team-physical-edition?ref=75ytvs
  2. Update your 7zip to later than version 24.07. https://cybersecuritynews.com/7-zip-vulnerability-arbitrary-code/
  3. 20

    Congratulations everyone. I will be at a mere 15 years this coming January.
  4. Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out.

    Here are some screenshots from the screenshot thread.
  5. Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out.

    INI files used for most of the data. Relatively easy modding from the start.
  6. Sea Power Naval Combat in the Missile Age is out.

    Just a reminder that the game is in Early Access. They are currently doing a bit of bug finding and fixing.
  7. Just a reminder that Sea Power: Naval Combat in the Missile Age by @Julhelm and @Stary among others is now out in early access on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1286220/Sea_Power__Naval_Combat_in_the_Missile_Age/
  8. This was posted and pinned on the Steam page.
  9. Completely Random Thought...

    Or a game set in the Tailspins universe.
  10. Cookie Monster was caught speeding by the police

    While smoking a cigar.
  11. An Update On My Absence.

    Hello, everyone. I thought I would give an update as I have not been around much. It was partly me getting buried in following the Russo-Ukrainian War. However I had a hard drive failure on the drive I had all of my SF2 Mod folders on. I lost just about all of my personal tweaks and adjustments to SF2 that I have made since joining CombatAce. I do have a backup from 2012 and a mishmash of various stuff from scattered time throughout the intervening years but not my fully organized folders I used for play and testing. On top of that I nearly recovered everything I lost and then accidently reformatted over the recovered data when setting up the new hard drive I bought, scroll list jumped under the mouse arrow while I was glancing away. This loss basically knocked the wind out of my sails as it comes to SF2 and hence why I pretty much disappeared. However I have decided it was time to shake the dust off and picked myself back up. If anyone needs help on a project with ground object data files please let me know.
  12. Is this picture real or a fake?

    Here is some Mirage gun cam footage from the Six Day War.
  13. @TheStig I dug it up. Try this. https://combatace.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=221970

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