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File Comments posted by JosefK

  1. 1 hour ago, Crawford said:

    To fix the gun fire effect (now it seems to be firing from ground level), just open the BTR-40_RU_DATA file and correct the MuzzlePosition, as here:

    SystemType = GUN
    GunTypeName = 7.62MM_SGMB
    MuzzlePosition = 0.00, 0.98, 2.13
    MaxAmmo = 1250
    TracerLoading = 6
    BurstAmount = 12
    EjectShells = TRUE

    Works perfectly.


    • Like 2
  2. Terrain following F-111A

       82    4

    Two questions:

    1) I admit I'm late to the SF2 modding game but I don't have a flight / missioncontrol.ini in my SF2... where does one get it?


    2) How would you @guuruu recommend I port over your TFW mods to the other F-111 variants?


    Many thanks!

  3. I would think the RAAF would go with the Strike Eagle, but that's me.  Quite frankly that's what the RAAF should have gone with to replace the F-111 - and I love the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.  The F-15E is an air superiority fighter that can also pack an enviable load of air-to-ground munitions.

  4. JMSDF SH-60J skin

       83    3

    Requires a file from the A-Team website.  Which is fine for personal use, but not for using in a campaign posted to CombatAce.  Bummer, was going to try to add some of these choppers to my campaign if I had time.


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