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Sundowner last won the day on September 22 2024

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About Sundowner

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    Sod Simming, get a LIFE!!!

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    Cheshire UK


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  1. I did it years ago as a special request for some-one involved on the project.....it's on a really old model, buried on an old harddrive........somewhere.
  2. Get well soon my friend.............merry christmas too.
  3. Hmmmm, cant say I've noticed this before, but today because my loading times are pretty long on my heavily modded Vietnam install, I decided decided to throw a copy of the stock SEA terrain in the mod folder as I'm only wanting to checkout the work I'm doing on an F-4B model. Obviously the loading times were way quicker so I'm flying around checking thing out , stopping and starting a few missions when it suddenly dawned on me that the clouds were lower than the mountain tops..............I know there's no trees showing up but if you only fly hi level missions it might be interesting to slam into a hillside like in the old days..
  4. I have all the TMF M2000 max files, including the cockpit. @ GKABS .....I'll get the max files over to you sometime over the next couple of days.
  5. Just found these on an old backup drive.....they may of been posted when I was working on the model.....not sure though..
  6. 20

    As Jimbib say's it was BioHazCentral before becoming CA, we all kind of migrated over here one the bickering and infighting over at SimHq got a bit too much. I joined in October 2003 Things were pretty calm to start with then then YAP fiasco erupted....( nothing to do with theft, this one , before you all start.) Caused a bit of unrest and bad feeling against some of our key members.....but like most internet forums things eventually calmed back down , and here are 20+ years later still going strong.
  7. Thanks for all the replies, it's good to know it's not just me. Like I said earlier I've tried just about every combination I can think of....waiting to hear the screenshot sound, taking it slowly single shot, gunning my screenshot button, on the ground, in the air, over the sea, clouds or no clouds, high or low cpu/gpu and ram usage etc, etc....no joy. I guess it's just one of those issues we'll have to put up with.
  8. Zero byte screenshots............makes no difference what format I use and no set pattern to it happening. Really frustrating Anybody else suffer from this issue?
  9. Wot to do, Wot to do !!

    Thrustmaster Warthog maybe ?
  10. Chances are that even with a 4gb card you are still running out of video memory, especially if you've got lots of 4096x4096 textures to load.
  11. @yakarov79....beautiful sabre dog. Quality work there as usual Pete.. Just a shot .......
  12. Looks like a small alpha channel mismatch to me.
  13. View File RF-4C-72 ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it. So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own. USAF RF-4C from the 1970-74 timeframe. PLEASE read the Readme. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 09/30/2024 Category F-4  
  14. View File RF-4C-67 ALL work by ME ( Sundowner ) is now no longer covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. What this means is that you can only use my work for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it. So please no copying of my skins for any use other than your own. USAF RF-4C from the 1967 period . PLEASE read the Readme.. Submitter Sundowner Submitted 09/30/2024 Category F-4  

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