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    New IL-2 forum added
    By MadJeff,
    With the released of Forgotten Battles, I had several requests to add a forum for it. It is now in place.   Also added in the last week is a forum for the up and coming glHorizon sim.   Feel free to suggest any other forum subjects you might like to see here at Biohaz.

    Biohaz Forum Rules and thoughts
    By MadJeff,
    After the last few days I have had to deal with several issues and now feel I need to do this officially.   BiohazCentral has few forum rules, and luckily we have a great bunch of people here so most of the time they are not needed. You guys police yourselves pretty good.   That being said, there are a few forum rules here that must be followed or face expulsion from the site:   NO PERSONAL ATTACKS ARE ALLOWED   What constitutes a personal attack? Things like name-calling, belittling other people who's views you do not agree with, things like that. Use common sense, people. I don't mind friendly disagreements, if we all agree on everything it would get pretty boring around here. But blatent attacks against people or other sites will not be tolerated. You will get a friendly warning to stop such attacks, after which, if it continues, a not so friendly boot out the door. I pride myself in running a community-centric, friendly forum and I want to keep it that way. :D   NO DISCUSSION OF SOFTWARE PIRACY IS ALLOWED   This one is pretty self-explanatory.   NO PORN   Another obvious one, but now no one can say they didn't know.   NO POSTING OF OTHERS WORK AND CLAIMING IT AS YOUR OWN   The various modders work very hard to bring you the latest skin/mod/mission, usually without any form of compensation other than the respect of the community and their own personal satisfaction. By taking someone's work and claiming it as your own, or using it as a base of work and not giving credit where credit's due is robbing them of that satisfaction, and it will not be tolerated here at BiohazCentral.   NO MISREPRESENTING YOUR MILITARY CAREER   Several times in the past year we have had people lie or misrepresent themselves as being someone they are not, specifically in the area of military career. This is unacceptable behavior and if proof of this behavior is found, they will be banned.   MADJEFF'S WORD IS LAW   The most important one of all. This is not a democracy people. I like to think of it more as a "benevolent dictatorship". I won't usually throw my weight around, but when all is said and done, I pay for this site, both with my time, and my wallet. If the moderators or I ask that you stop doing something on the forums, then please do. If there is conflicts, please email me and I will work it out between the parties involved.   Other things may be added in the future as needed, but let's hope not. Like I said, use common sense. Thank you for your support!

    File Attachment mod now in place in the forums!
    By MadJeff,
    Users can now upload files and images directly to the forums! Test it out and see if you have any issues and let me know.

    New Project-1 Section added
    By MadJeff,
    With the release of Strike Fighters imminent I have created a new Strike Fighters-specific section in the forums and will be expanding the section to include modding and other topics specific to Project-1. My feeling is the extensive moddability of this sim will allow us to enjoy it for quite a few years. :D

    The site move is complete!
    By MadJeff,
    The site move is complete and we are at our new location. There is some cleanup stuff to do, but all in all everything looks like it's working, and much faster than before. I just have a few things like avatars to fix, and we should be back to normal! :D   Please let me know of any problems you encounter.

    Site changes coming...
    By MadJeff,
    I'm posting this here as well as the main news page.   Well, this week has clinched it. We have had several weird line issues here the past week(Bad), combined with the rapid growth we have seen the past few weeks here at Biohaz(Good!), has given me the swift kick in the butt I needed to start getting serious about moving the whole site to a dedicated provider. Up to this point I've ran the site on my DSL line, but it just ain't cuttin' it any more... =)   So here's the status. I have the provider picked out and will be setting things up tonight as soon as I get the last few questions answered. I will be doing some fall cleaning on the site in preparation for the move, then hopefully by this weekend I will do the domain transfer and have the site up and running in it's new home.   Unfortunately, you guys will have to suffer for a few more days, as well as some slight disruption while the DNS record is pushed out, but I think you will like the new changes. I went with a pretty good package (20Gb/month) so we should be good to go for quite awhile.   Stay tuned for more info as it happens.

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