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    Welcome T-bone To The Biohaz Staff
    By MadJeff,
    I want to take a moment to welcome T-Bone to the staff here at Biohaz. Most of you know him for his graphics capabilities over at the Ubi LOMAC forums, and we are now lucky enough to have him here to practice his talents. He will be helping out in a myriad of ways, including a graphics-rework of the site, as well as a lot of LOMAC-related articles and how-to's. He is currently working on a great user guide that is going to knock your socks off.   Be sure to give T-Bone a warm Biohaz welcome. I was going to announce this last Friday but it was a very busy weekend here, sorry T-Bone.

    New Lomac Skinning Forum Online
    By MadJeff,
    Just created the new LOMAC skinning forum to give people a place to discuss tips and techniques as well as post those repaints.   Now, get to skinning! :D

    Welcome Our New Newsdesk Editors
    By MadJeff,
    I wanted to take a few moments to let everyone know we have several new staff members helping cover the daily flight sim news. CowboyTodd41 is a longtime user that will be covering a variety of sims, while MrFrench's multi-lingual skills will come in handy covering a lot of the great french sim sites such as Check6. Be sure to give them a warm Biohaz welcome!

    Downloads Have Been Restored!
    By MadJeff,
    I did some major work last night and got (I think) all the downloads restored. Until I get them moved over to the new system they are accessable here:   http://dev.biohazcentral.com   It's a restore of the old site defaulted to go to the downloads area. I've also edited the downloads link in the main menu to point there as well until I get all the downloads sorted and re-entered into the new system. If you notice any links that are missing or broken please let me know.   Enjoy!   MadJeff Site Admin

    The New Biohazcentral Site Is Online
    By MadJeff,
    The new site software is now up and running! You can login to the site using the same username/password as you use on the forum.   They'll be some missing and broken stuff over the next week as I get things up and running, as well as changing the site colors and such. Please bear with me while I clean up the mess.

    New Dark Forum Skins Available
    By MadJeff,
    I added a couple of darker skin templates to the board as more than a few of you have requested them. You can preview and change your theme by clicking on the My Control link at the top right.   I'm working on a custom Biohaz theme with the same colors we had before, but with everything on my plate it's gonna be a week or two before I can get to it.

Portal by DevFuse · Based on IP.Board Portal by IPS


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