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    Welcome To The New Biohazcentral Forums!
    By MadJeff,
    I have a bunch of design work left to do, but the biohaz forums have been converted to InvisionBoard. It will take a little while to get used to the changes, but I think you guys are really going to love the new features. I'll post a rundown of all the cool new stuff this weekend, but start by checking out the My Controls link on the top right menu. You can fully customize the board the way YOU want it to look and feel. Another cool feature is the My Assistant link in the top right as well. Play with them, don't be afraid... :P   If you notice any problems, missing posts, glitches or general weirdness please let me know in the Bug Reports/Suggestions forum and I'll get it fixed ASAP.   I will change the color scheme (Skin) later today, but I wanted to get this up and running quickly.

    Forum Maintenance tonight - 09/25/03
    By MadJeff,
    The forum will be up and down for about an hour why I do maintanance, as well as a few surprises. Stay tuned...

    Server issues as of late
    By MadJeff,
    Just wanted to drop a quick note to all while I can. Seems we've been having some rather serios name resolution issues the last 4-5 days and a lot of us (me included) have not been able to hit the site. This has been due to several issues such as a massive DOS attack on my host's network, as well as a few other things. I've had some rather serious discussions with my provider today and if things do not turn around in the next few days we will be in for a move soon.   I apologize to all for the inconvenience, and hopefully things will settle out in the next few days. Please spread the word as I know people have been asking about what the hell's been going on... ;)

    Odd server issues today 08/27/03
    By MadJeff,
    As I'm sure you've noticed, we are getting some rather weird server issues going on, blank pages, mySQL erros, etc. I'm working to resolve and will post when things are back to normal, but for now things are rather 'Flakey'... :D

    Project-1 Bug Forum deleted
    By MadJeff,
    I decided to remove the Project-1 Bug Reporting forum since TK will have his own bug reporting on his site once SP2 is out (I imaging). I moved all the posts into the Project-1 General Forum so we don't lose anything.

    Welcome Dagger as our new Strike Fighters Moderator/Editor!
    By MadJeff,
    I would like to welcome aboard Dagger as our newest staffer here at Biohaz. Dagger will be keeping up with all the latest Strike Fighters news and info as well as moderating the Strike Fighters forums. he is sorely needed around here as I have not been able to keep up with all the SF news lately.   Be sure to give him a warm welcome! :D

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