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    Biohaz Forums and website down for Maintenance 06/06/03
    By MadJeff,
    Later this afternoon (5-6pm EDT) the website and forums will be offline for a short period of time while we move to a new server at TurboWeb. This will finally enable us to have a dedicated FTP server! This will allow much easier file uploads as well as a few other things I have in the works. We should be down an estimated 30-60 minutes, although anyone in the IT field knows that estimates don't mean much. =) If it takes longer, just keep trying.

    Upload Avatar feature fixed
    By MadJeff,
    It was brought to my attention that the 'Upload Avatar' function was not working correctly. I have fixed the permissions and tested it, and things are working again. Apologies for the problem, you can upload those pics again! :D

    New WWI Flight Sim Discussion forum added 4/23/03
    By MadJeff,
    I've added a new forum for discussing various WWI Flight Sim projects currently in progress. ArgonV, an avid WWI simmer and one of the devs for the OpenPlane WWI mod, has kindly assumed the moderator role.

    New Hardware forums added 4/4/03
    By MadJeff,
    Just wanted to direct everyone's attention to several new hardware-related forums I just added after an excellent suggestion from Beer (the user, not the liquid... ).   Overclocker's Corner Discussion on Overclocking, Cooling, and ways to tweak the most out of your hardware   Case Modding Tips and techniques and pics on making your gaming rig shine!   See you in there!

    New "Quick Reply" mod now available
    By MadJeff,
    In case you haven't noticed, look at the bottom of the page in each forum topic and you will see a text box with a "Quick Reply" button. This allows you to quickly post a message without having to click the "Post Reply" button, and is there for convenience. Let me know if you notice any problems with it.

    Forum Update scheduled
    By MadJeff,
    Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I will be doing a forum upgrade this evening between 6-9PM Pacific Time. The forum should be unavailable for no more than an hour.

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