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SF/WO* Maps/Terrain Mods

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Maps and Terrain mods

    1. Missing trees for winter season

      Who's the greatest idiot on Combat Ace...?
      Yep, it's me.
      Here are the missing trees for Seasoned WOE: Winter edition.
      Drop to your Winter subfolder of GermanyCE


         (1 review)



    2. DBS Hi res replacement tileset

      ****Hi res replacement tiles for DBS terrain v0.99b****
      This is a simple repaint of tiles for DBS terrain, the reasons this is not v1.00 are following
      - I am not happy with the transition from "SeaIce" to "Sea" area and need to make transition tiles to smooth it up, for that I will need original texturelist of the first DBS terrain...
      - As you will notice theese tiles are done in 1024x1024, I have been making such tiles on all my recent work anyway then downsizing them to 512, after a few days if there will be enough intrest in this I will post a poll on CA to see if anybody actually notices significant enough visual improvement for me to continue with 1024 tiles, yes I need test bunnies lol
      Simply unzip into DBS terrain folder and overwrite when asked, I recommend backing it up in case you want to revert to the old ones.
      I didn't expirience any performance loss even with higher resolution tiles(2048) however, mission loading times will probably increase!


         (2 reviews)



    3. Hi-Res water normal map

      This is my favorite normal map for water, enjoy!


         (4 reviews)



    4. Southern California - Ver 2.0

      Southern California Terrain Ver.2 for SF/WoV/WoE -and possibly FE, WoI and SF2
      This terrain mod is designed to COMPLETLY replace the version I released in 2008; however, you will probably need some of the Ground Objects included in that pak.
      This semi-fictional terrain represents the Southern California region, along with parts of Nevada, Northern California, Arizona, Baja Mexico and various and sundry parts in between. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. As close as I can, I've tried to match the actual positions of cities, air bases, etc, and used their actual names. Considering that I live in Los Angeles, and have been to a LOT of the places depicted.... This is a very heavily populated map, a heavily defended map, with all kinds of eye candy, plus LOTS of "Easter Eggs". A repainted version of airfield 3 (the dirt strip) is also included; ala Fubar's version, it's been paved over.
      I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance". It is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis.
      It is based on USAFMTL's SCal map from his Top Gun mod from several looong years ago.
      This package contain just about everything you'll need, from new inis, HFD & TFD, tiles -including a whole bunch of new ones, and their associated TODs- LOTS of new fixed terrain objects (destroyed buildings of all flavors).
      It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, with the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets and types ins, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users", below, if you're using an unpatched version(s) of the games.
      It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
      It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV. It should work in FE & WoI with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini.
      As to be expected, there's a pretty detaile readme enclosed -- so read it first after unzipping and before installing. Vital instructions, and so forth and so on inside that'll make things a bit easier for you.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    5. SoCal HotFix

      Hot Fix for Southern California map:
      This little pack contains new TFD and HFD files for my recenlty re-released SoCal Ver 2
      There have been reported issues with some tiles disappearing, or odd things bleeding in the southern central coastal mountain range. These new files contain the data for region, that I've retiled to change the tile types and try to cut down on the oddity.
      While this will not totally fix it (2 days of experimentating, retiling, flying it again and again and again) still show it occuring, this will reduce it's chances. Not totally fixed, but this will ameloriate it's instances. I have absolutely NO idea as to why it's doing it at all.
      Simply, easy to follow instructions in the enclosed readme.
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    6. Germany for SFP1

      :yes: Hello everyone,
      Here is my version of Germany for SFP1. This map should work with WOx Games too. (Just change the cat pointer
      in the Germany.ini file).
      Germany terrain for SFP1 by S.Ansons
      v1.0 January 30th, 2009
      Having only SFP1 and FE, and with all the tremendous work made by CA community on the WOE GermanyCE Map, I have decided to create my own Germany Map. That' s the result !
      Credits: TK, CA_STARY, Brain32, The Wrench, Polaks, Jan Tuma, Pasko, Hinchibrooke and likely many other people from the CA community.
      What's new in this Map:
      -2 new tiles have been added to the base WOE tileset :
      GERMANYSJ.TGA small lake in a field tile.
      GERMANYSA.TGA small lake in a mountain tile
      - More forest areas with small roads and small towns
      - New tods for having snow trees in the mountain areas
      Lots of targets including :
      Bridges at Arnhem, Nijmegen, the Rhine towns and München
      A cargo convoy with destroyers, cruiser, Uboats to simulate a naval battle, German warships in the Hamburg harbor.
      Tank and truck convoys thru the ardennes and towards Arnhem to help simulating both 1940 WestFeldZug, the battle of the Bulge and
      Operation Market Garden.
      Water color has been changed to give it a more greenish look.
      Many towns in Holland, Denmark and Germany
      Have fun !


         (4 reviews)



    7. The Fighter Bowl

      "The Fighter Bowl" Terrain for SF/WoE/WoV and Probably SF2, WoI & FE
      This little terrain idea came to me, literally, in the middle of the night. It's just a very basic terrain, with only 2 airfields (the Large Runway 4 so anything can operate from it) per each side, a few cities, some rivers and an oceanic feature in the center. It is designed with multi-player in mind, hence it's name "The Fighter Bowl", where opposing Teams can have it out with each other.
      There are also multiple Truck Routes, some Ground Attack (ie: CAS) and shipping lanes across the Saknuseum Sea. Think of this as a complimentary terrain to both The Ranges, only you'll have Opposing Force Air Units to bug you. To add a bit of sci-fi-ishness, on the central island is the "Citatel of the Adjudicators", a Neutral Party that judges the competitions. Think of them as the Referees of Global Confrontation ... whomever wins in The Arena, gains whatever world-goal they were seeking.
      The terrain is supposed to look like an extreamly LARGE impact feature on the earth's surface (ie: a 200+ kilometer diameter crater/caldera), with a central sea. Think of the Manicougan crater in Canada, only several HUNDRED orders of magnitude larger. It's mostly ringed with mountains, but is other wise relatively flat across The Bowl. Also relatively featureless, with only a few deep canyons or other erosive features in the "playing field".
      This is a complete terrain, with everything needed to just unzip and (hopefully) run with no problems.
      There are NO major air defense units, other than those as usually seen around the airbases. A few have been placed at the 'cities', but AAA units ONLY -- to repeat, there are NO SAM batteries emplaced on this map. That would take away from it's intended use as a major Dogfight or Co-Op Arena.
      There is, however, as you've all come to suspect (and/or rather, expect...) one major Easter Egg on this map, and one very small one. They're built directly into the terrain itself, and should be pretty easy to find. If you look for such things...
      I'd also like to apologize for the lously planning maps ... for some reason, the SFMap generator didn't see what was supposed to be "sea" as anything other than land -- that's totally my fault, in a lack of under standing how exactly the Height Field is read. Had to paint the Saknuseum Sea in by hand, so expect some placments to be a bit 'off' on the planning maps. Sorry!
      = This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) There should also be no problems running it in SF or WoV. It should also work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk.
      For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own, but you should have any major problems =
      As per usual, the expected readme with all the (un)necessary information needed to install and blah blah blah balh
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    8. Norway v1.2 for SFP1

      Hello everyone !
      Here is an updated version of my fictionous Norway Terrain. Lot of Trees added ! I hope you will like it !
      Readme :
      Norway terrain for SFP1 by S.Ansons
      v1.2 February 15th, 2009
      1.2 Release : Add Trees to the Map and new tiles : bergwaldlake.tga (small lake in the middle of a forest),
      cowfield.bmp (to have some cows on a farm tile), use high res. waternormal.bmp. Small target's misplacement have been fixed too.
      Credits : Thanks for CA_STARY, Jan TUMA, The Wrench, Polak, TK and CA Community for the new trees, HighRes waternormal.bmp and the game !
      Norway_data.ini has been updated to have no shimmering water and to allow all trees to be rendered once in game.
      Have fun !


         (2 reviews)



    9. Snowy Norway v1.2

      :yes: Hello Everyone,
      Here is the latest version of my SnowyNorway map. Having found the way to add easily a lot of trees with the TE
      I have decide to add a bit life to this Map.
      SnowyNorway terrain for SFP1 by S.Ansons
      v1.2 February 19th, 2009
      1.2 Release :
      Resmooth a bit the Height file (HFD).
      Add Trees and small lakes to the Map using new tiles : forestlake.tga (small lake in the middle of a forest),
      frfarm2lake25.tga, frfarm2lake50.tga, frfarm2lake75.tga.
      Add transition tiles to the towns (Thanks to CA_Stary) and replace all mosquees by churches
      use high res. waternormal.bmp.
      Credits : Thanks for CA_STARY, Jan TUMA, The Wrench, Polak, TK and CA Community for the new trees, tiles, HighRes waternormal.bmp and the game !
      SnowyNorway_data.ini has been updated to have no shimmering water and to allow all trees to be rendered once in game.
      Small flickering of the far trees has been fixed using CA_Stary
      Tip (Set MIPMAP to TRUE in SnowyNorway_data.ini)
      Have fun !


         (2 reviews)



    10. American SouthWest - Ver 2.0

      American SouthWest Terrain, Version 2.0 for SF/WoE/ WoV and probably WoI, FE and SF2
      This is a complete rebuild of the terrain originaly released in Feb 2008. It has been completely retiled, and has had a MAJOR upgrade in the targetization. It is designed to COMPLETELY replace that original version. It has been fully updated to use in the post-patch world.
      This semi-fictional terrain represents Southern Texas and part of Northeastern Mexico (Tampilas/Monterrey) region, along with part of the western Gulf of Mexico. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance"; it is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis.
      This is a COMPLETE package, with everything needed to just unzip, install, and fly over. All the tiles are included, including several (ie: MOST) repainted to a more 'lush' version. All new TODs have been created, so you'll see lots of trees and small buildings, including the 'skyscrapers' from Polak's city tod. Almost all the original Desert tiles have been repainted to more closely represent the semi-tropical/minimally arid region of the Texas Gulf Coast. Several rivers have been added, and they, for the most part, follow their Real Life ™ courses across the region. The "look" of the terrain should be something between the stock 'Desert' and the overly green of say, Deuces Euro Repaint and/or the GermanyCE terrain. In other words, semi-arid, but with plenty of growing things.
      It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
      It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, post 9/08 & 10/08 patch levels.. It should work in FE & WoI (also post Expansion Pak and Post Patch) with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini. Pre-patch users may have some issues due to the new way the Game Engine ™ reads/creates height field measurments. Enough data exists in the CA forums for find the anwsers on how to fix it, if needed.
      As you've all come to expect, there's a HIGHLY detailed readme with all the "data and materials" necessary to get you up and running. I'd suggest reading it first, after unzipping to a temp folder somewhere
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    11. Central Pacific/Mariana Islands for WW2 Installs

      Central Pacific/Mariana Islands Terrain For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO mods
      This is a brand new terrain, built COMPLETLY from scratch. This is my very first whole terrain, so go easy on me ;) It represents the Mariana Islands approximately mid-1944, at the time of the American Invasion. This is a FULL terrain, with everything included for you to unzip and use, with minimal difficulty.
      This is a fairly 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak. There are also 2 completly NEW ground objects, creating via edits of existing terrain objects. They are now fully funcitonal 'obstacles' for infantry assaults. Also are mods of 2 of Hinchbrook's ships for USN usage.
      You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things may not be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. It's HIGHLY reccomended you have Gepard's "Midway" terrain installed, along with his IJN/USN naval units -- I've made use of them for both Fleets. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.
      There ARE some historical flaws, which as most of you know gauls the daylights out of me; they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below.
      The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post patch world of 9/08 & 10/08!! The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! If you insist on using this mod in such an install, expect NO support from me. You're on your own...
      It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 8/29/08 patch WoI or post patch (9/08 & 10/08) SF/WoV/WoE; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Nor is it designed for use in a 'modern era', as the airfields are far too small for field jets from.
      Follow the instructions in the included readme =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    12. Seasoned Wings Over Europe: 4 seasons full pack

      Seasoned Wings Over Europe:
      4 seasons full pack
      Environmental addon
      for Wings Over Europe
      (patched to Oct08)
      This package includes all the files required to transform default summer Germany terrain into full 4 seasons one.
      All four seasons higher resolution textures, all the ground objects, trees, cities and farms are included. No need to d/l anything other, should work out-of-the-zip. Includes the more realistic scaled trees and revised Forests and farms v 2.0 mod. 3 levels of detail to choose from.
      Read the readme!


         (4 reviews)



    13. Seasoned WOE -2x bigger trees

      Seasoned WOE scaled up trees.
      As some (including me) prefer the bigger trees, here they are. See the screenshot for size comparision.
      As before, 3 levels of complexity.
      Pick the version you want, unpack to your GermanyCE folder, overwrite.


         (2 reviews)



    14. British Isles Terrain Beta 0.4

      UK Terrain and Campaign
      by Baltika
      Beta v 0.4
      For Wings over Europe Oct '08 patch
      Thanks to gepard for his terrain tutorials, without which this mod would not exist.
      Thanks to Deuces for his Enhanced WoE tileset.
      I have included this in terms of the CombatAce Fair Use agreement, as I understand Deuces has granted his permission for his older mods to be used in this way.
      Thanks to Wrench for leading the way in terrain target placement.
      Unzip the zip and copy the "UK" folder in to your terrain folder.
      The "RedBritain68" folder goes into your campaign folder.
      I have included two sets of terrain .ini files. You will find them in the UK/Soviet Invasion and UK/Celtic Wars folders. The default is the Soviet Invasion set, which has England defined as "ENEMY" and is required for the Red Britain 68 campaign to work.
      The Celtic Wars set has England defined as FRIENDLY, with the Celtic Nations as ENEMY. This is for use with ndicki's upcoming Celtic Wars mod, and should be regarded as a WIP. use at your own risk. In particular, you will require to add the various nations listed in this thread to your NATIONS.INI or you will likely get a CTD:
      This terrain is a beta, so you will see some strangeness. You can report any particularly freaky stuff to me at CombatAce.
      It is set up for use with WoE, but you can use SFP1 and WoV if you change the CAT pointer line in the terrain .ini file.
      March 2009
      For the campaign to work, you will require to add the following mods:
      Files required for Red Britain '68: Soviet Invasion UK
      F-111K by FastCargo & team (@ C5)
      Lightning F.6 by Russ (@C5)
      Sea Vixen FAW 2 by P. Chandler
      Lightning Fmk6 by Russo
      Lightning skins by Sundowner
      Gloster Javelin by Veltro2k
      RAF Thunderchief FGA 1 by Spinners
      RAF Corsair GR.2 by Spinners
      RN Skyraider by Wrench
      Skyhawk FG2 by Guest


         (3 reviews)



    15. India_V121_update

      April 30th, 2009 update
      1)fix mistake in the India_data.ini file for oase texture to have the water effect working properly.
      2)fix small glitches on some transition texture
      Install: just drop/overwrite the files into your India folder.
      previous readme.
      Just a small update to the recent India V12 release.
      Here the readme .
      India/Burma/China terrain for SFP1 by S.Ansons
      v1.21 update April 26th, 2009 small update to v1.2.
      Have smoothed the hfd file to round a bit the edges of the gange, brahmaputra and irrawaddy valleys.
      Planning maps updated to have the correct colors for mountains/desert/snow in some areas.
      Add a sample mission with F_80C to discover Burma landscape.
      v1.2 complete is required. Install: Drop the .hfd and planningmaps files into your India terrain folder.
      drop the test_india2.msn file into your mission folder.
      v1.2 April 25th, 2009
      1.2 Release : Add Trees and rivers to the Map with several new tiles.
      The Gange, Brahmaputra, Irawaddy mouths have been simulated with
      a lot of river branches. Add cows , bushes, grass and temples.
      Rework of transition tiles for the cities.
      Add reworked PlanningMaps.
      Credits : Thanks to CA_STARY (Green Hell), The Wrench, Polak
      (Desert tiles) , TK.
      India_data.ini has been updated to have no shimmering water and to allow all the trees to be rendered once in game.
      Install: Just put the India folder into your terrain folder.
      Warning: Be sure to set the cat pointer in the India.ini file to the correct
      .cat file depending on your game.
      Have fun !


         (1 review)



    16. Better widesky

      Made By InskyGroups Orsin。
      --InskyGroups 2009


         (2 reviews)



    17. Buildings&trees for Battle of Britain V1.1

      Quedan corregidos un par de estupidos errores (la ley del cortapega) en los bordes de las ciudades. Tambien he editado y retocado un par de tiles que no acababan de gustarme...


         (1 review)



    18. New River Tileset for Brain32 GermanyCE Tiles

      this are a set of .tga files that will replace the original one from Brain32 GermanyCE tileset and give the river a more realistic look
      just copy the .tga files in to your GermanyCE folder and let the existing files overwrite
      you need Brains32 GermanyCE tileset http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6192
      thanks to:
      - Brain32 for his excellent GermanyCE tileset
      have fun


         (2 reviews)



    19. Water_for_EuroWW2_SPRING

      Aqui estan los TGA para el repintado de EuroWW2: el agua vuelve abrillar....
      He de dar especialmente las gracias a Wingzero, que me explico como hacer los TGA. Sin esa ayuda no habria podido hacerlo.
      He aprovechado tambien para cambiar un tile que no acababa de gustarme.
      Espero que lo disfruteis. Se agradecen los comentarios y sugerencias.


         (1 review)



    20. Okinawa/Japan - Version 3 (WW2)

      Okinawa Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0

      For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO modded installs, 06 Patch Levels

      This mod is a extensive rebuild to Edward's WW2 Okinawa terrain, and is designed to COMPLETELY replace any and all eariler versions. This is the COMPLETE terrain, with all tiles, TODs, inis and terrain objects necessary to (almost) just unzip and fly over. YOU, the End User ™ are still responsible to locate the various and sundry Ground Objects and Aircraft needed for you PTO flying pleasure. I've supplied MANY, but more are not included. This map has been re-designed with Operation Olympic in mind, hence the island of Okinawa itself should be consided "nearly" secured; ie American and Allied forces have pretty much taken the island, and are building up for the Invasion of Japan. The time frame I have in mind in Mid-1945 to approx late 1947, or even into 1948 if needed. To that end, expect a Runway 4 (large airfield, albeit -NOT- historically correct) at Kadena for Bomber Operations, and several smaller auxillary fields to 'activate' themselves based on the year flown (ie: 1946).
      Many completely NEW target areas have been added, and the map has been extensively retiled to create a more Japanese looking environment. This retiling 'resets' several cities, adds some rivers, creates clear zones around the various airfields, and corrects some other issues. The targets ini itself has been almost complety rebuilt, adding LOTS of interesting things to look at and blow up. TODs and tgas from "Green Hell" and another terrain project have been used to create forests and such, and several brand new custom TODs and and several new tiles have been created. These are based off the stock VietnamSEA tiling, so these new TODs are usable in ANY map that uses the WoV VietnamSEA tiles, or can easily be imported for any other terrain type.
      This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also HEAVILY defended - so watch out for the flak. As expected, I added the 'Rising Sun' Japanese flag, and the Stars and Stripes. Several 'new' parked aircraft have been added; you'll see them if you look for them. There are also other bits of 'eye candy' floating around... :) I've included several updated data inis for some ships, as they now have semi-proper effects (IJN DDs now have smoke coming out the stacks)
      You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships. See below in the "To Install" for more information. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.


      It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 patch WoI or post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE; nor has it been tested in the SF2 Series - it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. However, it IS usable ... it's just 98.6% ™ of the aircraft are NOT!
      As always, it's reccomended that you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme.
      Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. In other words -- read this damn thing, or you'll get yourself in a jam!!!!
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      ps: like the recent Solomons V3 pak, there are still a few new parked aircraft that are NOT finished yet, and therefore not included (doh!). When and as they are done, expect a VERY small update.


         (2 reviews)



    21. EuroWW2(spring)_full_tileset_updated

      Well, here is the EuroWW2_spring tilest, full version, updated.
      That has changed?
      -The forest line has been corrected. Now, all the trees are into
      the forest.
      -The fields around the road have been reworked to not looks it is
      cut in pieces.
      -The sea port & road tiles have been replaced by other ones,
      more appropriate.
      -The transition beetwen city & farm has been smoothed, & i have
      replaced the city textures because the straight lines looks like
      more appropriate with the buildings.
      -If you like previous tiles, there is a copy of them in "Alt-tiles"
      -Original tiles: Brain32 & Deuces.
      -Terrain objects: CA_Stary.
      I Hope you Like.
      Thanks for comments and suggestions.


         (2 reviews)



    22. Battle of Britain terrain for the 60th and 70th

      Battle of Britain terrain for the 60th and 70th.
      This terrain is written for WOE, but should work properly with WOI,WOV and SFP1.
      I. Short description:
      I made this terrain as a more modern version of my BoB terrain for all guys who want to fight a Battle of Britain scenario with jets. Maybe that you want to fight a France vs UK campaign or a NATO vs WP scenario with France captured by the red side.
      The terrain covers South England, the English Channel and Northern France.
      The differences to the WW2 BoB terrains are:
      1.You will face a SAM fence along the English Channel and a second which is protecting the capital.
      2.You will see more modern airfields.
      3. An increased number of target areas (274 instead 229)
      4. Paris is completly reworked.
      5. A french Railwaynetwork is set on the map.
      Unzip all files into your Wings over Europe/terrain folder.
      Thats it.
      Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOI,WOV and SFP1?
      For WOI open file Battle of Britain 60.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      For WOV open file Battle of Britain 60.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      For SFP1 open file Battle of Britain 60.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      III. Credits. I want to say thank you to all guys who helped my to create the BoB terrains
      IV. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      24 Dezember 2009


         (1 review)



    23. Afghanistan Terrain version 1.0

      Afghanistan Terrain version 1.0
      I. The word before:
      AFGHANISTAN Terrain IS MADE FOR WINGS OVER ISRAEL (WOI) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      it runs with SFP1,WOV and WOE too, but then it does not include all features!
      II. History:
      From December 1979 till now Afghanistan is a land in war. Soviets, Dushmans, Mudjahedin, Warlords, Taliban and Americans (OEF) destroyed the once florish land nearly completly.
      This terrain is dedicated to all man who fought in this country and to all who lost their lives in a senseless war.
      III. The terrain:
      Afghanistan terrain is now complete. It covers the areas around Kabul, Bagram, Jalalabad, Kunduz, Mazar i Sharif, Kandahar, Herat and Shindand. In comparision with Beta 0.75 i have again retiled some areas to include rivers and to make corrections. New target areas are set, especially around Herat and Shindand. I also included the airbase Shindand. It was the fisrt operational Su-25 base during soviet Afganistan war
      You can fly and fight along the Jala Road and surrounding mountains, the Kandahar region and in the north eastern part of Afghanistan where today the German ISAF sector is situated. You will find enemy positions in the hills and valleys north of Bagram, but also single bandit troops on the soviet/allied hold lowlands. You will find friendly and enemy fortified hill positions
      - number of set target areas: -215
      - Missions which can be flown are CAS, Armed Recon, Recon, Strike,SEAD
      -Air to air missions are impossible, because no taliban airfield is set (as historical correct)
      -I recommend a seperate installation of WOI for Afghanistan terrain. The new nations.ini would otherwise make trouble with other terrains. (I set all nations = friendly, only Afghanistan= Enemy
      So you can fly for the Soviets and the OEF troops( USA,UK,NL etc) against the same Enemy)
      You can delete not needed planes (for instance Mirages) and groundobjects (SAM, Radar,most tanks etc) and you can include needed planes, like the Mi-24 or the A-10 more easily.
      -Panzers, like T-54,55,62 etc should be redesignated from TANK to ARTILLERY in their groundobjects data.ini. The reason is, that Panzers are widely useless in such a mountainous land. With the groundobjects i have included in this package you will have infantry engagements which are more Afghan style
      - Capun withdraw his permission to use his Mi-24D.lod and Mi-8T-Dest.lod file which were included in the Beta 0.6. Thatswhy you must download this files from Capuns site http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
      -IF you NOT HAVE WOI, you can use this terrain with SFP1,WOV or WOE too, but you must download the Afghanistan tileset from CombatAce download section. Some groundobjects, related with WOI will with other games not appear.
      -Unzip the file into your Wings over Israel
      Thats it!
      If you want then you can place mainscreen.bmp into your menu folder.
      Q: What is to do to make it usable for WOE,WOV and SFP1?
      For WOE open file Afghanistan.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      For WOV open file Battle of Britain 70.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      For SFP1 open file Battle of Britain 70.ini with notepad editor
      overwrite line
      After this step install Afghanistan tileset by following the Afghanistan tileset Read Me.
      V. Credits:
      At this place i want to say thank you to Geo for his permission to use his SquadCent files which i modified into Taliban warriors etc. And to Wrench who allowed me to use Montys Stinger site which i modified into Blowpipe and Strela site. I want to say thank you to Pasko who made the lod file for the BTR-60 and 70 and the single soldier with SA-7 which i also use for RPG-7 and Mortar (recoilless gun.)
      I want to say thank you to Rebel Ryder for the Taliban Dushka and the Toyota Hillux.
      And finally i want to say thank you to all who found mistakes and gave me the hint.
      VI. Disclaimer:
      Sharing of Groundobjects which are part of this package needs the permission of their makers!!!!
      If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.
      VII. The final words:
      Hope you enjoy it. Good Hunting along the Jalalabad road!
      Michael (Gepard)
      Made in Germany
      January 2010


         (1 review)



    24. CloudSkins

      CloudSkins by ShrikeHawk, Jan 10 2010
      Here is a set of six different cloud images to use as you see fit.
      If you can have a huge variety of skins for your F4 Phantom, why can't you have many choices of "skins" for clouds as well? This is the thrust of this mod. New images to change the look of your clouds and use them any way you want.
      Just copy a cloud1.tga from any one of the six folders included in the mod and paste it (just the file, not the folder) into your Flight folder. Always back up your originals! These images will work with SF1, SF2, Widesky, Cloudscape, or any modded environmentsystem.ini you have developed yourself. It will also work if you have no modded skies at all.
      I have included a cloudguide.jpg with screenshots, labeled to match the folders, so you can get an idea of what each cloud looks like.
      Much thanks to Derk, Stick, Spinners, GrinchWSLG. swanbast. Stary, DWCAce, and Silverbolt for their feedback and encouragement.


         (1 review)



    25. Kamchatka Peninsula v 1.0

      Kamchatka Peninsula
      Summer Terrain
      by Baltika
      For Wings Over Europe October 2008 Patch
      This is my first full-fledged terrain mod. It includes a base tileset by Deuces, together with Stary's forests and farms mod adapted for use on this terrain. I have also created a large number of additional transition tiles based on Deuce's tiles, which may be of interest to terrain builders.
      The tile naming format is compatible with the stock GermanyCE tileset for ease of expansion, but be aware that the excellent hi-res and seasoned tilesets by Brain32 and Stary in particular will not have all the necessary transition tiles, so use them with caution. Should you wish to use the included transitioned tileset for your own terrain mods, copy all the terrain .bmp files and .tga files into the "Tileset" folder and convert the .tga tiles to .bmp format. See Gepard's excellent terrain tutorials in the KB at CA for more info.
      All mission types are activated, for both red and blue side flyable. The Americans have their existing bases on the Aleutian Islands. I have handed the northern Kuril Islands to the Japanese for the sake of this scenario. Take it as read that the Soviets were sufficiently distracted by the ground war in central Europe that they lost their hold on the Kurils to Japan. Now, the Soviets are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the strategically important Kamchatka Peninsula.
      This is a target-rich, fictionalised version of the Russian Far East. There are many installations and industrial zones in the Kamchatka Krai that you will not find in real life. Equally, as much real-life stuff as I could discover went into the mix. Also, this is intended as a showcase of a fully-transitioned tileset, so there is much more agriculture than you would get at these latitudes. Just kick back and enjoy the scenery.
      Finally, there is a monstrous presence lurking at the heart of the Peninsula who has risen from aeons of deathless sleep to trouble the affairs of men once more. Bragging rights to the first person to take a recon photo of this horror and make it back to base alive, and with their sanity intact ;-)
      Simply unzip and drop the "KAMCHATKA" folder into your Wings over Europe/Terrain folder.
      It is highly recommended that you install the files listed below or you will not get the full intended Kamchatka Krai experience.
      CVN-75 by Digital Overload
      TAKR Orjol by Gepard
      TAKR Admiral Gorshkov by X-RAY
      UdaloyI by China Insky Team
      UdaloyII by China Insky Team
      BRDM_SA-9 by rebelryder
      SA-11 & SA-17 by 101tfs
      ScudLauncher & Missile by bigal1
      Soviet SAMs by gabilon
      Core tileset by Deuces. Additional transition tiles by Baltika.
      Forests and Farms mod by Stary, extended to cover additional tiles.
      Doppler Radar Dome by grumpapotamus
      I have modded this as a terrain object rather than a separate ground object. The original readme file is included. Thanks grumpapotamus ;-)
      WW2 Subpens from WW2 Europe Terrain by Edward et al, modded for Soviet use.
      Thanks to the original creator.
      Special thanks to Gepard for his TE tutorials, without which this mod would not exist.
      Thanks also to The Wrench for leading the way in terrain target placement - the hard way!
      As ever, feedback, comments, bug-reports and general griping are most welcome.
      February 2010


         (1 review)



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