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SF/WO* Maps/Terrain Mods

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Maps and Terrain mods

    1. Suez Terrain

      This is the terrain of Israel, and its neighbour contries in the borders of 1949 to 1967. it is intended for Campaigns or single missions in the time between Suez Crisis and 6 days war.


         (4 reviews)



    2. Libya Terrain Version 1.4

      Libya Terrain version 1.4
      *Update to Libya terrain originally created by USAFMTL
      *This pack contains only the updated .ini files
      *You will need the original Libya downloads as posted by USAFMTL and Wrench
      *You will also need Polak's Desert Tiles
      *This update includes new targets areas. Airbases moved to approximate real world positions, Some cities renamed to reflect proper names,
      *and added several new terrorist training camps. Waypoints added for Dogfight and Multiplayer Co-op Missions. Ships have been added in the Gulf of Sidra
      *and at known Libyan Naval Bases. Naval detachment for Libya now reflects their manpower as of 1986. Movement files or ground and naval have also been updated.
      *See notes below for added ships. Also added two new planning maps reflecting current positioning.
      *Please follow the read-me provided by Wrench in the version 3 update for proper installation of the base package.
      *For installation of this pack follow the readme below.
      1) Extract the LibyanKoni folder to your .../Objects/GroundObjects folder.
      2) Extract all files in the Libya folder to your .../Terrain/Libya folder.
      *NOTE* Please back up copies of your original .ini files and .hfd before installing this.
      *NOTE 2* The following ships were added to the Libyan side. Please download these files from Combat Aces.
      1) OSA-II by Capun
      2) Kilo Class Submarine by SFP1 IronWorks Team
      3) Libyan Koni custom paint of Koni originally posted by Capun (included in rar file.)
      If you have any questions or comments please feel free to send me a message. This is only version 1.4 of the Libya terrain.
      More updates and revisions are planned for the future. Stay tuned for more.!!!


         (2 reviews)



    3. Korat RTAFB for DRVv14

      This is the Korat airbase made by Armourdave of the original Vietnam team. All hounor belongs to him, not to me. He gave me the permission to include Korat AB into my DRV terrain and i want to say thank you for it. The base is a nearly 100% copy of the big US base during the vietnam war. And it looks very excellent.
      The only weak point is, that you cant destroy single objects of the base, but, i think this is no real problem, because the US bases in Vietnam war were never attacked by vietnamese airforce.


         (3 reviews)



    4. railwaystation

      This is a railway station for DRVv1.4.
      Should also run with WoV.


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    5. SF/WoV Runway Upgrade

      Graphic texture upgrade to SF:P1/WoV runways, taxiways and signs.


         (3 reviews)



    6. Charles City and Sea repaint for BoB terrain

      Charles City and Sea repaint.
      This tileset based on an idea of Charles Gunst who mentioned, that the cities in europe are more gray instead brown. He send me a gray repaint of the city tiles and a darker sea tileset. I made some refinement work and now it is ready for release.
      Thanks for the idea and to good cooperation, Charles.


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      1 comment


    7. Cirrus clouds for SF/WoV maps (beta) SP4 update

      Original cirrus clouds, replaced by these newer effects here...
      ~> combatace.com/files/file/6567-siberian-sky-cirrus-clouds-for-missions-and-terrains/
      original description...
      *Beta* test, updated for SP3 and SP4 generation of Patches, of very large layers of high altitude cirrus clouds that can move across SF/WoV maps and can be set to any desired altitude (you can fly through these clouds). Cloud effects are created by a type of "ship" object that follows a waypoint across a map. Read the Install file, it describes what's going on here.
      The website is a thread on this at the ThirdWire SF/WoV forums.
      Thanks to TK/ThirdWire and all the modders who made this Aw-Sim possible. Thanks to Polak for encouraging me in this.


         (2 reviews)



    8. Israel 2 terrain update from version 2.0 to version 2.1

      Version 2.1
      * problem of white squares of missing tiles is solved. Some computers in certain regions of the world were unable to understand the german umlaut Ü. Names of terraintiles are thatswhy changed.
      * added a new version of Polaks great Pyramids and also placed 2 new big Temples on the map. Thanks for it Polak! You find them some kilometers north west of egyptian base Beni Suef.
      * added an additional Oilfield on the Sinai
      * added 36 new empty targetareas on the Sinai to support Campaignbuilders who can use this points as waypoints for a dynamic campaign
      * included a folder English. In this folder you will find 2 files with translated targetnames. If you want to change the german terms into english ones, then copy this files into your Israel 2 folder. (I hope my translations are correct.)


         (4 reviews)



    9. Hi-Res Runway Textures

      This provides high resolution textures for the 4 stock concrete runways in
      SFP1, WOV, and WOE.
      Each airfield will have unique textures for the runway and taxiway.


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    10. Tree Mod For WOE's GermanyCE Terrain

      This is a mod for Wings Over Europe's GermanyCE Terrain, that includes a new tree texture, as well as new .tod's for almost every terrain tile. The .tod files contain positioning information for trees and objects for each terrain tile type. This mod will give you a much larger amount of trees to look at, as well as a higher res tree texture.
      Please read the README.


         (6 reviews)



    11. Battle of Britain terrain v1.3

      The newest version of SFP1 enabled watereffects. So i decided to make BoB terrain compatible with this new effect.
      other changes:
      - new city tiles, to improve the look of the terrain
      - included the river Seine in France
      - the terrain is now hilly, not more flat as before


         (3 reviews)



    12. Planning map to WOE,,, towns!

      Hello all. This is my first atempt to help this noble Third Wires game-series. I succeed to make planning-map to WOE at last. My map sure gives lot of new information from Germany Towns and moving front of Battlefields. That Map is relatively accurate too.
      Unzip map-file to Terrain Folder.


         (1 review)



    13. Israel 2 terrain

      ISRAEL 2 Terrain version 2.0 23.Dezember 2006
      Israel Terrain INSTALLATION instruction:
      1.) unzip all files into your Strike Fighters folder
      2.) If you use WOV open WOV folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder
      3.) If you use WOE open WOE folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder
      For WOE and WOE you must download a desert terrain tileset seperatly!
      The first versions of Israel terrain for SFP1 were very successfull. They were downloaded in high numbers from C6, Combatace, Avsim and other sources, but i was never really satisfied with it. The reason was, that the size of Israel terrain was only 60% of reality.
      With the new terrain editor tool TK offered to the community i was able to make a terrain that is nearly correct scaled. But i had to rebuild the terrain completly from the scratch.
      As promised i release the new terrain now short before Christmas.
      What is new?
      *Completly new terrain with enlarged size. It covers now also Cyprus and Lebanon
      *additional terraintiles (Canal, Mountainwoood)
      *airfields with multiple runways
      *new designed SAM fence along the Suez Canal
      the SAM Complex west of the Bitter Lake (Osiris) i designed using a report about the big air to SAM battle in 1970 between the Israelis and the Egytians. So Osiris should be more or less historical correct. The positions of the other networkes (Ra, Isis, Sala Uhudin) are more or less fiction. I also reduced the number of SAM sites, as requested by some players.
      *number of target areas is now 292 (212 in the preview, 128 in Israel v1.5)
      * I include a smoothed terrain height data file in folder Israel2/Smooth. Personaly i prefer the more rough standard terrain, but if you like a smooth terrain copy file Israel2.hfd from folder Israel2/Smooth into Israel2 folder
      * I included also updated Panzer files. The T-34,T-54,T-55,T-62 have now coaxial machineguns and their performance is now a little bit more real.
      *The SAM Fence along the Suez Canal now consits only between 1970 - 1976. In 1977 the Egyptians changed their AD startegy from area defence to point defence.
      I want to say thank you to all guys who supported Israel2 terrain with ideas, hints, files and good wishes. Thanks to Polak for the Pontons and the Pyramids, Gecko6 for the Coolingtowers, thanks to the guy who made the factory complex some years ago (I forgot his name) and of course TK for the terrain editor and the great SFP1 flight sim.
      And finaly a big thank you to all unnamed and forgotten object and file makers.
      If you find bugs, please post it at www.combatace.com forum of Strike Fighters section of www.SIMHQ.com forum
      This terrain is FREEWARE and is NOT intended for commercial use.
      I hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)


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      1 comment


    14. Desert tileset Beta

      Desert terrain tileset for Israel 2 Beta
      This is a fast developed Beta version for WOV and WOE users who have no SFP1 stock terrain. It contains a modified version of the Stock terrain with all additional terraintiles i made for Israel2 terrain.
      The most terrain tiles have 512x512 pixel size instead 256x256 in the stock terrain. Only the water tiles (rivers, sea etc) i have not yet finished.
      Unzip all files into your terrain/Israel2 folder
      If you find bugs, please post it at www.combatace.com forum of Strike Fighters section of www.SIMHQ.com forum
      This tileset is FREEWARE and is NOT intended for commercial use.
      I hope you enjoy it.
      Michael (Gepard)


         (4 reviews)



    15. Strike Fighters Briefing Pack

      Strike Fighters Briefing Pack Readme
      For some reason the creators of many of the third party terrains that have been released have omitted to include a briefing.ini file with the terrain or have included a blank document. What this means is that when you click on the briefing tab in the mission setup area you will get a black screen and a CTD, which kind of ruins the atmosphere when you're getting pumped up to go out there to defend the free world against the rampaging communist/Nazi etc hordes.
      Here is a collection of briefing.ini files for most of the terrains out there that have this problem with what I hope is some appropriate text to get you in the mood for your mission. Feel free to edit them to suit your needs.
      I've also included English briefing.ini files for Gepard's Israel and Suez terrains as the originals are in German.
      List of briefings included:
      AE - Madagascar terrain
      AmericaNW - American North West terrain
      ANWgreen - American North West terrain (Green)
      ANWwinter - American North West terrain (Winter)
      DS - Desert Storm terrain
      IR - Iran Iraq terrain
      Israel 2 - Israel v2 terrain
      Israel - Israel terrain
      Kosovo - Kosovo terrain
      libya - Libya terrain
      LibyaWW2 - WW2 Libya terrain
      Malvinas - Malvinas terrain
      mideast - Middle East terrain
      scal - Southern California (Top Gun) terrain
      SE - South East USA terrain
      Suez - Suez terrain
      SW - South West USA (Red Flag) terrain
      tiawan - Taiwan terrain (the USAFMTL version)
      Ibstallation is simple - just extract the briefing you want to the appropriate terrain's folder, which you will already have installed within your Strike Fighters, WOV or WOE Terrain folder. The only other thing you may need to do is to check inside the individual terrain's folder in the .ini file to make sure that the line
      includes the name of the briefing.ini file. For example, in my Kosovo terrain folder the kosovo.ini file contains the line
      The only terrains that I know you will have to edit are USAFMTL's mideast terrain (which points to the original desert_briefing.ini) and Wrench's WW2Libya (which points to the libya_briefing.ini). All of the rest should work just fine.
      Thanks to TK for SF, WOV, WOE, FE and who knows what else, and of course to the creators of all of these fine terrains for enhancing this great game of ours.
      Have fun, and good hunting...
      Allen (allenjb42) Burton
      Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


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    16. Siberian Sun

      By introducing additional camera lensflares, I created a very hard and brilliant tiny sun surrounded by a large glare. In optimizing the brightness of the sun and glare, I was pushed to deeply modify much of the Enviro file more than I thought was needed. One result has been the development of a different philosphy on aircraft lighting and its relation to terrain, sky, and cirrus clouds, appropriate to early Cold War strategic operations at high altitude. Another result has been a focus on improving terrain shading at low sun elevation angles.
      Included are a number of Enviro files with varying levels of changes, two grafix tga files, and instructions to get started. This is an experimental mod and will be continually developed for my own use, but with some work can be adapted to any taste for any use by anyone. I don't know where to start here, as this goes far beyond just the sun effect. I've started a thread at the ThirdWire webboard with screenshots and will try to describe what I'm doing. If any are interested, it would be helpful if you poast your changes to your Enviro system and screenshots in the ThirdWire thread.
      ThirdWire Siberian Sun thread ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?p=25572#25572
      Several topics will be covered as listed below; all of them related to each other which requires a tricky balance among them to optimize the overall environmental effect.
      Sky colours.
      Intense sun and large sun glare.
      Terrain shadowing at low sun elevation angles.
      Sun glare effect on cirrus clouds and new contrails.
      Ambient lighting, and direct sun lighting and sun reflections on aircraft.
      Appearance of aircraft, objects, and exhaust/weapon effects against the terrain and blue sky.
      Moonlight effects on all the above.
      The project assumes the latest SF1 version (currently, v.08.30.06) and the WoV/WoE equivalents.
      Extract into a seperate folder for downloads. Then copy the 3 Enviro files and the two tga files into the sim Flight folder. To select an Enviro file to test with, rename it Environmentsystem. In the game grafix options menu, Camera Lens Flares must be turned ON for the Siberian sun to work, although in each Enviro file listed below at the location of the lensflare data, there are instructions on how to turn OFF the normal camera lensflares if desired while still using the new sun effect. The included Enviro files are...
      Environmentsystem-0 --- Fully modded Siberian Sun Enviro file as developed currently, with full functionality of the stock Enviro file except the old sun.
      Environmentsystem-1 --- the stock ThirdWire Enviro file with only the Siberian sun added, and the ThirdWire sun taken out. The hard intensity of the Siberian sun effect is rather washed out by the bright sky colours of the stock Enviro file, so...
      Environmentsystem-2 --- the above Enviro-1 file with my current changes to the sunheight environment colour blocks (...[Day], [Day1], [Twighlight2], etc...). This offers darker sky colours so allows a relatively more intense sun effect.
      In the fully changed Enviro-0, I use a new star tga file (ss-Star), and added changes to the stock [stars] data block. One may easily return to the stock Star tga file or the stock star Enviro data if desired. If you are now running a modded Enviro file, re-name it Environmentsystem-sav or otherwise BACK IT UP so you still have it.


         (6 reviews)



    17. PolaksPRDesert2.zip

      Date: 04.01.2007
      Author: Polak
      This is set of Terrain HiRez 512x512 textures for Desert Terrains for SF:P1 game freeware only.
      Just copy all to Desert Terrain in your SF:P1 folder.
      In order to see newly made water effects put the Textures, Effects, Densities and Resolutions to High (specially Water Quality). If you find it choppy then lower all settings gradually
      until satisfied. Avoid Medium Water Quality as it produce not too
      appealing look.
      Thanks for all who made this Project possible, especially Gepard for providing inspiration by producing his outstanding Israel2 terrain. Also thanks to Deuces who helped as usual with TEROBJECT_BUILDINGS. This version of Tiles has no TODs with trees as those will follow in later revision.


         (14 reviews)



    18. Lybia Terrain Update Ver3 -

      Upgrade/Update for Lybia Terrain -- For Use With Polak's New Desert Tiles =ONLY=
      This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis.
      I've peaked and tweeked the targets, mostly to try to remove of 'floating' objects in the Gulf of Sidra, and to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, a Patrol Boat (stock object, but I'm including all the extracted parts anyway), a Lybian flag to wave in the breeze, and a few other things that'll be surprises.
      It should be noted, the water mod is NOT included in this pak...the oceans are just plain water, no wave action. This is fixed by the use of Polak's New Desert Tile Set, which includes modified water tgas. This package was designed for using JUST Polak's Desert tiles, so you'll have to go and get them from the CombatAce SF/WoV/WoE Terrain downloads section. The data ini included with this set is already set up for use with his tiles, and the water effects are activated. Vista users should read the note section below, as they are a 'special' case.
      This has been tested in SF & WoE; It should also work in WoV, but I've not tested it in there.
      There is, for some reason, a bit of strangness with the Anti-Ship missions. You seem be get given target areas that are NOT listed, far off from the routes I've defined in the movements ini. Also, there is NO provision for CAS missions, as this was originally set up for air strikes, recon, sweeps, etc. SO DON'T TRY ANY CAS MISSIONS - I'm not sure what would happen; you just might be sitting in the cockpit, and get a 'mission accomplished' or it may crash. Don't know.
      If anyone is so inclined, and wants to build a 'fix' for the shipping routes, please do so, and post it so all and sundry can have it!
      I've also fiddled with target area placements to give some kind of a front line, right across the Gulf.
      There are further, highly detailed instructions, especially for Vista users, in the enclosed readme -- so for your own sake, read the cursed thing!!!!
      Don't forget to grab Polak's Desert Tile set, here at CombatAce
      happy hunting!
      kevin stein


         (5 reviews)



    19. American NorthWest series Upgrades

      Upgrade/Update for American NorthWest Series of Terrains
      The original America Northwest Terrains; AmerianNW, AmericanNWinter and AmericaNWSpring, were released sometime back in 2003. They are exceedling FUN maps to fly on, as they are full of deep canyons and high mountain ranges.
      This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis. I've peaked and tweeked the targets to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, HQ centers, and 2 country flag to wave in the breeze, one for country 'Orange' (now called the Global Sedition), and 'The Alliance'. The HQ centers have vehicles parked at them, the layout for which was borrowed from Major Lee's DBS - I figured these are all his terrains, so using it would be a pretty cool touch.
      The movements ini has been expanded to more Armed Recon missions, with additional truck routes for both sides. I added an oil field to the Alliance side, to give the Sedition forces something extra to bomb, and Alliance forces something to protect. I figure the story line would be "short on resources, the Global Sedititon is trying to capture the Salmon River Oil fields for their own"
      With thanks to Major Lee for permission to modify and share
      Please!!! read the enclosed readme for more information and full installation instructions -- with a little renamed, this upgrade can be used on all of the ANW terrains - and it's explained "how to"


         (4 reviews)



    20. WW2 Solomons Islands Upgrade

      Solomons Islands Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods
      The first of several...
      This mod is a relatively small upgrade to Edward's WW2 Solomons Islands terrain. What I've done is add several new targets and target areas, and replaced several airfields with a newly repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. You'll be getting new targets and types inis, along with a host of goodies to drop into the terrain's folder.
      It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to the terrain's main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. All necessary items are included, so there should be no worries here.
      You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges, the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable here as well.
      It is also reccomended that you have installed (in this terrain ONLY) CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good in the SoWesPac! It is NOT included in this package. Edward's "Pacific Terrains.txt" readme is also included.
      If you follow the instructions below, you should have no (or minimal) problems...just remember - BACKUP your originals!
      And follow the fairly simple instructions in the enclosed readme.
      Of course, the general notes sections might be interesting to read; a full listing of credits, and my very public Thank You to Edward for creating the PTO terrains in the first place!!!
      Sorry, folks, no screenie. You all should know what SoWesPac looked like by now!!
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    21. New Guinea 2 WW2 Terrain Targets Upgrade Pak

      New Guinea 2 Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods
      This mod is a relatively large upgrade to Edward's WW2 New Guinea 2 (the full sized version) terrain. What I've done is add several new targets and target areas, and replaced several airfields with a newly repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. You'll also have a new "Runway7", which is a partly-paved version of Airfield6, thereby creating a NEW airfield. The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users.
      This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak.
      It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line)
      You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.
      It is also reccomended that you have installed (in this terrain ONLY) CA_Stary's WW2 hangars and buildings. They have a nice worn green wood-ish texture, and look really good in the SoWesPac! Along those linse, I've pulled and repainted several skins for some of the stock buildings as well. You'll see them as you play.
      Remember: this is for the LATEST version, "New Guinea2", not the earlier version.
      Follow the instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. There are a few new Ground Objects, and reskins of existing. It is also suggested to read my "Other Notes" section for other comments, explinations, and general info.
      Happy Hunting!!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    22. Enhanced Hi-res Terrain Set for Wings Over Europe

      This terrain set is based on the Wings Over Europe default terrain tiles. It maintains the layout of the original terrain, and leverages many of the base textures. However, the overall color scheme, graininess, and shading of the original has been improved, along with many tweaks here and there. In addition, the tiles have been converted to 512x512 tiles, which improves some of the jagged edges and allows for some additional detail.


         (9 reviews)



    23. WoV Map Package

      Planning Maps for WoV
      (calibrated for the Golf of Tonkin)
      to Install:
      drop VIETNAMSEA_MAP1 and VIETNAMSEA_MAP2 into Terrain/VietnamSEA folder
      to Un-install:
      VIETNAMSEA_MAP1 (512x512)
      VIETNAMSEA_MAP2 (1024x1024 with map overlay)
      VIETNAMSEA_MAP2 geo (optional 1024x1024 w/o map)


         (2 reviews)



    24. American SouthWest

      American SouthWest Terrain for SF, WoE & WoV
      This semi-fictional terrain represents Southern Texas and part of Northeastern Mexico (Tampilas/Monterrey) region, along with part of the western Gulf of Mexico. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance"; it is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis. The terrain could use some more work, but I'm releasing it "as is", as there's pretty much not more I can do with it.
      This terrain is a rebuild of a partly completed build found via a discussion at SimHQ. It should also be noted at this time, =I DID NOT BUILD THE TERRAIN!!= I'm only completing someone elses work...and couldn't have done it without the assistance of some superb people. The original readme is included. So the =ONLY= credit I can and will take, is for simply finishing the job.
      This package ONLY includes the necessary inis, HFD, TFD and a few add-on objects that are needed for the necessary eye-candy. 3 Planning Maps are included, for the varying zooms, but they are very basic and won't show the cities and 'other' target areas. NO terrain tiles are included (see Notes below for reccomendations)
      It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets ini, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards (ie: one that works). Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users".
      It is set up to use the SF desert tiles. You WoE and WoV users WILL have to get a suitable 'alternative' set of tiles; See the NOTES section below for more information, and my reccomendations for tile sets.
      It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use.
      PLEASE!!! Read the enclosed 'asw_readme.txt' for full, detailed step-by-step install instructions. Also, the "Notes" section which has further detailed information pertaining to tile sets and Vista users. EVERYTHING you need to know is in there..I wrote it so you'd have as little problems as possible
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (4 reviews)



    25. Desert Airfield Groundtexture

      Desert Airfield Ground Texture Replacement for Israel 2 Terrain
      By Gerwin 8-3-2008
      Using the 'Israel 2' terrain in 'Wings over Europe' Game I noticed the
      airfields are placed upon a unique ground texture that doesn't
      blend well with the surrounding terrain.
      the files responsable are:
      Feldflugplatz.bmp for airfields near farmland.
      FeldflugplatzWueste.bmp for airfields in the desert.
      (or FeldflugplatzWüste.bmp in the earlier version)
      This package includes a feldflugplatz.bmp drawn from scratch
      and a FeldflugplatzWueste.bmp that is a mere copy of the
      surrounding desert.
      I suspect one can easily get the tiles to work for other
      desert terrains/tilesets.
      Copy the included files to a folder that contains
      the terrain data, for example:
      WOE\terrain\Israel 2\
      (You may want to backup/rename the original files first.)
      THANKS TO:
      Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games
      Michael (Gepard) for the Israel 2 terrain and additional tileset.


         (5 reviews)



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