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SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns

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User-created missions and campaigns

    1. Battle over Europe II

      This is updated version of Battle over Europe with Matra 550 magic in MirageIIIC default loadout instead of outdated AIM-9B, and with R-530IR in pool. I prefer this version.
      Battle over Europe 1979 - Campaign Files for Wings Over Europe
      Disclaimer: Ensure you backup all existing or default copies of the files contained in this zip as I accept no responsibility for WOE coming crashing to earth when you use these new versions! Follow the instructions exactly, it works for me!
      0. Update with latest WOE patch and excellent Bunyap 03.07.06. Weapons pack!!
      1.Download superb aircrafts from CombatACE or from yours previous instalations: MirageIIIC. F-104G, Su-15TM.
      2.Install aircrafts.
      2a.Replace Su-15TM lodaut from Su-15TM folder with this one(there you have original soviet nomenclature of waepons for Su-15TM)
      2.b. Replace MirageIIIC_loadaut from MirageIIIc folder with this one (you will get Matra 550 in default instead of AIM-9B)
      3.Put woeCamp5 folder in your Campaigns folder
      4.Start up WOE. Go to Campaigns and select Battle over Europe 1979
      5.Select France Air Force and select EC 1/3 'Navarre' with Mirage IIIc or select WGermany 1/JBG 36 with F-104G (it is a real challenge)
      6.You have additional 3 squadrons of Su-15TM against you!
      7. Go for fun.
      Thanks to all comunity for great game and models!


         (3 reviews)



    2. Bear Hunters

      Hi, This is a simple mission to test new Bering Scenery,
      the very new Tu-95M and the wonderfull F-106A.
      In the cold war climax you are to intercept two bears on the icy bering straits.
      You can try the falcons or the genie.
      To Install: put the mission file in missions folder.
      These add-ons from Combat-ace are needed:
      - Wrench's DBS terrain
      - Tu-95M
      - F-106A
      This add-on from Marcfighters is needed:
      - Mi-8
      You can fix glittering lights in the water: put DBS_data in DBS terrain folder.
      Back up original file first.
      I thank you all.


         (0 reviews)



    3. beta Black Sea Carrier Missions (for the Super Hornet)

      Here is a package of carrier based mission flown in the new Super Hornet over the Black Sea
      This mod is by Yuri AKA Silverbolt
      This mod is a beta release and is not 100% complete. please tell us what you think on the suport thread and we will do our best to fix any bugs or issues that are present
      We hope you enjoy


         (0 reviews)



    4. Black Buck 1 (WOV) v2.10

      Welcome to Operation Black Buck 1 - SE Asia Style!
      [update v2]
      This update uses the A-Team's Vulcan B2 add-on aircraft, instead of the Victor B2 of the previous versions. I've also removed some of the static aircraft that populated Puh Cat and Cam Rahn Bay. Now you're left with Vulcan B2 and Victor K2 statics, which simplifies the installation process.
      [update v2.10]
      This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
      First, many thanks and all credit to the A-team and their contributors for producing the Vulcan B2 and Victor K2 add-on aircraft and also for granting me permission to post the related B2 and K2 mods which this mission relies upon. If there are any problems with this mission or referenced B2 and K2 mods then please contact me directly, not the A-team. Thanks.
      Some people have asked Why? or Why do this RAF mission for WOV? Well, until the Falklands add-on (courtesy of Kesslebrut et al) becomes available this is the nearest mission profile you can fly for the Vulcan or Victor aircraft that mimics the essential parts of the Black Buck missions.
      Pilot your Vulcan B2 V-Bomber to rendezvous with Victor K2 tankers rotating out of Phu Cat and then on to your target of the Hong Gai generator station in the far North, a key strategic target.
      [Historical Basis]
      The transition and attack of the target in this mission replicates many of the aspects of the original Black Buck mission from Ascension Island to Port Stanley airfield in the Falklands in May 1982, all within the confines of the WOV playable area. See http://www.britains-smallwars.com/swbooks/Vulcan-607.html for a detailed account of that first mission. This is the nearest I could come to simulating this famous RAF mission given the geography of the maps provided with either WOE or WOV. Bascially you've got a night formation flight long distance over water to hit a target miles away from any friendly support. Oh, and then you've got to get home again. Sound familiar - read Vulcan 607.
      [installation Instructions]
      ReadMe files for the mission and accompanying static aircraft installation are included in the .zip file, together with appropriate copyright information.
      Regards, Paul T. (comrpnt) :-)


         (2 reviews)



    5. Blood For Oil Modern Warfare Campaign

      I built this Modern Warfare Campaign for Myself and decided to Share it.
      You will need alot of Modern Aircraft for this Campaign to work, So please Read the Read Me file Carefully :)


         (2 reviews)



    6. BSF Missions Pak2

      15 day and night desert misions CAS/STRIKE/CAP/SCRAMBLESInclament weather included.


         (0 reviews)



    7. Burma Air War - The Longest Retreat v1.0

      Burma Air War
      The Longest Retreat
      December 1941 - May 1942
      Campaign Mod by Baltika
      For SFP1/SFG/WoV/WoE
      Patched to v. 083006
      Sept 1931: Japan occupies the Chinese state of Manchuria.
      July 1937: The ultra-nationalist Japanese Kwantung Army engineers open war with China. By 1938, Japan controls the majority of the Chinese coast. Chinese forces, led by Nationalist Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, continue to resist the Japanese invader.
      16 July 1940: General Hideki Tojo, Commander of the Kwantung Army, deposes the government in Tokyo and, as Minister of War, becomes the de facto leader of Japan.
      22 Sept 1940: In Berlin, Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka signs the Tripartite "Pact of Steel" Treaty with Germany and Italy. On the same day, Japan invades French Indo-China (Vietnam).
      July 1941: Japan removes the puppet French regime and forcibly occupies Saigon.
      Dec 1941: The stage is set for the Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines, the Malay Peninsula and Burma. The hammer falls on Pearl Harbor. . .
      The Burma Road, running from Rangoon, through Mandalay to Kunwing in China, is Chiang Kai-shek's last supply route. General Tojo resolves to stop the flow of American military aid to his Chinese enemy. . .
      Sign up with the Royal Air Force, the Flying Tigers or the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force and fly for your life in a bitter struggle to the death over the skies of Burma!


         (2 reviews)



    8. Burning Sands 1944 v1.0

      Burning Sands 1944 v1.0
      A fictional WW2 Campaign for Strike Fighters Project One
      by baltika
      This is a mod of the stock Burning Sands campaign to take advantage of the many excellent WW2 MTO planes and skins which have been produced by individuals more talented than me. It is entirely fictional.
      Please note that this download includes the campaign files only. 3rd party planes, skins and ground objects, and a couple of other essential mods, will require separate download. Full list below. But let's face it, if you're reading this you've already got them all anyway. Hell, you've probably got a dedicated MTO install you can drop this right into.
      My thanks to all devs and modders whose work has inspired this campaign. See Credits.
      213 Sqdn RAF - Hurricane 2C
      601 Sqdn RAF - Spitfire 5BL
      252 Sqdn RAF - Beaufighter Mk1
      274 Sqdn RAF - Hurricane 2D
      145 Sqdn RAF - Spitfire 8C
      114 Sqdn RAF - Boston
      3 Sqdn RAAF - Curtiss P-40E (Kittyhawk)
      I./JG26 Bf-109E (Emil)
      V./JG77 Bf-109G10
      I./ZG26 Bf-110E (Zerstorer)
      I./JG52 Fw190
      I./JG77 Me-262A (Schwalbe)
      II./KG26 He-111H6
      I./SchG2 Hs129B3
      I./StG2 Ju 87B (Stuka)
      I./JG300 FW-190A-8/R2 (Wurger)
      -No more concrete runways. All airfields replaced with the desert airstrip, for a more WW2 look.
      -Desert airstrip re-classified as MEDIUM_RUNWAY to allow some of the bigger birds to take off.
      -Sam sites, radars, trucks and so on replaced with WW2 equivalents. But ground object placement is a frustrating and time-consuming business so more work is required here. For now, all AAA sites are active in 1944, and most of the airstrips will have a few WW2 vehicles around, including mobile AA units which will fire at you if you get low enough. You have been warned!
      -Squadron specific intro, victory and defeat screens to add atmosphere.
      Please see Credits section for a full list of the modders whose work is featured in these screenshots. Thanks to everyone involved. If your name has been omitted, it is in error and I apologise. Please contact me and I will rectify the situation.
      * * * HEALTH WARNING * * *
      Strike Fighters/PilotData/SquadronList.ini
      Strike Fighters/Terrain/Desert/DESERT_NATIONS.INI
      Strike Fighters/Terrain/Desert/DESERT_TARGETS.INI
      Strike Fighters/Terrain/Desert/DESERT_TYPES.INI
      Or, make a fresh install to run this campaign. Having a dedicated MTO install will probably make life easier. If you have that, you're not going to use it to run stock Burning Sands anyway.
      Those of you who know what you are doing can copy my squadron list on to the end of the existing squadron list, if you already have a modded SquadronList.ini. You will have to renumber the squadrons.
      I have simply added more (WW2) target types onto the end of those listed in DESERT_TYPES.INI, so that shouldn't cause any problem at all.
      Hurricane 2C - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Spitfire 5BL - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Beaufighter Mk1 - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Hurricane 2D - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Spitfire 8C - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Boston - SFP1 Dev A-team
      P-40E - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Bf-110E - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Me-262A - SFP1 Dev A-team
      He-111H6 - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Hs129B3 - SFP1 Dev A-team
      Bf-109E - RussoUK2004
      Ju 87B - Pasko, virtual pit by Kesselbrut
      FW-190A-8/R2 (Wurger) - howling1's mod of WOLF257's FW-190
      All the above available at combatace in the WW2 aircraft section. A-team planes also available at Skunkworks website, http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ - Registration required for both sites.
      Fw190 - WOLF257
      Bf-109G10 - WOLF257
      EDIT:- WOLF has generously re-issued his planes as the WW2 plane pack, available here at CombatAce. At present only the 2 listed above are required. A major expansion to this campaign is in the works to utilise the many American birds now available. Cheers to WOLF for the re-release.
      Kesselbrut's excellent Bf-109E virtual pit
      213 Sqdn Hurri 2C - The Wrench
      145 Sqdn Spitfire Mk8 - The Wrench
      Bf-109G10 MTO JG53 - The Wrench
      Bf-109G10 MTO JG77 - The Wrench
      Fw190 MTO JG2 - The Wrench
      FW190 MTO JG52 - The Wrench
      ME-262 MTO JG 77 - The Wrench
      Some of The Wrench's skins available at combatace. Best to stop off at his site first though, as not all are. Get them here:- http://wrench1smog.com/index.html
      Bf-109E MTO theme - mrcraig
      He111H6 IIKG26 - allenjb42
      Both of the above available at combatace.
      Please note, if you are using the Wurger instead of the Fw190, The Wrench's Fw190 MTO skins will work perfectly well on the Wurger, as it is a mod of WOLF's original Fw190.
      WWII Ground Object Packs 1 & 2 - George (Geo)
      KpfPzIII_Pack - Kesselbrut
      WW2 AAA units -
      BoforsFlak, FlakAchtAcht, Tommyflak37, Vierlingsflak - Created by Kesselbrut
      I'm not sure where these can be downloaded seperately. However, if you have downloaded Gepard's excellent Battle of Britain terrain v 1.3, you will have these objects. If you don't have the BoB terrain, this is your excuse to download it from combatace. Otherwise AA fire is going to be thin on the ground in this campaign.
      Bunyap's Weapons pack (latest version)
      WW2 Formations mod - Charles
      EDIT http://www.users.bigpond.net.au/CharlesEAW/sfpage.html
      Whew! Still with me? OK then, onwards to-
      1. Install Strike Fighters Project One
      2. Patch up to v 083006
      3. Install the latest weapons pack.
      4. Delete all stock aircraft
      5. Install the aircraft, skins and ground objects listed above. For detailed instructions on how to do this, see the readme file for each individual item. For the AA units from the BoB terrain, simply copy their folders from the SFP1/Objects/Groundobject folder to the the same folder of your new install.
      6. Install Charles' WW2 formations mod.
      7. Copy the Burning Sands 1944 mod files to the relevant folder of your new install. The simplest thing is to retain the file structure and copy the unpacked files over. Items in the Campaigns, Menu, Objects, PilotData and Terrain folders go into those same folders in your new install. When asked to overwrite existing files, say "Yes" each time. YOU DID BACK UP THOSE FILES LISTED ABOVE, DIDN'T YOU?
      8. That's it. Burning Sands 1944 should now be available at the campaign menu. Happy hunting!
      1. Some of the third party planes use the "_" character in the name of their install folder when unzipped, e.g. Bf_110E, He_111H6, Me_262A, P_40E. For some reason, my set up refuses to recognise those planes as installed when that character is present. I have all those planes installed in the following format: Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/Bf-110E, Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/He-111H6 and so on (Me-262A, P-40E). I have used that format in the BS1944_data.ini file, so if you find that the campaign does not allow you to select those planes, check that you have installed those planes with the same naming format. If they are different, either change each air unit entry in the BS1944_data.ini file to match the install folder for each plane, or change the name of the plane's install folder to the format used in the BS1944_data.ini file.
      2. WOLF257's planes are not currently available for download. If you don't have them, use the alternative BS1944_data.ini file provided.
      3. Skins. I have used the "DefaultTexture=" flag for each unit (in the BS1944_data.ini file) to try to ensure all planes use the appropriate MTO skin. Sometimes planes still show up in ETO skins. I have no idea why. If you are having skin problems, check that the "DefaultTexture=" for each squadron specifies the skin folder in the aircraft folder correctly. Or you could create a specific MTO install where the only skin in each plane's folder is an MTO skin - hint, hint. Otherwise, answers on a postcard to. . .
      4. Loadouts. If you are having trouble saddling up with the appropriate tank-busting gear or whatever, check that the "AttachmentType=" flag in the Weapon Stations section of the appropriate aircraft_DATA.ini file is specified properly. Bunyap's site has updated DATA.ini files for many aircraft so they work with the latest weapons pack. Or just set it like this, "AttachmentType=UK,USAF,USN" (without the quotes) for the Allies and all will be well. Purists run screaming for the hills at this point. For Luftwaffe the setting is "AttachmentType=Nazi Germany" On the subject of loadouts, if (like me) you want to fly CAS campaign missions in the Hurri 2C (and what else would you do with a wingful of rockets?), go to the Strike Fighters/Objects/Aircraft/Hurricane2C/Hurricane2C_DATA.ini file, and add CAS to the "PrimaryRoles=" flag under [MissionData] near the top of the file. My apologies to the A-team. My excuse is that this is a fictional campaign.
      5. I know that the RAAF squadron has to be selected from the RAF list. My apologies to our Australian cousins. Apparently the current build of the campaign engine has trouble with the ground war if more than two forces are defined. Take solace in the fact that the Poms can't cope without you.
      6. If you have any other problems, questions, suggestions or constructive criticism, I can be contacted at Combatace, SimHQ, column5.us and the Thirdwire forums. I can't promise to solve your issue, but talking helps.
      7. Now, if only someone would make an MTO skin for the Hawker Typhoon. . . ;-)
      This campaign is my way of saying thanks to all the modders who have created so many great WW2 planes to enhance the community's enjoyment of this great series of sims. Without all their hard work in producing a wealth of additional planes, skins, ground objects, terrains, weather mods, and all the rest, this mod would, quite simply, not exist. My thanks to all concerned, and indeed the wider SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE community in general who have provided so much information about how this whole bag of nuts and bolts works.
      And, of course, thanks to TK and Thirdwire for creating SFP1/WOV/WOE/FE in the first place.
      I have included a number of screenshots which feature the work of various devs and modders, and I would like to thank them for their contribution:-
      The SFP1 Dev A-team (Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut and The Wrench) - Planes and skins too numerous to mention. 12 out of the 16 aircraft featured in this campaign.
      The Wrench (Kevin Stein) - Skins (see full list above) & inspiration. Kevin kicked this off with his Cold War Gone Hot: 1946 suggestion.
      Pasko - Stuka Ju 87B (Skins by Gramps)
      Polak - WW2 Ground objects, Sky mod
      WOLF257 - Bf-109G10 and Fw190
      Deuces - weapons, effects
      Kesselbrut/Geo - WW2 Ground objects
      Cellinsky - Weather Mod
      Thanks to everyone. If your work is featured and I have not credited you, please accept my apology. Let me know & I will add you to the list.
      Happy Hunting,
      Use these files at your own risk. They have been tested, but I accept no responsibility for loss of data, damage to hardware, or trashing of your heavily modded SFP1 install. Heed the health warning or else!
      This campaign is distributed as freeware. Feel free to mod it to your heart's content, so long as you give credit where it's due. You are not permitted to attempt to make any money out of it. Or are you so low that you would feed your grandmother to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal for only five altarian dollars?
      (Douglas Adams, of course. See what I mean about credit where it's due?)


         (3 reviews)



    9. Burning Sands 1951-1995

      Burning Sands campaign 1951-1995 (Use for Strike Fighters Pack 1)
      The campaigns are based in 1951-1995 which focus on the
      birth of the first jet dogfight to the zenith of BVR combat.
      Time frames starts in 1951, 1962, 1975, 1995. Each campaign represents the evolution of
      jet based combat, which can include:
      1951- First Jet vs Jet dogfight of the F-86 Vs Mig-15
      1962- Supersonic Delta wars of the MirageIII Vs Mig-21
      1975- Early Generation BVR combat between F-4, Mirage F1 Vs Mig-23, Mig-25
      1995- all the past 3 generations culminate in ultimate age of jet based warfare
      F-16C, F/A-18C/E Vs Mig-29
      F-14D, F-15C Vs Su-27
      F-15E Vs Su-30
      The Following aircraft are required
      Stock (.CAT extractor needed) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=343
      F-105D (get it from WOV or WOE)
      SBC125 Intrepid class carrier (Get it from WOV)
      CVA63 Kitty Hawk Class Carrier (Get it from WOE)
      Tanks- T-62A,T-72,M60A1 (get it from WOE)
      Mig-23M (Get it from WOE)
      B-52D (Get it from WOV,WOE)
      Mig-17 (Get it from WOE)
      TU-16 (Get it from WOE)
      Required objects
      -1951 Campaign aircraft (Get it from Korean air war Mod)
      -F-15C, F-15E, F-16C_B30 (Get it from ODS mod)
      Mig-25PD (Get it from NATO fighters)
      MirageIII/F-1C, F-8E, A-7E, F-5E, Mig-29C, F/A-18C, F-111E, J-35F (Get it from Column 5)
      Su-27 (Get it from Marcfighter)
      F-14D (Get it from Column 5)
      F/A-18E, EA-18G, Su-30-Su-35, EF-111A, A-5A (Get it here in CombatACE)
      M1A1 (Get it from either NATO fighters or ODS mod)
      -Weapon Pack
      Mirage Factory 1-25-09 Weapon Pack (for the guns)
      Community 2.52 Weapon Pack (For the weapons)
      Both can be found here
      Anything required but not shown can be found in either NATO Fighters, ODS mod, CombatACE, and Column 5
      -Other notes-
      -For the best gameplay experience, Play the Merc Campaign.
      -For even Better gameplay experience, add any aircraft you want to gain more access of planes.
      -Planning map is also included, so if you want to edit it to your reference, this map can help greatly.
      -Campaign description is not edited (Focusing more on the gameplay instead of the Backstory)
      -Some planes like the F-14D and F/A-18C are just renames of the F-14A and F/A-18A (It just sounds better)
      -Because of such renaming, be ready to do some manual modding
      -F-16C won't fire BVR missiles, so here is the link to fix not only the F-16C but all the F-16 series
      -modding the DATA.INI and Loadout.INI for all aircraft is a must
      -There is the Stock campaign which comes along with it (Overwrite if you want, it is untouched)
      Credit Goes to its respective owners of the aircraft, and mods, as well as Crusader for helping me
      figure out the BVR issue for the F-16.
      Future plans
      I Want to work on a campaign that takes place in 20XX which feature generation 5 fighters.
      I want to create the ultimate dogfight between the F-22 and Su-47, But until the Su-47 is complete,
      These 4 campaigns will have to make do.


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      1 comment


    10. Burning Sands 1983

      Burning Sands 1983
      This is the original Burning Sands Campaign set in 1983. You can fly for the USAF, USN, USMC or the RAF. All USN aircraft are carrier based. The aircraft available to fly are:
      USAF: F-15A, F-16A, F-19, F-111A, A-10
      USN: F-14A, FA-18A, A-7E
      USMC: FA-18A, AV-8C
      RAF: SEPECAT Jaguar GR Mk1, Tornado GR.Mk1, Tornado F.Mk3, F-111K


         (1 review)



    11. Burning Sands 1983 SP4 Update

      Burning Sands 1983 SP4 Update
      This is an update of the Burning Sands 1983 Campaign. I've tried to be more accurate with the unit names and added the MBT's of the era. Also this update does accommodate the Mirage Factory F-15A available at combatace.com. This update does not contain any 3rd party aircraft.
      Update 25JUN06:
      Added MiG-25PD enemy units.
      Note: You can get the MiG-25PD from:
      1.Corrected start date for USAF 356th FS.
      2.Fixed decal issue with MiG-21MF camo skin.
      3.Few other minor corrections/improvements.
      Just extract into main folder of SFP1 SP4. Install latest Weapons Pack. Have Fun!
      Advanced user may wish to use own method of installing.
      NOTE: The included Squadron List will work for this campaign and the Burning Sands "Upgrade" Campaign also available at www.combatace.com.
      Thanks goes out to TK and his team, all modders, and fans of the series.


         (1 review)



    12. Burning Sands Upgrade

      Burning Sands 'Upgrade'
      This is a major upgrade to the default Burning Sands Campaign for SFP1. You can now fly the following aircraft in addition to the stock aircraft:
      USAF: F-5A, F-104C, F-105D-25, F-105D-31, F-105F-1 Early and Late Models, F-105G, A-7D, B-57A, B-57B
      USN: F-8E, A-6A, A-7B, A-7E
      RAF: Hunter F6, EE Lightning Fmk6, Canberra B(I)8
      IDF: Mirage IIICJ
      All US Navy and Marine Units are carrier based.
      Just extract into main folder of SFP1 SP4. Install latest Weapons Pack. Have Fun!
      Advanced user may wish to use own method of installing.
      Thanks goes out to TK and his team, all modders, and fans of the series.


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    13. Burning Sands Upgrade II

      Burning Sands "Upgrade" II
      This is a major upgrade to the default Burning Sands Campaign for SFP1. It now features Royal Navy carrier operations. You can now fly the following aircraft in addition to the stock aircraft:
      USAF: F-5A, F-104A, F-104C, F-105D-25, F-105D-31, F-105F-1 Early and Late Models, F-105G, A-7D, B-57A, B-57B, B-58A
      USN: F-9J, F11F-1, F3H-2M, F-8D, F-8E, A-6A, A-7B, A-7E
      RAF: Hunter F6, EE Lightning Fmk6, Canberra B(I)8, F-4M Phantom FGR.Mk 2
      Royal Navy: Sea Vixen FAW(2), Scimitar F Mk 1, F-4K Phantom FG.Mk1
      IDF: Mirage IIICJ, F-4E
      This addon is for Strike Fighters Project 1. It has not been tested in WOV or WOE.
      This addon does not include any aircraft. You must have all of the listed aircraft installed.
      You can get them all at combatace.com, www.column5.us, or www.checksix-fr.com
      You should have the latest Weapons Pack installed.
      Just extract into main folder of SFP1 SP4. Have Fun!
      Advanced users may wish to use own method of installing.
      File updated 12/24/2006 11:00AM EST. You can now fly the F-104A.
      File updated 12/25/2006 08:40PM EST. The IDF will now transition to the F-4E.
      File updated 12/27/2006 02:50AM EST. Royal Navy Sea Vixen pilots will now transition to the F-4K.
      File updated 12/30/2006 09:15PM EST. You can now fly the F-9J.
      File updated 12/30/2006 09:15PM EST. Corrected Royal Navy 803 Squadron campaign file entry.
      File updated 03/24/2007 12:05PM EST. Removed Mig-15 bis as enemy AI aircraft.
      Thanks goes out to TK and his team, all modders, and fans of the series.


         (7 reviews)



    14. CAMPAIGNE_Revised

      This is a little modification for TK's SF2:E.
      The stock campaigns were a bit modified and
      AI planes were made flyable. There are no additional
      planes or cockpits needed. The data- files to make
      the AI planes flyable are included
      1.Changes in campaigns:
      Following nations were made flyable:
      621026 Red Thunder
      - West Germany
      - France
      680821 Red Hammer
      - West Germany
      - France
      - Canada
      790918 Red Lightning
      - West Germany
      - France
      - Canada
      2. Installation
      Drop both folders in C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe
      Backup your files as there are several changes in the data-files in both folders!!! I take no responsibility if you screw your installation uP!!!
      3. Notes:
      It's an 'all-in-one-install', meaning that the necessary files are provided. So no extra downloading is needed! (But if you want other planes or cockpits feel free to change:-)
      This campaign works with a jun2009b patched SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E merged installation.
      It should work with SF2:E too, as long as the stock cockpits are included.
      If anything shouldn't work, PM me over at combatace.com
      4. Credits
      Credits are going to TK and Thirdwire for offering such a great game and to the whole combatace community, without you, I wouldn't love this series that much!!!
      5. Last but not least
      ENJOY :-)


         (0 reviews)



    15. Canucks over Europe v1.0

      FILE TYPE: Complete installation
      This is a complete installation. You will need a fresh install of Wings over Europe fully patched with Bunyap's weapons pack.
      Two new campaigns against a variety of ground targets. eight different squadrons
      Two new aircraft, four new skins with matching drop-tanks, with up-graded radar and avionics for the Starfighter.
      New Menu screens and many more 'upgrades'
      All as historically accurate as possible


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      1 comment


    16. CAP over Germany

      This misson is designed for Wings over Europe.
      Required files: Mig-29A/C Fulcrum (Soviet) available here: http://www.column5.us/miragef.shtml
      THE MISSION...
      EWR report: Small fast-moving radar contacts approaching from the east. Probably fighters. 2 contacts on screen, probably on tight formation. Expect more.
      Intellicence report:Soviet fighters are performing sweeps to gather information about our ECM. Data gathered will be of great importance for the east development of counter-countermeasures and EW. If shot down, debris from the Migs will be available for study.
      Your squadron: You and your squadron are on CAP in the area at the time. Shoot'em down.
      Installation instructions: Readme file.
      It's my first mission. I hope you'll like it. Suggestions? send a PM, they're welcomed. Problems? send a PM


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    17. Carrier Mission Pack (WOV) V2.10

      Carrier Missions and Training Pack for WOV
      Welcome to the 'Pack' for WOV, which provides basic carrier training and operations missions using (mostly) stock aircraft.
      Updated to V2.00
      This mission pack has had a major update.
      1. Merged Mission Pack I and II for WOV together into this single pack - training and operations missions are now all together in one place.
      2. Re-vamped US fleet to be defined as types and also targets, to greatly simplify mission file contents and make it quicker to load missions.
      3. Re-wrote ReadMe to point at currently available ships from the A-team - ReadMe is now also in HTML to make it easier to link to all pre-reqs.
      4. Renamed mission files to make it easier to distinguish between carrier training (CT) and carrier operations (CO) missions.
      Updated to v2.10
      This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
      Missions Included in this Pack
      The missions provided by this pack are named according to mission type, aircraft type, weather conditions and time of day.
      For example, using an A-4B, training missions are named as follows:
      CT A-4B denotes take off, circuit fleet and land back on carrier, in daylight, in clear weather
      CT A-4B(BW) denotes take off, circuit fleet and land back on carrier, in daylight, in bad weather
      CT A-4B(N) denotes take off, circuit fleet and land back on carrier, at night, in clear weather
      CT A-4B(BWN) denotes take off, circuit fleet and land back on carrier, at night, in bad weather
      CT A-4B(R ) denotes take off, RV with KA-6D tanker aircraft, circuit fleet and land back on carrier, in daylight, in clear weather
      CT A-4B(RBW) denotes take off, RV with KA-6D tanker aircraft, circuit fleet and land back on carrier, in daylight, in bad weather
      For operations missions, again using an A-4B, the following naming convention is used:
      CO A-4B(AS) denotes anti-ship mission. Intercept enemy patrol boats approaching from the South-West and North-West simultaneously, in daylight, in clear weather
      CO A-4B(ASBW) denotes anti-ship mission. Intercept enemy patrol boats approaching from the South-West and North-West simultaneously, in daylight, in bad weather
      CO A-4B(I) denotes aircraft intercept mission. Intercept enemy Migs approaching from the North-West at low level, in daylight, in clear weather
      CO A-4B(IBW) denotes aircraft intercept mission. Intercept enemy Migs approaching from the North-West at low level, in daylight, in bad weather
      Pre-requisites are listed in the README, together with installation instructions.
      comrpnt (April 2008).


         (2 reviews)



    18. Carrier Missions Pack (SFP1/SFG/WOE) V2.10

      Carrier Missions and Training Pack for SFP1/SFG
      Welcome to the ‘Pack’ for Strike Fighters Project 1(SFP1)/Strike Fighters Gold(SFG)*, which provides basic carrier training and operations missions using (mostly) stock aircraft.
      *Although only tested in SFP1/SFG, it has been reported to me that these missions and the Libyan terrain work equally well in Wings Over Europe (WOE).
      Updated to V2.00
      This mission pack has had a major update.
      1. Re-vamped US fleet to be defined as types and also targets, to greatly simplify mission file contents and make it quicker to load missions.
      2. Re-wrote ReadMe to point at currently available ships from the A-team - ReadMe is now also in HTML to make it easier to link to all pre-reqs.
      3. Renamed mission files to make it easier to distinguish between carrier training (CT) and carrier operations (CO) missions.
      Updated v2.10
      This mod has been updated on request to remove direct links to any Capun and A-team prerequisite models. Instead, please contact Capun for access - details enclosed.
      Acknowledgements & Disclaimer
      Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own mods, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites. Many thanks.
      Missions Included in this Pack
      This Mission Pack contains 16 missions per Stock SFP1/SFG aircraft and a few specialist missions for the A-5A. That's over 100 training and operations missions in total!
      The stock aircraft provided for are: A-4B, A-4C, A-4F, F-4B and F-4J.
      The Mission Pack also includes bonus missions written as a special request for the A-5A that include a long-range low-level Nuclear strike mission.
      The naming conventions used for each mission are described as follows:
      Stock Aircraft (using A-4B as example):
      CT-LB A-4B© = Carrier Training Mission (simple take-off, circuit, land), Libya Terrain (CTF-60 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean), A-4B aircraft, Daylight, in good clear weather, Mission time is ~20 minutes
      CT-LB A-4B(CN) = As above but at night*
      CT-LB A-4B(CBW) = As above but in bad weather** (low thick cloud, rain)
      CT-LB A-4B(CBWN) = As above but in bad weather at night
      CT-LB A-4B® = Refueling mission with KA-6D Intruder, RV with tanker, fly a long circuit and then land, Daylight with good clear weather, Mission time is ~30 minutes
      CT-LB A-4B(RN) = As above but at night
      CT-LB A-4B(RBW) = As above but in bad weather
      CT-LB A-4B(RBWN) = As above but in bad weather at night
      CO-LB A-4B(AS) = Carrier Operations - Anti-ship mission, Scramble to meet incoming enemy patrol boats, Daylight (dawn) in good clear weather, Mission time is ~20 minutes
      CO-LB A-4B(ASBW) = As above but in bad weather
      CO-LB A-4B(AS2) = As above but fly as part of the 2nd flight, Attack similar targets approaching from a different direction
      CO-LB A-4B(ASBW2) = As above but in bad weather
      CO-LB A-4B(I) = Carrier Operations - Intercept, Scramble to intercept enemy Migs approaching the fleet, Daylight (dawn) in good clear weather, Mission time is ~20 minutes
      CO-LB A-4B(IBW) = As above but in bad weather
      CO-LB A-4B(I2) = As above but fly as part of the 2nd flight, Attack similar targets approaching from a different direction
      CO-LB A-4B(IBW2) = As above but in bad weather
      A-5A Bonus Missions (including Nuclear Strike Mission):
      CT-LB A-5A© = Carrier Training Mission (simple take-off, circuit, land), Libya Terrain, A-5A aircraft, Daylight, in good clear weather, Mission time is ~20 minutes
      CT-LB A-5A(CN) = As above but at night, in good clear weather
      CT-LB A-5A(CBW) = As above but daylight in bad weather (low cloud, rain)
      CT-LB A-5A(CBWN) = As above but at night in bad weather (low cloud, rain)
      CO-LB A-5A(S) = Carrier Operations, Strike mission deep into Libyan territory. Knock out a Nuclear weapons research site, Daylight in good clear weather, Mission time is ~2.5 hours
      ...Watch out for multiple SAMS and AAA en route – stay low and fast
      ...Watch your fuel supply – avoid using AB - you'll be on vapours on final approach!
      CO-LB A-5A(SN) = As above but at night. (Landing is just after dawn)
      CO-LB A-5A(SBW) = As above but in daylight in bad weather
      CO-LB A-5A(SBWN) = As above but at night in bad weather
      *Night is depicted by just before dawn (~05:00) so that landings are in twilight (because the fleet is not illuminated in Stock SF and I wanted to make it at least possible to have some idea where to land after the mission is complete).
      **Bad weather is depicted by heavy low cloud and rain.
      Read the enclosed Mission Briefing .jpgs for more details about each operations and refuelling mission.
      Waypoints are provided to guide you to the tanker or target, then onto approach and home, landing back on the carrier.
      Pre-requisites are listed in the README, together with installation instructions.
      comrpnt (April 2008).


         (2 reviews)



    19. Chase for Adm. Yamamoto

      In this mission, try to repeat history... with your P-35, take off from Henderson Field, find, intercept and shoot down Admiral Yamamoto's plane.
      Before to get into action, you will have to do a long and boring flight, just like the guys did in 1943...
      Addons :
      paw1 Solomon Islands terrain


         (0 reviews)



    20. Clashes over Taiwan

      Again, I have nothing else to do at home,so I made this!Patched to Oct 2008
      This mission recreates some of the aerial engagements that happened over Taiwan.
      Required Add-ons:
      F-86F by Zur
      MiG-15(Comes with the F-86F)
      Formosa Terrain by Gepard


         (0 reviews)



    21. Combat Lancer

      10 missions for Combat Lancer. This was the first combat missions flown by the USAF in Vietnam using the F-111.
      Pack is for SFP1 DRV terrain by Gepard.
      Read the read me enclosed.


         (0 reviews)



    22. Combat Lancer new missions

      Combat Lancer new missions
      5 new missions for WOE_ DRV_terrain, about F-111A "Combat Lancer Campaign" march to november 1968.
      Installation instructions:
      Copy and overwrite DVR_targets.ini file in Your WOE_DRV_terrain folder.
      Copy all missions in Your WOE_mission folder.


         (0 reviews)



    23. Commies gone mad!!!!

      Mission designed for WoV.
      THis is a simple mission just to recreat a suicidal NV anti-ship mission. It's fictional.
      Radar contacts 9 o'clock. Take-off and intercept. Probably migs trying to sink the USS United States. 4 contacts
      They've gone mad!!!
      *F-4B Late. This aircraft is included in the WOV Air & Ground War Expansion Pack Gold by eburger86.
      You must download the three parts available here:
      *PART 1: http://combatace.com...ck-gold-part-1/
      *PART 2: http://combatace.com/files/file/10282-wov-air-ground-war-expansion-pack-gold-part-2/
      *PART 3: http://combatace.com/files/file/10300-wov-air-ground-war-expansion-pack-gold-part-3/
      Just follow the instructions and install the expansion pack. Then, copy/paste the included .msn file in your mission directory.
      Problems or questions, do not hesitate to send me a PM.I hope you'll like it. SEMPER FI, and CHECK YOUR SIX.


         (0 reviews)



    24. Cuba Campaign for Cuba 2.0 Terrain

      This is a fictional campaign to the terrain of Cuba_2011.
      In this campaign,NATO forces are struggling to regain Guantanamo which has been invaded by the forces of Cuba and
      also exploit an area in the north of the island with great oil wealth .
      Remember, that it is fictional and you can play the two sides ,
      anyone will bother we don't want to create any real conflict between the various nations that participate,
      this is a game , at the end we are all friends and we like this sim , thank you.
      1- Copy the folder Cuba Liberación 2011 in your folder campaigns
      2- Copy the NATIONS.ini in the Flight folder
      3- Copy all the .bmp archives the menu folder into your Menu folder
      4- When you have downloaded all the aircraft needed for the campaign ,
      copy and paste the files in the folder aircraft on its corresponding plane .
      5- For the MiG-23MLD_Nicaragua and the F-16M_Falcões You need to copy in a place apart
      from the complete folder of the MiG-23MLD and the F-16A Blk10 NDC and rename by MiG-23MLD_Nicaragua and F-16M_Falcões
      and delete the .ini files , data , skins and loadouts , and replace them with those of the corresponding folder we have added
      6- For the Groundobjects Your follows the same step that in paragraph 4
      7- Copy the files in the folder of the terrain of Cuba_2011 and paste it into your folder on the field of Cuba_2011
      This campaign i have tested in my SF2 , i haven't tested in WOE,
      if there is any problem , please you say me and will be arranged as far as possible, thank you and that you enjoy.
      The aircraft and objects that you need for this campaign:
      NATO forces:
      - F-22A_B20-- http://www.column5.us/aircraft3.shtml
      - F-22A------ http://www.column5.us/aircraft3.shtml
      - F-35A------ http://combatace.com/files/file/9040-f-35abc-lightning-ii-v-23/
      - F-16C_B50-- http://combatace.com/files/file/1570-f-16c-blk5052/
      - F-16A_Blk10_NDC http://combatace.com/files/file/3507-mirage-factory-f-16a-blk-10-ndc/
      - F-16XL----- http://combatace.com/files/file/5011-f-16xl-version-20/
      - F-15E------ http://combatace.com/files/file/6258-f-15e-strike-eagle-version-13/
      - C-15------- http://combatace.com/files/file/6852-c-15-spanish-ef-18-hornet/
      - EA-18G----- http://combatace.com/files/file/7636-ea-18g-growler/
      - FA-18E----- http://combatace.com/files/file/8371-fa-18e-super-hornet-new-model-v19/
      - FA-18F----- http://combatace.com/files/file/7043-fa-18f/
      - Typhoon---- http://combatace.com/files/file/6398-ef-2000/
      - JAS39C----- http://combatace.com/files/file/6074-jas-39c-gripen/
      - F-14D(M)--- http://combatace.com/files/file/7676-mexican-f-14d/
      - Mirage2000C http://combatace.com/files/file/7286-mirage-2000c/
      - HarrierGR7- http://www.column5.us/aircraft4.shtml
      - TornadoIDS- http://combatace.com/files/file/5305-tornado-ids/
      - B-767------ http://combatace.com/files/file/11483-kc-767-v11/
      - E-767------ http://combatace.com/files/file/11511-e-767-awacs/
      - Mexican and Honduran F-5E Package - http://combatace.com/files/file/2888-mexican-and-honduran-f-5e-package/
      - Tornado GR1A-- http://combatace.com/files/file/2524-tornado-ecrgr1a-pack/
      - Tornado F3--- http://combatace.com/files/file/8268-tornado-f3/
      ----Aircrafts of Cuba:
      - SU-35----- http://combatace.com/files/file/8557-su-35-beta/
      - Mig-29C_cub http://combatace.com/files/file/8418-mirage-factory-mig-29-export/
      - SU-27------- http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm
      - MiG-23MLD--- http://www.column5.us/aircraft5.shtml
      - Il-78T------ http://combatace.com/files/file/9011-il-76-78-transport-mod/
      - An-12BP Cub-A - http://combatace.com/files/file/9010-an-12-flyable-mod/
      ---- Carrier USS :
      - CVN75 -------- http://combatace.com/files/file/9684-cvn-75-beta-5-4192009-package/
      ---- Tanks:
      - Leopard2A4
      - Leopard1A4
      - M1
      - M1A1
      ----- Terrain
      -- Cuba_2011 --- http://combatace.com/files/file/11990-cuba-v20/


         (1 review)



    25. CVN-75 Mission

      This is a mission where you have to intercept bombers and fighters that are heading towards your carrier.
      You need the CVN-75
      The F-14A
      The MiG 23 MS
      The TU-16G
      Thanks to all the people who worked on all of those planes, thanks to Digital Overload for the CVN-75, and thanks to Kreelin for the mission editor I used to create this mission.
      This mission is for WoV


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