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User Made Campaigns

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126 files

  1. WOI campaigns Expansion v0.1

    WOI campaigns Expansion v0.1 by Johan217
    This package adds more flyable squadrons for both sides in the stock WOI campaigns.
    - All 3 stock WOI campaigns updated to add more flyable squadrons for both sides
    - All stock WOI aircraft (except Tu-16 and IL-28) made flyable using stock WOI cockpits
    - Fixed FM for MiG-23 (thanks to BattlerBritain and nele)
    - Fixed loadouts for the Hunter (thanks to Wrench)
    - Fixed an error with Etzion airbase (thanks to SidDogg)
    Addon Requirements:
    Third party cockpits for most aircraft are available in the downloads section of www.combatace.com should you wish to use them.
    - Unzip the files to your desktop or into a temporary folder. Leave the folders option checked in WinZip.
    - Place the folders Campaigns, Objects and Terrain into the WOI directory, overwriting the existing files (make sure to make a backup first).
    - BattlerBritain for updating the MiG-23 flight models (edits based on the MiG-23 package by nele available at http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=4565)
    - SidDogg for the Etzion airbase fix
    - Wrench for valuable info on aircraft loadouts
    Contact Johan217 by PM at www.combatace.com
    This package is meant as a testbed for future campaigns. Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.


       (4 reviews)



  2. Out of Africa V1.5

    Out of Africa 3 v1.5
    Migs VS Migs nd SU and Yak in Air-Sea Environment
    I changed the su-27 with FC's SU-33. It is too great to be left out.
    PLEASE follow carefully the mod instructions.
    IT does work.
    Loadouts and data.ini for the Su-33sim has been revised a little. I think there was the tailhook missing.
    I chose Drdoyo's SovNavy_4 skin it blends perfectly with the new canards.
    Campaing has been revised in order for both sides to NOT receive airplanes replace. You have to use what you get.
    I also changed the friendly-nation with a fictional aslan nation. I needed it because of the pilottrainingstandars set to POOR. this nation entry is needed only for campaign purposes in oder to have mig VS mig and have the loadout shows. I actually don't even know if this is the correct procedure but it works.
    This is the entry for nations.ini
    DisplayName=Kingdom of Aslan
    the campaign needs polishing; basescreens, a better read me, squadron.txt, etc etc;
    There is room for more little campaigns in the future middle age. And I would like to create some atmosphere.
    I ve set the weapon resuppy at day 1; so that you will have immediately all the soviet weapons, AA and AG.
    PLEASE experiment with various AA and AG weapons especially missiles, since I am less than happy with probabilities of kill of even advanced weapons such as R-77 and Kh-29T missiles.
    I modified my weapondata according threads on combatace, and tuned down mig-23mld internal ECM strenght from 15 to 5. Those changes are NOT included in the campaign files I am providing, but please experiment.
    With this changed thoguh the whole air to air war is a little more realistic according to me. I have now a 40-50% hits with AA missiles.
    And it is challenging. FUEL IS an issue. You aìhave to decide wheter engage and pursue, but will you make it back to the carrier?
    Anyway as it is the campaign is fun to play. I changed also all the cockpits of SOVIET planes to the one of the su-27.
    In order to have working anti-ship missions you need to have the some ships labeled as generic and cargo_ship in their data ini.
    Every Ship so labeled will be thrown randomly in the shipping lanes; for the campaign I suggest you have the tanker and cargo ship and the yavuz frigate only
    IMPORTANT NOTE number two
    make sure that in your weaponpack ALL the weapon listed in loadouts are available for the year 2004; other than that don't touch provided datas and loadouts, everything should go well
    The tu-16G is optional; it is nice to experiment with. Sometimes in antiship mission you get tasked antiship and they will cover you with long range ARMS such as KSR-11
    Would be nice to have them go on anti-ship mission, but I have not seen yet AI-assigned anti-ship missions
    In a parallel universe, in 2004 things, went worse than in ours. World reduced to famine. Corruption, decay, starvation for food and energy. A new technological middle age.
    And in middle age there are mercenaries.
    In this story, ex-soviet union mercenaries
    The fleet of the former Soviet might navy, led by Carrier Gorshokov.
    The business is easy. Mtumba, leader, warlord of poor african state, is at war with Dictator of Madagascar Gorondi who is supplying his rebels. Both of them are evil and bloody dictators, but Mtumba pays well.
    Ships sail to the shore of africa from madagascar. They must be stopped, and this is the bussiness.
    Gorshokov task force, with two old kynda cruisers, and refueller takes place at Rasputin station.
    On board, Su-33s and Mig-29OVT modified for naval and multirole operations, and Yak41.
    They will hit the shipping lanes and, possibly madagascar airports and comm buildings.
    Gorondo has good weapons himself. Mig-29A and Mig23MLD to patrol the skies and perhaps attack the carrier herself.
    War at sea begins. A little meaningless fight in the future middleage.
    I hate writing readmes
    You need:
    Out of africa 3 campaign
    Su-27 (with su-33 Fast cargo mods)
    Tu-16G (optional)
    lybian koni
    gorshokov carrier
    OsaII class.
    Madagascar(AE) terrain
    All downloads are at combatace.
    I have provided no skin, and the name of the squadrons are only practical, anyway skins pointed at in the inis can be found on combatace as well.
    Install AE terrain, backup originals ini.files
    Install su-33 from Fastcargo.
    install the inis provided in campaign package in AE folder. Overwrite
    Install data.inis and loadouts provided for each and every aircraft. Overwrite
    Install the ships.
    Install campaign folder (AE3)
    Test everything and complain at the designer, try again and write an email for complain etc etc, you knw the drill...
    I HAVEN't done anything but the files in the package, everything else belong to respective designers, too many to list. Thank you and if you don't like seeing your work modified and around contact me and I'll retire the campaigns. But please have mercy.
    Please this is freeware, redistibute and have fun, but rememeber that little to nothign here is mine s you have to contact respective designers.
    instead for campaign design issue it is just my fault, I can be found at comabtace, and at pintogabriele@hotmail.com


       (0 reviews)



  3. Tet '68 V1.1

    After much research I am proud to Present my Tet 1968 capaign for WOV.
    Now with over 178 enemy and allied squadrons.
    The enemy targets the actual cities hit during the Tet Offensive.
    It will work in WOE or STF, but all WOV objects are required.
    ***Changes from V1.0***
    - OV-10A squadron added
    - US Army now playable.
    I took a stock WOV campaign and modified it for 1968. I added ground units and ground support missions. There are many new planes to fly including:
    A-37A, UH-1B, AH-1G, F-105F/G, A-1H, UH-34, B-26K, F-5A, AC-47, AC-130A, F-111A, OV-10A, Canberra b1, and others.
    Most of the downloads can be found at Combat Ace or at Column 5.
    As always there are tons of downloads needed.


       (6 reviews)



  4. Harrier Campaign V2.0

    This is a fictional campaign, set in the stock terrain of Strike Fighters Project 1. It is set in 1978, as Paran tries to invade Dhimar. Dhimar is assisted by the U.S. Navy, operating from the USS Nimitz, and by the USMC, operating AV-8C’s from several small, makeshift airfields.
    This campaign requires Strike Fighters: Project1. It was not tested with Strike Fighters Gold, but it should work.
    A big thank you to everyone who allowed me to include their work in this Campaign. Special thanks to Whiteknight, who made skins specifically for this addon, and to Kesselbrut, who allowed me to include some of his objects from the upcoming Falklands Campaign. Finally, thanks to Kreelin for the great AV-8C flight model.
    Dhimar Forces:
    ·80 DF-4D
    ·70 DA-4E
    ·48 DF-5E
    U.S Navy Forces:
    ·24 F-14A (VF-84 & VF-41)
    ·24 A-7E (VA-82 & VA-86)
    ·12 A-6E (VA-35)
    USMC Forces:
    ·18 AV-8C (VMFA-542)
    Paran Forces:
    ·48 MiG-23ML
    ·120 MiG-21PFM
    ·24 MiG-25P
    ·56 MiG-19S
    ·30 IL-28
    ·24 Su-17


       (13 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Flying Tigers V2.0

    ***Changes from V1.0***
    -AVG Squadrons now start with the P-40B
    -3 Ki-21 squadrons added
    -Less A6Ms at start of campaign
    -base screens added
    -More ground action
    -P-35A changed to P-36A
    Thanks to all of the modders mentioned in the readme, for all of their hard work.
    Lots of mods needed. Contact me, if you have trouble finding any of them. A great majority can be found here or at AVSIM. Enjoy!


       (2 reviews)



  6. Iran Iraq War Quick Update

    This updates the Iran Iraq campaign for SF1 to the latest patches: SP051506a and P083006. Both patches can be found at the Thirdwire site www.thirdwire.com
    simply place into your fully patched and installed Iran Iraq folder.
    If you do not have the Iran Iraq War all inclusive mod installed:
    1. You must have a seperate SF1 installation for this campaign.
    2. Make sure you patch the SF1 install to the latest released patches mentioned above.
    3. Then install the all inclusive Iran Iraq campaign (102 MB file) found at www.combatace.com ( follow installation instructions carefully including the seperate F-14a(IAF) and MIg-25PD install)
    4. Install the latest weapons pack.
    5. Then install this quick update.
    I include the original Iran Iraq War read me file below:
    This campaign is based on the Iran Iraq war that lasted from 1980-1988. It includes New terrain,, Persian music, photos, new screens, new sound files, new planes, new skins, and campaign files, heavily researched air units for Iran Iraq, historical air bases and locations.
    This needs to be a separate install.
    STEP 1
    Please make sure your sf1 game installation follows this path (or the medals will not work): C:\IranIraq\Strike Fighters\Flight etc.
    You may go into the MedalsIRAQ.ini AND MedalIran.ini files (located in the "flight" folder of this zip) and change the path if you so desire (AS AN Example ADDING d:\ drive instead of C:\ ).
    STEP 2
    Please install the contents of the folders to their respective locations (not the folders themselves but what is located inside).
    STEP 3
    You must have the following additional planes(and weapons pack) installed.
    Latest Weapons pack (can be found at www.combatace.com)
    There is also an optional skin pack that adds even more skins to the Iraqi side created by Phamtuan called : Phamtuan_Skinpack_Iraq that can be used to enhance the game. it may be found at wwww.combatace.com
    Step 4
    Go to the terrain folder in your SF1 directory. Locate the desert folder. Locate the Desert cat file. Copy file over into the IR folder located in the terrain folder (if you followed the instructions outlined above). Rename the Desert cat file in your IR folder from : Desert to : IR
    #1 There is a known issue while flying from some of the bases that will occur when there is a heavily overcast day with low cloud cover. You will not see the runway due to the clouds, your plane will be positioned above them on the runway. You may take off as normal and it does not affect game play. This is a visual glitch probably due to the terrain elevations and it is relatively rare.
    In order to properly simulate a protracted ground war (after all this war ended in a stalemate after 8 years!)
    we have frozen the ground offensives and they will not start for approximately 9 months of game time. If you play the entire campaign through, it will start before the campaign ends. This method is probably more historical.
    If you would like to change this setting, it is very easy to do. You need to open the IranIraq_data.ini file and find the following file:
    For both Force 1 (Iran) and Force 2 (Iraq) you may then change the value.
    Be warned that changing these settings may result in strange results (the war ending after several months as an example).
    Credit for this campaign goes to:
    USAFMTL: Project lead & Terrain
    MK2 : Project Coordinator, Campaign files, Music , Pilot Photos, hangar sound files
    Kouts: excellent Main screen and in game screens
    Sundowner: skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E
    Sony Tuckson: Mirage skins
    Charles Gunst: Medals
    Bpao: Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft (needs download).
    Marcfighters: Mig skins
    ArmourDave: SU-17
    Crab_02: F-4D pre block 27, so yes there is a new plane in this add on.
    Mago: Mig-21MF cockpit


       (2 reviews)



  7. Vietnam 1984 Quick Update

    This updates the Vietnam 1984 campaign for WOV to the latest patches: SP051506a and P083006. Both patches can be found at the Thirdwire site www.thirdwire.com
    simply place in your Vietnam 1984 installation.
    1. You must have a seperate WOV installation for this campaign.
    2. Make sure you patch the WOV install to the latest released patches mentioned above.
    3. Then install the all inclusive Vietnam 1984 campaign (215MB file) found at www.combatace.com
    4. Install the latest weapons pack.
    5. Then install this quick update.
    I include the original Vietnam 1984 description below:
    Vietnam 1984:
    The Vietnam War ended in a stalemate a decade ago. North Vietnam has taken the opportunity, of the prolonged cease fire, to build up its ground and air forces.
    The Soviet Union has recently taken an active role in mobilizing fighter regiments for the VPAF and the potential of the Soviet union adding actual ground troops to the area is now a reality.
    The uneasy temporary peace comes to an end. The Reagan administration Withdraws the United States from the decade long diplomatic process. On December 18th 1984 the coalition starts a 2 week air offensive against North Vietnamese targets.
    To install the mod simply place the folders that are inside the zip file in your WOV directory and say yes to overwrite the files.
    This Vietnam 1984 campaign mod requires a separate install of WOV. It Includes over 20 different flyable planes and units for the following (proper skins included when possible):
    94th TFS 'Hat in the Ring' F-15C
    53rd TFS 'NATO Tigers' F-15C
    4th TFS 'Fightin' Fujins'F-16A
    34th TFS 'Fighting Rams' F-16A
    561st TFS 'Wild Weasels' F-4E
    77th TFS 'Gamblers' F-111F
    VF-2 'Bounty Hunters' F-14A
    VA-75 'Sunday Punchers' A-6E
    VA-87 'Golden Warriors' A-7E
    VFA-113 'Stingers' F-18A
    VF-301 'Devil's Disciples' F-4SL
    VF-143 'Pukin Dogs' F-14A
    VMFA-542 'Tigers' AV-8C
    VMFA-314 "Black Knights" F-18A
    NO 74 Squadron 'Tigers' F-4J
    3rd Squadron RAAF Mirage III
    522nd Fighter Squadron F-5E Tiger II
    238th IAP Mig-29A
    241st IAP Mig-23M
    243rd IAP SU-15F
    1/921st "Sao Do" FR Mig-21MF
    1/925th "Lam Son"FR Mig-19 (IRM)
    1/923rd "Yen The"FR Mig-17F
    This campaign was tested using NORMAL settings for campaign difficulty. Single misisons should work but all of them are not guaranteed as the campaign is what has been tested.


       (3 reviews)



  8. Operation Torch V2.0

    Operation Torch V2.0 for use with Edwards Tunisia terrain.
    Welcome to the air war over Tunisia. There are a lot of mods required for
    this Campaign, so make sure you get them all. Its is Dec 1942, and the
    Axis forces have just counter-attacked west. Help defeat the German and
    Italian forces, by destroying their air forces. All mods needed are listed
    in the readme.
    ***Changes from V1.0***
    - 2 HS129B2 squadrons added.
    - 2 Free French squadrons added(One p-40 and one spitfire).
    - fixed unit numbering
    - Added Torch skin for the P-40E.
    - Added France skin for the P-40E.
    - Changed A-36A to Wrench's A-36 mod.


       (1 review)



  9. Operation Red Wolf

    Well my first mod for WoE, so go easy. Set in Korea (using the new korea tileset, not Edwards phototerrain) in 1968 after the USS Pueblo was captured off the North Korean coast. It's a "what if" scenario, if the US was to react with force that is. I have tried to use units that were actually there and added some extra.
    Fly for the USAF, USN, USMC, ROKAF, JASDF or RAAF.
    Enjoy guys and cheers.


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  10. Burning Sands Upgrade II

    Burning Sands "Upgrade" II
    This is a major upgrade to the default Burning Sands Campaign for SFP1. It now features Royal Navy carrier operations. You can now fly the following aircraft in addition to the stock aircraft:
    USAF: F-5A, F-104A, F-104C, F-105D-25, F-105D-31, F-105F-1 Early and Late Models, F-105G, A-7D, B-57A, B-57B, B-58A
    USN: F-9J, F11F-1, F3H-2M, F-8D, F-8E, A-6A, A-7B, A-7E
    RAF: Hunter F6, EE Lightning Fmk6, Canberra B(I)8, F-4M Phantom FGR.Mk 2
    Royal Navy: Sea Vixen FAW(2), Scimitar F Mk 1, F-4K Phantom FG.Mk1
    IDF: Mirage IIICJ, F-4E
    This addon is for Strike Fighters Project 1. It has not been tested in WOV or WOE.
    This addon does not include any aircraft. You must have all of the listed aircraft installed.
    You can get them all at combatace.com, www.column5.us, or www.checksix-fr.com
    You should have the latest Weapons Pack installed.
    Just extract into main folder of SFP1 SP4. Have Fun!
    Advanced users may wish to use own method of installing.
    File updated 12/24/2006 11:00AM EST. You can now fly the F-104A.
    File updated 12/25/2006 08:40PM EST. The IDF will now transition to the F-4E.
    File updated 12/27/2006 02:50AM EST. Royal Navy Sea Vixen pilots will now transition to the F-4K.
    File updated 12/30/2006 09:15PM EST. You can now fly the F-9J.
    File updated 12/30/2006 09:15PM EST. Corrected Royal Navy 803 Squadron campaign file entry.
    File updated 03/24/2007 12:05PM EST. Removed Mig-15 bis as enemy AI aircraft.
    Thanks goes out to TK and his team, all modders, and fans of the series.


       (7 reviews)



  11. Middle East Wars v1.1 update

    This package updates the MiddleEastWars campaign pack to v1.1.
    Main changes from v1.0:
    - All 3 campaigns updated for use with Gepard's Israel v2.1 terrain
    - Increased enemy air activity when flying ground attack missions
    - Fixed a frontline bug in the 6 Days War campaign that caused the campaign to end prematurely
    - Historically correct markings for the Egyptian Air Force in the Suez campaign
    New addon Requirements:
    - Middle East Wars campaign pack (MiddleEastWars v1.0)
    - Israel 2 terrain by Gepard
    - Israel 2 terrain update v2.1 by Gepard
    - Desert tileset Beta by Gepard (required for WOV/WOE)


       (2 reviews)



  12. Middle East Wars campaign pack

    3 campaigns for Gepard's Israel terrain
    Suez Crisis '56
    Flyable Aircraft: P-51, Meteor, F-84F, DH Vampire, DH Venom, Hawker Hunter, F-4-7U Corsair, SeaHawk, MiG-15
    6 Days War '67
    Flyable Aircraft: Mirage III, MD-450 Ouragan, Mystère IV, Meteor, Hawker Hunter, MiG-17, MiG-19, MiG-21, Su-7
    Yom Kippur War '73
    Flyable Aircraft: Mirage III, IAI Nesher, F-4E, A-4E, A-4F, Mystère IV, F-104A, Hawker Hunter, MiG-17, MiG-21, Su-7
    Tested with WOV, but should work fine with SFP1. Download links for required addons are included in the readme.


       (6 reviews)



  13. bataille pour l'europe

    it's a simple add for battle for europe with french mirage IIIE AND mirage F1
    they are more realiste in 1978 than mirage IIIC
    ps: i'm french


       (1 review)



  14. WOE Soviet counter attack

    This Version WOE version. Plz don't be confused.
    This is modified file that campaign controlled by Mig's Air plane.
    It may be equal to NATO's campaign, but I just modified file that controlled Mig's
    Mig's Air Plane are included these.
    MiG-23ML=> This is available download in http://www.column5.us/
    MiG-25PD=>This is available download in http://www.column5.us/
    MIG-29C=>This is available download in Here, The cockpit recomanded download in Here.
    MiG-27=>This is available download in http://www.column5.us/
    MIG-29OVT=>This is available download in Here
    Yak-25M=>This is available download in Here
    Yak-28B=>This is available download in Here
    Su-17=>This is available download in Here
    Su-15TM=>This is available download in Here
    Su-15A=>This is available download in Here
    MiG-21MF=>This is available download in http://www.column5.us/
    MIG-29A=>This is available download in Here, The cockpit recomanded download in Here.
    I'm sorry, MY English was poor.
    have a good kill.
    Wings over europe에서 Mig Air plane을 타고 격추하는 미션을 약간 에디트한 캠패인입니다.
    미션 스토리와는 무관하게 오로지 미그기만 타면서 조종 할수 있도록 했습니다.
    다음과 같이 미그기를 다운 받을 수 있는데 여기에서나 http://www.column5.us/에서 다운로드가
    가능하오니 참고바랍니다.
    좋은 시간 되세요~
    영어 실력이 짧네요~^^


       (3 reviews)



  15. Operation Tainted Cigar Version 2.0 Aircraft

    Yes the long awaited update to OTC is here. It comes in 2 files, the aircraft and then the rest. Please read the README. You must do a separate install of SF and or WOE to run this. The original version had over 2300 downloads. My thanks to everyone who had a hand in this. Many thanks to JSF Aggie and Deuces for their overtime on this.


       (10 reviews)



  16. Operation Tainted Cigar Version 2.0

    Yes the long awaited update to OTC is here. It comes in 2 files, the aircraft and then the rest. You must have both. Please read the README. You must do a separate install of SF and or WOE to run this. The original version had over 2300 downloads. My thanks to everyone who had a hand in this. Many thanks to JSF Aggie and Deuces for their overtime on this.


       (10 reviews)



  17. Flying Tigers Campaign - beta V1.1

    Here is my Flying Tigers campaign, that I have been messing around with from time to time. It is fun to play! More changes to come. Read the readme! I have to give a big thanks to all those mentioned in the readme, for their hard work to make this happen. Enjoy!
    I had to include a China ini file and a new readme.


       (5 reviews)



  18. Fiza'ya Eagles

    a fictif scenario based on the 1971's War between Pakistan and India.. its free to complete or to upgrade...
    Pakistan :
    India :
    Dassaut Myster
    Type S-22 " Su-7"
    Bonne Chasse !!


       (3 reviews)



  19. Repack Desert Storm

    The repatch for Operation desert storm


       (3 reviews)



  20. Korean War Mod Update

    Here is the Korean Air War Mod Terrain and Campaign Update.
    My thanks go to TK for such a great sim, FNG2k for his groundbreaking work in this area, and especially Charles, Capun and Gramps (the A-Team) for all their help and support.
    This is a redone Korea Terrain and Campaign V2.0. I used all new tiles plus got rid of all those "sea mountains"and fixed the water and runways to give them a more 1950's look.
    Special thanks to Polak for his water mod, which I have adapted for this terrain. I stongly recommend you download and use Polak's sky mod with this terrain as well.
    1. Delete your old Korea Folder in the Terrain Folder and replace it with this new one.
    2. Delete the old Korean War Folder in the Campaign Folder and replace it with this one.
    3. Fly.


       (5 reviews)



  21. NATO Fighters

    Details here:
    The release notes:
    IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended that you apply this package to a clean installation of Wings Over Europe. Some existing files will be overwritten during the install process! Also, make certain that the 8/30 patch for WOE is installed BEFORE you install NATO Fighters.
    Unzip the archive you downloaded above and run nfsetup.exe. You will be prompted for the location to install NATO Fighters. MAKE SURE that this is your clean WOE installation. If you install NATO Fighters over an already modded copy of WOE, it WILL break some or all of the mods.
    The NATO Fighters installation is completely automatic. Once the installation is complete, you are ready to play.
    Thanks for downloading Wings Over Europe: NATO Fighters! This is a collection of some of the best NATO-themed mods released over the past four years for the Strike Fighters series. I think you will find the expansion of flyable aircraft types, the addition of more allied nations, and the inclusion of numerous environment and visual mods to be a great enhancement to your copy of Wings Over Europe. All new aircraft and nations are fully integrated into the three campaigns, and no additional configuration is necessary to enjoy these enhancements after you install.
    I must stress that all of the mods included in this pack are already available. This series of expansions simply brings them all together in one place, fully integrates them into the campaigns and makes installation a snap. The goal is not to include every NATO squadron, but a representative selection of units to allow players to fly for nations other than the US, Great Britain and West Germany.
    New Aircraft:
    Canadair Saber Mk.6
    F-84F Thunderstreak
    F-86K Saber
    F-104G Starfigther
    Lightning F6
    Mirage 5BA
    Su-15TM Flagon
    Su-17M Fitter
    Campaign Updates:
    - Added Belgian No. 3 Squadron in F-84F
    - Added Canadian No. 444 Squadron in Canadair Saber Mk.6
    - Added Danish Esk 730 in F-100D
    - Added West German 1/JB36 in F-84F
    - Added West German 1/JG72 in Canadair Saber Mk.6
    - Added West German 1/JG74 in F-86K
    - Added Belgian No. 2 Squadron in F-84F
    - Added Belgian No. 31 Squadron in F-104G
    - Added Danish Esk 723 in F-104G
    - Added Danish Esk 730 in F-100D
    - Added RAF No. 11 Squadron in Lightning F6
    - Added RNLAF 311 and 322 Squadrons in F-104G
    - Added West German 1 and 2/JG71 in F-104G
    - Added West German 1 and 2/JG74 in F-104G
    - Added West German 1/JBG35 in F-104G
    - Added West German 1/JBG36 in F-104G
    - Added Belgian No. 1 Squadron in Mirage 5BA
    - Added Belgian No. 350 Squadron in F-104G
    - Added Canadian No. 421 Squadron in F-104G
    - Added Danish Esk 723 in F-104G
    - Added Danish Esk 730 in F-100D
    - Added RAF No. 11 Squadron in Lightning F6
    - Added RNLAF 311 and 322 Squadrons in F-104G
    - Added two Soviet SU-15TM units as adversaries
    - Added two Soviet SU-17M units as adversaries
    General Mods:
    - column5's WOE Environment Mod
    - Deuces' Effects Pack 3
    - Deuces' Enhanced WOE Terrain
    - Deuces' Water Mod
    - JSF_Aggie's High-Resolution Airbase Tiles
    - JSF_Aggie's WOE Treemod
    - Armourdave
    - Boopidoo
    - BPAo
    - Bunyap
    - column5
    - Deuces
    - Fubar512
    - Fuchs
    - Gramps
    - Jet-Z
    - JSF_Aggie
    - Kreelin
    - Missionneur Team
    - RussoUK2002
    - Sony Tuckson
    - Soulfreak
    - Sundowner
    - The Mirage Factory
    - ThirdWire
    - Tim Canada
    - Tiwaz
    - Zur


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  22. Enhanced Red Lightning '79 version 1.5

    Enhanced Red Lighting '79 Campaign by MKSheppard
    Readme File
    New Nations Pack by Mike1
    Alpha Jet by capun
    F-16A Block 10 by xevilpetex, Mirage Factory, Team Viper.
    Jaguar GR.1 with updated HUD from Mirage Factory and ricunes.
    F-111 Pack by USAFMTL from Combat Ace
    A-7D Corsair II by AD, Rafael, Marcello and Column 5
    (1.1 upgrade)
    Su-17M Fitter-C by AD, Sal, and Column 5 at Column 5
    Tu-16 Badger G by Pasko
    Tu-22K BLINDER-B by Howling 1
    V1.0 Changelog:
    - Added SPECAT Jaguar for the RAF; you'll need the addon.
    - Added F-111A Aardvark for the USAF.
    - Added the VVS, with MiG-23M, MiG-27, MiG-21MF, and Su-7BM
    - Added the East German AF, two units, MiG-21MF and Su-7BM
    - Added the Polish AF, two units, MiG-21MF and Su-7BM
    - Added a description of what plane each squadron flies, no more guessing!
    V1.5 Changelog:
    -Now a separate campaign in the picklist with an (E) prefix added, so you can play your original WOE supplied campaign.
    -Changed the F-111A to F-111F; added airfield in France for long range F-111F flights
    -RAF Squadron Weapons updated to work with the latest Weapon Pack.
    -Luftwaffe Squadron Weapons updated to work with the latest Weapon Pack.
    -USAF Squadron Weapons updated to work with the latest Weapon Pack.
    -124th TFS (Iowa ANG) with the A-7D Corsair II added and flyable.
    -388th TFW with a detachment of F-16As added and flyable.
    -JBG 34 with the F-104G added and is flyable.
    -Bundesmarine added with two squadrons flying from two new airfields.
    -All Soviet Su-7BMs changed to Su-17s. WARPAC allies still fly Su-7BM.
    -727 TBAP for Soviets made playable and flies the Tu-22K BLINDER
    -Added Soviet Naval Aviation flying the Tu-16G BADGER fron Poland.
    -Added Royal Netherlands Air Force with two units (F-104G squadron and F-16A Detachment)
    Installation Instructions:
    1.) Install the addon aircraft listed above if you don't have them.
    2.) Place the Files in \Enhanced79\Menu into your \Wings Over Europe\Menu directory.
    3.) Place the Files in \Enhanced79\GermanyCE into your \Wings Over Europe\Terrain\GermanyCE directory.
    4.) Go to your AlphaJet directory, and replace the stock _DATA file with the one provided. This data file groups the weapons pylons together, and adds the WP attachment point allowing correct weapons to be used.
    5.) Go to your F-104G directory, and replace the stock _DATA file with the one provided. This data file adds the WP attachment point allowing correct weapons to be used, and makes AS-34 Kormoran carriage work.
    6.) Add the new textures for the F-104G.
    7.) Go to your F-16A-10 directory, and replace the stock _DATA file with the one provided. This data file adds the WP attachment point, allowing light iron bomb carriage.
    8.) Add the new texture for the F-16A-10.
    1.) To whoever uploaded the Marineflieger skin for the F-104G
    I used your decals on a stock WOE skin.
    2.) GeG for his Danish F-104G Skin
    3.) USAFMTL for his Belgian F-104G Skin.
    I used the decals and decal.ini file on GeG's Danish skin.
    4.) USAFMTL for his RNLAF F-104G Skin.
    I used the decals and decal.ini file on a stock WOE F-104G Skin.
    5.) tigertompa for helping me with the F-104G weapons fits, and the AS-34 Kormorant issue.
    Future Objectives:
    Solve the problem I'm having with the Badger-G, Blinder-B, and MFG1 and MFG2 not seeing ships and attacking them.


       (4 reviews)



  23. RAF base operations and QRA/refuelling missions

    This upload contains a variety of missions I've written to make use of the Da Nang enhancements I've done for WOV. I use RAF aircraft and/or skins, but simply changes to the .msn files can change the details to your preferred country of choice.
    The missions included are as follows:
    1. RAF Fmk6 R-Base.msn - Lightning F.mk6 free flight parked on Da Nang ramp with 5 and 11 squadrons parked up along side your starting position.
    2. RAF Fmk6 NR-QRA.msn - Lightning night QRA mission from the QRA sheds I added at the North end of Da Nang airfield. Intercept a Badger bomber coming in from the North East. If you have time try to find and rendezvous with the A310 MRTT tanker before turning for home. BTW, be careful near that Badger, he likes to shoot!
    3. RAF Fmk6 PR-Tanker.msn - Flight of two Lightnings. Take off and practice tanking with the MRTT circling near Yankee Station.
    4. RAF F4 NR-Base.msn - Similar to Lightning free flight mission above but with an F4 Phantom and at night.
    5. RAF F4 PR-Tanker.msn - Similar to the pairs Lightning tanking exercise but again with F4 Phantoms
    I've also included my Da Nang airfield Terrain/VietnamSEA enhancements in this post to make it simpler to install the QRA sheds, ground objects and extra lights I use.
    [Extras Required]
    These missions make use of the static aircraft I devised to populate the ramp at Da Nang. All these statics are now up at CombatAce in the Object Mods section (search on comrpnt or static).
    For example, here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2929
    For the lightning I use, try here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=736
    For the C-130J I use try here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1703
    You'll also need a tanker. I use the A310 MRTT with Gramps' RAAF skin, found at www.AvSim.com (search on MRTT). You could easily use the excellent YAP KC-135 if you want, it works just as well.
    Finally, for someone to Intercept I used the Badger-A, found here http://www.column5.us/aircraft3.shtml
    Hope you like flying these missions. Good luck. ;-)
    Cheers, regards, P.T. (comrpnt) :-)


       (0 reviews)



  24. Enhanced Red Lightning '79 Campaign

    This expands the 1979 Red Lightning campaign to include:
    1.) SPECAT Jaguar for the RAF; you'll need the addon.
    2.) F-111A Aardvark for the USAAF You'll need the F-111A Pack. Sadly, the default german map doesn't extend to england, which is where the F-111A was based, so it's not totally realistic.
    2.) Adds the VVS, with MiG-23M, MiG-27, MiG-21MF, and Su-7BM
    3.) Adds the East German AF, two units, MiG-21MF and Su-7BM
    4.) Adds the Polish AF, two units, MiG-21MF and Su-7BM
    5.) Adds a description of what plane each squadron flies, no more guessing!
    I thought about adding carrier operations, but the map was too limited for a carrier, and secondly, the USN in WW3 would be involved with keeping the sea lanes open, and battling the soviets in Norway, to worry about the central front.


       (1 review)



  25. Operation Final Dawn Beta 2

    A campaign that uses the Germany CE map and uses the modern aircraft, carriers, and ground army available for Wings over Europe.
    Beta 2 adds aircraft carriers, some new aircraft, some updated loadouts, Guided NUKE's and lots of fun. Please use README for intructions.
    Any questions, or suggestions? You can find me at the only active thread for Final Dawn.


       (4 reviews)



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