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Strike Fighters 1 Series by Thirdwire

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    1. Leeuwarden based KLu Hunter F.4 (mod)

      This is one of several Fokker-built Hunters of the KLu. This one was one of several
      stationed at airbase Leeuwarden and was part of 630 squadron when they were still
      flying aircraft instead of doing airbase security.
      It was essentially a F.4 on which the wings of the F.6 type were joined. these have dogtooth trailing edges.
      Enjoy this handsome one!
      (Thanks Sundowner for the use of the basic Hunter skin!)
      PS: This skin is to be used for AD's Hunter F.6, so NOT for the standard Hunter FGA in WOE!!
      -As adviced by "Kirsten"I have enlarged the squadron logo to be more in proper proportions with the real thing!-


         (2 reviews)



    2. Infantry Pack SP4

      Update for Kesselbrut's infantry pack for SP4. This is a restructure of the flat file layout into a hierarchical structure and change to add the appropriate section to the INI files.


         (2 reviews)



    3. "Miss Evelyn" P-51D Mustang

      This aircraft depicts "Miss Evelyn", a P-51D Mustang, S/N 44-14442, of the 343rd FS, 55th, flown by Lt. Warren E. Lewis. Lt Lewis was going to name this a/c "Miss Evelyn" but he became a POW on 6 October 1944 while flying this a/c and before the name was applied. Special thanx to Wolf257 for creating this aircraft and to Crab02 and USAFMTL (and to Scrapper) for their help with the making of this skin.


         (2 reviews)



    4. AGM-136A (Tacit Rainbow)(Version 1.1)

      *************************************** Version 1.1 Update List ************************************
      1. LOD file smaller to reduce disk usage.
      2. Pylon reconfigured to more plausible dimensions.
      3. Switched to RAR format to reduce upload/download bandwidth.
      4. Included reference materials.
      5. If you already have the previous version of this file, just copy the Objects directory as per Step 3 in the Instructions, confirming all overwrites.
      *************************************** Version 1.0 Original Release *******************************
      Version 1.0
      Thanks to the following folks:
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      Bunyap and Wpnssgt - For the original Weapons Pack.
      Mustang - For the great video tutorials.
      To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      What you will need first:
      Thirdwire Weapons Editor - http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm
      Copy of SFP1/WOE/WOV patched to the latest standard (as of 03 Oct 07)
      Notes and limitations:
      The AGM-136A was prototype for a cruise missile that was designed to loiter over a battlefield, then attack a SAM radar when it lit up. Basically, it was a combination a cruise missiles range/duration time, and the AGM-88 HARM ability to kill SAM radars. It however did not proceed beyond prototype stage before being terminated in 1992.
      The paint scheme is 'best guess', based on the few pictures available.
      The TW engine does not support a 'loiter' type missile...so best way to use this weapon is like a standard ARM...except with more range.
      This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
      Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
      Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
      3 Oct 07


         (2 reviews)



    5. Raytheon T-6A Texan II V2.0

      This is a mod of Mdelmast's very nice Pilatus PC-9A. I made it in a USAF, and USN training variant, the Raytheon T-6A. I also included the original PC-9A aircraft. The installer will add new squadron lists, and weapondata, so if you have a lot of weapons not in the newest weapon pack (which this one is, and then some!) then back up your file, before installing this one, and add them manually, information is in the readme for that. Same goes for your squadron ini too. I have 475 squadrons(including WW2 ones) so my new file might help!
      2 FTS squadrons included in the T-6A. I added selectable tail numbers too, thanks to Mdelmast, and Craigbrierly for their advice with the tail art and numbers.
      V2.0 adds the Navy variant, and updates the other textures as well.
      Thanks goes out most all to Mdelmast for his awesome model!


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      1 comment


    6. WOE 1950's AAA Mod v1.0

      Wings over Europe 1950's Anti-Aircraft Mod version 1.0
      This is modification adds heavy and light anti-aircraft guns to the GermanyCE map. Hundreds of 4 gun heavy AAA batteries have been placed
      around cities and airfields - over 3000 additional guns. Each airfield has also be given additional light AAA assets. All SAM related map
      objects have been removed or replaced with AAA. The effectiveness of the weapons has also been increased to provide a more realistically
      hostile environment.
      I have also faked several additional NATO airfields on the map, which are part of several 1950's era campaigns I am working on. Because I
      totally lack any map editing ability, I placed these airfields on existing flat open terrain existing on the map. These are located near
      Colmar, Eindhoven, Apeldoorn, and Leuwarden.
      Unzip the enclosed zip file on your desktop or a temporary file and read the WOE AA Mod Readme.txt file for installation instructions. This
      modification requires some editing of files by the user.
      Thanks to Pasko Patak for allowing me to use his excellent objects, and to all the folks who contributed and put together the modifications
      and effects in the WeaponsPack which is required for use of this mod.


         (5 reviews)



    7. F-104G Italian Air Force 4° Stormo 1963

      In April 1963 4° Aerobrigata was the first squadron in Italy to receive the Starfighters. Between 1962 and 1965 they kept the original paint scheme with bare aluminium fuselage and white anti-radiation upper wings. Alternatively also the upper fuselage was partially painted in white.
      This skin is for the original Third Wire F-104G model only.
      Readme file included.


         (5 reviews)



    8. Gnat/Ajeet Hangar Screens

      Hangar Screens for Marcelo's Gnat & Ajeet
      These screens have been inspired from Wrench's Stylish Hangar Screens.
      Many thanks to Marcelo for making superb models for the Gnat & Ajeet


         (2 reviews)



    9. Raytheon T-6A Texan II V2.1

      I fixed the tanks, and added a missing sound file


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    10. Illuminated Tracers

      Illuminated Tracer Smoke Emitter
      by: Fubar512
      Tested on every ThirdWire sim up to (and including), Wings over Israel with patch 1.
      To install: Simply drop the TracerSmokeEmitter.ini file into your ThirdWire Sim's effects folder
      To uninstall: Delete the TracerSmokeEmitter.ini, and the sim will revert to using its original tracer smoke emitter.
      To adjust the distance at which the tracer illuminates objects, adjust the following value
      It's in meters, I've found that a value of 100.0 meters seemed to be the best compromise in terms of realism and visibility.
      Also, you'll notice that I've modified the smoke emitter itself. Tracers now leave undulating smoke rings, or "snakes" (as they're referred to by those who've been on the receiving end).


         (6 reviews)



    11. "Hoya Boy" P-51D Mustang

      This aircraft depicts "Hoya Boy", a P-51D Mustang, S/N 44-15328, of the 77th FS, 20th, flown by Capt. Leo H Kerns. The colors of Georgetown University were used for the lettering of Hoya Boy - Federal Blue and Confederate Gray.
      Special thanx to Wolf257 for creating this aircraft and to Crab02 and USAFMTL for their help with the making of this skin.
      Note: This aircraft is a companion to "Dizzy Rebel".
      Hope you enjoy,


         (2 reviews)



    12. FW-190F8 "Jabo"

      Focke Wulf Fw-190F Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/MTO/SWOTL Installs:
      This package includes skin and ini mods of the original 190 into the =definitave= 190F ground attack/close support version.
      This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircraft =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wish that the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger.
      All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I call it semi-complete package for the above reason, but NEW data, loadout, cockpit and main inis are included, due to several modifications I've effected. There are even new hangar and loading screens, specifically designed for this ground-attack version.
      There are 2 skins in this package (hence the ETO/MTO tag at the top!):
      9/SG4 based in France & Germany in the post D-Day time frame (attached to KG51);
      I-SG4 based on Sardinia for use in the MTO/Italian theatre.
      It is suggested that you do NOT mix these skins in the same theatre of operations, but rather 'split' the install between your ETO and MTO game setups.
      ---- Please note you MUST have the latest Weapons Pack for the WW2 Axis weapons ----
      PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, and other important notes. I wrote it...you better read it!!
      Most importantly, information about the modified loadouts (see picture above for some idea of what you can get!)
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    13. HellFire and BrimStone for SFP1/WOV/WOE (Version 1.1)

      ******************************** Version 1.1 Updates *****************************
      1. Readme Updated.
      ******************************** Version 1.0 Original Release ********************
      Version 1.0
      Thanks to the following folks:
      TK - For the ThirdWire series of sims.
      Bunyap and Wpnssgt - For the original Weapons Pack.
      Mustang - For the great video tutorials.
      To my fellow Combatace moderators - For helping me beta test and work out bugs.
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      What you will need first:
      Bunyap's Weapon's Pack - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2672
      Thirdwire Weapons Editor - http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm
      Copy of SFP1/WOE/WOV patched to the latest standard (as of 11 Oct 07)
      Optional: A hex editing program and/or a graphics editing program (Paint Shop Pro, GiMP, etc)
      Notes and limitations:
      I have included the reference materials I used to make the weapons. And for advanced modelers, I have also included the skin templates if you want to make your own or improve on mine.
      Here is which racks go with which weapons:
      Brimstone - Brimstone 3-pack
      AGM-114A - M-272, M-279, M-299
      AGM-114F - M-272, M-279, M-299
      AGM-114L - M-272L, M-299L
      The reason the L model needs a different rack is that ATRs cannot carry EOGR weapons, so I had to make TLR versions of those racks. Don't mix them up when building your loadout files.
      Aircraft weapons stations must have ATR,LGR to be able to carry the AGM-114A and F models...and have TLR,EOGR to carry the AGM-114L and BrimStone missiles. The A/F models require a laser, while the L and Brimstone are radar (we use GPS as a substitute) guided.
      Paint schemes are approximations. The HellFire has a LOT of different varients in schemes, so I went with the most reasonable. Early HellFires were very olive drab...however, recent pictures show almost a blue/black appearance. Brimstone test articles were very bright colored...the real thing seems almost an off white.
      For multi-pack carry, if the TW engine finds a multi-rack that is listed eariler in the Weapondata.ini that can carry the missile, it will use that rack instead. You may have to fiddle with your loadout.ini files to get it to use the right rack.
      The BrimStone racks appear to angle down...the pictures of it I saw on the Tornado showed different angles...and some other mountings showed parallel. So I compromised and gave it a slight downward slant so it won't look real odd on different aircraft.
      This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
      Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
      Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
      11 Oct 07


         (3 reviews)



    14. Enhanced Explosions 2

      UPDATE 8.03.2008
      -included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it
      -included flareflash.tga, available in separate fix download
      This is a major update and extension of my "Enhanced Explosions" effects pack.
      If you've been using original Enhanced Explosions, you know what to expect -Hollywood style cinematic explosions, created to give TK's sims
      a blast. Also I still enjoy old "Jane's ATF" very much, and I missed some of it's spectacular fire in the sky lately.
      New stuff included is mostly about ground strikes and various air2ground weapons effects.


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      1 comment


    15. Enhanced Explosions 2 -FIXED FLARES

      UPDATE 8.03.2008
      -included missing 23mm.tga and pinky.tga used by 23mmobjecthiteffect -thanks to Canadair for finding it
      This is full package with missing flareflash.tga included. If you already downloaded the EE2 pack, you can find the fix alone here:


         (3 reviews)



    16. Bf-109G6 Mod Pak

      Messerschmitt Bf-109G6 skin & ini tweeks for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
      -Modification of one of Wolf257's Messerschmitts....
      This is a semi-complete package, creating another version of the famed Messerschmitt Bf-109. It contains just about everything needed.
      I say semi-complete, because the aircraft LOD file is NOT included, as per his wishes, but everthing else is. You will also be adding 2 stand-in under-wing gun gondolas for the MK108 30mm and MK151 20mm cannons. I say stand-in, as the pod used is NOT the correct shape. So, you WILL be using the Weapons Editor to add the new gun pods. They use existing weapons, so there's no problems there. These are just here until a 3d modeler steps up and gives us the correct shapes for the 2 different pods.
      The skin included represents JG53 in late 44/early 45, and has been enhanced with new panel, rivet lines, and new stenciling for the warning and info tags. My damged tgs and NEW 109G6 hangar and loadoing screens -ONLY available in this mod- are also included.
      PLEASE read the enclosed reamde file for full detailed install instructions, as well as other notes and commentaries.
      Good Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    17. FW-109A8/R8 Sturmbok

      Focke Wulf Fw-190A8 Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO/SWOTL Installs:
      This is a re-skin and ini mods of the original 190 into a FW-190A8/R8 'Sturmbok' bomber killer.
      This is a semi-complete package conatining all necessary parts to create the new aircrafte =EXCEPT= the FW190.LOD. It's Wolf's wishes the lod not be distributed in new packages, but it's a simple matter to just copy it over from another Wurger.
      All other parts; cockpit, all the inis, updated gunsight tga are included. I've also added my 2 newest hangar and loading screens (also available in the FW-190A5 update pak)
      This skin represents Fw-190A8R8 from 11/JG3 in the late 44/45 time frame in Western Europe/Germany.
      I have tried to make it as accurate as possible, even to getting the proper RLM colors added to my swatch list. As best I could, I even added the little warning placards around the fuselage, wings and tail. Along with the 'eagle head' shape over the fuselage, now outlined in red for JG3.
      PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions and other stuff.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    18. Bf-109K4 Mod Package

      Messerschmitt Bf-109K4 Package for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO Installs: 10/11/07
      This is a re-build of Wolf's original 109G10 into the Bf-109K4. This is a semi-complete package that includes all the necessary inis, tga, skin bmps, cockpit and cockpit mods --EXCEPTING-- the aircraft LOD file. You'll be copying the LOD from the 109G10 for use in this mod.
      The skin represents JG77 in the late war time frame. It was created by my enhanced template, with redrawn panel and rivets, and the stencling for the warning/service tags.
      This package also includes a NEW 109K hangar screen, ONLY available in this mod.
      PLEASE read the enclosed readme for detailed install instructions, plus my notes and comments. Important stuff, folks!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    19. FW-190A, 7/JG2

      Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
      This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A.
      This skin represents Fw-190A from 7/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France.
      It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above.
      It carries the 'Thumb on Top Hat' nose badge, as carried on their Bf-109s as well.
      Easy to follow instruction in the enclosed readme!
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    20. FW-190A, 3/JG2

      Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
      This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A.
      This skin represents Fw-190A from 3/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France.
      It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. It carries the 'Chicken Head' (or rooster) nose badge, but not the outlined eagle shape on the fuselage, as this is an earler version.
      Simple install instructions in the readme!
      Simply Skinning..
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    21. FW-109A4, 6/JG2

      Focke Wulf Fw-190 skin for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 Installs:
      This is a new skin for Wolf257's Fw-190A4.
      This skin represents Fw-190A4 from 6/JG2 in the 42/43 time frame in Western Europe/Occupied France.
      It's a very basic, generic type skin as use during the time frame above. No special marking, just a very "Plane Jane" skin.
      This, and all the other skins, can be used on any other versions of the 190, just edit the decals ini to point to the correct aircraft (also repeated in the readme)
      The enclosed readme has simple, easy to follow instructions -- not much to, it's just as skin!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    22. C-W Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air

      Edited from the readme:
      Curtis-Wright Hawk 75A, French Armee De L'Air Package
      for SF, WoV & WoE WW2 ETO Installs: 10/11/07
      This is a complete package including ALL parts necessary to unzip and install a new, export version of Wolf's P-36 Mohawk, for the French Air Force from the start of WW2, to the time of the 'Sitzkrieg', and then into the Battle of France.
      This package contains 7 skins for the following units:
      AdA - generic skin, that was my original, with minimal markings. Just a "Plane Jane" so to speak ;)
      There is a new French 7.5mm machine gun, courtesy of Heck, and a 50kg bomb by me, so you'll be using BOTH the gun and weapons editor to add them. (note: both these weapons were included in the Douglas DB-7 recently released)
      I have to list the credits here for all to see..
      Wolf257: for creating the aircraft and letting us mod it to death, also for providing the 3ds source file for modification!
      Capun for making the my requested changes to the LOD -- I can't thank you enough, CP!!
      'Heck Mitchell' for all the decal work & the French MGs -- sure made MY job eaiser
      Full detailed instructions are in the enclosed readme...especially for the weapons additons, plus my notes and comments, and historical background.
      With thanks to all who helped with this mod!
      Kevin Stein
      now...we just need to BoB map modified for the Battle of France, and few more planes.....


         (1 review)



    23. Harrier Campaign V2.0

      This is a fictional campaign, set in the stock terrain of Strike Fighters Project 1. It is set in 1978, as Paran tries to invade Dhimar. Dhimar is assisted by the U.S. Navy, operating from the USS Nimitz, and by the USMC, operating AV-8C’s from several small, makeshift airfields.
      This campaign requires Strike Fighters: Project1. It was not tested with Strike Fighters Gold, but it should work.
      A big thank you to everyone who allowed me to include their work in this Campaign. Special thanks to Whiteknight, who made skins specifically for this addon, and to Kesselbrut, who allowed me to include some of his objects from the upcoming Falklands Campaign. Finally, thanks to Kreelin for the great AV-8C flight model.
      Dhimar Forces:
      ·80 DF-4D
      ·70 DA-4E
      ·48 DF-5E
      U.S Navy Forces:
      ·24 F-14A (VF-84 & VF-41)
      ·24 A-7E (VA-82 & VA-86)
      ·12 A-6E (VA-35)
      USMC Forces:
      ·18 AV-8C (VMFA-542)
      Paran Forces:
      ·48 MiG-23ML
      ·120 MiG-21PFM
      ·24 MiG-25P
      ·56 MiG-19S
      ·30 IL-28
      ·24 Su-17


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    24. "Mouse Meat" F-51D Mustang

      This aircraft depicts an F-15D Mustang, S/N 44-84647, from the 12th FBS, 18 FBG, 5th AF based at Chinhae / K-10 in the summer 1952. Nicked named "Mouse Meat, the pilot is unknown. As always, special thanx to Wolf257 for creating this aircraft and to Crab02 and USAFMTL for their help with the making of this skin.
      Hope you enjoy,


         (1 review)



    25. "Butchie" F-51D Mustang

      This aircraft depicts an F-15D Mustang, S/N 45-11412, from the 12th FBS, 18 FBG, 5th AF based at Chinhae / K-10 in the spring 1952. Nicked named "Butchie", the pilot is unknown. As always, special thanx to Wolf257 for creating this aircraft and to Crab02 and USAFMTL for their help with the making of this skin.
      Enjoy, Pappy


         (1 review)




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