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    1. SF2 WW2 PTO B-25G Mitchell, 823rd BS Replacement Skin

      SF2 WW2 PTO B-25G Mitchell, 823rd BS Replacement Skin 7/29/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      First off, my apologies to everyone, especially Veltro2K. When I sent the original B-25G package to him, I'd used the "blank" skin, without the squadron specific marking for the 823rd BS.
      THIS skin will replace the original one in that package. It now carries the correct color markings on the tail and cowlings for the "Tigers".
      Also included, just for fun, is a extra unmarked skin, named "blank-b-25g.jpg", without any markings for other texture artists to use in creating other units, if they wish.
      This replacement skin is exactly the same, so no adjustments to the decals or anything else will be required.
      Installation is simple: just unzip the archive, and drop into you PTO mods folder, or where ever you've installed the B-25G (mind you, this =IS= a PTO specific skin!!)
      Again, my apologies.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein
      Note: the Full B-25G Aircraft Package will also be updated with this corrected skin


         (0 reviews)



    2. SF2 WW2 B-25H Mitchell, 82nd BS Skin Pak

      SF2 WW2 B-25H Mitchell, 82nd BS Skin Pak 7/25/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 MTO & CBI players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This is a skin/decal pak for the recently released B-25H by Veltro2K. You can get the aircraft at the following URL:
      This skin is for the 82nd Bomb Squadron of the 12th Bomb Group, as used in =BOTH= the MTO and CBI (specificly, India/Burma with occasional side trips to China). In early 1944 the entire 12th BG transfered to India, bringing along all their hardware. Individual aircraft markings (ie: battle numbers) used the MTO stayed exacty the same in the CBI for the entire Group.
      The skin is in jpg format, and the aircraft is finished in standard OD/Grey.
      All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There ARE nose arts (4 to be exact), and those have been matched to their exact aircraft via serial number. All other serials should be considered 'generic' in nature, but ARE for this version of the Mitchell.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
      Happy Landings!!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    3. SF2 WW2 B-25H Mitchell, 1st Air Commando Group Skin Pak

      SF2 WW2 B-25H Mitchell, 1st Air Commando Group Skin Pak 7/25/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 CBI players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This is a skin/decal pak for the recently released B-25H by Veltro2K. You can get the aircraft at the following URL:
      This skin is for the Bomber Section of the 1st ACG as used in Burma/India theatre.
      The skin is in jpg format,
      All markings are decals (excepting the ACG stripes), and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are NO nose arts. Serials should be considered 'generic' in nature, but ARE for this version of the Mitchell.
      On the Loadout Screen, in the skin selection drop-down. you'll see:
      1st ACG (B/I)
      (B/I indicating Burma/India usage. Yes, I know that terrains isn't finished yet....)
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Seriously, you'll be doing some ini editing, so follow the instructions herein.
      Happy Landings!!
      Kevin Stein


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    4. SF2:V USAF A-1H Skyraider, MPPD Skin Remod Pak

      SF2:V A-1H Skyraider, MPPD Skin Remod Pak 7/10/2014
      = For SF2:V (but can be used in all merged installs) =
      *You =must= have SF2:V to have access to the stock 3rd Wire A-1H Skyraider. Please note, the cockpit is NOT included. You'll have to locate and install that yourself*
      This pack contains remods of skin/decal sets originally done by Mike "MPPD" Druzolowski for the Razbam A-1H Skyraider, for SFP1.
      They have now been adapted for use on the stock 3W SPADs.
      Skins included are for the following units:
      1st SOS, 56th SOW
      22nd SOS, 56th SOW (Nite unders)
      602nd SOS, 56th SOW
      as seen in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE.
      When necessary, the aircraft has been repainted to match the original releases (ie: 22nd SOS).
      I've included MPPD's original readme for historical purposes, as it has interestering information.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
      Good Hunting!!!
      Kevin Stein
      *with thanks to MPPD for originally doing these skins!!*


         (2 reviews)



    5. SF2 WW2 PTO, B-25D (Strafer) 499th BS Skin Pak

      SF2 WW2 PTO, B-25D (Strafer) 499th BS Skin Pak 7/19/2014
      -- Something for the WW2 PTO players --
      = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      This is a new skin for Veltro2K' recently released B-25D (strafer) Mitchell. You can get the aircraft (if you haven't already!) at the following URL:
      There are 1 skin/decals set(s) in the package:
      499th BS, 345th BG "Bats Out of Hell"
      As seen in the SoWePac theatre in late 1943 through early 1945 (aircraft then were replaced with J models)
      The skin is in jpg format,
      The serials ARE 100% historically accurate for this squadron's aircraft at the time period depicted.
      All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE
      There are =NO= nose arts, other than the 499th "Bat" nose. Those with the desire (and talent) are encouraged to do the necessary legwork on research, running down the correct match between nose art and serial number. And making it fit on the Bat.
      Included also is a modified, replacement data ini, adding the 2 -NEW- external package guns (also supplied!!).
      Remember: this mod is for those Mitchells used in the SWP ONLY!!!
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations.
      Happy Landings!!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    6. 3rd ACG P-51 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 5th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 5th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camouflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have decided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures


         (1 review)



    7. [Fictional] F-15 Eagle Skin Elleniki Aeroporia

      Fictional skin for FastCargos F-15 Eagle pack to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the greek hellenic air force.
      1. Grab FastCargos outstanding F-15 Super Pack here:
      2. Drop the folder "330" into the corresponding F-15 Eagle folder, you want to use this skin with.
      3. Drop the folder "Decals" into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      Big Thanks to FastCargo and all the other people involved in the creation of the F-15 pack!
      Big thanks also to EricJ whose templates I used!
      Kindest regards


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      1 comment


    8. [Fictional] MiG-29C Skin for the Ilmavoimat

      Fictional skin for Russo's MiG-29C mod to make it look like a fictional fighter plane for the finnish air force.
      1. Drop the folder "Ilmavoimat" into your MiG-29C aircraft folder.
      2. Drop the folder "Decals" into your Objects folder. If asked to overwrite, click yes.
      Big Thanks to Russouk2004 for the modification of TMFs MiG-29A to create the MiG-29C.
      Big thanks also to Sundowner whose templates I used!
      Kindest regards


         (1 review)



    9. 71st TRG P-51/F-6 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 5th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 5th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camouflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have decided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures


         (0 reviews)



    10. VFA-31 Tomcatters F/A 18E Decals

      Intended for the Super Hornet Package for SF2 by EricJ http://combatace.com/files/file/9401-super-hornet-package-for-sf2-v31/
      A big thanks to Siddogg for letting me us his VFA-31 anniversary decals.


         (1 review)



    11. T-6A Texan II grey/black USAF skins

      Two grey/black USAF skins for Raytheon T-6A Texan II by Dels.
      Represents two a/c : 95-3009 from 559th FTS & 98-3541 from 41st FTS
      Put skins folders into main T-6A folder
      Texan mod & templates by Dels.
      Skins by me.


         (1 review)



    12. 370th FG P-51 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 9th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 9th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camouflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have decided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures.


         (1 review)



    13. SF2 WW2 MTO B-25C/D Mitchell Skin Pak (v2k)

      SF2 WW2 B-25C/D Mitchell, MTO Skin Pak 7/15/2014
      (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
      This pack contains a Theatre Specific skin/decal set for the recently released B-25C/D by Veltro2K.
      The aircraft is available at the following URL:
      You should install this aircraft FIRST to your MTO-centric mods folder BEFORE installing this pak. Instructions on what files are to be replaced (or overwritten), are in the "To Install" section below.
      The unit(s) represented herein are:
      81st BS
      82nd BS
      Both from the 12th Bomb Group, as seen in Egypt/Libya in mid-late 1942 through 1943 (later in Tunisia). The aircraft is finished in "desert pink" and neutral grey. The insignia is the standard 'star and ball' without the yellow surround.
      There is one skin, in the main aircraft folder, and it's in jpg format. All markings are decals The serials are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within these unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. There are NO nose arts. Other texture artists are encouraged to do the research, and create proper artwork decals. "Battle Numbers" for both squadron are 100% correct.
      New, Theatre Specific ™ Data and loadout inis are included, and these will overwrite/replace those from the orignal release pak, linked above.
      Any other items included in the original pack, excepting as noted, are reused here.
      When in game you'll (still) see
      B-25C/D Mitchell (v2k)
      This will differentiate this Mitchell from any others you may (or may not) have.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! You will either be backing up/renaming some inis, deleting the orignal skins and decals, and applying the items in this kit.
      You are advised to unzip this package to a temp folder, your desktop or somewhere easily accessed and READ the install instructions BEFORE intalling. Makes things easier, doncha know!
      REMINDER: this skin pak is =ONLY= for an MTO Centric Mods folder.
      Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (0 reviews)



    14. SF2 WW2 CBI P-51A "1st Air Commando Group" Skin Pak

      SF2 WW2 CBI P-51A "1st Air Commando Group" Skin Pak 7/1/2014
      -- Something for the CBI players --
      = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.*
      **Notex2: These aircraft should ONLY be used in a seperate CBI-centric mods folder to prevent them from showing up where, historically, they shouldn't. The Aircraft/GroundObject sets for CBI are substantially different from Central or SouthWest Pacific areas.**
      New skin, decal pak and modifided data ini (new engine sound and fake pilot ADF loop) for Wolf257's P-51A Mustang, for use in the Burma/India regions. This mod is designed for use on the "Mustange of the CBI" pak available at the following url:
      This skin represents P-51A's of the 1st Air Commando Group in India/Burma in late 1943-45.
      The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. All markings, excepting the ACG stripes, are decals. The skin iteslf is new, with additional surface detailings. NO weapons are included; you should have them all already.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
      Good Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (1 review)



    15. F-106A Templates for Pasko and Column5's Delta Dart

      Templates for Pasko's and Column5's F-106A Delta Dart.
      Original SF1 aircraft can be obtained here: http://combatace.com/files/file/5210-f-106a-delta-dart/.
      SF2 aircraft conversion can be obtained here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14246-f-106a-delta-dart-for-sf2/.
      These are .psd files with redrawn panel lines and rivets. You will need a paint prgroam such as Photoshop or Gimp that can read .psd files. You also need to know how to work with layers.
      The lines and rivets are painted in pure black with a second offset underlayer in pure white. The opacity for all is adjustable.
      The Wing.psd is mirrorred. It serves both left and right wings.
      If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
      Thanks to Pasko and Column5 for this great airplane.
      And thanks to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
      If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.


         (2 reviews)



    16. SF1/2 Tu-22_M3C Mod

      Tu-22M3 Model: jv447
      FM/Avionics Adjustment: HoneyFox
      Cockpit Model: From C-130 cockpit
      Kh-22 Weapon Model: jv447
      Weapon Data Adjustment: HoneyFox


         (2 reviews)



    17. 363rd FG P-51 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 9th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 9th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camouflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have decided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures.


         (0 reviews)



    18. Mi-24 "BERKUT'' Skin

      3D Model By YHEYHE
      Mi-24. Berkut pilotage group Skin!!!


         (1 review)



    19. SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees

      SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees 7/6/2014
      = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
      ***PLEASE NOTE!!! You must have the original Razbam Payware Banshee set for all the
      necessary items!!! If you can't purchase the item from the Razbam Store, do NOT
      download this mod; it will do you NO good. This package =ONLY= includes those items
      modded by me.***
      This package contains a few (partly) repainted skin maps for the 4 original skins.
      They now carry decals for Modex and BuNums.
      These are =ONLY= for the F2H-2, as used in the early 1950s, particually over Korea.
      Included are new decals, decal inis, number lists, userlist, etc. The repainted skin maps are:
      You'll find all these items in their appropriate skin subfolders.
      Also, a totaly NEW skin, for VF-172 "Blue Bolts" was created and included. This was
      the first unit to take the Banshee into combat in Korea.
      Skins remain in bmp format. Decal randomization is TRUE. All aircraft use a "pool" of
      BuNum decals. The BuNum decals, when correct for this model, should be considered
      'generic' in nature, as they represent ony the aircraft itself, not specific aircraft
      in any particular unit. Both USMC units also use a "pool" of Modex numbers.
      National insignia, and CVG code letters remain painted on, excepting for those on the
      VF-172 skin. All markings on that one, excepting the national insignia, are decals.
      A modified data, loadout, and main (F-2H2.ini) are included. A new avionics ini is
      included, that activates the range-only gun radar (similiar to F-86E/F models).
      Shadows have been turned OFF, due to 'tractor beam' issues. NEW damage tgas are
      supplied as well.
      It may be advisable for you to back up ALL the original inis, just for safety's sake.
      When in game, you'll see
      F2H-2 Banshee (Raz)
      on the aircraft selection drop down menu.
      The aircraft is carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'.
      However, as the wings do NOT fold, you will probably NOT see them parked on the boat.
      The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0).
      No weapons, sounds, pilots, etc are included. These are Razbam copyright items, and
      are included in his package. Those that have NOT updated their pilot to the SF2
      folderized standard, should do so soonest. OTH, the weapons used are readily available
      in the KAW Weapons Pak.
      Further work is required by those FM Gurus to bring it all the way home. I've done
      what I can with it.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
      please read them BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course). Also, give the
      "Notes" section a read too.
      Full credits are listed in the usual place, down with the "Notes".
      Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    20. Mirage 2000C FAP Grey skin

      This is the Grey skin of Mirage 2000C of FAP




    21. 354th FG P-51 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 9th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 9th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camouflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have decided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures.


         (3 reviews)



    22. Mi-24 Skin

      This is my Hind Skin .......


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. Templates for Veltro2k's F-102A Delta Dagger

      Templates for Veltro2K's F-102A Delta Dagger.
      Original aircraft can be obtained here: http://combatace.com/files/file/9446-f-102a-delta-dagger/.
      These are .psd files with redrawn panel lines and rivets. You will need a paint program such as Photoshop or Gimp that can read .psd files. You also need an know how to work with layers.
      If you find any problems with it, please PM me. If you improve it, please PM me a copy.
      Thanks to Veltro2K for this great airplane.
      And thanks to all who are helping me learn to skin by direct involvement and/or by inspiration.
      If I forget or miss anyone who deserves credit for anything I release, I apologize. I have no intent to abuse or misuse anyone's property or claim it as my own. Please contact me to correct any error.


         (1 review)



    24. 353rd FG P-51 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 8th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 8th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camoflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have dicided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures.


         (1 review)



    25. 352th FG P-51 Mustang (TW)

      P-51D Mustang - 8th Air Force
      Here you have a collection of generic skins representing the 8th Air Force Fighter Groups North American P-51D/K Mustang during WWII.
      They are NOT 100% accurate and definitely NOT perfect since camoflage and/or markings patterns differed from plane to plane within the same squadron, therefore the term "generic" (constructive criticism will be accepted, however, rivet-counters, nit-pickers and haters in general, well, you can talk amongst yourselves).
      This time I have dicided to split the original pack into the fighter squadrons in the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 14th and 15th Army Air Forces, so definitely expect
      more to come!
      Most serial numbers used are stock ones and others are modified (colored) stock serials.
      You must have the following for this pack to work:
      1. Strike Fighters 2 Expansion Pack 1 installed to get the P-51.
      2. WWII Nations.ini
      3. WWII Formation.ini
      4. WWII weapons pack
      Also, you'll need to update your squadron list, which is included in each pack.
      Thanks to TW for the P-51 Mustang and the original textures.


         (2 reviews)




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