46 files
DHC-6 (CC-138) Twin Otter
By 1977Frenchie
DHC-6 pack for SF2
Based on the Twin Otter plane made for SF1 that can be found here :
This is the Twin Otter as used by the RCAF and Argentina for the SF2 series of games.
The RCAF serial numbers in this skin pack are real one's (past or present)
You will get the following skins in this package :
- Original Argentina (2 of them) - Comes from the original pack
- Transports Canada
- Canadian Coast Guard
- Royal Canadian Air Force (71-72, 75-80, 1999 and 2018 skins)
* Note : I did not touched the model, all files comes from the original pack. All i did was to tweak some files to get them work properly in SF2 and change path in the ini's. So all credits goes to the persons above.
Copy the Twin Otter Objects/Aircraft folder content to your game Objects/Aircraft folder.
Copy the Twin Otter Objects/Decals folder content to your game Objects/Decals folder.
Copy the Twin Otter Objects/Weapons folder content to your game Objects/Weapons folder.
Copy the Twin Otter Sounds folder content to your game Sounds folder.
Credits (per original files):
Syd Adams - 3D Model, 3D cockpit, cockpit textures.
Tracker - Model textures, cockpit textures modification.
Tracker - Modified and adapted to Thirdwire Series.
Franchie1977 (me) - Re-worked panel lines and ''lift up'' general skin aperture along with skins for RCAF, Canadian Agencies and rework on Argentina one's.
Happy flights!
Mario C.
Fiat G.91R pack v1.0
This is a Fiat G.91R pack, taking the old SFP1 mods and make them SF2 compatible.
The pack includes all three G.91R versions 1,3 & 4, with all the neccessary weapons, pilots, guns & sounds. Five missions are also included. You need to install the NATO fighters campaign for these missions and the excellent Ravenclaw_007 USAF & Luftwaffe Phantoms.
I tried to make as complete as possible, taking parts from the excellent G.91Y of ErikGen, such as the cockpit, sounds and the ejection seat.
I worked the skins (converted into jpg), the loadouts and of course the data.ini trying to do it as realistic as I could.
The real credits should go to
First and above all
- ErikGen
for make them possible.
- Andriam "Kreelin" who made the original Flight Model of the G.91Rs for SPF1.
- Maurizio "NGHENGO" for the loading and hangar screens
- Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and suggestions during beta testing of the initial G.91Y release
- Steve S for the invaluable infos about the cockpit of the initial G.91Y release
- Steve S, Soulfreak & Muesli for the amazing skins
- Ravenclaw_007 for the amazing weapons that made sense to rework the G.91R
- Viper63 for the excellent pilots
- bobrock, Soulfreak, Dave, Canadair, 76.IAP-Blackbird, Veltro2k and Nghengo as beta testers of the initial G.91Y release
Known issues
- The Attachment Position of the pylons are slighly wrong and should have been corrected. Hopefully in a later release.
- The cockpit of the G.91Y looks a bit odd, since the "Yankee" was twin-engined and I hope that someone would correct this.
- A late period ('80s) skin is missing for the Portoguese G.91R/4. I hope that someone would make a skin for it.
I had in mind to rework the G.91R for years, and finally now I managed to do it. Better late than ever.
I think most people know my love for small planes.
Remember this is a
CF-101 Voodoo
By 1977Frenchie
SF2 CF-101 Voodoo
Based on the SF2 F-101 Mega Pack Version 2.0 by ErikGen (Ver.2).
*** For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Recommended/Preferred) ***
This package contains 1 aircraft for SF2.
*** Even if released as a full plane, only edit on skins have been made for the RCAF.
Aircraft included, and skins are:
CF-101 : Complete plane
Skins :
Squadrons 409, 410, 414, 416 and 425 :
61-65 era
65-68 era
68-73 era
73-84 era
Squadrons 409, 414, 416 and 425 :
Special schemes
Special tanks to:
ErikGen – Base aircraft where the F-101B can be found :
yakarov79 – for sharing his F-101 data as I had an issue with the weapon selection and it was at great help to solve it.
Happy flights!
Mario C.
SF2 T-33A (Canadair CT-133) Silver Star
By 1977Frenchie
SF2 Canadair CL-30 (CT-133) Silver Star
Based on the SF2 Lockheed F-80C/RF-80C/T-33A Shooting Stars Pak by ErikGen (Ver.2).
*** For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Recommended/Preferred) ***
This package contains 1 aircraft for SF2.
*Note: as this aircraft is built with the latest 3W exporter, they will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs*
What started as a simple skin (Snowbirds one) quickly came to a multi skin project. Then, after having a lot of RCAF skins, the idea came to do a complete package and here it is!
Aircraft included, and skins are:
CT-133 : Complete plane
Skins :
1956 (navy)
1956 (silver/orange)
1960 (camo)
1960 (silver/orange)
1988 (camo)
Snowbirds support aircraft
All skins are in DDS format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins. The serial numbers are 100% accurate, as these really flew in the RCAF.
The RCAF skins/markings were a real mess up to the 80’s, so these are the common one’s encountered and how they should have look like. In real life, that was not the case every time as there was mix up between skins…
Drag and drop the files in their respectives folders.
Special tanks to:
ErikGen – Base aircraft where the T-33A can be found :
bobrock – F9F-2 pak (where I took engine sound and data to simulate the nene engine as these were also known as the J48 which is the engine of the F9F
Wrench – Base skin of the T-33A from where I build my template
Baffmeister - For solving the wingtip fuel tank problem
And to the people who show some interests in the first T-33 skin I made!
Happy flights!
Mario C.
Iranian Air Force support aircrafts.
By yakarov79
This pack includes aicrafts used by Iranian Air Force.
Mostly eye candy aircrafts, available on CA. (with one exeption)
P-3F Orion - Used by Air Force to support Iranian Navy. New skin based on my template, and correct serial number decals. Im using here Florian's pit for C-160 - for me it fits wel here.
Boeing KC-707 - simple mod by fakepilot adding (not operational) refueling pods on wing tips. Decals with correct serial numbers.
C-130E Hercules used by Iranian Air Foce transport squadrons. Serial numbers are correct, but not necesarly proper for units. Althoug those 3 units were probably operating E Hercules in 1979.
Cessna 337 - only skin, for now as there is no better model. YAP's model is ok but uvwraping is screwd.
So I chose CA model by V2K - also not perfect but as temporary eye candy must fit here.
Pilatus PC-6 from "other site" you need all files from A-Team site to run this mod. This mod provides only skin for IRIAF and ini files that should be used with this mod. (do backup here)
Also fake pilot "proper" exhaust for Turbo PC-6 - old exhasut removed by data.ini file.
T-33 skin pack with correct serial numbers.
So as I said it is eye candy aircraft pack for Iran-Iraq war era.
All serial numbers in this pack are historicaly correct and are based on available documents, photos.
P-3F Orion with Cockpit - Florian
KC-707 - Mirage Factory C-135B Model by BPAO
Cessna 337 -O-2A Skymaster - model Veltro2K from pack by Wrench.
C-130E, cokcpit and templates by Dels.
T-33 by ErikGen from pack by Wrench.
PC-6 - A-Team...
All skins (exept T-33) and decals are made by me.
Skin for T-33- I just added IRIAF roundels/finflash on main skin.
Enjoy and have fun.
Jarek Hereda.
C-160Z Transall
By paulopanz
Production aircraft for the South African Air Force;
nine were built and delivered in 1969 and 1970.
They were used by 28 Squadron SAAF at Waterkloof.
- a new aircraft the C-160Z;
- two all new skins (silver & Camo);
- proper decalst;
- new screens;
- Florian: model, temps;
- Paulopanz: skins, decals, screens, ini editing;
- all from "to mod folder content" in mod folder and overwrite;
This work is for Miss Spud, our gentle South African mod-lady.
The best girl in town.
IA 58 C Pucara 'Charlie' 2.0
By JuanchoGomez
IA 58C Pucara 'Charlie'
El pucara Charlie fue un proyecto para modernizar las celulas del IA 58A Pucara, utilizando las enseñanzas de la guerra de Malvinas
Los cambios entre otras cosas fueron convertilo en monoplaza, lo que dejaba espacio para un cañon DEFA de 30mm y una cabina ampliada, mayor blindaje, capacidad para portar misiles IR y guiados como el Martin Pescador y un HUD y demas instrumentos digitales
El pack incluye un nuevo y optimizado modelo 3D, la cabina original del pucara charlie, rail de lanzamiento para misiles AA y AS. Trae dos skins (el del puca experimental y un camo) el misil AA magic y el misil AS martin pescador
IA 58C Pucara 'Charlie'
The Pucara Charlie was a modernized proyect for IA 58A Pucara's cell, using the knowledges of Malvina's War
The pack includes a new and optimized 3d model, original cockpit of pucara charlie, rail launcher for AA and AG weapons. Two skins (experimental and camo), IR missile magic and AG missile martin pescador
IA 58 A Pucara (fortress)
By JuanchoGomez
El FMA IA-58 Pucará (fortaleza) es un bimotor turbohélice de diseño y construcción argentina, que voló por primera vez el 20 de agosto de 1969.
está diseñado para operar en pequeñas, y no necesariamente preparadas, pistas de tierra, en posiciones de combate adelantadas.
Su misión primordial es la de apoyo a tierra, antihelicópteros y especialmente misiones COIN (contrainsurgencia)
El pack contiene el Pucara A de la fuerza aerea argentina y de la fuerza aerea uruguaya (con sus respectivos skins y decals)
modelo 3d, skins y decals: JuanchoGomez
Cabina y texturas: Claudio Tripe y Nicolas Fumo
The FMA IA-58 Pucará (fortress) is a twin-engine turboprop argentine design and construction. which fly for first time in august 20 of 1969.
It is designed to operate in small and unprepared airfield's in advanced combat positions
Its primary mission is Close Air Suport, anti helicopter and counterinsurgency missions
This contains the full aircraft Pucara A of Argentine Air Force and Uruguayan Air Force (whit skins and decals)
- faa
- fuerza aerea argentina
- (and 1 more)
By emresukhoi
C-160 model Turkish Stars Skin.
http://combatace.com/files/file/11495-c-160d-transall/ model link...
Avia S 92 Turbina
By Veltro2k
All jigs, tools and components for the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter in Czechoslovakia at the time of the German surrender were seized by the Soviet forces and then handed over to the newly restored Czechoslovak government by Marshal Ivan Konev. Forward fuselages and other components of the Me 262 had been manufactured at Letnany, some components had been produced in converted railway tunnels, and the CKD and Walter works had built the Junkers Jumo 004 turbojet, assembly of the fighters having been undertaken at Cheb, near the German border. Sufficient components were recovered for Avia to build 17 single- and two-seat Me 262s, the first single-seater flying as the S 92.1 on 27 August 1946. Dubbed the Turbina (Turbine).
Veltro2K for the aircraft
Coupi for skins and decals
Kesselbrut for the cockpit
??? for destroyed model; from 1stGen WW2 Terrains
??? for the jumo wav; renamed for one by Spillone? Ravenclaw? somebody I disremember (for a 1950 jet)
Wrench, for some decals, some ini work, screens, and general "what do I do with this?" testing and such like.
Please read the README FILE
not to be used in whole or in part of anything that is payware
IA 58C Pucara 'Charlie'
By JuanchoGomez
IA 58C Pucara 'Charlie'
El pucara Charlie fue un proyecto para modernizar las celulas del IA 58A Pucara, utilizando las enseñanzas de la guerra de Malvinas
Los cambios entre otras cosas fueron convertilo en monoplaza, lo que dejaba espacio para un cañon DEFA de 30mm y una cabina ampliada, mayor blindaje, capacidad para portar misiles IR y guiados como el Martin Pescador y un HUD y demas instrumentos digitales
El pack incluye el skin original del Charlie, y un Camo. Un pack de armas extraido del mod malvinas y el misil guiado martin pescador
Es mi primer avion asi que espero sea bien aceptado y que lo disfruten Saludos
IA 58C Pucara 'Charlie'
The Pucara Charlie was a modernized proyecto for IA 58A Pucara's cell, using the knowledges of Malvina's War
The pack includes Original Skin Puca Charlie and a camo skin, weapon pack of FalklandMod and Martin Pescador guided missile
is my first aircraft , enjoy
Mitsubishi F1 and T2 Remod Pak by Veltro2K
By Wrench
Mitsubishi F1 and T2 by Veltro2K
= For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 RECCOMENDED/Prefered!!!) =
This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's JASDF aircraft.
These had been removed at one point, and I'm now reissuing them for any that might want them or whatever.
For more detailed info, both the original readmes from my 2010 and 2011 tweeks pak are included. You might want to give them a look see, as both contain pertinant information, as well as all the credits.
Weapons are included (the JASDF EO bomb and drop tanks); most of the others reference Stock Items.Decal randomization is TRUE. Skins for both are in jpg format.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular, as the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
**These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
(I thought I'd re-uploaded earlier this year, but found I'd never finished assembling the pak! Enjoy!)
Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya"
By paulopanz
In the late 1950s, the Soviet Air Force was seeking a jet-powered replacement for its fleet of piston-engined trainers, and this requirement was soon broadened to finding a trainer aircraft that could be adopted in common by Eastern Bloc air forces. Aero's response, the prototype XL-29 designed by Z. Rublic and K. Tomáš first flew on 5 April 1959, powered by a British Bristol Siddeley Viper engine. The second prototype was powered by the Czech-designed M701 engine, which was used in all subsequent aircraft.
The basic design concept was to produce a straightforward, easy-to-build and operate aircraft. Simplicity and ruggedness were stressed with manual flight controls, large flaps and the incorporation of perforated airbrakes on the fuselage sides providing stable and docile flight characteristics, leading to an enviable safety record for the type. The sturdy L-29 was able to operate from grass, sand or unprepared fields. Both student pilot and instructor had ejection seats, and were positioned in tandem, under separate canopies with a slightly raised instructor position.
In 1961, the L-29 was evaluated against the PZL TS-11 Iskra and Yakovlev Yak-30 and emerged the winner. Poland chose to pursue the development of the TS-11 Iskra anyway, but all other Warsaw Pact countries adopted the Delfin under the agreements of COMECON.
What's in:
- a new SF-2 fixed model
- a new up to date FM
- 27 updated & new worldwide skins (3 Auri, 1 BVVs, 7 CVL, 2 EAF, 1 FAR, 1 IrAF, 2 Lsk, 1 ML, 2 NAF, 1 VVs, 1 SyAF, 1 UgAF, 1 UkrAF, 2 VPAF)
- Sound
- pilot
- weapons
- screens
- Key=10 front canopy open
- key=9 back canopy open
both automatic closing at take off
- all in main mod folder
- MontyCZ SF-1 model (old but gold), L-39 cockpit, original skins
- Spillone104 SF-2 model edits (shadows, mappings, roundings edits) & sounds
- Baffmeister FM & data edits
- Muesli original SF-1 camo skins
- Paulopanz (me) skins data7weapons SF-2 edits ect. ect.
I realy love this bird and was a real pleasure to realise this togheter with my very friends Spillo & Baff.
@ paulopanz
PZL TS-11 Iskra
By paulopanz
The PZL TS-11 Iskra (English: Spark) is a Polish jet trainer aircraft, used by the air forces of Poland and India.
It is notable as the main training aircraft of the Polish Army, the oldest jet still in service in Poland - and one of the most reliable.
What's in:
- a whole new model from Veltro2k
- 3 PWL Silver, 1 PWL Grey, 1 PWL Navy Blue, IAF Silver by me
- a brand new FM from Baffmeister
- canopy open key 10
- all in main mod folder
I'ld like especially thank my friend Veltro for all the models he gifted us during these long years and
my friend Baffmeister,too, who make our planes flyng like real birds.
@ paulopanz
PZL TS-11 ISKRA by Veltro2k
By paulopanz
The PZL TS-11 ISKRA (English: Spark) is a Polish jet trainer aircraft,
used by the air forces of Poland and India. It is notable as the main
trainer plane of the Polish Army, the oldest jet plane still in service
in Poland - and one of the most reliable.
This is the first, old Veltro's ISKRA.
I tweaked all the entries (pylons, lights, weapons loadouts, taxing etc.)
and made 3 PWL & 1 IAF basic skins.
An optional data.ini for early ISKRA bis A (no weapons) included.
Working canopy: key 10
The next ISKRA in the makings will be perfect, this can't be finish up
due source files loss.
So accept this as it is, I made my best.
Wellcome back Ed.
@ Paul
[PS: the IAF skin is for Sandesh, who helped me a lot with references,
and all the people around Indo-Pak mod. Let's finish it gents!]
Mistubishi T-2 (for SF2)
By Wrench
JASDF Mitsubishi T-2 Trainer For SF2
For SF2 (may require SF2E or I for some of the HUD bits)
As stated above, due to the use of pointers to the F-15A HUD markers, this may best be used in a Full-4 Merged install, or at the very least, those with SF2:E.
This is a mods package of Veltro2K's JASDF advanced trainer, to bring it into SF2. This is the complete aircrft package, containing everything needed to unzip and install. Most of the mods are to the various inis, and new serial number decals. Otherwise, it is the complete pack as Veltro released it (just slightly tweekificated).
The data ini has also had some minor mods; mostly in engine thrust, weight, etc. The FM is not perfect, but it handles just fine for me on Normal flight mode. A userlist is supplied, even though these are Japanese-only aircarft; not built for export. Weither that makes a difference for not, don't know! But, it IS locked into a 'nationalized' usage. Also, my first attempt at a DDS damage texture -- please don't laugh too hard at it <grin>!! A new SF2-style hangar screen is also included.
Loadouts have been adjusted, leaning slightly more for the attack/strike role than the Real Life aircraft. In this respect, its more like the fighter-trainer version (FT-2B??) than the pure trainer. Most of the weapons used are stock in-game items, although one or 2 used (in particular the JM117-GSC1 EO bomb) are availble in the Mistubishi F-1 upgrade, to be found at the following url:
(however, this weapon is only avaliable after 1977; before that you'll get standard US EOGBs)
All serial number decals ARE the actual ones as used; The info sheet in the Burindo book is/was a little vague and as I can't read Japanese... As is what I believe to be the 4 Hikotai tail badge; although it does look good!
As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, eh?
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Aeritalia G.91Y
By ErikGen
The G 91Y was a tactical fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft capable of carrying out direct support, close interdiction, photographic reconnaissance and air combat missions.
This aircraft is for SF2, SF2V, SF2I and SF2E last patch.
1) Unzip the file G91Y.rar
2) Copy Object and Sounds folders into your mods folder (for example: C:\Documents and Settings\MyAccount\Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\...).
For people with 4/3 monitors : remember to change the entries into G91Y.ini for Loading / HangarScreen.
Animation 1: canopy open
In order to open the drag-chute land with the airbrakes open.
As the real one this model can reach speed over the airframe limit , be careful with the afterburner.
README file included
kreelin for the great FM; thanks a lot Andriam
Spillone104 for the jet sound, photos and suggestions during beta testing
Steve S for the invaluable infos about the cockpit , grazie Stefano
bobrock, Soulfreak, Dave, Canadair, 76.IAP-Blackbird, Veltro2k and Nghengo as beta testers
myself ... 3D, skins, pit, blood and tears.
Thank you very much guys.
Last UpDate 14/03/2011 – Ver.2.0
Various improvements; now compatible with Expansion2
Thank you to Veltro2k, Spillone104, X-RAY, "the test pilot", paulopanz and suhsjake for the kind support as beta tester.
Every part of this mod can be used into others mods only if the final product is free of charge for the community and proper credits are listed into the product itself.
Enrico "ErikGen" Gennari
RAAF Macchi Trainer for SF2
By harryleith
This is a reworking of the RAAF Macchi MB-326H Attack/Trainer based on the mod by Charles. I have just tidied it up for SF2. All credit goes to the original design team who created this aircraft mod.
This is a complete aircraft with three skins: A camo scheme, RAAF Grey scheme and the Fanta Can scheme of the Roulettes aerobatic team. The M134 Gunpod and Macchi Fuel tank are included.
C-160D Transall
By Florian
C-160D Transall Addon for SF2 series
The C-160D Transall was the main tactical transport aircraft of the german air force from 1968 on.
Retirement was planned for 2010, but due to problems with the A400M the (so called) "Trall" will stay
a few years more in service. In the nineties the fleet got upgraded with a new avionic suit and some
aircraft got equiped with the AN/AAR-54(V) missile warner and counter measure pods.
Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack.
If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
If you have allready custom craters installed, you MUST install the ones here manually!
Model features:
+ Multiple LODs
+ Cockpit
+ Damage model
+ Destroyed aircraft model
+ Cargo pallets (dropable)
+ Paratroopers (German "Fallschirmjaeger")
+ Animation for parked aircraft, this cannot been used manually
+ The aircraft number you are using is displayed in cockpit
+To drop the paratroopers, open the bombbay (side doors)
+To drop the cargo pallets, open the ramp with animation key "9"
+To use the windshield whipers, use animation key "8"
+Thanks to the GMG for decals and testing
+Special thanks to the team of "Gemeinsam Helfen e.V.", who built a C-160D for the MS Flight Simulator.
They helped me alot with info and pictures!
Both cockpit and external model are quite high polygon models, if you face FPS drops, there would be no
other solution as to upgrade your system!
Hope you enjoy this!
By paulopanz
As Lim-5P (Mig-17PF licence built) fighters became obsolete, from 1971 they were also rebuilt to Lim-6bis standard, designated Lim-6M.
Their radars were removed, but there remained radar covers in central air intake. They were fitted with additional underwing pylons, but not with a braking parachute.
- Pylons & Sounds Spillone104
- Skins Upgrade, Historical Decalset & Ini edits by me
- Cockpit Ordway (SF-2 edited)
- Suggested pilot (optional) Soviet/Russian Pilots Pack - part 1 (60's - 80's) by The Trooper avalaible here at CombatAce – not included
Happy landings.
Lim-6 bis
By paulopanz
Polish upgraded Mig-17F (Lim-5) for fighter bomber role.
A little, nice (I hope) add-on for our SF-2 Europe, easily adaptable for Woe.
- 3D Works & Sounds Spillone104
- Skins Upgrade, Historical Decalset & Ini edits by me
- Cockpit Ordway (SF-2 edited)
- Fake pilot (icluded) FastCargo
- Suggested pilot (optional) Soviet/Russian Pilots Pack - part 1 (60's - 80's) by The Trooper avalaible here at CombatAce – not included
Happy landings.
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