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SF/WO* Object Mods

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Non-aircraft add-ons and modifications

    1. Improved Su27SK flight model for Marcfighter Su27sk/China J11

      This is a improved flight model based on Kreelin's v1.5 su27sk flight model for WOI. And it is designed for Marcfighter's Su27sk and China J11. It should work well also on Su27 if the node names are correct.
      The new version is desinged for Wox Oct 2008 patch level. It took me almost a whole week to tweak the bits and pieces of this flight model and now it feels right in both hard and normal setting. Meanwhile AI can handle this very well against any 2nd and 3rd Gen fighters.
      Compare to the old flight model that was included in the mig29/su27 flight model pack, this one feels real.
      It should not take too much effort to convert it to SF2 standard as I took many data from SF2i inis to this one. I hope someone can help with it.
      please note:
      the original build-in ECM has been replaced by L005 ECM on additional pylons, that is why there is an additional loadout file prepared for you..
      how to:
      extract both files to your su-27sk folder and replace the old ones. backup as needed.
      Feel free to use or modify this flight model as long as it is not for commercial purpose.


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    2. Humvee M1025 Weapon Carrier

      Humvee M1025 Weapon Carrier (SF-1 gen)
      Thank you very much to Steve S for the excellent 3D-Model of Browning M2
      Original 3D model and skin, taken from the blog http://gratis3darg.blogspot.com/
      Used under license GNU
      Tested by: FALLSCHIRMJAGER
      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the GroundObjects folder inside the folder the same name in your game...


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    3. Alternate F-14 Wing Vapor Effects

      Just a new version of the wing vapor for the F-14.
      Also included are a new:
      landing lights
      cockpit alignment with the external model
      The fuselage vortex emitter can be easily adapted for use on other aircraft.
      Feel free.
      Thanks to Mirage Factory and all those involved in putting the original model together.


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    4. New guns hit effects

      After playing Wings over Vietnam for a while i found original plane/object hit fx rather unrealistic.
      Since i love both PAW and KAW mods i started working on something more resembling WWII guncamera footages.
      In this pack are remade *objecthiteffect.ini for most guntypes as per bulletobject.ini descriptions.
      So for lmg, hmg, 20mm, 23mm, 30mm and 37mm there are 6 new distinctive types of effects.


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    5. Refueler

      This is a little tool to enable you to refuel your aircraft.
      How to use it ?
      1- BACKUP the DATA.ini file
      2- Launch the exe and select the DATA.ini to patch
      3- Check the tanker type to use with a/c (Boom or Drogue). (Boom = 3000lb/mins, Drogue= 1000lb/mins)
      4- Apply the patch. That's it.
      5- Use your Thrust Vector Key to add fuel
      Know issues:
      - The system is based on a "fake" engine. When refueling, you will have the AB sound (no extra thrust) activated on your plane.
      - Only player a/c will be refueled
      - You cannot apply the patch to any a/c using TV key...
      - You can refuel at any time
      As usual, use it at your onw risk. I'm not resonsible of any bad thing that could happened on your PC by using it ;-). This tool cannot be add to a commercial stuff without my premission.
      Thanks to STORM and Bpao for Betatesting


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    6. Static fuel truck - engine off (complete)

      This posting consists of the stock fuel truck but with its engine turned off (i.e. no sound) which I found more useful for building up my static aircraft missions than using the supplied one with a speed set to zero. Mainly because it doesn't make any sound. (Somehow it doesn't feel right to have a fuel truck refuelling aircraft on the ramp with its engine on! -- call me old fashioned)
      Regards, P.T.


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    7. Comandos Anfibios

      Durante las operaciones llevadas a cabo en marco del plan de recuperación del suelo patrio de malvinas durante la operación Rosario.
      Los Comandos Anfibios Argentinos tuvieron una destacada participación tomando contacto de combate contra las guarniciones inglesas “fuertes” que ocupaban malvinas, ellos juntos con los infante de marina fueron los que sobre sus hombros cargaron con una de las mas gloriosas misiones de combate que las fuerzas argentinas llevaron a cabo durante el siglo XX.
      Gracias al valor de estos hombres la bandera Argentina pudo ondear en lo alto del mástil en el suelo de malvinas durante 74 días. En los cuales se vieron las más altas demostraciones de valor y amistad producidas por ambos bandos.
      Skin histórico: TORNO
      Testeado: TORNO
      Modelo en 3D: SUICIDAL
      Data INI: SUICIDAL
      During the operations carried out under the recovery plan for homeland during the Malvinas Rosario.
      The Commandos had a prominent Argentine Amphibians participation making contact fighter against British garrisons "strong" that occupied the Malvinas, which together with the marines were charged over their shoulders with one of the most glorious combat missions that the Argentine forces carried out during the twentieth century.
      Thanks to the courage of these men was the Argentine flag flying on top of the mast in the soil during 74 days of the Malvinas. Where were the highest demonstration of courage and friendship produced by both sides.
      Skin historic: TORNO
      Tested: TORNO
      3D model: SUICIDAL
      Data INI: SUICIDAL


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    8. Camiones Argentinos

      Argentine Trucks models for Mod Malvinas by BANIDOS TEAM and SUICIDAL
      3D Model Unimog : ALIKO
      3D Model Mercedes 1114: SUICIDAL
      Skins: TORNO
      This pack contains : Mercedes Benz : Unimog and L-1114
      we have two forms..
      1º--for the mod malvinas, copying the content of the folder " Terrain " in the mod..
      2º--for any other SF, it pastes the content of the folder " GroundObject " in the same folder in the game
      it is all!
      Camiones Argentinos para el Mod Malvinas y saga SF por Banidos Team y Suicidal
      modelo 3D del Unimog: Aliko
      modelo 3D de los Mercedes: Suicidal
      Skins: Torno
      este Pack contiene: 3 modelos de Mercedes Benz 1114 y el Unimog
      tenemos dos formas..
      1º-- para el mod malvinas, copiando el contenido de la carpeta "Terrain" en el mod..
      2º-- para cualquier otro SF, se pega el contenido de la carpeta "GroundObject" en la misma carpeta en el juego
      Es todo!!!

      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      updated! .. corrected the problem of scale
      actualizado!.. corregido el problema de escalas


         (2 reviews)



    9. Russian Defence Pack

      ZSU-23-4 Pack
      This is just a pack with 4 different types of
      ZSU-23-4 that will give you a hard time.
      Bad News for Helos and A-10's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Maybe Harriers...............
      # ZSU-23-4 (1964): pre-production and then initial production models.
      # ZSU-23-4V (1968): minor modifications.
      # ZSU-23-4V1 (1972): more minor modifications.
      # ZSU-23-4M (1977): one extra ammunition panier on turret exterior (now three), added an armoured cover for the guns, upgraded fire-control computer to digital, "Gun Dish" radar can operate independently in search mode rather than only slaved to the guns.
      These have radar!!! So your aircraft (with RWR) will have a radar warning because
      the ZSU-23-4 is tracking you down. If you are in 4 miles or less....
      You are screwed... Man aren't you screwed. Just because you have ECM does mean you are safe.
      It will still shoot you!!!!! So just take it out or you are dead. Plus
      the tracers are set at 1 so you can have bullets in the sky. In night time the
      sky fills up with light.
      by : Gerald14 for skins and info
      And Combatace and Thirdwire.
      Combatace for the hosting and great site
      Thirdwire for the model


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    10. Timor Ground Units

      Here you will find three new ground object mods:
      1/ An M113_ACAV re-textured and renamed as an Australian Army M113 FSV.
      2/ Opfor Indonesian AMX-13 light tank.
      3/ Opfor Indonesian soliders
      Just paste the three folders into your main Objects folder.
      Then paste the following into your GroundObjectData.ini in your Objects folder (you may need to extract this file):
      ObjectFullName=AMX-13 Tank
      ObjectFullName=Indonesian Infantry squad
      ObjectFullName=M113 Cavalry APC
      Remember to rename the XXX to the appropriate object number in your GroundObjectData.ini file.
      Thanks to Kesselbrut for the M113 ACV and the Infantry. Thanks to whoever made the AMX-13!
      This most excellent mod brought to you by Charles!
      Thanks Charles!
      Uploaded by:
      Richard "Gramps" Kaminski


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    11. Low Polys Cars

      Motivated by the idea of WingWiner
      Add my two cars created in Low Polys For use as static objects in cities And other ideas
      3D and Skin By = Suicidal-Loko
      Fiat 147 and Fiat 128

      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..


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    12. Static models for Malvinas

      Static models for Mod Malvinas by BANIDOS TEAM
      Historical Positions :TORNO
      Skins: TORNO
      3D Model: SUICIDAL
      This pack contains : CH-47 EA , SA-300 PUMA , C-130 HERCULES as well as tractors and mechanical
      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
      Malvinas folder inside the folder the same name in your game...

      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..


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    13. M-113 A-2 EA

      M-113-A2 Ejercito Argentino (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART
      Thank you very much to Steve S for the excellent 3D-Model of Browning M2
      3D Model: SUICIDAL
      Photo Realistic Skins: SUICIDAL
      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
      GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..
      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..


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    14. countermeasures and debris edits

      Be sure to back up your excisting aircraftobject.ini, countermeasureobject.ini, debrisobject.ini, and shellobject.ini files in case there is a problem with these files and or you dont like them, so you can
      revert back to the originals.
      I did this after I noticed that after 3 seconds or so, everything in the game *drop tanks, pieces of planes, flares and whatnot* disappears. So I edited the files listed above to try to make everything
      that falls from the plane, or anything type of countermeasure fall til it hits the ground. So now when you shoot down a plane, or use flares and chaff, it should all fall to the ground before disappear. Now you can watch as every piece of your enemy falls back to the earth. I tried to make it so that more pieces came off, or add more debris from lanes or ground targets. I'll try to work on it and get it tuned up a bit more so that you get mor parts raining down to the ground. and also try to make the flares rate of decent alot less than it is now so it acts more like the real thing. eitherway, have fun.
      Just copy these files and paste them in your objects folder. Make sure you back up you original files these replace incase you dont like these, or if you want to reuse the originals.
      Once added, test them out and see if the parts from the planes you shoot down, or the drop tanks or counter measures fall all the way to the ground. Im gonna try to work on this a bit more and try to add even more debris the next time. Anywho, have fun


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    15. Martin-Baker SJU-5/6

      The last (for now ) in the Mk.10 family, Martin Baker SJU-5/6 to be used with MDD F/A-18 A/B Hornets.
      Soon, Mk.10 NACES for Super Hornet
      El último (por ahora ) en la familia Mk.10, el Martin-Baker SJU-5/6 para ser usado en el MDD F/A-18 A/B Hornet.
      Pronto, Mk.10 NACES para el Super Hornet


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    16. Mirage IV A alternate data file

      This is an alternate file for the Mirage IV A previously released by Veltro2K.
      Credit goes to him : )
      The original 3D model is not available anymore!!!
      so => Don't download this file
      ...unless you're a dinosaur and already have the damn LOD
      First, back up the original data file
      then, read the readme
      This is an updated file, better than the previous one (lol)
      - Landing gears and fuel tanks are almost ok.
      - New flight model, tested on WOE 06 & 08.
      Freeware only, not to be sold in any way!


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    17. 2S6 TUNGUSKA (FIXED)

      2S6 TUNGUSKA Add-On for SFP1
      Version 2
      Both 30mm and SA-19 weapons have been combined into one model


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    18. BM-14-16 Katyuscha Mod v1.0

      19 July 2006
      BM-14-16 Katyuscha Mod v1.0
      3 files are included :
      Add to weapondata ini.txt -> self explaining
      BM-14-16_data.ini -> move into the Objects\GroundObject\BM-14-16 folder
      BM-14-16.msn -> move into the Missions Folder
      The Mod :
      Arms the BM-14-16 Katyuscha Launcher with 16 rockets. They are TV guided due to limitations of the game AI, it cant handle unguided rockets launched from ground vehicles.
      The Launcher has a minimum engagement range of 4 km and a max range of 20 km. Targets can be spottet out to 20 km.
      The Mission :
      Just a quick test mission. Hit autopilot , then use F7 key to find the BM-14's and watch them shooting.
      This mod is far from perfect, feel free to fiddle around with it. Some explanations are added in the BM-14-16_data.ini regarding the main changes.

      have fun


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    19. MLRS Teruel

      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
      GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
      You also have to put the weapondata in the corresponding INI.
      3D Model: SUICIDAL
      Skins: LOBOROJO


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    20. Joystick controlled Thrust vectoring.

      so you were clamoring to fly planes with thrust vector.
      so you are frustrated you cant have thrust vector control for pitch control..
      now all you need is a joystick.


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    21. Humvee TOW Carrier

      Humvee-M1046 TOW Carrier Ejercito Argentino (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART
      thank you very much to my great friend.Tercera Escuadrilla
      For the Excellent 3D-model of BGM 71 Tow
      Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog.
      Used under license GNU
      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
      GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
      You also have to put the WeaponData in the corresponding INI.
      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..


         (2 reviews)



    22. PAC-2 SAM System

      PAC-2 SAM System for SF1 series
      Creator: YEYEYE
      Beta Testing: HoneyFox, XIAOHANI, YEYEYE, and other brilliant Insky Team members.
      1. Extract contents in Patriot/Object Folder to your Object folder
      2. Import Patriot/Object/Weapon/MIM-104C/MIM-104C_data.ini to your weapon data by using the weapon editor, save.


         (2 reviews)



    23. Stryker M-1134 ATGM

      Stryker M-1134 ATGM (SF-1 gen) by SUICIDAL-ART
      thank you very much to my great friend.Tercera Escuadrilla
      For the Excellent 3D-model of BGM 71 Tow
      Also many thanks for the help of my friend EricJ.
      Original 3D model and skin, taken from my Blog.
      Used under license GNU
      To use this model you only have to release the contents of the
      GroundObject folder inside the folder the same name in your game...
      You also have to put the WeaponData in the corresponding INI.

      -This Model is FREEWARE . Feel free to use this mod for any
      future projects as long as proper credit is given..


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    24. Static WOV Stock Aircraft Pack

      This mod includes .ini files and details on how to make static versions of all of the stock aircraft in WOV, to populate your airfields.
      Many thanks to TK for providing the originals as part of WOV. If there are any problems with these mods then please contact me directly, not ThirdWire. Thanks.
      [Light and Heavy Statics]
      There are two versions of the stock statics included here: light statics and heavy statics.
      Light = Friendly aircraft, minimal hit on FPS, not destroyable
      Heavy = Enemy aircraft, full detail and destroyable (ideal for strafing missions!)
      Installation instructions are included in the readme.
      [sample Statics Display Mission]
      I've included a sample mission file _Stock WOV Static Lineup.msn for you to see each Static in the game and get some idea how you display and position them.
      Cheers, kind regards, P.T (comrpnt). :-)


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    25. Stryker ICV 1.1

      Read the README
      For those who downloaded the vehicle prior, change the values in the DATA.ini with these:


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