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    1. Mirage Factory Mirage CJ2

      Mirage CJ2 by the Mirage Factory


         (6 reviews)

      1 comment


    2. Mirage Factory Mirage IIIE

      Mirage IIIE by the Mirage Factory


         (5 reviews)



    3. Mirage Factory Mirage IIIEA

      Mirage IIIEA by the Mirage Factory


         (7 reviews)



    4. Mirage Factory F-5C Skoshi Tiger

      F-5C Skoshi Tiger the Mirage Factory


         (6 reviews)



    5. Mirage Factory F-5A Freedom Fighter

      F-5A Freedom Fighter by the Mirage Factory


         (13 reviews)



    6. USAF Phantom serials

      Here is a little mod which will improve the authenticity when selecting camouflaged USAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft in Wings over Vietnam. Real F-4C/D/E serial numbers are provided as TGA format decals (40 each) and new numbers.lst and decals.ini files for each aircraft type are here. Now, when you select aircraft serials, they will be authentic type serials. (Intended for the historical nut like me). All serials are actual airplanes found in Southeast Asia in 1967-71 time frame. They are also double the resolution of those provided by the simulation also, so should appear a bit sharper.
      This was prompted by observing that no real F-4C serials are provided for in the simulation, nor were the original FY1967 serials for F-4Es that first arrived in theater in 1968. The FY68 and 69 F-4E serials at the end of the list are all white and are TAC aircraft which were TDY in Southeast Asia in 1972-73.
      New tailcodes and correct fin tip colors coming!
      Mike Druzolowski


         (3 reviews)



    7. Spanish Air Force F-4C

      Spanish Phamtoms are a very emblematic aircraft from Spanish Air Force. Commenced its arrive to Spain in 1971 as replace of F-104G´s and for giving Spanish Air Force a modern Combat aircraft equal in performances and combat capacities to that in service at the moment in other countries. Finally were second hand F-4C´s, instead of F-4E´s pretended. Last of them was in service until 1991, with the F/A-18A Hornet full operative in Spain. RF-4C´s operated until 2002. All the time and only Phamtom served in Ala 12, in Torrejon, Madrid, Spain. Numbers for all Spanish Phamtom included.
      Repaint from Stock files by Thirdwire, and Tuned Loadout.ini file for match Spanish as possible with Weapons pack. By Ala13_ManOWar.


         (3 reviews)



    8. MiG-17PF Fresco-D Upgrade Pak - Ver 2

      MiG-17PF Fresco-D upgrade -Ver2.0 for SF/SFG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V


      Updated to Ver. 2 4/20/09

      This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago.....
      This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with a new-ish version of the S-5 unguided rocket.
      Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current (as of the 08 Patches for WoE).
      I'm releasing the ENTIRE aircraft, minus the lods of course, as they exist in all versions of the game,
      EVERYTHING is included, all the inis, new 'SovietSilver' larger skin bumps, etc.
      Also included is the cockpit, basically Mago/Paladrin's MiG-21MF; with some small modifications to the radar display. And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included
      This is a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted.
      You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod!!!!!
      As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions. Well, almost easy...don't forget you'll be adding weapons, if you've not downloaded this before...
      Happy Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    9. MiG-17PF (SP-16) Upgrade Pak Ver.2

      MiG-17PF (SP-16) Fresco-D upgrade for SF/SG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V
      UPDATED 4/21/09

      This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago.....
      This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF (SP-16) 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with new-ish versions of the S-5 unguided rocket. This aircraft is also equiped with the RS-2U 'Alkali' beam-riding missile. This mod also makes ue of the 'station specific code' for the rocket pods, disallowing the use of other weapons as a saftey measure.
      Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current.
      There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines.
      And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included
      You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod, if you are adding this mod for the first time. However, there HAS been a slight change in the UV-16AA rocket pod. These changes are documented below, in the "Weapons Installation" section.
      As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
      Or, in other words.....
      You WILL also be reading the enclosed readme, by order of the State Ministry of Instructions, which contains fully detailed, step by step procedures for installation. There is also a substantial section by Comrade "General Notes", that you will find interestering and explanitory. If not, the uranium mines of Siberia await....

      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)

      1 comment


    10. F-100 Camo

      OK ....by popular request I'm re-uploading my mod of the stock TW F-100D, all this mod does is create a seperate plane in the aircraft selection dropdown that only uses camo schemes, it uses camo droptanks [in the current wep pack .....I think] made for me by Russo, so many thanks to Russ too.
      Read the readme please.


         (4 reviews)



    11. F-89J (Late) Scorpion

      F-89J (Late) Scropion For SF/WoV/WoE:
      This package is a modification of MontyCZ's F-89C into the late-model J (those without wing-tip rocket pods)
      It is a semi-complete package, including everything needed, -excepting the aircraft LOD files. They are NOT included, as I consider it 'wrong' to do so, without permission from the original author. (and it's against CA policy to do so)
      Included are all the needed inis necessary to create the new aircraft. 2 skin folders are included, complete with decals, representing the 178th FIS, NDANG 'The Happy Hooligans', and a generic USAF natural metal.
      All the skin bmps have been repainted, using new templates created by me, based off Volkjager's original skins. I've duplicated his original work, so all credit goes to him for skin creation...I've basically just redone them to make use of the new panel, rivet lines and new decals created by me for the serial and buzz numbers.
      Included also is a brand new Hangar screen for the Late J, only available with this mod. Damage tgas are here as well.
      == You MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the needed missiles ==
      PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full, detail install instructions!!!
      Happy Hunting, you Hooligans!!!
      Kevin Stein
      (I know, I'm reusing the same screenie, but I just don't get tired of looking at it!! )


         (5 reviews)



    12. F-4C multiple Gunpods

      By popular request this is the addon F-4C complete with 15 [!!] SUU11B gunpods, it uses the stock TW model but be sure to read the readme......its for your benifit, trust me. :yes:


         (7 reviews)



    13. Mirage F-1CH Royal Moroccan Air Force

      Mirage F-1CH of the Royal Moroccan Air Force
      Original Model is the Mirage F-1C by Bpao used with his kind permission
      Original Templates by Sony Tuckson based on BPAO base work
      *Requires the Cockpit of the Kfir C7 !! (check the Read Me)
      Skin , Decals , Hangar and Loading screnn , data mod. ravenclaw_007
      Please check the Read Me for more details


         (9 reviews)



    14. Mirage Factory The Vought F-8E(fn) "Crusader"

      The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) are proud to offer you :

      The Vought F-8E(fn) "Crusader"
      SFP1 model
      Took part in this project :
      3D : initial : Pedro, Rebuild : BPAo
      Skin : Column5
      FM : Column5
      Cockpit : Pedro, BPao
      Effects : Column5
      Test team
      Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, USAFMTL, Moonjumper, UF Josse, Typhoid, Jimbib, Crab_02


         (10 reviews)



    15. Mirage Factory The Vought F-8E "Crusader"

      The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) are proud to offer you :
      The Vought F-8E "Crusader"
      SFP1 model
      Took part in this project :
      3D : initial : Pedro, Rebuild : BPAo
      Skin : Column5
      FM : Column5
      Cockpit : Pedro, BPao
      Effects : Column5
      Test team
      Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, USAFMTL, Moonjumper, UF Josse, Typhoid, Jimbib, Crab_02


         (17 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. Mirage Factory The Vought F-8D "Crusader"

      The Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) are proud to offer you :
      The Vought F-8D "Crusader"
      SFP1 model
      Took part in this project :
      3D : initial : Pedro, Rebuild : BPAo
      Skin : Column5
      FM : Column5
      Cockpit : Pedro, BPao
      Effects : Column5
      Test team
      Manetsim, Gaston, Sony Tuckson, Actarus, Column5, DamWaar, _Thomas_, Camouflage, USAFMTL, Moonjumper, UF Josse, Typhoid, Jimbib, Crab_02


         (11 reviews)



    17. TA-4G Skyhawk Royal Australian Navy

      This aircraft depicts a TA-4G Skyhawk of VC-724 Squadron, Royal Australian Navy, circa early 1970. Special thanx to "Fracture" for creating this beautiful aircraft and to "Starfighter" for his help with the making of this skin. Hope you enjoy, Pappy


         (2 reviews)



    18. MiG-21S

      MiG-21S (NATO "Fishbed-J")
      Single-seat interceptor fighter version, equipped with an RP-22 radar and an optional external gun pod. (Incorrectly identified by NATO as the MiG-21PFMA); E-8, Type 88 Indian Air Force designation.
      This was the first "third generation of MiG-21 Fishbeds".
      Since the MiG-21R retained complete combat capability even if it wasn't actually used in practice, it was an obvious next step to produce a new fighter variant based on its updated airframe. After evaluation with prototypes designated "Ye-7S", the updated fighter was put into production at Gorkiy in 1965 as the "MiG-21S", or "I-95" as the Mikoyan OKB referred to it. It remained in production until 1968.
      Aside from the new airframe, the MiG-21S featured some new kit, including a more powerful RP-22 Sapfir (NATO codename Jay Bird) radar with range at least doubled; an ASP-PF gunsight for the optional GSh-23 centerline cannon pod; and a link for the Lazur-M ground-control system. It could carry a range of heat-seeking or radar-guided AAMs, as well as rockets or bombs. Early on, the MiG-21S was qualified for carriage of a tactical nuclear weapon on the centerline pylon. The AOA sensor, the offset pitot tube, and the periscope was added in later production.This was the first version with four wing pylons.
      Although the MiG-21R and MiG-21S incorporated many improvements, the weight increase meant that ceiling and climb rate had suffered. Worse, the hoped-for range increase with the increased fuel capacity didn't materialize, mostly due to fuel trim problems that made the expanded fuel capacity something of a fiction. Obviously the design needed some more rethinking, but that was going to take time and effort.
      In the meantime, incremental improvements would have to do. An export version of the MiG-21S, the "MiG-21M" or "I-96", was built at the Znamya Trudaya factory from 1968 into 1971. It retained the older RP-21M radar, but featured a GSh-23L twin-barreled cannon in a flush belly installation, replacing the centerline GSh-23 cannon pod introduced on the MiG-21PFM. The flush cannon pallet carried a store of 200 rounds of ammunition and could be neatly winched out of the fuselage for servicing. The new cannon scheme not only reduced drag but permitted carriage of a fuel tank or other store on the centerline pylon. A steel blast panel was installed on the belly of the aircraft forward of the cannon muzzles. HAL of India license-built the MiG-21M, with initial production delivered in 1973.
      This mod represent Soviet version MiG-21S with deleted cannon and IRM AA capability only, radar guided missles was only tested on "S" and fully implemented on MiG-21SM (none of "S" were exported).It differs from SM/MF engine wise too - it had weaker "R" type engine. Nevertheless it was large step forward compared to PFM.
      1. Copy the "MiG-21S" folder to your Strike Fighters\Objects\Aircraft folder.
      2. The Sound files goes in your Strike Fighters\Sounds folder.
      3. Enjoy
      Thanx and credits goes to all community - I love you all.
      P.S> Special thx for friendship goes to Pasko, MoonJumper and Jimbib.... Ok Dave - to you also :yes:
      Note : In loadout_ini for Atholl's stands R-3S
      if you don't use weapon packs - it should stand AA-2 instead
      or select manualy in loadout screen menu....
      Cheers !!! :yes:


         (4 reviews)



    19. Mirage Factory Mirage 5DE

      Mirage 5DE of the Libyan AF. Libyan AF Mirage 5DE
      Thanks to the MF for use of this mod.
      As delivered to Libya, the Mirage 5DEs were by all purposes Mirage IIIEs interceptors, equipped with Cyrano II fire-control radar and Doppler (mounted in a prominent fairing under the cockpit), but with a stretched forward fuselage (i.e. the intake lip behind the rear edge of the canopy), and an additional fuel tanks behind the cockpit. Except for two DEFA 30mm cannons, they were armed with Matra R.530 air-to-air missiles, only one of which could be carried bellow the centerline.
      Read the readme.
      Updated on 19 March with 2 more skins and fixed the missile rails that should not show.


         (3 reviews)



    20. MiG-27 D, K, M & ML

      This Pack contents MiG-27 variants, with historycal correct weapons & systems
      MiG-27 (MiG-23BM) - first version 1973-1987 unguided weapons and CGR 360 planes ,exported
      MiG-27K Modifications with Kayra TV-LASER designator, suport LGB, EOGB, LGR, EOGR, very good ECM, HUD ~200 planes 1976-1994 NOT Exported
      MiG-27M "Light" Variant MiG-27K LGB, EOGB not supported, no HUD ~ 150 planes 1978-1994? Ukraine exported in Sri Lanca ~50 planes in ~1995
      MiG-27D Mig-27 first series updated to MiG-27M Standart in 1983-1987, 304 planes service ended in ~1994
      MiG-27ML Bahadur Indian Variant MiG-27M 1986 ~ 150 planes


         (9 reviews)



    21. LORAN F-4Ds in Southeast Asia Part 2

      LORAN F-4Ds in Southeast Asia Part 2
      This is part two of my attempt to represent every F-4D serial number which flew with the AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D "towel rack" antenna in Southeast Asia in 1971-72. These additional airplanes are really for the die hard like myself that just had to have every one, which now total 65 (68 total decal schemes that you can select). Just add the files supplied here to your existing F-4DLORAN folder from my Part One.
      In addition I have added a few corrections which will over-write a few old decals, plus the 11 black-bellied "Night Owl" F-4Ds of the 497th TFS at Ubon are here again which were LORAN birds.
      Mike Druzolowski


         (1 review)



    22. MiG-25PD Foxbat-E, Libyan AF

      MiG-25PD Foxbat-E LARAF Mod
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This package will create a complete 'nation specific' aircraft; the MiG-25PD as used by the Libyan Air Force. To make installation as simple as possible, EVERYTHING is included; the complete aircraft, cockpit folder (based off Paladrin's work, as included in the original Foxbat Pack), all the inis, skin, etc. New serial number decals have been created, using the best intell possible; some are speculative, but based from known sources. Included in the data ini are my lighting fixes, as seen on the CA Message Boards.
      It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory. If using the BunyPak, no additional work is required; unzip and fly away!
      For those using the TMF Pak, I've included an alternate Loadout.ini, that using the same NATO style naming conventions for the Soviet/WarPac weapons (See Install Instruction below). The data ini is already set for "WP,SOVIET", so you should encounter NO problems in that respect.
      As it is a complete aircraft, it also be usable in WoI, I've tested it in ALL iterations of the game, it works just fine. (See NOTES below for more)
      For WoI users: If you haven't added the R-40 missiles, as per the WoI Loadouts Thread at CombatAce, you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!! Remember -- use the WoI ONLY WepEditor!!!
      Included are new Hangar and Loading screens; 2 Hangars actually, one is SF/WoV/WoE setup, and one for WoI.
      PLEASE!!! read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, and the usual Notes and Commentaries.
      Happy Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein


         (3 reviews)



    23. Republic F-84B/C Thunderjet

      Republic F-84B/C Thunderjet For SF/WoV/WoE and probably WoI
      This little mod is a tweek to RussoUK's F-84E, with a new lod with the bubble-top non-reinforced canopy. It represents aircraft from the 59st FS, circa 1948.
      Russo made the new lod for me several years ago, and this has been languishing on my HD for some time; I figured NOW would be a good time to finish it off and release to all you good folks!
      The new skin, with redrawn panel lines (but no rivets - this was done before I learned how, and wasn't going back to add them!), Serial numbers are accurate, for B and C models. Squadron marking, the yellow color bands, are as close as I could match the few color photos I could find.
      The auto-speed canopy has been disabled, as this no longer works in WoI (and by inference, when the SF/WoV/WoE patch arrives), but I somehow managed to fool the game engine by assigning it to the arrestor hook; so, the canopy will open when you hit the "H" key.
      A new WoE-style hangar screen, and a new loading screen are also provided.
      The loadouts are designed to work with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, but can be used with the Mirage Facrtory Pak. I've suppllied the necessary lods, bmps, inis and instructions for adding the older, WW2 style weapons to the TMF Pak. Also, for both, there is an edited version of Zur's F-86 drop tank, for use with this aircraft. So, get your Weapons Editors warmed up. For whichever version you wish to use, you'll still need to add the fuel tank (see Notes below)
      It should be noted this is 1of 2 Thunderjet mods I'm releasing; an Historic version, this one, and a "What If..." for WW2: 1946. They are designed to be mutualy exclusive, and are available as seperate aircraft downloads. This Historic version would be a perfect addition to a 'Cold War Gone Hot: 1948' scenario. As is the other for a hypothetical WW2 that runs into 1947, or later.
      As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readmes; it'll make your life just that much easier. Etc, and so forth; blah, blah, blah, and so on!
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (5 reviews)



    24. F7U Cutlass

      Vought F7U-3M Cutlass by MarcFighters
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This is a General Release of Marcello's F7U Cutlass Beta -(minus), as such it IS an incomplete aircraft, with many parts of the physical model either non-functional (ie: control surfaces, etc), or semi-functional. Please consider this a "Beta - (minus)" type of release.
      It is a complete aircraft, with respect that all the bits needed to unzip and fly away are included. It is fully carrier capable, and has been tested off various US carriers.
      I've tried to do what I can, with ini edits and other 'tweeks' to make it more functional. I don't think they came out too bad. We can only hope that in the future, Marcello releases a finished version. I'm doing this, simply because many people want this aircraft in their stable, even with all the warts still on it :) I hope Marcello dosen't mind!!
      So, please take this in the spirit given.
      Said data ini edits make the aircraft fully carrier capable (!!), via a ''virtual'' tail hook. A full cockpit, based off the F-4Bs in included, as are all the inis. The avionics ini includes an audio-only RWR, beeping ONLY on the 'track sound'. These are basically missile-armed interceptors, with 2 of the 4 20mm guns removed. As such, it is still a fully capable ground attack aircraft, carrying rocket pods and bombs.
      It has a new skin, representing F7U-3Ms from VA-116 , aboard USS HANCOCK during the 1957 time frame. It's one of the few squadrons that painted their aircraft in the gull-gray/white scheme; most of the Cutlass' were left natural metal. The skin was created from a template I drew up, based on the UVmaps supplied in the original limited release in 2006 (?). Templates ARE included, as I'm not real happy with the skin in some respects; it needs further work and there are some bits on the map I can't figure out. So, if any other skinners want to have a crack at cleaning it up; have at it my brothers and sisters!!! :) Panel lines need some additions, small vent details, etc, etc, etc.
      New, historical decals are included for 25 aircraft; modex numbers and BuNums that ARE 100% accurate, as they are real serial numbers as issued by the US Navy BuAer. Those marked with a star (*) in the number list are actual aircraft from VA-116; the other are fill-ins. Meaning, I could find a listing (read: photo) of the others.
      It is set up to use the Bunyap Pak, as only it contains the VERY early Sparrow missiles, and the drop tanks. I've set it to use the drop tanks from FoxMontor's F3H Demon, as they have nearly the proper shape and size. Loadout configurations are a 'best guess' in some cases; there is an extra set of pylons built into the aircraft, that I've used for rocket pods in the CAS and Armed Recon mission assignments. In real life, the -3M that this 'represents', only had the fuselage and wing stations. So, consider this something between the F7U-3M and A2U, even though the A2U never went beyond a planning stage, and had 4 more stations for air-to-ground ordanance.
      A revamped, newer, cleaner version of my really old Cutlass Hangar Screen is included.
      It it advised that if you are using the Mirage Factory Pak, that you copy/import the necessary early style weapons. I've supplied all the necessary bits; they and the accompanying text file with the weapons' data, are in the /weapons folder in the "xtra_stuff" folder.
      As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, although this particular aircaft has not been tested as such -- BE ADVISED, that WoI handles flight models differently, and I (and the folks that originaly built this) cannot be responsible for "adverse handling conditions, leading to uncontroled flight into terrain". Be that as it may, it should work passably! However, it's my considered opinon, that it NOT be used in WoI.
      As usual, read the enclosed readme, all the necessary instructions are included. As well as an extensive Notes & Comments section. Many explainations, hints, other informative goodies are there!
      With thanks to Marcello for putting this out several years ago, and wishing him a speedy recovery. This one's for you man!
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    25. Yak-28P

      Here's the Yak-28P Firebar. I haven't the foggiest idea who made this, all I know is it wasn't me. But I believe this is the one some of you have been looking for. If anyone knows who the author is please notify me so I can write up a credit file and add it to my archive.


         (4 reviews)



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