- A-1 Skyraider
- A-4 Skyhawk
- A-6 Intruder
- A-7 Corsair II
- A-5A/B/RA-5C Vigilante
- F-4 Phantom II
- F-5 Freedom Fighter
- F-8 Crusader
- F-84 ThunderJet/Thunderflash
- F-86 Saber
- F-101 Voodoo
- F-104 Starfighter
- F-105 Thunderchief
- F-111 Aardvark
- B-57 Canberra
- G-91 Gina
- Mig-17 Fresco
- Mig-21 Fishbed
- Hawker Seahawk
- Harriers
- Trainers
- Heavy Bombers and Multi Engined Aircraft
- British Aircraft
- Saab Aircraft
- Mirage and Dassault
- US Navy Aircraft
- US Air Force Aircraft
- Soviet Union/Russian Aircraft
Mig-21 Complete Pack 1.3 for SF1 line
By ataribaby
MIG-21 Complete Pack
Version 1.3 04.10.2009
1.0 3.11.2008
initial release
1.1 3.12.2008
Changed all mig engines accel to about 8-9 sec per engine doc. Bis version
is little bit faster.
Iddle RPM changed to RL values:
R-11F-300 (37F) 30%
R-11F2-300 (37F2) 33%
R-11F2S-300 (37F2S) 31%
R-13 (95) 34%
R-25 (25) 40%
Corrected fuel tanks quantities to reflect real world figures.
F - 2350L
PF - 2850L
PFM - 2675L
MF - 2675L
BIS - 2900L
Changed all additional files with Mig21_ prefix so all are unique now and
not interfere with other mods.
Reworked all hangar and loading screens to match all game models.
F version now have true ranging-only radar. It can be still turned off by
Ctrl+PgDn. In current game engine this radar starts on.
Wings Over Vietnam new Mig-21 hangar and loading screens. Later i will make
it for all game versions.
1.2 29.3.2009
Added KV1 seat to all MF and Bis variants. Deleted old seat from model.
Added SF2 Mig variants. Changed FMs little bit based on Fubar512 values on
alpha stall to make Migs usable in knife fight. It not bleeds speed in sharp
high AOA turns so much. Added vetral fin from Fubar512 FM.
1.3 04.10.2009
Fixed reversed nose gear rotation.
SF2 version was removed - it will be separate pack.
This pack inludes all official Thirdwire MIG-21 models as flyable jets with
cokcpits in most complete form what my modding knowledge allows. All in easy
install form. I am not author of any 3d pits, FMs, sounds. All is what i
downloaded from Combatace or made by Thirdwire. I want to thank to original authors
of included files and this nice sim. Hope it is ok to reuse their work to
provide really complete, up-to-date and easy to install Mig-21 package. I was
always sad with that great pits available and terrible way to install it into
latest ptached games and it is always missed something. Loading screens, loadout
picture, good FM and so on... Now with latest patches FMs are usable and nicely
flyable so i used it as base FMs for pack.
Pack contains folowing stuff:
Every official MIG-21 flyable with pit for SFP1, WOV, WOE, WOI and SF2. I corrected
some errors in pits, Used latest Oct 2008 TW patches as base for FM fat files
with tweaks in engine (thrust for each model, spool up time, radar, weight). FM
is not touched and i think it flies now ok with latest patch. Diferent sounds for
each engine model is included with Mig RWR sounds. Better Mig pilots too. Each
Mig-21 has loading and hangar screen and camouflage sample patch with loadout
picture. All includes corresponding serial numbers to choose from. I made
Numbers.lst for Vietnam and Arab airforces by hand. All Migs have right service
nationality in dat as was originaly in each game install.
Strike Fighters Project 1
Wings Over Vietnam
Wings Over Europe
Wings Over Israel
MIG-PFM has added LCOS gunsight to be able to use gunpod in fight. More realistic and
distictive heaters sounds are included too.
Simply unpack somewhere and then choose what game you want mod for Migs-21 and
simply copy content of apropriate game folder from pack to game root directory
overwirte all potential files. Dont worry all dat files are based on latest
Oct 2008 TW patches. Sure if you want you can backup first whole game. Just
for cause i forgot something. After that just start game and enjoy all MIG-21
variants flyable in most complete and up-to-date way.
This version of complete MIG-21 pack is far from to be perfect or complete so feel
free to let me know if there is something missed, bad or not working. Also if
someone has some more accurate tech data for enhance FMs feel free to mail me and
pack get fixed or updated.
Finaly thanks to everyone whom work made this pack reality.
Tomas 'ATARIBABY' Hamarcak
Contact: ataribaby@seznam.cz
Paladrian F/PF/PFM/MF/SM Mig-21 pit models and avionics
Spillone104 R-11 R-13 engine sounds
howling1 Fishbed-L engine sound. I renamed it to R-25
Klavs81 AIM-9 Sidewinder Growl sound
Wrench RedAir pilot
Hangar screen tutorial
lindr2 for his Mig-21 variants zip
Zdenek Kussior for his great info on engines
4plus MiG-21
book for all fuel info
Mirage Factory Mig AB effect
Fubar512 For his FM work from where i borrowed alpha stall values and ventral fin.
AmokFloo for KV1 seat from his excelent MIG21UM
If i forgot someone please tell me and i will include credit.
By Piglet_7
Aussie "PIG" Pack
In memory of those who flew and maintained the "Mighty Pig" 1973-2010
F-111C "PaveTack"
Upgrades are:
-NEW Decals
-Damage Textures
-Wing posisions
-Higher Weapons Bay Loadout
-Nav Lights
-Engine effects
-Cockpit Textures
-Speed (Mach 2+)
-RWR symbols and sounds
-New Aircrew Skins
Thanks to
F-111C/G Version 2.0 By FastCargo
Skin by Jat81500
Decals by USAFMTL
Original model by Paco and Wpnssgt
Original FM by Column5
Sounds by the Mirage Factory
Original Avionics and Gunsight by MJ
Pit by NormanKnight
Combat Ace
Happy low flying
Thanks to the F-111 community and the RAAF.
Thank you ADF Serials for their extensive data and photos of the F-111C, RF-111C and F-111G that served in the RAAF
3 years of bloody hard work....... enjoy
Thank you Wing Commander Curr for giving me the chance to take part in aviation history by attending the F-111 Retirement.
FB-111A Early SAC camo
By Piglet_7
This is a replacement skin for Dave's FB-111A
Thank you everyone for the F-111 in Strike Fighters
Iraq SuperEtendard Skin Pack (multiple skins)
By Ariell
This is a pack of skins for Super Etendard , I tried to recreate the almost unknown skin Supertendard who fought in the lran - Iraq war . It's almost impossible to get documentation from the 5 aircraft that France provided Iraq during the 80s . Knowing that the numerals were from 7445-7449 . Two of these aircraft were shot down in a fight . Had few raids getting some targets oil tankers crossing the gulf.
I created these skins based on the only color photo I found on the net, but also created 8 skins with possible colors that might have these aircraft. I created the numerals from the real and completing a total of 15 numerals of which 10 are fictitious , and is just not to get problems in the simulator. Just choose the color you like and put it in the "Irak" folder. There is also a skin color in each folder with a Red Intake skin if you want to use as well . Fuel tanks go up in the next update , because the color reflection gave me trouble to let them equal to each skin. Good vuelo.Ariell . -
Este es un pack de pieles para Superetendard, he tratado de recrear la casi desconocida piel de los Supertendard que combatieron en la guerra de lran-Iraq. Es casi imposible conseguir documentación de los 5 aviones que Francia proveyó a Irak durante los 80s. Si se sabe que los numerales eran desde 7445 a 7449. Dos de estos aviones fueron derribados en pelea. Tuvieron pocas incursiones obteniendo algunos objetivos sobre buques petroleros que cruzaban el golfo.
Yo he creado estas pieles en base a la única foto en color que encontre en la red, pero también creé 8 pieles mas con los colores posibles que pudieron tener estos aviones. He creado los numerales desde los reales y completando un total de 15 numerales de los cuales 10 son ficticios, y es solo para no obtener problemas en el simulador. Solo escoja el color que le guste y pongalo en la carpeta "Irak". También hay un skin en cada carpeta de color con una piel Red Intake por si desea usarlo así. Los tanques de combustible los subiré en proxima update, por que la reflexion del color me dio problemas para dejarlos iguales a cada piel. Buen vuelo.Ariell.-
FB-111A "Early SF Model"
By Piglet_7
A stroll down memory lane.
-new hangerscreen
-new Loadingscreen
-old jet
thanks to:
Paco and Wpnssgt (Original model)
NormanKnight (cockpit)
F-111G (RAAF)
By Piglet_7
F-111G "Pig"
NEEDS - F-111 TAC Pack
Upgrades are:
-Damage Textures
-Wing posisions
-Higher Weapons Bay Loadout
-Nav Lights
-Engine effects
-Cockpit Textures
-Speed (Mach 2+)
-RWR symbols and sounds
Thanks to
F-111C/G Version 2.0 By FastCargo
Skin by Jat81500
Decals by USAFMTL
Original model by Paco and Wpnssgt
Original FM by Column5
Sounds by the Mirage Factory
Original Avionics and Gunsight by MJ
Pit by NormanKnight
Combat Ace
Happy low flying
Thanks to the F-111 community and the RAAF.
3 years of hard work....... enjoy
By Piglet_7
The USAF Air Combat Command had converted 34 FB-111A aircraft in 1988 for weapons trainning 1989-1993, then in 1994 15 F-111G Aardvarks were purchased for the RAAF to exetend the life of the R\F-111C "Pig".
Upgrades are:
-Damage Textures
-Wing Angles
-Higher Weapons Bay Loadout
-Nav Lights
-Engine Effects
-Cockpit Textures
-Speed (Mach 2+) now you can outrun Vipers on the deck :)
-RWR symbols and sounds
Sorry about the Strip Lights
I did use the FB-111A model to give the F-111G a realistic loadout. I have included Black BRU-3A bomb racks in the Weapons folder.
Thanks to
F-111C/G Version 2.0 By FastCargo
Skin by Jat81500
Decals by USAFMTL
Original model by Paco and Wpnssgt
Original FM by Column5
Sounds by the Mirage Factory
Original Avionics and Gunsight by MJ
Pit by NormanKnight
Combat Ace
Happy low flying
Thanks to the VARK team for the F-111 for Strike Fighters and a big thanks to the F-111 community.
F-111 TAC Pack
By Piglet_7
F-111 TAC Pack
These USAF Tactical Air Command F-111 have been upgraded ever since the last F-111 flew.
Upgrades are:
-Wing Angles
-Nav Lights
-Engine effects
-Cockpit Textures
-Speed (Mach 2+)
Happy low flying
Thanks to the VARK team and a big thanks to the F-111 community.
F-4E Karpada for WOI (TMF model/TW skin)
By Cliff7600
This model illustrates the F-4E Phantoms that the Israel Defense Force/Air Force received in October 1973 during the Yom Kippour War.
Credits go to:
Thank you Wrench and Sony Tuckson!
It'll be better if you install the Mirage Factory Weapon Pack for WOI, available at CombatAce:
Only for WOI
It could work with SFP1, WOV and WOE installs but it won't be as good unless you do some editing.
Freeware only
Hunter FR10 for WOE
By Cliff7600
This is the WOE version of the Hunter FR.10 SF2 mod by Paulopanz.
It uses ThirdWire LODs so it works only with Wings Over Europe install.
Read the Readme
Credits :
Project, skins and decals by Paulopanz
Dedicated sound by Spillone104
Cameras & ini edits: by Cliff11
Beta testers: Cliff11, Spillone104 & Gaunt
Freeware only is allowed, give proper credits.
Hunter FR10, FR59, Mk73(FR10) and Mk76(FR10) for WOE
By Cliff7600
This is the WOE version of the Hunter FR.10 SF2 mod by Paulopanz.
These are the exported versions of the Middle East (Abu Dhabi, Iraq, Jordan and Sultanate of Oman)
It uses ThirdWire LODs so it works only with Wings Over Europe install as it is.
It may work with WOI but you have to extract the Hunter cockpit LOD from a WOE install.
Read the Readme
Credits :
Project, skins and decals by Paulopanz
Dedicated sound by Spillone104
Cameras & ini edits: by Cliff11
Beta testers: Cliff11, Spillone104 & Gaunt
Freeware only is allowed, give proper credits.
Hunter FR71 and FR74 for WOE
By Cliff7600
This is the WOE version of the Hunter FR.10 SF2 mod by Paulopanz.
These are the exported versions for Chile and Singapore.
It uses ThirdWire LODs so it works only with Wings Over Europe install.
Read the Readme
Credits :
Project, skins and decals by Paulopanz
Dedicated sound by Spillone104
Cameras & ini edits: by Cliff11
Beta testers: Cliff11, Spillone104 & Gaunt
Freeware only is allowed, give proper credits.
MiG-17F pure fighter version
By Gepard
MiG-17F Fighter Version (Vietnam)
I .Credits
This is a mod of TK's stock MiG-17F.
The Pilot is a mod of one of Troopers Red_Pilots_Part1 pilots.
The cockpit is taken from Zurawskis F-86.
Thanks to all whos files i have used to make this MiG-17PF.
II. MiG-17F Fighter version
TK's MiG-17F based more on the fighter bomber versions which the polish or east germans used in the late 70th and early 80th. In this mod i made the pure fighter version the soviets delivered to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in the 60th.
This version had no wiring for using air to ground weapons in their wings. So they were unable to drop bombs or fire missiles or use rocket pods. On the other hand the soviet delivered MiG-17F had a radio range finder, a radar warning reciever and a 5 shot flare dispenser in the right side of the tail fin.
Later the vietnamese got chinese J-5A (MiG-17F copies) which had not such devices.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
subfolders will be automatically created
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
March 2010
Saab J-35 Draken with changed Flightmodel for oct2008 patch
By Gepard
Saab J-35F Draken
This is a mod of the Draken of the Mirage Factory with the aim to fit the flightmodel to the October2008 patch and include minor changes. Sony, thanks for your permission.
-The original FM was under the Oct2008 patch oversensitive. I made some little changes so that the Draken is again a pleasure to fly
-This mod is using the F-4E cockpit instead the F-104 cockpit.
- I made changes on the radar and included a fake IR sensor.
- i modded the original skin a little bit and included a modded version of Hoarmurath green danish Draken skin
I want to say thank you to Sony of TMF for the permission to mod the original Draken (the original readme you find in the Draken folder)
Then i want to say thank you to Hoarmurath for the permission to mod his green Draken skin.
-Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
April 2010
MiG-21M Fishbed-G
By Gepard
MiG-21M Fishbed-G for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun.
For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23.
On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform.
Later in service the MiG-21M was updated some times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF.
The bird in this package is the basic MiG-21M without protection plates and periscope on the canopy, as it was used in the Warshaw Pact and Syria. It represents an early eastgerman LSK/LV MiG-21M before major upgrates.
MiG-21M for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
The plane itself:
Model and skin by TK
The Cockpit
Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
The tactical numbers.
basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz
And finally my little share
I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes.
I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
The subfolder MiG-21M will be created
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Juni 2010
MiG-21M Fishbed-G (1980)
By Gepard
MiG-21M Fishbed-G (1980) for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
In the 60th the MiG OKB developed a recon version of the MiG-21. This bird (MiG-21R) got a bigger tank on the back. Basing on the MiG-21R the soviets developed the MiG-21S, a fighter plane with an improved radar RP-22 and a better weapon system. The S had 4 hardpoints under the wings and the big backtank of the R. But it had no internal gun.
For export an simplified version was developed and called MiG-21M. The M looked very similar to the S, but got the old RP-21 radar. Because the costumers demanded an internal gun the MiG-21M got as first plane the GSha-23.
On paper the MiG-21M had a good performance. It was twice as efficient in the ground attack role than the older MiG-21 versions and was also able to carry the double number of air to air missiles. But in reality the pilots did not love this bird. The MiG-21M was much heavier than the MiG-21F, PF, PFM (SPS-K) but had the same engine. So the agility of the older planes was lost. In contrary the MiG-21M was a very stable gun plattform.
Later in service the MiG-21M was updated a couple of times. It got the protection plates below the side air intakes (Startklappen) which should avoid FOD incidents, but also protect against gun smoke which could harm the engine. In some cases the MiG-21M got the engine of the MiG-21MF. The MiG-21M got the ability to carry twin rail launchers and was updated to carry the missile R-60.
The bird in this package is the updated MiG-21M with protection plates, and MiG-21MF engine, but without periscope on the canopy.
MiG-21M (1980) for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
While making the MiG-21M i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
The plane itself:
Model by TK
The skin
I'm not sure, because no readme was included. I think it could be done by MarcFighters.
The Cockpit
Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
The tactical numbers.
basing on the MiG-21F numbers by PauloPanz
And finally my little share
I edited the Data file to delete the periscope and the protection plates and made some othe minor changes.
I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
The subfolder MiG-21M (1980)will be created
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Juli 2010
MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K
By Gepard
MiG-21SMT Fishbed-K for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
In the late 60th the soviet frontline aviation demanded a longer range MiG-21 for primary use as carrier for tactical nuclear weapons to the central european war theatre.
The MiG-OKB choosed the MiG-21SM as basic for the development and simply enlarged the backfueltank, so that now the internal fuel amount climbed to 2.950 litres (2.400 lbs). The new bird was called MiG-21SMT. The T stands for "topliwo", what means "fuel".
All SMT were prepared for the nuclear strike role.
Only a relative small number of SMT's were built. They served mostly as dedicated nuc carriers at airfields in the GDR (east germany)
MiG-21SMT for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
While making the MiG-21SMT i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
The plane itself:
Model and skin by TK
The backfueltank
Model is by TK
The Cockpit
Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
And finally my little share
I edited the Data file to fit the SMT. Further i made the skin for the backfueltank.
I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
The subfolder MiG-21SMT will be created
2. make sure that the files MiG-21SMTBack.lod and MiG-21SMTBack.bmp were placed into your Aircraft folder, not into the MiG-21SMT folder
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Juli 2010
Gepard's MiG-21S Fishbed-H
By Gepard
MiG-21S Fishbed-G for SFP1, WOI, WOE, WOV
I know, that there is a MiG-21S available already at the download section. It was made by Starfighter. I used it a lot of times, but i had always the feeling, that this bird was to capable, to agile. Additionally it does not 100% looks like the S. Thatswhy i decided to make my own version of the MiG-21S. First of all i used the october2008 patch data.ini, while Starfighters bird based on an older patch.
I deleted the periscope at the canopy, the protection blades under the side air intakes and the gun. Then i increased the weight to the correct value and fixed the gunpod position etc.
In the mid 60th it became obviesly, that the MiG-21 of the second generation had some weakpoints. First of all was the radar system not capable enough. The range of the plane was to short and the air to ground capability was to weak.
To overcome the first weakpoint the MiG designers decided to introduce the new radar system RP-22 Saphir. This radar was originally developed as S-23 for the high agile dogfighter project E-8, which was canceled to favor the swing wing design, which we know today as MiG-23.
Because the S-23 was to big for the MiG-21 nose cone it was downsized. Especially the size of the radar antanna was reduced. So the maximum detection range of the system was decreased from 54km to 30km. But this was 50% more the old RP-21 could offer. So the RP-22 Saphir was selected, and the S in MiG-21S was the indicator for the improved radar.
To give the MiG-21 longer legs, the designers decided to implement the long backfueltank which was already used at the MiG-21R recon bird. Further the miG-21S got two additionally wet hardpoints under the wings. So the S could carry 3 fuel drop tanks instead 1 as the older versions. With the 2 new weaponstations the air to ground capability of the plane was doubled. The bird now was able to carry 2.000kg of weapons instead 1.000kg as before.
On paper the MiG-21S was an excellent and capable bird. But it was not loved by their pilots. It was nearly 1.000kg heavier than a MiG-21F-13 and 500kg heavier than a MiG-21PF, but still had the same engine. So the MiG-21S had lost a lot of the agility of their forrunners and was not more the born dogfighter.
MiG-21S for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
While making the MiG-21S i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
The plane itself:
Model and skin by TK
The gunpod
I used the upk-23-250 of the weapon pack to simulate the GP-9 gunpod. It is not 100% correct, but the best available.
The Cockpit
Cockpit by Mago/Paladrian
And finally my little share
I edited the Data file to fit the S. I deleted the periscope, the gun and the protection blades to give this bird the shape of the MiG-21S.
I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
The subfolder MiG-21S will be created
2. install Gunpod GP-9
2.1. Put file upk-23-250.lod and upk-23-250.bmp into your Weapons folder
2.2. include following lines into your weapondata.ini
make sure to replace XXXX with your correct sequence number
FullName=GP-9 23 mm Gunpod
2.3. ) open Weaponeditor and click on save
Now the GP-9 Gunpod is available.
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Juli 2010
MiG-21F-13 (1975)
By Gepard
In mid 70th the egyptian technicians replaced the R-11 engine of the MiG-21F13 by the R-13 which came with the MiG-21MF. The new and stronger engine made the MiG-21F13 faster and more agil. It also does not suffer anymore by compressor stalls which were common with the R-11 engine and the R-13 engine also not so often "died" if a missile was fired, so that restart of the engine in the air was not so often neccessary anymore.
The most interessing point of the replacement of the engine is, that the R-13 normaly does not fit into the fuselage of the MiG-21F13. But the egyptian technicians found a way to overcome this problem and make fit was does not fit. So the most agil MiG-21 was born.
The plane itself is made:
by TK
The Cockpit is made
by Mago (Paladrian)
and only the small ini edit is made by me.
-Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
November 2010
MiG-21PF (1975)
By Gepard
MiG-21PF (1975)
corrected a little mistake, i had forgotten to remove the internal gun. Sorry my fault.
In mid 70th the egyptian technicians replaced the R-11 engine of the MiG-21F13 by the R-13 which came with the MiG-21MF. When it became obviesly that it was a successfull project the same upgrade program was started with the MiG-21PF. The R-11 was replaced by the R-13 engine and in the most cases the holding bolt for the GP-9 gunpod was included. In some few cases the brakechute container was placed above the engine pipe as it is known from the later MiG-21 seria.
With this upgrade program the MiG-21PF became faster and more agile. With the gunpod the MiG-21PF pilot had a substancial increased dogfight capability.
The plane itself is made:
by TK
The Cockpit is made
by Mago (Paladrian)
The GP-9 Gunpod is made
by Spillone104
and only the small ini edit is made by me.
-1. Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.
-2. Unzip file gp-9 gunpod.zip into your weapons folder and follow the instructions you find in the readme with the name"add to weapondata.ini"
Thats it
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
November 2010
F-20C TigerShark
By Gepard
F-20C TigerShark
The F-20C TIGERSHARK pack is a mod of the F-20A TigerShark.
It comes WITHOUT the neccessary file F-20A-R0b.lod
You can get the file from F-20A package available at A-Team Skunkworks homepage.
This is the flyable version of *****s static F-20
It represent the F-20C as it was intended as successor of the F-20A.
Max Speed: Mach 2.1
Acceleration from M0.9 to M1.2 at 30.000 ft in 29 seconds
max turn rate: 20° = 18 seconds per 360° circle
sustained turn rate 11.5°/sec at M0.8 at 15.000 ft
Length 14,40 m
Wingspan 8,30 m
Internal fuel 5.500 lbs
take of weight clean 17.260 lbs
combat weight 50% fuel 15.060 lbs
max weight 26.290 lbs
1 x General Electric F404-GE-200
Thrust 49,88 kN dry
70,094 kN Afterburner
2 x 20mm M-39 cannons 460 rounds
up to 6 AIM-9 Sidewinder
2 x AIM-7
2 x AIM-120
5 pylons with max 8.000 lbs external stores
BE AWARE: the F-20C Tigershark is a high agile plane with a tendency of fast rolling and overrolling. Thatswhy dont move the stick to fast!
Known issues:
- the model is low poly (was originaly intended to use as ground target only)
- the skin is relatively simple, upper and lower side of the wings are similar
- airbrakes are not visible
- i used the F-15A cockpit which is the closest available to the F-20C cockpit
- nose gear steering is not animated
I want to say thank you to ***** for the permission and his help to mod his static F-20A Tigershark
The flight model is partly basing of TK's stock F-16A FM
The cockpit is basing on TK's F-15 cockpit
-Unzip F-20C files into your objects/aircraft folder.
-Copy file F-20A-R0b.lod from your F-20 into your F-20C folder
-Unzip Decals into your decals folder (If you dont have one, create one into objects folder)
That it.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
November 2010
Vautour IIB/N for WOI - Updated
By eburger68
Veltro2K's Vautour IIB/N for WOI - Updated
This is an update of Veltro2K's Vautour IIB & IIN for Wings Over Israel (WOI). In this update (the originals available at CombatAce in the SF1 Downloads section), I have done my best to correct or mitigate these models' several anomalies: AI inability to taxi and takeoff correctly; AI aircraft exploding on the taxiway; AI problems handling the aircraft in flight; loadout errors; glaring white spots in the engine nacelles.
Notes: You will notice that AI aircraft still bounce around just a bit while taxiing, but they do now take off in timely fashion. The updates applied here mirror those offered in my updated SF2I version, also uploaded to CombatAce.
Thanks to Wrench for looking over an early version of this update and supplying some additional fixes and adjustments, as well as the F-86D cockpit for the IIN model.
Updates & Fixes
These aircraft versions incorporate a number of fixes and updates:
- applied Veltro2K's fixpacks for B & N model
- added damage TGAs from Christian59's "damage pack"
- added new LOADOUT.BMP
- spiffed up LOADING & HANGAR screens
- darkened IDFCamo textures
- removed spinner nodes to fix unsightly white
spots within engine nacelles (no material assigned
to spinner nodes)
- corrected, renamed, or removed a number of node
names within DATA.INIs
- made engine ThrustPositions symmetrical to correct
AI handling problems
- tweaked landing gear data to improve AI ground handling
- added tail bumper to improve taxiing & takeoff stability
- updated flight model for SF2
- tweaked loadouts & weapon stations
- added F-86F cockpit from Dave Zurawski & the F-86F
Development Team to the Vautour IIB
- added F-86D cockpit from the Sabre Dog Team to the
Vautour IIN
- added Israeli AF '50s/'60s pilot model by Wrench &
Installation is simple:
1. Drop the Objects folder into your WOI installation directory.
2. Add the following data to your WeaponsData.INI and save
the changes with the 3rdWire Weapons Editor:
FullName=300 gal Drop Tank
Original Aircraft: Veltro2K
Flight Model: ThirdWire
F-86F Cockpit: Dave Zurawski & F-86F Dev Team
F-86D Cockpit: Sabre Dog Team
Damage Textures: Christian59
IAF 50s/60s Pilot: Wrench & PappyCheckSix
Misc. Fixes: Wrench
Eric Howes
23 May 2009
Suez Avenger for WOI - Suez Crisis
By eburger68
TBM-3E Avenger for Wings Over Israel - Suez Crisis
This is a modification of the TBM-3E released by The Wrench, which is itself a mod of the TBF/TBM Avenger available in the WWII aircraft section at the A-Team Skunkworks web site:
This mod creates a TBM-3E Avenger for use in ThirdWire's Wing Over Israel (WOI). Included are French Navy and Royal Navy texture sets.
Historical purists & rivet-counters take note: what you're about to read is likely to cause nausea, dizziness, and mild vomiting.
Before discussing anything else, let me tell you what's wrong with this mod:
1) It uses the wrong aircraft: the French Naval Air unit participating in the Suez Crisis flew the TBM-3S/W, not the TBM-3E. I don't have access to a TBM-3S/W model, so the TBM-3E it is.
2) It represents the wrong unit: the French Naval Air unit flying the Avenger in the Suez Crisis was 9 Flotilla, not 15 Flotilla. I don't have decals for 9F, so I used the 15F decals from The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 Corsair instead.
3) It flies the wrong missions: the French Avenger was primarily an anti-submarine aircraft. Given that there are no Anti-Sub missions in WOI (and given that flying around over an open ocean for hours at a time would get really old really fast in this game), this Avenger is configured to fly Strike, CAS, and Armed Recon missions like other attack aircraft in the world of ThirdWire.
For those of you still with me, let me provide some other information about this mod.
This mod is NOT a complete, self-contained package. It requires that you download the TBF/TBM Avenger from the A-Team's site (see above for a link). Once you've got that file downloaded, do the following:
1) Unpack the A-Team's TBF/TBM Avenger into its own folder.
2) Copy or move the \Objects & \Sounds folders from this mod (i.e., the Suez Avenger mod) to your WOI installation directory.
3) Copy or move the following items from the A-Team TBF/TBM Avenger to the \Objects\Aircraft\TBM-3E folder in your WOI installation directory:
- TBM Avenger-R5.LOD
- TBM Avenger-R5.OUT
- \Cockpit [the entire folder "as is"]
4. Install the AN/APS-4 Radar Pod data (from ForWeaponData.txt) to your WeaponData.INI and save the changes using the 3rdWire Weapons Editor.
That's it. You're ready to fly.
Please note that the default unit/skin is the French Navy 15F. I've thrown in Kulbit(80)'s Royal Navy skin as a bonus. This aircraft can be flown reliably on both Hard and Normal flight model settings.
This mod produces the same aircraft as the version for SF2I.
Changes & Updates
This mod makes extensive changes to Wrench's TBM-3E. Here's a short list:
- added French Navy 15F texture set
- added Kulbit(80)'s Royal Navy texture set
- added custom Hangar & Loading screens
- added updated Loadout image
- tweaked flight model for Hard settings in WOI
- tweaked landing gear to fix AI aircraft exploding
on the taxiway
- removed belly gunner node and gun
- performed other minor, misc. tweaks & adjustments
Thanks to Wrench and Kulbit(80) for testing and misc. tweaks & fixes.
As noted earlier, this is a modification of the TBM-3E released by The Wrench, which is itself a mod of the TBF/TBM Avenger available in the WWII aircraft section at the A-Team Skunkworks web site:
Original aircraft: Dev A-Team (Capun, Charles, Gramps and Kesselbrut)
TBM-3E Modifications: Kevin Stein, aka The Wrench
AN/APS-4 radar pod: Tim Davis
Royal Navy skin: Michal Minta, aka Kulbit(80)
15F decals: The Mirage Factory
Please see the \_Docs folder for the original readme files included with the mods listed above. Any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility.
Eric Howes
27 July 2010
MiG-21Bison (21-93)
By Gepard
MiG-21 Bison aka MiG-21-93 aka MiG-21 UPG
In 1993 the MiG-21-93 made its debut on various airshows, for instance in Le Bourget and Berlin. It was a major update for the MiG-21bis which incorporated a modern radar, a modern data link system and modern ECM capability.
The MiG-21-93 had a dramatically increased combat capabilities. It now can engage air targets at medium range and can use precison guided weapons against ground and sea targets.
India updated its MiG-21bis fleet to the 21-93 standard and called this bird now MiG-21Bison. The bison showed its combat efficiency in various training combats including against american F-15's.
MiG-21Bison for WOE, WOV, WOI, SFP1 credits
While making the Bison i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files!
The plane itself:
Model by TK
The Cockpit is taken from Mirage Factories MiG-29A
Cockpit by Mago
The added objects.
I took the MiG-23 drop tank to create the longer MiG-21bis style back of the bird. Then i used CIACHOs AKU-58 file to create the chaff flare dispensers
And finally my little share
I edited the Data file to implement the guided missiles, added the ECM and Chaffs etc. And i modified the original Skin to create a fictional East German Bison, the russian and the Indian version.
I know that the Indian Bisons are more grey than the light blue, but due the Fake pilot methode i used to place the added objects i had to decide which color this objects should have and so i decided to use a light blue instead the grey.
I hope that i havent forgotten someone to give the proper credit.
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
The subfolder MiG-21Bison will be created
2. make sure that the following files are placed in aircraft folder, NOT in MiG-21Bison folder:
MiG-21IRWerfer.LOD and bmp
WPact_Pilot.LOD and bmp
otherwise you will see pilots sitting on the wings of the bird.
3. Now install the backtank with following steps
3.1. Put file MiG-21Back.lod and MiG-21Back.bmp into your Weapons folder
3.2. include following lines into your weapondata.ini
FullName=MiG-21bis Backtank
3.3 ) open Weaponeditor and click on save
Now the MiG-21bis backtank is available.
Sorry that i had forgotten to write it in the readme.
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Dezember 2009
Su-20 Egyptian Air Force
By Gepard
Su-20 Fitter-C
I .Credits
This is a mode of AmokFloos Su-17M Fitter C. Florian, thanks for the permission to use your files.
The Cockpit is the excellent Su-7BM cockpit made by Boopidoo and Kukulo.
My little share was to do some modifications of the Data.ini. I deleted the guided weapons, added armour, modified the decoys and made a fictive egyptian Su-20 skin.
II. Su-20
The Su-20 was the export version of the early Su-17. It had simplyfied avionics and was thatswhy unable to use high developed weapon systems. But it had high survival capabilities. The very robust Ljulka engine was able to "eat" some birds and in one occasion a complete pitote tube without to suffer damage. While life firing tests in the USSR the tanks of the swing wing Fitter were rippled by 12.7 mm bullets with the only result, that the technicians found the bullets "swimming" in the fuel.
The Su-20 was used by the Egyptian Air Force during the 1973 war against Israel (Yom Kippur war, Ramadan War, October War)
1. unzip into your aircraft folder
subfolders will be automatically created
Thats it! Enjoy flying.
V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
Hope you enjoy it.
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
Dezember 2008
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