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First Eagles - WWI and Early Years 1914 - 1920

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    1. Cambrai Plane Fest

      Cambrai France
      January 1 1916
      The new campaign is now ready to Download as soon as its approved....
      This campaign works on FE + Exp pack and FE+Exp+April Patch
      The plane sets as follows:
      1. Dh2
      2. F2B
      3. Fe8
      4. Pup
      5. CamelF1_110
      6. Triplane
      7. CamelF1_130
      8. SE5a
      9. CamelF1_150
      10. Nieuport11
      11. Nieuport17
      12. N24
      13. N24bis
      14. SPAD13
      15. N28
      16. HalbD3
      17. AlbatrosD1
      18. AlbatrosD2
      19. PfalzD3
      20. AlbatrosD3
      21. AlbatrosD3OAW
      22. AlbatrosD5
      23. AlbatrosD5a
      24. PfalzD8
      25. FokkerD7F
      26. Snipe
      27. RE8
      28. BE2
      29. Re8
      30. Salmson2A
      31. Ca3
      32. HP400
      33. Walfisch
      34. AviatikC2
      35. DFWC5
      36. AEG_G4
      37. Staaken
      38. GothaGIV
      The are also two additional packs included with the download.
      1) The cambrai_targets.ini file to add many extra ground, balloons and AAA nests.
      2) A new sound pack for FE planes to add realism for the sound of the game.
      As always if there are issues leave me a msg here and I will try and get the problem sorted out.


         (1 review)



    2. Morane Saulnier Type H in belgian colours

      Hi Folks,
      this is the Morane Saulnier Type H in belgian colours.
      A hangar and a loading screen is attached as well.
      Hope you enjoy it.
      Hermann the Hun


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    3. Worn Airfield for Flanders

      Worn Airfield texture for Flanders Terrain.
      August 12, 2007 by ShrikeHawk
      First of all, kudos and credit to Tailspin for coming up with the idea for a "worn" airbase
      and also for finding the right file to edit.
      I had 3 objectives in mind when making this texture.
      1. Create a used, rutted look for the airfield that has yellowish-looking grass and muddy, exposed earth
      patches where planes have repeatedly landed.
      2. When close to, or sitting on the ground, the texture must look more complex with details to
      give the flyer a greater sense of motion near the ground. But this should not be too prominent at
      altitude. This was achieved using filter effects and applying graphic "noise" to the texture.
      3. Lastly, I wanted the texture to "blend in" more with the background. This was difficult because the
      surrounding tiles are not the same at every airbase. So I attempted to visually breakup the edges of the
      texture a la camouflage so that the edge of the airbase is not readily discernable. On close
      inspection, you can still see the edges. But not so clearly when viewed at an oblique angle.
      Note: I expect this will not look so good with the standard Verdun terrain. In my Verdun terrain, I am
      using Edward's replacement tiles, which I highly recommend. This texture works well with Edward's


         (2 reviews)



    4. Berthold: The 'Iron Knight' Of Jasta 15.

      A Mission for First Eagles:
      Bucky's Quick Mission No.3: 'Berthold: The 'Iron Knight' Of Jasta 15'.
      This mission is a re-enactment of an actual aerial combat that took place at about
      6.30pm on Wednesday, 29th May, 1918, between Jasta 15 and two unknown French
      During this action, Hptm Rudolf Berthold, leader of Jasta 15 and Kommandeur of
      Jagdeschwader II, flying his new Fokker DVII, brought down two planes within ten minutes of
      each other: A Spad XIII and a Breguet XIV of two unknown French units. These were his
      victory numbers; 30 and 31.
      However, he was lucky to survive the combat as his machine gun interrupter gear
      malfunctioned and he almost shot his own propeller off!
      Berthold (44 victories), was a strict disciplinarian and was dubbed; 'The Iron Knight' by his
      men. He accepted no excuses from them...Not even a gun jam or engine trouble was reason
      enough to withdraw from a fight as far as he was concerned!
      Although suffering many horrendous injuries during the war, he refused to stop flying...
      Enduring agonising pain caused by an injury to his right arm that was so bad he had to fly
      one handed!.
      He survived the war, only to be killed by his own countrymen in 1920. Courageous to the
      point of foolhardiness, his combat career makes interesting reading. Do a Google search and
      be amazed!
      To set the scene:
      At this time Berthold's Jasta 15 were based at Mesnil-Bruntel, a few miles east of Amiens.
      Their Fokker DVII's were so new, it's doubtful if the red and blue paint used to decorate them
      was totally dry! They had received them just a couple of days before.
      The Aisne offensive had been launched by the Germans on the 27th, and was proving
      successful, forcing the allies back about 20 miles. Jasta 15 were very much in the thick of the
      action, opposed as they were, by three allied air forces: British, French and American.
      Mission guidelines:
      Flying as Berthold, you're leading five wingmen of your jasta on the evening patrol. You're
      approaching the front at approximately 9000 ft.
      While busy contemplating how truly splendid your freshly painted, spanking new DVII's look
      in the evening sunshine, you suddenly notice a group of aeroplanes about a kilometre away
      and 1500 meters below, heading toward a German airfield....FRENCH BOMBERS!...
      Mission Requirements:
      To fly this mission as intended, you'll need:
      Flanders Terrain.
      By Edward.
      Jasta 15 skins X6
      By Warbirds and JFM.
      Breguet 14
      By Capun and his team at Skunkworks.
      Many thanks to all the above artists for their most excellent contributions to this great game.
      Compromises and game limitations:
      1. During the spring and summer of 1918 the German offensive had pushed the allies back
      much further than the actual front line depicted in the game. Also, the FE map is very
      sparsely populated around the Soissons area where this combat actually took place. This
      means that I've not been able to place the action as accurately on the map as I would've liked.
      Never mind, it isn't that far away.
      3. FE won't allow multiple 'named wingmen' in the players flight. This means the game will
      recognise only the players plane. consequently, there will be no record of your wingmen's
      actions in the 'stats' screen at end of mission. It also means you can't issue orders via the
      'tab' button.
      The good news is; this doesn't stop your wingmen from participating in the furball!
      Installation Instructions:
      Install the mission by unzipping the downloaded file to the following path:
      C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/WW1/Missions
      Alternatively, you can drag and drop the MSN file directly into your 'Missions' folder.
      I hope you enjoy flying this mission and find it challenging enough to play it more than once...
      I've tried to make it as accurate and authentic as the game will allow.
      Feel free to change any of the parameters as you wish. In fact, if you have a low to medium
      spec PC, you may wish to lower the number of aircraft used in the mission, to achieve
      smoother frame rates.
      I would welcome any suggestions or feedback, good or bad, via any one of the FE forums.
      Happy hunting!


         (4 reviews)



    5. Aircraft Pilot Bailout

      This is a mod from Stary's excellent Ejecting Pilots Beta mod.
      This mod was made by my brother(ezmonee),who is a huge FE2 fan.
      Be sure to read the Readme for install instructions.
      I haven't tested it yet,but it might also work with WW2 and Korea non-ejection seat aircraft.


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      1 comment


    6. Billy Bishop's Dawn Raid

      A mission for First Eagles.
      Bucky's Quick Mission No.4: 'Billy Bishop's Dawn Raid'.
      This Mission is a re-enactment of an action that took place at around 5.00am on Saturday,
      2nd June, 1917.
      On this day, Canadian, Capt William Avery Bishop attacked an unknown German aerodrome
      (Estourmel?) near Cambrai, single handed, shooting down three German planes that had
      attempted to take off to intercept him, and inflicting damage on parked planes and equipment
      on the ground. For this action he was awarded the Victoria Cross.
      Bishop, was at this time in 60 Squadron, flying a Nieuport 17 (serial No.B1566). He had been
      promoted to Captain and given command of a flight after just one month of flying at the front.
      A remarkable feat in itself.
      He survived the war as the leading British and Empire ace, with a total of 72 victories. It has
      to be said though, that none of his claims have been verified by documented German losses.
      Indeed, the action depicted in this mission can't be corroborated by any witnesses
      whatsoever, and it's a strange fact that he was awarded the VC on just his word alone...
      Something never achieved by any other VC winner, before or since!
      I would recommend doing a Google search for the full story, then make up your own mind
      about him...
      To set the scene:
      At this time 60 Sqn was based at Filescamp Farm, on Le Hameau aerodrome, a few miles
      west of Arras. Bishop had for some time been planning an audacious dawn attack on an
      enemy aerodrome...Originally, he was to be escorted by another famous VC winner; Albert
      Ball, but he had been killed (in controversial circumstances) on 7th may 1917, so now Bishop
      planned to go alone...
      At about 03.45 hours on Saturday, June 2nd, 1917, Bishop set off from Le Hameau in his
      Nieuport 17. It was still dark, misty, and raining.
      Soon after crossing the front lines he came across an enemy airfield but found it devoid of
      activity, so flew on in search of a better target.
      At about 5.am, just as the sun was rising and with the bad weather clearing, he found exactly
      what he was looking for...Ahead was a German aerodrome with seven parked machines,
      being made ready for the dawn patrol by several mechanics and groundcrew.
      He made a low, sweeping pass, strafing the row of Albatros D.III's and generally causing
      mayhem...As he turned to repeat the manoeuvre, he saw one D.III taking off to intercept
      him. Bishop lined himself up behind the German and shot him down.
      Moments later, another D.III was attempting the same thing... Bishop again manoeuvred
      his Nieuport into position, but in his excitement, missed from quite close range. However, his
      fire unnerved the German pilot, who lost control and steered his plane into a tree.
      Bishop turned again toward the airfield and this time he saw two D.III's taking off at the
      same time,...in opposite directions. One headed for Bishop while the other tried to gain
      height to launch his attack. He was now in a turning fight with the nearest Albatros.
      Managing to turn his more agile Nieuport inside, he fired a long burst into the enemy plane,
      which then crashed to the ground just outside the airfield perimeter.
      After an intense but indecisive combat with the fourth D.III, and worried that he was
      dangerously low on ammo, Bishop hightailed it away quickly, even throwing his Lewis gun
      overboard to gain speed. He was chased by more enemy fighters all the way back to the
      front line, but got back safely to his aerodrome.
      His mechanics couldn't believe his Nieuport had made it back with so many bullet holes...
      It was literally riddled!
      Bishop describes the action in great detail in his book 'Winged Warfare'. A WW1 air war
      Mission guidelines:
      The mission starts a short time after Bishop had found the first inactive German airfield...
      You'll be at about 1500 ft.
      Keep to a heading of around 80 degrees. You'll see Cambrai on your right as you approach
      the main Cambrai to Douai road. You should soon be able to see the aerodrome at the
      1.00 O'clock position.
      How you approach it is up to you, but Bishop descended to 300ft to achieve the maximum
      surprise. Get to the airfield quick, and the action should pan out just as it happened to
      A few last words of advice though...ZOOM 'N DIVE,...BOB 'N WEAVE...DO NOT FLY IN A
      If you find the mission too hard:
      Go to the game's 'Missions' folder, open the Bishop mission, then find the line;
      EnemyAirDefenseActivity= and change the 3 to 1 or 2. Then save and exit.
      Mission requirements:
      To fly this mission as intended, you'll need:
      Flanders terrain.
      By Edward.
      To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'Maps/Terrains section.
      Nieuport 17
      By Tex Murphy & Monty CZ
      To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'Add On Aircraft' section.
      Albatros D.III
      By Capun and his team at Skunkworks
      To be found at the Skunkworks site. (Registration required)
      Active Battlefield for First Eagles Version 2
      By Heck.
      To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'Maps/Terrains section.
      Not sure if this is essential but it's a great mod and highly recommended
      PLEASE NOTE: I've tested this mission with Gr.Viper's excellent 'FE-Simple Machine Gun
      Mod' installed, and found it exciting, but unfortunately, next to impossible!
      So if you have this mod in your game, you may want to disable it to play this mission with
      any chance of survival!...Or give it a try if you're feeling particularly brave!
      For maximum realism, the mission should be played with all gameplay settings set to 'Hard'.
      Many thanks to all the above artists for their most excellent contributions to this great game.
      Compromises and game limitations:
      The only compromise to historical accuracy in this particular mission is that Bishop's Nieuport
      17 was actually armed with a single overwing Lewis gun, as opposed to the Vickers supplied
      with Tex Murphy and Monty CZ's excellent version. A bit of a shame because Bishop had to
      reload a new drum onto his Lewis gun three or more times during the action, and it would
      have been nice to be able to replicate that.
      Never mind though, you should still have more than enough ammo to cause just as much
      mayhem and destruction!
      The good news: The RFC Nieuport actually depicts Bishop's Nieuport 17, serial No.B1566!
      Installation instructions:
      Install the mission by unzipping the downloaded file to the following path:
      C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/WW1/Missions
      Alternatively, you can drag and drop the unzipped MSN file directly into your 'Missions' folder.
      I hope you enjoy flying this mission and find it both challenging and enjoyable enough to play
      it more than once...I've tried to make it as historically accurate and authentic as the game
      will allow.
      Feel free to change any of the parameters as you wish.
      I would welcome any suggestions or general feedback, good, bad or indifferent, via any one
      of the FE forums.
      Be Lucky!
      Bucky. 3/5/07


         (5 reviews)



    7. SE5a M'Mick' Mannock

      Updated and sorted SE5a 'Mick' Mannock skins files, to include text and screenshot. All credit to the original templates from Thirdwire
      Apologies to those who downloaded my previous files only to find bits missing, and many thanks to Erik for his help.


         (3 reviews)



    8. HalberstadtDII_new

      The contents of this zip file are the sole property of their Author,Bortdafarm who has
      granted me permission to upload them to CombatAce.
      revised model and textures includes skin pack and pit up-dated 04/07
      feel free to fart about with the bits n bobs
      fm- player version (hard)
      revised model file and textures
      this version comes with a shadow file
      tho you will need to switch this on in the config file
      like thus
      other notes;
      reversed rudder control on your system?;;;
      open the FokkerDIIIL_DATA.INI (right click/-open-/with notepad)
      edit this entry


         (2 reviews)



    9. Pfalz D.XII 9-Pack

      These skins are as accurate as I know how to make them.
      They are generic skins with a general Jasta marking.
      I've only come up with 9 skins. I know Jasta 5 also had some D.XII's but I've not yet found a photo or rendering of the type.
      If anyone has any info on a D.XII of Jasta 5 please fill me in.
      1. Pfalz Camo 1 - Brown, light green, and green fuselage.
      2. Pfalz Camo 2 - Purple, Green, light green, and grey fuselage.
      3. Jasta17 - Blue-grey nose, wheels and tail with white cowling.
      4. Jasta23b - Purple, green, light green, and grey fuselage with black and white tail section.
      5. Jasta32b - Purple, green, light green and grey fuselage with black
      6. Jasta35b - Brown, green, light green fuselage with a white chevron on upper wings.
      7. Jasta43 - Grey fuselage with white tail and nose.
      8. Jasta49 - Grey fuselage with red stabilizers and wheels.
      9. Jasta77b - Grey fuselage with blue nose, tail, and wheels.
      All wing surfaces are covered in 4-color printed fabric.
      Enjoy, quack74
      Edit: Jasta77b is now a more Bavarian Blue.


         (1 review)



    10. Jasta 2 Alb DIII 8 pack

      This is an 8 pack of Albatros DIII's from Jasta Boelcke 1917.
      1. Ltn. Werner Voss.
      2. Gerhard Bassenge.
      3. Ltn. Hermann Frommherz.
      4. Ltn. Franz Pernet.
      5. Ltn. Georg Noth.
      6. Ltn. Otto Hunzinger.
      7. Ltn. Johannes Wintrath.
      8. Ltn. Wilhelm Prien.
      Pics are inside each skin folder of the planes and pilots.
      Added Ltn. von Tutschek --- Black band with white borders
      Lightened up the blue on Frommherz's D.III
      and added a stock Jasta 2 D.III.


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    11. Updated RFC SPAD VII with Lewis gun

      updated to fix nationality and gun ammo and use Peter)1s newest flight model.Otherwise the same as the original.


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    12. Beutepanzer rear guns to AA

      Since two gunners in rear sponsons never see ground combat, this mod arms them with machine guns and gets them to target aircraft. This gives a nice dense 'trench fire' effect if you fly low behind the panzers in an allied craft.
      The rest of the tank's guns still work against ground targets.
      To install, unpack and place the .ini file into Objects\GroundObject\BeutepanzerIVF folder of First Eagles


         (2 reviews)



    13. Fokker DII

      Fokker DII
      A revamp of Stephen 1918's Glorious Fokker D II , I have re done the original 3 skins as I thought the aluminum cowl needed to be lightened up somewhat, and the panels on the cowlings needed a slight tweak. So I have re done the original ones supplied by Stephen, I have also made alternative versions of thos 3 aircraft with painted cowlings, and white bandage markings for the Maltese crosses, I also made one skin in Clear dope, for those of you who like CDL aircraft, it appears that the DII was usually painted , so a doped aircraft was rare, I also did 2 separate aircraft from Kesta 4b one with a black and whirte striped rear fuselage, and the other one was just white, also was not a named aircraft. and lastly I did an aircraft from Kesta 16 with a rather natty eyeball marking and the fuselage over painted with paint smears.
      I have also included the FM by Von S , along with the early spandau, and finally one of Geezers smashing pilots. sounds decals, and hangar screens are all included or at least they should be.

      I hope I have included everyone who I am supposed to give credit to, if I have missed anyone out I heartilly apologise, and thank you whomsoever ye may be.
      You may also notice that I have applied little or no weathering to these skins, that is basically because although these aircraft got very dirty very quickly, I much prefer the model to be shown in "airshow" condition, so if you want weathering, please feel free to add your own to taste, myself, I like 'em looking clean.


         (2 reviews)



    14. Gibraltar Buildings & Trees

      Gibraltar Buildings & Trees.
      Bien, creo que el titulo expresa lo que contiene este paquete... :)
      Estos son mis primeros "tod" files completamente nuevos y originales. Poco a poco
      estoy ganando la batalla al "terrain editor"!
      Cualquier comentario o sugerencia es agradecida y bienvenida. Animo!
      Well, I think the title expresses what is inside this package ... :)
      These are my first completely new and original ".tod files". Slowly I'm winning the
      "terrain editor" battle !
      Any comments or suggestions are appreciated and welcome. Courage!


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    15. Sopwith Tabloid (Late)

      The Tabloid was the land based variant of the Schneider developed in 1913. It was quickly adopted by the British military and was used both by the Royal Navy and the Royal Flying Corps. Later versions had ailerons on both wings and a larger vertical stabilizer on the tail. Most were armed with Lewis guns on the upper wing and could carry small bomb loads. The Tabloid was used mostly for recon and light bombing missions. I have included my skinning templates and a full set of number decals.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Sopwith Tabloid and for providing input on the model details.
      Thanks also to Nix for creating the sound file for the Gnome 100hp engine.
      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SopwithTabloidLate" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. You also need to move the sound file "gnome100m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file and move the folder named "SopwithTabloidLate" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create new folder named "SopwithTabloidLate". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SopwithTabloidLate folder into the Decals/SopwithTabloidLate folder you just made. You also need to move the sound file "gnome100m2.wav" into the FirstEagles/Sounds folder.


         (2 reviews)



    16. Eastern Front - Skins for Stock Planes

      This is a few skins for the Eastern Front - I have included two balloons for the Russians, based on the two balloons that come with First Eagles. And I have made three skins each for the stock SPAD 7 and the SPAD 13.
      The Caquot style balloon was pretty common in WWI so I made one for the Russians. The kite style balloon (the "Drachen" balloon in the game) was also a common balloon and the Russians purchased several of them from the Parseval-Siegsfeld Company in Germany before the war.
      The plane skins are a slight rework of the stock tan skins, most of the change is in the decal placements. I have included decals for some of the Russian squadrons, and I eliminated squadron markings and flight numbers. (One of the SPAD 7 skins uses the SPAD 13 serial numbers because I couldn't find the SPAD 7 numbers in FE Gold.)
      The plane skins should work with any of the modded SPADs that use the stock LODs from First Eagles.
      The actual skins for each plane are the same, so to save download time, I only included one set with each plane. You will have to copy the 6 bmp files and paste them into the other two folders for each plane.


         (1 review)



    17. Armored Train - For Tracks

      Armored Trains were used extensively on the Eastern Front and to a lesser extent on the Palestine and Italian Fronts. On the Western Front, after 1914 they were used mostly for defense and as mobile headquarters. I have created five cars which can arranged in different configurations.
      Engines could both push and pull other cars. It was common to have an armed car or two in front of the engine.
      Troop cars had quarters for an infantry unit to help defend the train. There is a turret with a light gun. It is currently set for anti-aircraft, but you can change the data file to target ground objects.
      Transport cars were used to move troops, munitions, or other supplies into a battle zone or recently conquered territory.
      Gun cars were used as mobile light artillery. They can be included in a train or parked on a siding to defend a train station, supply depot, or other strategic location. If you change the target type to ground, they can be used as field guns.
      I have included two versions of a heavy, rail mounted artillery gun. In transport mode, the gun is lowered and the car can be included in a train. In deployed mode, there is gun data assigned so the gun will shoot at ground targets. If you place an observation balloon about 2 kilometers down range, the gun will be elevated when it shoots, as if it were shooting at a distant target. There is very little side to side motion, so you have to be pretty accurate when you place the target balloon.
      All the cars are the same length for easy placement. Put them 17.25 meters apart and they will line up nicely on the tracks.
      There are three complete trains with different skins so you can use them in different terrains or for different forces. I have arbitrarily assigned the grey skin to Germany, the green skin to Russia, and the tan skin to the Ottoman Empire. With a little typing, you can reassign them to whatever forces you want.
      These cars are designed to be used with the train tracks from Gepard's Railway Station (available in the Strike Fighter 1 Terrain downloads). Gepard has given me permission to include the tracks with my train. I have made a new skin with the ties farther apart, which I think looks better from the air. If you already have the tracks in your terrain, you don't need this.
      All of these need to be included in the targets.ini in order to use them. I have included the data for the types.ini in the folders for each train.


         (1 review)



    18. Airfields for Bombers

      First off this is for First Eagles Gold. But I'm sure it will work with FE2.
      I figured a simple way to use heavy bombers that takeoff from airfields without changing the spacing for fighters.
      What I did was copy a terrain folder (for this example I'll use the Flanders terrain) and renamed it "Flanders_Bombers".
      And then changed the spacing in the "WWI_AIRFIELDS1 .ini" in the new terrain folder.
      Now I can select the new "Flanders_Bombers" in the terrain menu and takeoff with any of the heavy bombers. All the missions are the same and all the same aircraft will appear.
      There is a bit more to do. It's all in the Readme file inside. The new "WWI_AIRFIELDS1.ini" is also included.
      A link is also included in the readme for the heavy bombers if you dont already have them.
      Hope you like this. It's great for bombing missions.
      Enjoy, quack74


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    19. QUICK START FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY

      UPDATE: 3rd September
      Se5a, Spad13, FokkerDr1 FMs changed.
      For the Fokker Dr1, there are two alternative FMs, TKs with AI changes and mine. Default is mine... its your choice. There are backups of each version in the folder hopefully clearly named so you can delete default and copy another to pick and choose.
      This pack only updates the stock plane FMs. Its meant to be a very QUICK START to a modded game. It does change the game considerably, and also includes Le Prieur Rockets and AI only planes made flyable.
      If you like this, and want to then add other aircraft and FMs that work properly with the Expansion Pack Oct 2007 version then download the "FULL SET FMs and Campaigns for Oct 2007 Version EP ONLY", and add plane packages and FMs, manually and individually.
      The FMs are done for Hard FM Mode. They will not work well, or as designed at all in Normal or Easy Mode (Flight Models are completely different and inconsistent).Actually, they are designed for hard everything, including Hard Enemy Skill Level in the Gameplay Options. However, if you find the AI too hard or too easy, see 5) AI Difficulty Setting.
      IMPORTANT: These are ONLY for the Unpatched Expansion Pack - October 2007. They will not work well at all with the April 2008 patch nor will they work mixed with stock FMs.
      Installation is very simple and quick, maybe 10 mins for everything.
      1) Do a clean install of the the original FE (no need to apply patches), then install the paid for Oct 2007 Expansion Pack. DO NOT install any EP patches at all.
      2) Extract this zip file to a temp folder, and move or copy all the folders of the extracted zip to your newly installed main First Eagles directory, and when prompted, click yes to overwrite existing files.
      3) Go into the game, set all options to Hard (its designed for Hard), and...fly.
      Thats it!!!
      There is a comprehensive readme (there are many changes to the stock game), and consists of the following sections:
      1) Introduction
      2) The FMs
      3) Additional Changes to FMs
      4) Extras
      5) AI Difficulty Setting
      6) The Campaigns
      7) Installation
      8) Acknowledgements & Caveats
      Please note that the included campaigns will not work until you download all the add-on planes. Standard campaigns will work of course.
      Have fun.
      Peter01 July 2008


         (3 reviews)



    20. M-Ms conversion of Borts Fokker EIII

      This is a conversion of Bortdafarms early Fokker EIII, he has given me permission,publicly on his blog site, to modify and resubmit this file as a Fokker EI. This is not just another EIII conversion as Borts early EIII, was the exact size of the original EI, one of which I just happened to save. Slowed her down appropriately,painted it in researched period correct colors and we now have a genuine historicaly correct Fokker EI. Many thanks to Bort for the priveledge of allowing me to share his wonderful aircraft with you all........Thanks to Sinbad for his great early decals....peter01 for his FM...and DM for the help & support.....READ THE README!!!
      Fixed the missing engines, and added the rotary engine wav file...duuhh..M-M


         (4 reviews)



    21. Farman F.30

      Russia was the only country that used the French designed Farman F.30. While no other allies adopted it, the F.30 was the primary plane of the Imperial Russian Air Service and the Russians built about 400 of them at the Dux factory near Moscow beginning in 1915. It was used throughout WWI and was used by both sides during the Russian Civil Wars.
      The Farman F.30 was powered my a Salmson 150hp water-cooled engine, had a single machine gun for the observer, and was said to be able to maneuver as well as the Eindeckers it faced. It was a general purpose plane, used originally as a fighter, and later for recon, artillery spotting, and light bomber missions.
      My plane includes a loadout for a light bomb load. Decals and my skinning templates are included in the download.
      I have included ojcar's "DummyMachineGun" data, Peter01's Lewis Machine Gun data in the download.
      The Farman F.30 has a wider wingspan than First Eagles expects so you should install my "Airfields for Large Planes" available in the Combat Ace downloads area. Otherwise, when starting on the runway, your wings may be touching the wings of the planes next to you. This will cause an immediate collision and you or other planes in your flight may lose their wingtips as soon as the game starts.
      Thanks to Ojcar for making the data file for the Farman F.30 and for making the data for the dummy machine gun.
      Thanks also to Peter01 who made the data for the Lewis Gun.
      Thanks also to Crowford who provided resources for the Farman cockpits.

      Installation Instructions
      For FE1 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanF30" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder.
      For FE2 - Unzip the file. Move the folder named "FarmanF30" into your FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "FarmanF30". Move the folder named "D" from your Aircraft/FarmanF30 folder into the Decals/FarmanF30 folder you just made.

      You may not need to install the guns, they have been used on other planes and you may already have them. Instructions for installing the guns, if you should need them, are in a separate file included in this download.


         (3 reviews)



    22. 'Woollett's Six In A Day!' Parts 1 & 2

      A mission For First Eagles + Expansion Pack 1 + Nov 08 patch.
      Bucky's Quick Mission No.8: 'Woollett's six in a day!' Parts 1 & 2.
      These missions are a re-enactment of two aerial combats that took place in the skies above
      La Gorgue, 15 miles west of Lille, at approximately 10:30am and 5:00pm on Friday, 12th
      April, 1918. The combatants were 43 Sqn's C Flight, led by Captain Henry Winslow Woollett,
      (35 Victories), and three (or more) unknown German Jasta's...Woollett was credited with
      shooting down six German aircraft during these combats...Three in each!
      Henry Woollett, a medical student before the war, joined the RFC in 1916, and was posted
      to 24 Sqn in November of that year. He scored one victory flying the (by then) obsolescent
      DH2, before converting to the DH5, in which he scored four more victories.
      In August 1917, he was sent home to England to become an instructor. He was then posted to
      43 Sqn in March 1918. He achieved thirty victories up until early August 1918 (including 11
      balloons), when he was again sent home to command three training squadrons.
      A brilliant pilot, and an excellent leader, he had great style too: He created quite a stir
      among the top brass by wearing a leopard skin flying helmet and matching gauntlets!
      This is how Woollett described both actions in his combat report:
      "At 10:30am, I led my patrol down on to eight EA just south-east of La Gorgue. I fired about
      30 rounds into one single seater; machine spun down and crashed just west of La Gorgue. I
      then dived on to another EA (a two seater); this I saw crash just north-east of La Gorgue.
      I climbed up and got on the tail of an Albatros and after firing 40 rounds it burst into flames,
      falling to pieces. I also saw another EA in flames, and also one crash which was shot down
      by Lt Daniel."
      "5:00pm. I led patrol down on to thirteen EA just north of LaGorgue. I fired about 30 rounds
      into one EA which was going east. This turned over on its back and fell to bits. I then
      climbed and got on to the tail of another Albatros; after firing several bursts into him, he
      spun down and crashed north-east of La Gorgue.
      On returning over lines I climbed up and found another EA at about 2,000 feet; this after
      about 20 rounds collapsed in the air and fell to bits. I saw two other EA crash, engaged by
      machines of my patrol."
      To set the scene:
      At this time 43 Sqn were based at Avesnes-Le-Comte, about 10 miles west of Arras.
      Equipped with the excellent 110hp Le Rhone Sopwith Camel, 43 Sqn was a formidable unit.
      The weather was fine all that day, which allowed a great amount of aerial activity by both
      sides along the whole front. Indeed, the RAF Communique for that day states:
      "A record number of hours flying was done, a record number of photographs taken, and a
      record number of bombs dropped for any 24 hours since the war started."
      The Western Front on 12th April 1918 was a target rich environment...
      Mission guidelines:
      For the sake of surprise, I won't give too much away here, but if you want to re-enact the
      events of that day as accurately as possible, then read Woollett's combat report above, and
      try to emulate him...Be aware though that if you have your 'Gameplay' settings on 'Hard' (as
      you should!) then you'll have just 500 rounds of ammo in each combat...
      Part 1:
      When the mission begins you'll be approaching the front line, with your five wingmen of
      C flight at approximately 7,000 ft. Steer a course at anywhere between 15-100 degrees and
      make a gentle climb to about 8,000 ft, which is the height Woollett liked to patrol at to take
      advantage of the Camel's optimum performance at that altitude.
      If you survive this engagement, then make your way home to Arras airfield (see
      'Compromises & game limitations').
      Have a cup of tea and a lie down, then don your leopard skin flying helmet and gauntlets
      again, ready to lead C Flight's 2nd patrol of the day...
      Part 2:
      This early evening mission begins at around 7,200 ft, so again, you may want to gain a bit
      more height, and head for the front line at around 10-90 degrees...This one's a proper
      furball, so good luck! Again, consider the mission over if/when you make it home...
      In both missions remember; you'll have to give your wingmen the signal to engage
      (Usually: 'TAB', then '1' ). Otherwise, you'll be on your own...
      Compromises and game limitations:
      1. During the spring of 1918 the German offensive had pushed the allies back further than
      the actual front line depicted in the game. However, La Gorgue is on the 'Flanders Terrain'
      map, so the action takes place above the correct area.
      2. The actual German Jasta's that 43 sqn encountered that day are unrecorded, and
      unfortunately, the Albatros DVa Jasta skins supplied in the game (numerous as they are) do
      not include any appropriate units that were based around the Lille area at that date.
      Therefore, I've had to utilise three random units; Jasta's 76b and 34b + 46, for mission parts
      1 and 2 respectively. They're nice colour schemes though!
      3. The 43 Sqn unit markings depicted in the game, utilise the earlier "white triangle" markings.
      At the time of this action they had been changed to two diagonal stripes either side of the
      fuselage roundel. They changed on 22/3/18, three weeks earlier...D'oh!
      4. Avesnes-Le-Comte, 43 Sqn's airfield is not on the "Flanders Terrain" Map, but Arras airfield
      is in the same general area, so I've used that instead.
      Mission requirements:
      To fly this mission as intended, the only mod you'll need is:
      Flanders terrain.
      By Edward.
      To be found in the Combat Ace, Downloads, 'Maps/Terrains' section.
      Special thanks to Edward for producing this most excellent terrain, without which none of my
      missions would be possible!
      Although not essential, for extra realism and immersion I would recommend the following
      mods, available from the Combat Ace, Downloads site:
      'Thicker, Fuller Clouds'.
      By ShrikeHawk.
      Found in: 'Maps/Terrains'. 'Environmental Mods'.
      Excellent mod that greatly improves the "cotton wool ball" clouds effect.
      'FE Sounds'.
      By yours truly.
      Found in: 'Sound Mods'.
      For maximum realism I would also recommend that this mission be played with all gameplay
      settings set to 'Hard'.
      Installation instructions:
      Install the mission by unzipping the downloaded file to the following path:
      C:/Program Files/Thirdwire/WW1/Missions
      Alternatively, you can drag and drop the unzipped MSN file directly into your 'Missions'
      I hope you enjoy flying this mission and find it both challenging and enjoyable enough to
      play it more than once. I've tried to make it as historically accurate and authentic as the
      game will allow.
      Feel free to change any of the parameters as you wish.
      I would welcome any suggestions or general feedback, good, bad or indifferent, via any one
      of the FE forums.
      Toodle pip!
      Bucky. 28/4/08
      References used in creating this mission:
      'Sopwith Camel Aces Of WW1'...N. Franks.
      'British & Empire Aces Of WW1'...C. Shores.
      'Above The Trenches'...C. Shores, N. Franks & R. Guest.
      'Royal Air Force Communiques 1918'...C. Cole.
      'Sopwith Camel, King Of Combat'...C. Bowyer
      'Air Aces Of The 1914-1918 War'...J.M. Bruce & Others.
      'Sopwith Camel Squadrons'...L.A. Rogers.
      'Aces And Airmen Of WW1'...A.C.Wood.
      'W.W.1 Air Map' Website...Created By D.Townsend.
      http://patriot.net/~townsend/WW1AirMap2/ (Firefox browser required).


         (2 reviews)



    23. SAML S.2

      The SAML S.2 was an improved version of the Aviatik B.I which was built under license by the Societá Anonima Meccanica Lombarda (known as the SAML S.1.) The S.2 was specifically designed to fly in the mountainous terrain of the Italian Front. Improvements mostly involved the wings, which had a slight sweep and were closer together than the Aviatik design. The biggest improvement was the more powerful Fiat A.12 engine capable of delivering 300hp.
      The SAML S.2 was used primarily for reconnaissance and was armed with a fixed Fiat-Revelli machine gun over the wing with a ring mounted machine gun operated by the observer.
      My SAML S.2 includes 2 skins with appropriate decals and a small bomb loadout. I have included my skinning templates with the download.
      Version 2 - More accurate fuselage and gunner station, corrected wing placement and dihedral, corrected gauges in cockpit - all new LODs, revised skins, revised FM, new cockpit LOD and revised cockpit.ini
      My thanks to Ojcar for making the data.ini file for this plane and for providing valuable resources and advice on the details of the SAML S.2.

      Installation instructions:
      For FE1: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SAMLS2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. 
      For FE2: Unzip the file and move the folder named "SAMLS2" into the FirstEagles/Objects/Aircraft folder. Then in the FirstEagles/Objects/Decals folder, create a new folder named "SAMLS2". Move the folder named "D" from the Aircraft/SAMLS2 folder into the Decals/SAMLS2 folder you just made. 


         (1 review)



    24. Frank Luke's Spad XIII

      This is a skin of Frank Luke Jr.'s Spad XIII. From Arizona, he became know as "the Arizona balloon buster" for his agressive attacks on observation balloons. In only 17 days he shot down 10 balloons and four enemy aircraft. The day he was killed he downed three balloons, his plane was disabled by ground fire and was forced to land behind enemy lines. He was soon surrounded but drew his sidearm and exchanged fire before he was killed. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Medal of Honor. Luke Airforce base is named in his honor.


         (2 reviews)



    25. Paul Baumer

      This is an Albatros flown by forme dental assistant Paul Baumer in Jasta 5.


         (3 reviews)




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