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How Cold Is It Where You're From?

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With the wind chill it was -40 on the flight line here at Hellsworth last night, some birthday present...good thing I was working in a hangar!

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+5 C in Toronto, CANADA, which for Jan is just wrong, which also means no snow boarding :sad: . Who's say's global warming is bad...keep up the good work Dubya you :fuk:

Edited by Atreides

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Ahh Hellsworth....I was born there. It's 28 here right now.

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Guest Saganuay

+6 C here in Halifax.

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Its 65 today in Nashville TN Love it, lived in St. Louis Mo before and it could get as cold as a witches tit!

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It was around 50 F here in D.C., and still no forecast for snow yet :dntknw:

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At the moment it's 38F, not what we're used to for January. It's been unusually warm this winter here in New Hampshire, and we've had no snow to speak of. Last week it even reached the 60's.

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32 degrees F here in Littleroach Ca. Predicted low tonight 15. Us white males here in the high desert aren't very sophisticated and just don't get it. Can anyone tell me what college class I can take to make global warming work here. I'm tired of folks making fun of me wearing thermals under my carhart shorts and BDU cut offs. :ph34r: CL



Edited by charlielima

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An entire degree on the ol' Farenheit scale hereabouts.


Yeah, 1°, with an outlook of -2 overnight. Brr-rr-acious!


For our metrically inclined members, that would be -18° C.



Edited by Spectre_USA

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College Station, TX. 70F at midnight, but ice pellets are forecast for next week.


BTW, just wanted to say hello. I'm new around here and looking forward to the stay.

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its high 40's to almost 60 here in CT.. and plants are already comming up!? this weather is crazy!

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about 10° C...

were in the winter here in Israel :)

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57/28F inland San Diego-I like to look up places I've been on the weather page, like the city formerly known as Saigon was 92/73F yesterday. The closest place to the little town I was in in the 60's was Frankfurt at 50/45F.

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Not cold enough for snow, which is the only good reason to have cold weather anyway. I remembr living in Oklahoma where I would go to school and on either side of the walkways would be snow waist deep. Here in Georgia, if the weatherman so much as mentions off-hand the possibility of it, everything shuts down and all the bread and milk are gone from the stores. And then nothing happens.

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With the wind chill it was -40 on the flight line here at Hellsworth last night, some birthday present...good thing I was working in a hangar!

Hello to everybody and greetings from Finland. We have zero C in the central Finland and heavy wind and snow.

I like this site. Have visited here many times, not only for downloads, which are of course magnificient, thank you to all talented artists. Reading posts is a must if you want to learn more of your favorit game.

New Year, new rules, this is my first post and I am going to send at least 4 more

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anttijaakko you lucky you!!

your homeland has the best band in the whole wide world :)

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80F (26C) here in Naples.



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Update for Littleroach in the high desert of California. Left home for work two mornings in a row with an OAT of 12 degrees F. Considering Mod request for winterized A1Hs in case of imbedded technologies in gaming system being able to detect real world WX. Also considering running for office on the pro global warming ticket! V/RRRR ALLL :ph34r: CL



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Wow... wish it was cold here! Gonna be +40 C tomorrow!! Damned heat! :threaten:

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It was 25f this morning when I got up at 5:00 this morning here in Kern County, Calif. It's been this way since the middle of last week. Seems that the East Coast got our weather and we got theirs. To make things worse, I spend half my time outside on a forklift with no protection.

It's not really that funny as almost the entire Citrus crop among others is completely wiped out. The estimate is almost $2 BILLION in losses.

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