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What was you fav off the wall Sci-Fi movie

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for those really funny ones"Killer Klowns from out space"

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It's not really off the wall, but I loved the old black and white movie "Them" when I was a kid. I saw it a couple of years ago, and it still was pretty good.

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I always liked that movie "They Live". Cheesy commentary on society, and one of the best lines:


"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum."





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Narrowed it down to three...


Tank Girl


Judge Dredd


The Fifth Element


The amount of inside jokes know to Sci-Fi fans in these three is gold.

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"The Day The Earth Stood Still" Forgot about that one. It was great, even if a little outdated.

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well for the real thing,ok I won't mention Star Trek Movies..Them,The Day the Earth Stood Still,Forbidden Planet,and of course Blade Runner,and Logans Run.

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The Matrix


Enemy Mine


The Fifth Element

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Flight of the Navigator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes! I completely forgot about that movie- it was great!

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Forgot one,


Death Race 2000.


The only recognizable name at the time was the " Real Don Steele", a mediocre radio DJ in Los Angeles at the time.


If you ever get to see this look for some future big name actors just starting out.

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Forgot one,


Death Race 2000.


The only recognizable name at the time was the " Real Don Steele", a mediocre radio DJ in Los Angeles at the time.


If you ever get to see this look for some future big name actors just starting out.


The Real Don Steele wasn't just a mediocre radio DJ. He was literally the voice of KEARTH 101.1 FM for many years untill he unfortunately passed away. I remember listening to him when I was a kid. Boy that brings back memories.


OK, back to the topic of this thread... um..... Total Recall

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No one mentions the greatest sci-fi movie ever made???


Plan 9 From Outer Space


best quote:

Alien Leader:

'You earth people are stupid!! Stupid, Stupid Stupid"


Our Hero:

"I've had all this I'm gonna take"!!!



Don't forget 'Dark Star'


Sci-Fi OWNS!!



Kevin Stein

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O.K. how about....


The Last Starfighter

The Andromeda Strain

The Manhattan Project

Short Circuit I and II

Science Project


Inner Space

Robo Cop I, II, and III


Minority Report

Starship Troopers

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

The Island

Hollow Man

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

The One

Pitch Black

The Chronicles of Riddic

The 6th Day (or was it the 7th?)

Event Horizon

Titan AE

Space Balls


- I'll think of more...

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Got a good question here...


If the fiction in the science ends up being factual in the future (real world), is it really science fiction then?


For instance... Star Trek: Communicators; Real World: Cell Phones, Star Wars: Turbo Lasers; Real World: real laser weaponry, Star Trek: transparent aluminum; Real World: real transparent aluminum, Star Trek and Star Wars: energy shields; Real World: a device currently under research and development that emits a powerfull micro wavic field that protects anything inside of it, Star Trek: transporters; Real World: another device currently under research and development that does the same thing, Star Trek: Cloaking device; Real World: a cloaking device of sorts (not exactly like in Star Trek though). Other science fictional ideas that had been made that are now under research (and development?) are warp drive, artificial gravity, holo suites (the full surround holograph part is already developed), hypo sprays (already developed), tricorders (already developed), and a bunch of other stuff that once was fiction is now factual.

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MIB 1 and 2 and I LOVE starship troopers Stargate the movie... Buck Rogers.....Predator... AVP does reign of fire count??

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almost forgot Wing Commander


I can't believe I forgot that one. Actually, I was very disappointed with that movie. The video game was great though. Hm... perhaps the modding community might want to pull together and make a new version of it that would be up to today's standards in PC gaming. Time to get back into my 3d Max.

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WC the games rocked. WC the film sucked. The actors were FAR too young. Some of the conventions used were way wrong. It was like WWII in space.

The ships have to land NOW because they're running out of fuel? You're in space! Just sit there and they'll come get you! What was with the Das Boot "pinging" scene?? In space?!?


My list of films is long indeed, but I think Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy needs to be here near the top!



Fifth Element

Total Recall

Minority Report

MIB 1 and 2

Matrix Trilogy

All ST and SW, of course

All Alien and Predator



Forbidden Planet (my favorite old SF film)

Day Earth Stood Still (2nd favorite)

This Island Earth (great when does as the MST3K movie!!)

Starship Troopers


Independence Day

Godzilla (the 98 one)

Last Starfighter

Andromeda Strain

Short Circuits

Space Balls

Pitch Black

Chronicles of Riddick

Dark Star


X Files Movie

Jurassic Park films

Probably a bunch more :wink:

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I wonder if the thread topic is drifting a bit...


He did say 'off the wall' movies...I don't know if movies like Andromeda Strain, Day the Earth Stood Still, any ST or SW, 2001, etc really count.


I mean more unknown or cult classic type flicks.



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I wonder if the thread topic is drifting a bit...


He did say 'off the wall' movies...I don't know if movies like Andromeda Strain, Day the Earth Stood Still, any ST or SW, 2001, etc really count.


I mean more unknown or cult classic type flicks.




Thanks M8, i was talking about the odd ball movies!

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The Day The Earth Stood Still


Forbidden Planet


This Island Earth



Flesh Gordon (not to be confused with Flash Gordon,great special effects)

as for The day the Earth stood still and forbidden Planet saw them like when they were new.

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Neon City

Moon 44

Edited by Blade

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