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Nicholas Bell

Do You Fly Single Missions or Campaigns?

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Or maybe just work on mods and tweaks? There seems to be precious little talk anywhere about actually flying - other than the ever-present YAP mission AAR advertisements? I wonder why this is? Are we all talk and no action? I am also a wargamer and I know that there is more action on the various forums than there is on the tabletop or computer screen. In like manner, my wife's sewing/tailoring/fashion forums are full of talk but very little actual sewing getting done. Not that any of this is bad - I don't want to think I'm condemning anyone. Just curious if "we" are similar.


I have a number of projects ongoing involving damage modeling, revising campaigns. and my air defense mods. However, work on these is slow because I find I prefer to spend more time flying :biggrin: Shame on me, I know!


I recently completed a 1962 campaign in NATO fighters - flying Canadair Sabre Mk6 in 444 Squadron. Actually the first campaign I ever survived. When my pilot becomes a permanent casualty do not refly the mission and that's where it ends. Anyway, I "won" the war and had 32 kills. I nursed some of my wingmen along - man, was I angry when a 6 victory AI ace was shot down. After flying a couple of dozen of missions I get kind of "connected" to these "men." When I lose a wingman I get a good deal of enjoyment of blasting the offending MiG to a burning hell. (a few days short of 48 years old and still playing make-believe).


Since completing that campaign I have had started 2 very short 1962 campaigns flying F-100. Life for a Thud driver is measured in hours. The plane has seeming nothing going for it against MiGs. I know, I know, I should be moving mud - but that's not the only thing that comes down the pike. On the flip side of the coin, flying F-15's in 1979 is like being a flying butcher. A bit too "easy" for gaming purposes (although I am sure if I were an Eagle driver I wouldn't have minded :biggrin: )


So what do you think is a good plane & campaign to fly in that is challenging but not too easy? What are you flying? Or are we all just talking & tweaking :crazy:

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Guest Saganuay82

I just built a IDF install.


F-15A Baz



F-16A Netz


Mirage IIICJ



Super Mystere









MiG21 X 3 versions

MiG23 X 2 versions





4 terrains


So been making mainscreens, loading screens, tweaking loadouts, tweaking terrains (made my own), getting rid of Soviet skins and replacing with middle eastern stuff plus all of the IDF aircraft. Making single missions with the editor, flying missions from the game mission creator. Not much of a campaign guy. Working on a new terrain for Israel to Tunisia for me.


Plus keeping my links page going and building the new Multiplayer pages.


Little busy.

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I use single missions only to test new planes or skins I have d/l.


Other than that I just do campaigns, mostly those I put together myself.


Recently I have to realize that the F4F ICE is no match for a Flanker... dead after two missions.

Ah well, life goes on...and somewhere aboard a carrier there is a VF51 F-8E/F-4N/F-14A waiting for me. :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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Campaigns mostly as well, mainly because I can fly off carriers, test loadouts, and let the campaign engine come up with some of the better battles...



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Don't really get that much time for campaigns or single missions, nearly all of the time is spent modding and testing. When I do get a chance though, I like to spend it on some of the great campaigns available. OTC or the Nato Fighters packs for example.

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I mostly fly single missions so I can try all the planes. There are still some I think I've only flown once or twice! :grin:

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Single missions to try new aircraft, skins, terrains.

And campaigns so that I can fly off carriers, and get the variety of missions.


Btw, thanks to all of you who have created and shared aircraft and new or updated campaigns. Greatly appreciated!

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Mostly single missions. Don't do Campaigns cuz I can't do SAM evade stuff with my disability.



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So been making mainscreens, loading screens, tweaking loadouts, tweaking terrains (made my own), getting rid of Soviet skins and replacing with middle eastern stuff plus all of the IDF aircraft. Making single missions with the editor, flying missions from the game mission creator. Not much of a campaign guy. Working on a new terrain for Israel to Tunisia for me.

Little busy.


LOL! Yeah, a little busy :biggrin: Although I like the "immersion factor" of a campaign, nothing beats a fine handcrafted mission for realism.


Other than that I just do campaigns, mostly those I put together myself.


I used to not really understand this "for myself" aspect, thinking, well, why not share it with everyone? But now I understand...I'm got so many modifications and tweaks of my own and by others I'd have to post most of my WOE directory for anyone else to make heads or tails of it. Not to mention attempting to give credit to/get permission from all those who have "contributed" to my modified campaigns.


I mostly fly single missions so I can try all the planes. There are still some I think I've only flown once or twice!


Me too! And some of those planes deserve only to be flown once! :biggrin: Recently tried Boopidoo's absolutely stunning Su-15 Flagon and learned quickly that this plane (at least with me flying it) should stay away from the front and stick with intercepting unescorted bombers deep in the Motherland. Of course, that's what the plane was designed for!

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Thanks to all the great modders here, SF's just a big old sandbox to me so I mostly 'ooh and aah' at planes I downloaded in terrains I downloaded. I fly the occasional campaign mission, I've yet to survive to the end of one though, my average lifespan is 3 or 4 missions. Over-confidence is my biggest enemy!


I spend some time editing loadouts to match what I've seen in pictures/manauls if they aren't available by default.


I once completed a campaign in EECH without getting 'killed'. When you decide to play a game this way it really does focus your attention on survival rather than 'kill-em-all'. I'd recommend you all to try this style of play if you haven't already :smile:

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As you all know I mod, test tweak and mod some more. I also do lots and lots of decals and skins. But I do fly often believe it or not, a few campaigns anymore but tons of single missions.

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Mostly single missions. Don't do Campaigns cuz I can't do SAM evade stuff with my disability.




sorry to hear that. Maybe you could delete your SAMS so that you could fly just against AAA. just a thought.

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I wish I could but I dunno how. And there's no flak beyond 70's in single missions. Except for the ZSU's. Any idea how to delete SAMs and put more flak (heavy guns and etc)?



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I wish I could but I dunno how. And there's no flak beyond 70's in single missions. Except for the ZSU's. Any idea how to delete SAMs and put more flak (heavy guns and etc)?




I guess that could be done by editing the [Terrainname]_Targets file. It might be necessary to extract this file from [Terrainname].CAT first, though.

Simply replace those '[XXX]Target=SAMRadar' or '[XXX]Target=SAMLauncher' entries with '[XXX]Target=AAA'.


That should do it.

Edited by Gocad

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I wish I could but I dunno how. And there's no flak beyond 70's in single missions. Except for the ZSU's. Any idea how to delete SAMs and put more flak (heavy guns and etc)?




In the downloads section there is a set of files that updates the AAA to more modern era by having all their dates changed. I think it is in the object mod section. Hope that helps.

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In the downloads section there is a set of files that updates the AAA to more modern era by having all their dates changed. I think it is in the object mod section. Hope that helps.


Ok, I'll do a search tonight.



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I love flying game generated single missions with different planes - also play the YAP missions obviously.

Havnt played a full campaign for a while - always get complacent in these and forget to put wing leveller on when i time accelerate :(


Gotta say that Hunter A-A missions in the early 60's are a nightmare! wot no flippin afterburner!!

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Single missions to try out and get familiar with new planes. Then back to campaigns for the bulk of my flights.


I find campaigns mixed. Sometimes bland and repetative, other times absolutely fantastic, like a mission I flew last night.

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I like to look at the pretty airplanes, and the pretty clouds and the pretty ocean...


and then dive down and blow the crap out of something... :haha:


Mostly single missions; I don't think I've ever completed a campaing successfuely, all the back to the original in SF.



In a side note, re: post-70s Flak, I'd just extract the data ini for each of the stock units (the Pasko SAMs and vehicle Pak are already there), and just change either the end service date to 2020


It's obvious that many 3rd World countries are/will still be using air defense systems that are long out dated in the 1 & 2nd world. Example: ww2 Bofor gun...it's too good a weapon to not have around for so long. KS series flak guns -- you can't think that the 85 & 100 mm versions aren't still in use somewhere??? The S/KS-60 was still in use in the 1990s during Desert Storm.



kevin stein

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I do a little of both, though I have only completed maybe 2 campaigns in the two years I've had this sim.

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I fly campaigns 99% of the time.


And yes, i am a very proud and totally dedicated Thud driver with more time spent in Pack 6 than some others have been in theater! Single missions i do when i either want to test a certain weapon or a planes performance in a certain situation. sometimes it's just to figure out how certain things work!

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When playing WOV I almost always choose the Thud...there's something special about that bird.

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