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I think I have said it before, but I say it again:


That's one nice package (pit&plane)! :clapping:

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i can't say nothing more, i'm starting drooling too much........................

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Shape points worth noticing.

Notice the roundness of the canopy cross-section and the wings curvature on these head-on telephoto (narrow FOV) shots. As well as the pilot forward visibility despite the canopy frame, and the canopy siting / connection with the fuselage. Also the curvature of the air intakes body (which incorporate moving inlets on the bottom lip).









Canards used as air brakes in landing .... (i have been sending subconscious vibes to TK for drag chute implementation, the Phantoms also i heard they were on a strike because of this (hence strike fighters project) till he promised them drag chutes on a patch. Now there are also rumours they totaly refuse to take off thats why MF brought their own more cooperative phantoms as a workaround)

Edited by squid

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wow, impressive!





here is a link to an austrian website about the ef with lots of info:



for the loadouts:

http://eurofighter.airpower.at/bewaffnung.htm      (scroll down for loadouts)


http://eurofighter.com/et_sr_mc_as.asp (laser designator should be on centerline)


about the HUD:



the PIRATE sensor:



the EJ200 engines:



and something about the tranches and blocks, not up-to-date:


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I had to make some carefully thought out sacrifices on some shape points, mainly for ease of animating some of the dangly bits, its better to line up an axis with a straight edge than a curve, still I am hoping that the overall effect will be pleasing enough to the eye.


I really do hope the brake chute gets implemented, I spent a bloody age getting my typhoons brake chute made.

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Hi Craig, brake chutes are possible to have working. I believe it's along the lines of having them set as a speedbrake that only deploys when the aircraft's gear hits the ground. I think the MiG-25 series might have them implemented, you could use them as an example to set up the brake chutes for the tiffie.

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I had to make some carefully thought out sacrifices on some shape points, mainly for ease of animating some of the dangly bits, its better to line up an axis with a straight edge than a curve, still I am hoping that the overall effect will be pleasing enough to the eye.


I really do hope the brake chute gets implemented, I spent a bloody age getting my typhoons brake chute made.



there are always some sacrifices / compromises. The EF animated parts work in a rather complex way, and some points also are real ars pain to reproduce accurately despite its averagely straight forward shape at first sight. (the nose being one of them for example)

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Hi Craig, brake chutes are possible to have working. I believe it's along the lines of having them set as a speedbrake that only deploys when the aircraft's gear hits the ground. I think the MiG-25 series might have them implemented, you could use them as an example to set up the brake chutes for the tiffie.



I do already have it set as an airbrake and overall the effect is good, it deploys nicely with a vertex animated canopy and retracts quickly so it doesnt look like it is going back in to the fuselage, also it only deploys on the ground.



i just mean its been frustrating seeing the entry in the controls section in every one of the series and still no actuall implementation.

Edited by craigbrierley

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like many others i´ve said it before...just really great work! I like the new Pilotskin really!


@ Craig, will it be a bundle? Aircraft+Pilot? :ok:

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I'll be pleased as well when I'm flying it. Last simulated EF I played was DiD's EF2000, that was sooo fun :smile:

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More shots. notice anything new?




Erection ?? :blink:




Edited by squid

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That's awesome work! Is the probe part of the cockpit LOD as well?



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That's awesome work! Is the probe part of the cockpit LOD as well?





Yup!, the fuel probe is fully animated and is also in the cockpit lod and is a linked animation, so is the canopy opening ( the screens are from WOI with the DS terrain ) DS is great terrain for testing, frame rates are super.

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Superb ....................................................

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:diablo: Flanker Killer

hey that's simple awesome!

Screen after screen im being a Typhoon Fanboy

Edited by Silverbolt

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Craig seeing how many fans TW has from Europe, and that EF2000 is probably the last freshly produced high performance air superiority fighter with a straight forward classic jet shape and look (rather than a stealth sci-fi futuristic design), I have good reasons to suspect that your offspring's popularity will be up ballistic :D Not to mention it probably has been long awaited by many and the quality of it as seen on the screenies

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Man, you're doing a really really really really really³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³ nice work! The EF-2000 is one of the bets models I've ever seen!






I want it now! :biggrin:

Edited by pablitoVPT

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you rock man!

as i said some time ago

take twice two weeks, but do your best!

i'm proud to be european in this moment, and proud to be here, waiting for something really built with time, blood and work!

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Craig I've said it before but I'll say it again. Absolutely effing outstanding !


Brings a little tear to my eye. Super-stuff. :salute:

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