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Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

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Whirlwind Over Vietnam: such anticipation, such disappointment. I had fantasies of a great mission editor which would allow the Vietnam conflict to come alive... :dntknw:

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Flight Simulator X was a disappointment for one reason: I don't have enough hard drive space to run it!

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Well, BioShock was kinda... lame. Excellent visual style and soundtrack, optimised engine. Yet gameplay is severely dumbed down and most features were basically the same as in System Shock 2 only much simpler. Which is like having LockOn with DM and FM from ye olde Sopwith. Oh, and [censored] copy protection, no way I'm ignoring that.


The rest.. Agatha Christie: Evil Under The Sun provided a lot of laughs. Hercule Poirot digging into sand tennis court, rolling boulders, repairing car engine, carrying a raft and some dirty rocks in his pockets - grey cells cannot tolerate such torment.

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worst for me was Tourist Trophy: The Real Riding Sumulator. I thought it's be great, because it's my favorite racing game (gran tourismo 4 a-spec), with my favorite (road going) vehicles, motorcycles. I was even more pleased to see that MY VERY DIRTBIKE (Honda XR-250R) was on the game. However, I was horribly dissapointed to see that not only were the bikes not nearly as fast as they should be for acceleration, but you COULD NOT TURN. Your guy/bike would lean WAYYYYY over, but you would not go around the corner. Also, at low speeds, your guy/bike still leaned WAYYYY over into the corner, and then he'd just fall over.




It's almost as if they're saying "motorcycles suck- go buy GT4!"



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Oh yeah...MSFS-X how could I forget that? Well, when I save up enough for a Cray Supercomputer maybe I can get the little elephants to show up randomly in Nigeria...


One thing I hate about that series is the hardware, I mean what kind of systems do they have to run them on up in Seattle? It only plays into my "Computer Consumer Conspiracy Theory" (catchy, no?) in that all along they have like a Terabit processor and 82 gigglewatts of ram on a perfect-ray disc multi-layer burner...but they have deliberately dumbed down the tech in order to sell it piecemeal and with incredible profits...


Kind of like light bulbs...oh they can make a light bulb that will last longer than you, but then how many would you purchase? Exactly, give the public something that is not quite noticeable and make more money.

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CoD4, but mind you I never expected much from it. After having it right the first time with vehicles, rockets, and unlimited mods in CoD:UO its only gotten worse. Now instead they reskinned everything to look better then the last edition and put it on a shelf. It's the same run-and-gun spray-and-pray BS that I hate. I cant wait until BF:BC comes out, but dont get me started on how after all these years on PC the Battlefield series has givin us the finger and gone with the new consoles.

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Don't forget they TOTALLY changed the game play that made it popular in the first place in the process.

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FSX, Vista, Xbox 360 Elite.


FSX: Needed a good PC to run. ATC is more annoying than FS9's. Aircraft textures. Not as good as I was expecting after reading about it. FS9 gauges don't work in it. Downloads are all just "new" FS9 planes.


Vista: Well, you know.


Xbox 360 Elite: Mine lasted from early august to last weekend. Mircrosoft needs to figure out a better ventalation system so the inside doesn't over heat. My N64's was better!

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CoD4, but mind you I never expected much from it. After having it right the first time with vehicles, rockets, and unlimited mods in CoD:UO its only gotten worse. Now instead they reskinned everything to look better then the last edition and put it on a shelf. It's the same run-and-gun spray-and-pray BS that I hate. I


Yeah I think the same and I probably won't like I didn't like the CoD2 whit its constant rush of new waves of enemy soldiers (that's pretty realistic) and no health bar (you only have to rest couple of seconds to heal up, again completely realistic) and the hopeless linearity of the game which gives the feeling that you are playing one of those old shooters where you have move the corsair and soot the enemy (House Of The Dead, anyone)


O, well I'm gonna play it anyway this summer when some of my friends lends me a copy. :biggrin:

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Don't forget they TOTALLY changed the game play that made it popular in the first place in the process.


Granted I've never played GR on a PC (only xbox) but I'll agree that the reason I played the crap out of the orginal GR on xbox was the tractical side of it and the ability to play the same level over and over again in a completely different way. The new GR and Rainbow 6 games totally leave out the tactical/planning portion of the game. Boo...

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FSX, Vista, Xbox 360 Elite.


FSX: Needed a good PC to run. ATC is more annoying than FS9's. Aircraft textures. Not as good as I was expecting after reading about it. FS9 gauges don't work in it. Downloads are all just "new" FS9 planes.


Vista: Well, you know.


Xbox 360 Elite: Mine lasted from early august to last weekend. Mircrosoft needs to figure out a better ventalation system so the inside doesn't over heat. My N64's was better!




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Xbox 360 Elite: Mine lasted from early august to last weekend. Mircrosoft needs to figure out a better ventalation system so the inside doesn't over heat. My N64's was better!


Mine lasted from August till new year's. I just got it back (1 month and several frustrating phones calls later). So far not really sure it was worth the money I spent on it...

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Splinter Cell:Double Agent (worst console to PC port job ever)....They totally *ked up my favourite serie's :nono: Almost tempted to say that I won't buy the new Splinter Cell: Conviction game, but, who am I kidding Sam Fisher kicking corrupt government butt and taking down cop's ! Wow ! :clapping:

Edited by Atreides

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Xbox 360 Elite: Mine lasted from early august to last weekend. Mircrosoft needs to figure out a better ventalation system so the inside doesn't over heat. My N64's was better.


you do know that microsoft sells an Xbox 360 Cooling pack, right? it's this little thing you stick on to the back. It's got three ducted fans that keep the system cool. $30 at the toys-r-us here, though.

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you do know that microsoft sells an Xbox 360 Cooling pack, right? it's this little thing you stick on to the back. It's got three ducted fans that keep the system cool. $30 at the toys-r-us here, though.


Of course they're selling them, and not giving them out to people who have already paid $300 for their fine product...

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you do know that microsoft sells an Xbox 360 Cooling pack, right? it's this little thing you stick on to the back. It's got three ducted fans that keep the system cool. $30 at the toys-r-us here, though.



Screw $30s! I just lost my 2nd 360. I'm not loosing another one; not even to a nuclear explosion.

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Screw $30s! I just lost my 2nd 360. I'm not loosing another one; not even to a nuclear explosion.


To lose one is considered unfortunate. To lose two could be considered careless... :biggrin:

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Ah...Rainbow 6...another thanks for infusing us with cash so we could get started now screw you series...

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Ah...Rainbow 6...another thanks for infusing us with cash so we could get started now screw you series...

Some days ago I tried Rainbow 6 Lockdown... it remained on my HD for 15 minutes. Just the time to notice that there was no planning phase, no tactical action, nothing from Rainbow 6. Just a FPS. :sad:

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glad that you warned me...but that then is not Rainbow 6...man I spent way too much time planning to get the stupid AI (remember pre-Eagle Claw?) to not get stuck on the stairs...but did they gut it to make it work on consoles? dont imagine the bulk of the console crowd to be mission planners

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Lockdown is an abomination, an abortion with R6 written on it. R6: Vegas was a partial redemption and is at least playable, although it's a bad port from the console. I pray R6: Vegas 2 (what idiot thought up that idea?) will be better for the PC.

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So Vegas is better? I guess I will wait until Far Cry 2 comes out...or Duke Nukem Never

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I'm not betting on FC2. An internal Ubi team is doing it...maybe the same one that brought us Lockdown? :biggrin:

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- ugh...didnt know it was Ubi...man that means it will be like Silent Hunter 3, 4, Lock Up, oh and everything else...

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