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Can't sleep...won't sleep.

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Dunno why but I'm really finding it hard to sleep lately, anyone got any good suggestions on something that's a sure fire way of getting into the land of nod ?

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watch some boring TV or read some boring book. Or just take sleeping pills.

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Sleeping pills no way Jose, now that would be an absolute last resort. Tried TV, reading, counting, mantra's, horlicks, music, nothings working. Alcohol's out due to work\driving etc.

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Warm milk?


Seems kind of silly, but my wife swears by it.


Or a nice hot bath...always knocks me out.



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Well, i guess you're SOL then. Seems like you tried them all with no luck. :tumbleweed:

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have you tried the KB? I'm sure there's no help in there, but I find that as soon as I start reading one of those threads looking for a valuable morsel of information, I begin to nod off...

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You've ruled out drugs and alcohol so I am at a loss for any other solutions. :dntknw:

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I have wrestled with insomnia for years.


Over the counter sleeping pills aren't habit forming (although even for me they don't work).


I use to read the articles, laws, and codes of various state constitutions.


Reading military encyclopedias (or reading something which you have already read and know the info.)


Working out a few hours before bedtime will put you down. When I lift weights I sleep better.


Actually going to sleep when you feel sleepy. No I don't mean coping ZZZzz on the job or on the road, but actually going to bed when you are at home doing nothing. (Don't force yourself to stay up to watch the late night TV show you like.)


Going to bed an hour earlier than you normally do. But instead of forcing yourself to sleep, listen to music, watch tv, or read in bed. Often you will nod off before you normally go to sleep.


*That is all I can think of at 3 am from the top of my head...

Edited by ironroad

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Dunno why but I'm really finding it hard to sleep lately, anyone got any good suggestions on something that's a sure fire way of getting into the land of nod ?


1) Good place to start with is sex with your favorite significant other. Put you out like a light if you do it right.


2) Fly a good hot mission in WoV and follow it with a good hot shower and a Dark and Stormy ( Gosling Rum with Ginger Beer). It is called a mind erase.


3) Hot shower and rubdown from your favorite significant other. He/She cannot refuse both 1 and 3 and, who knows, this may lead to 1.


4) Tylanol PM is supposed to be non-addictive. Talk to your own Dr about that.


5) Long term, do more exercise.

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Sex with the significant other has a tendency to work better for the significant other, in my experience when a woman can't sleep theres something on her mind, anxiety or similar.


Booze is always the answer :biggrin:

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I had a similar problem last year, at the time alcohol and dugs were out because I was at sea at 45mins notice to fly (subsequently I've found alcohol doesn't work that well either).

How much caffeine are you drinking during the day? I found six plus cans of diet coke a day weren't helping!

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I could email some of the research papers that I wrote for my MBA--very boring stuff unless you are into globalization and effects on the anglo-american labor force in contrast to the developing Zzzzzz



Dunno why but I'm really finding it hard to sleep lately, anyone got any good suggestions on something that's a sure fire way of getting into the land of nod ?

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Lay down and try to stay awake.


No matter how hard you try to fall alseep, you never will, however, if you try to stay awake, You'll always pass out before whatever it is you were trying to stay awake for.

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Dunno why but I'm really finding it hard to sleep lately, anyone got any good suggestions on something that's a sure fire way of getting into the land of nod ?


I found a new mattress made going to sleep so much easier.

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Nicky did your day and night fliped on over?


You find yourself wide awake when in fact you should be asleep and dozzzzzing off when you shouldn't?


Well maybe you need to take a jet leg treatment. I'm not kidding.


See a doctor.

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If I'm awake and can't fall asleep, I just try to do work that needs to be done. Eventually I get bored enough that I pass out. Kind of like taking notes in a class.

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I will go for:


A. Sex (Man, spend the whole day with my girlfriend, closing my eyes now, and I'm falling asleep at the computer :biggrin: )


B. Hot milk with a spoonfull of honey! Drink it just before going to bed, and maybe add a tad of rhum in it, you will sleep!

Edited by Corktip_14

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Good advice, cheers.


Hmm, afraid the sex option's out, no-one at present. :blush:


I bob off eventually but it's still hard to get there. Then I wake up intermittantly. Got no major worries in life so it's not that keeping me awake. I do have two jobs at the moment, it might be that. One of them involves late nights so it could be messing up my natural circadian rythym. I guess that shift workers might have similar issues. Guess I'll bite the bullet and go see the Doc if it carries on.


Anyway, thanks for the suggestions guys. Ordinarily most of them would do the trick. :deadhorse:

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Booze is not really a good solution long term.


Are you a back sleeper or side sleeper? It took me a looooooooong time to find out I fall asleep faster on my side than my back.


I would talk to your doctor before self-medicating too much.


I agree. Warm milk sounds like a cliche but it does seem to work.


Good luck.

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Dunno why but I'm really finding it hard to sleep lately, anyone got any good suggestions on something that's a sure fire way of getting into the land of nod ?


This meditation/sleep CD tape solved my sleeping problem four years ago and has worked ever since. It is called: "my present"


*But two caveats*:


1) It took a month to start to work for me-then I would fall asleep almost instantly ever since-four years ago.


2) I have to keep it on so low a volume that I can't make out the words...it hits my subconscious without distracting me or waking me up.


Many customer reviews seem to agree at Amazon.


You can get it at Amazon.com


A Google search got it as the first entry with these search words: "your present meditation tape"




Good luck

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Then I wake up intermittantly.


From experience/experimentation I've found the best thing to do if I wake up in the night is to get up and do something rather than lie in bed staring at the ceiling slowly going mad. This has on occasion led to me effectively getting up at 4am and doing a full days work, on the plus side the following night I had no problems getting to sleep.

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You should turn into an old man because my Grandpa falls asleep everywhere or run a marathon everyday.

There also some diseases you could catch that would sap your energy.

Seriously though I have had sleeping problems forever to and like Ironroad said above I read something that requires alot of concentration. Find a good book. The classics always knock me out after a while. If its anxiety I recomend staying away from anti-depressents. My wife's a physcologist so she could and would talk your head off about why to stay away from that stuff unless you really need it.

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