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BiohazCentral LOMAC Preview Part 1 now online

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Part 1 is now up and ready for your reading pleasure!


LOMAC Preview Part 1


Be sure to check out the new pics in the gallery as well.

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{QUOTE by Madjeff} This one WILL be on my must-have list this year, and I’ve already warned the wife and kids that I’ll be scarce the first few weeks the game is released… =)


God, I know... we're doomed, doomed I tell you! My girlfriend is gonna HATE my guts!


MadJeff, THANKYOU! for the excellent preview. You kept it simple and concise. It was easy to follow and made sense. I KNOW that this preview was a LOT of work. It was all appreciated. I will also add that it was everything I hoped for... :D I look forward to part 2.



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Really pro MJ, its one of the best reviews I've seen so far. Just at first glance I like the walk through of all the setups. Have seen some in other reviews but it seems you covered a typical setup and start point. Now I'll set back to the read!




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[Hey MadJeff,

As with your screenshots, you've done Very Well with this preview! You look at the stuff that we want and tell it like it is! Awesome job!

Can I make one request? Can you make the images on the preview clickable so we can get a larger version? (i.e. thumbnail them into the preview). Some of the pictures were a little too small to see details (on my 21" monitor). :shock:

I'm eagerly awaiting your thoughts on the many aspects of the sim!



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[ker"][Hey MadJeff,

As with your screenshots, you've done Very Well with this preview! You look at the stuff that we want and tell it like it is! Awesome job!

Can I make one request? Can you make the images on the preview clickable so we can get a larger version? (i.e. thumbnail them into the preview). Some of the pictures were a little too small to see details (on my 21" monitor).  :shock:  

I'm eagerly awaiting your thoughts on the many aspects of the sim!




Actually, I'm working on that now. I wanted to get the thing up as it was already a day or two later then I was shooting for. You can find the full-size images for a lot of the pics in the Gallery.

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Kick ASS Jeff, you covered the big thing that I was thinking about... Ejection, I was wondering if this was modeled worth a damn... and it looks pretty good.


Thanks for reading my mind.





[EDIT] And the news of a possible/probable F-18 for US is just to good a news to explain... now if they add an F-14 too.... :D

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Marry me Jeff...err...I mean excellent preview...nicely done.



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Marry me Jeff...err...I mean excellent preview...nicely done.


Flamer??? :lol::lol:

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Jeff, I posted a Bravo Zulu at SimHQ, but to quote a line in the Movie Apollo 13- "You are a steely eyed missle man my friend."

Awsome Preview!!

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gr8 preview :) can't wat for the next 2 installments :D

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Very nice preview!


this sentence got me curious though:

"Air traffic taking off, support vehicles driving around, even an acrobatic team performing maneuvers over the airfield!"


that sounds way cool!


could we get some more details on that, or maybe a screen of the formation? Must be SU-27s with the Russian Knights skin or something? Just wondering how elaborate their display routine is as well :P

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sweet! cant wait :) Do they just fly by in formation, nothing fancy like formation loops and stuff or :)


Someone should form a LOMAC aerobatic team, especially if the lag is good (ie not much) i would join :)

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Im sure they throw in a cobra move for ya, they really like that move over there.lol :wink:

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Very nice preview!


this sentence got me curious though:

"Air traffic taking off, support vehicles driving around, even an acrobatic team performing maneuvers over the airfield!"


that sounds way cool!


could we get some more details on that, or maybe a screen of the formation? Must be SU-27s with the Russian Knights skin or something? Just wondering how elaborate their display routine is as well :P


I'll take a look today and get a screenshot as they fly by.

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Excellent read MJ, I like the way you put things.


BirdDogg. 8)

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yes it's a great preview. :)

(I do prefer black on white background text though)


It's funny that on the UBI forum people keep posting this preview link. :)

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Outstanding review. As many have already stated...can't wait to read your part 2 and 3!!!

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Excellent Preveiw Jeff!! The new models/textures for the US/Russian bombs and Mavericks are incredible... lots of progress has been made post your build. Hopefully you will get a newwer build as the preview continues.


Tomcat, About the take off training mission...


Here is the text from the training text: "There is a flight of our Famous Su-25 'Sky Hussars' Demonstration Team coming in for a high speed break. Wow!!"


It was just a bit to add some immersion before taxiing onto the runway. :)



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Guest MrMudd
Excellent Preveiw Jeff!!  The new models/textures for the US/Russian bombs and Mavericks are incredible... lots of progress has been made post your build.  Hopefully you will get a newwer build as the preview continues.


That would be my hopes as well on my Contribution to the Part 3 Segmant of the BIohazcentral Review.


Shepski could you email me at MrMudd@biohazcentral.com


I would like to discuss some Flightmodel-Systems info with you before i Get close to publishing my segment for LOMAC preview PART 3.

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Excellent Preveiw Jeff!!  The new models/textures for the US/Russian bombs and Mavericks are incredible... lots of progress has been made post your build.  Hopefully you will get a newwer build as the preview continues.


Tomcat, About the take off training mission...


Here is the text from the training text: "There is a flight of our Famous Su-25 'Sky Hussars' Demonstration Team coming in for a high speed break.  Wow!!"


It was just a bit to add some immersion before taxiing onto the runway. :)




Shepski, thanks for the comments! I loved the detail on this one. The trucks driving by, the Sky Hussars, it was all cool. Well, until I got to the part where the Su-25 didn't line up on the runway and tried to take off across the grass and slammed into the perimeter fence. I chalked it up to a beta thing... :wink::lol:


You did a good job on the training missions!

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Shepski, thanks for the comments! I loved the detail on this one. The trucks driving by, the Sky Hussars, it was all cool. Well, until I got to the part where the Su-25 didn't line up on the runway and tried to take off across the grass and slammed into the perimeter fence. I chalked it up to a beta thing...  :wink:   :lol:  


You did a good job on the training missions!


Thanks jeff!


Unforntunately, I have to re-record most of them due to changes in the code since I made them... :(



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Yes,thanks Jeff.But I geuss you have had your reward.You get to play it befor us. :lol:



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