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F-29A "????????"  

120 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you want the name of the F-29A to be?

    • Razor
    • Lynx
    • Panther II
    • Puma
    • Cobra II
    • Warhawk II
    • Kittyhawk II
    • Raven II

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I'm not sure about Stiletto. After what the last aircraft to be named that was like.

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haha, people, I have an idea:) (and I think it's great). F-29 will start it's service on this site, "Combat Ace". I think, it should be named with callsign "Combat Ace". Why? Every time, we decide to fly on this jet, the name will remind Usl, where F-29 is FROM:). What do You say?:) (please say-> :yes: hehe)


BTW: Is it possible to launch any of weapons that are in the "Flight Simulator 2004"? I ask because I was unable to fire any of these weapons in this sim :dntknw:

Edited by Hubertus

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OK, how about Rapier......


Bullseye :yahoo: You are the Man :salute: I think that's (next to "Combat Ace" of course, hehehe :tongue: ) the best name for F-29. Just look at this: F-29A Rapier. It's really great. Respect :ok:

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How about the F-29A Hubertus? :lol:

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How about the F-29A Hubertus? :lol:


Why not :biggrin: hehe :yes:

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- I am rather entertained by how this thread has been viewed over 1,300 times...way more interest in making up a name for an imaginary airplane than I ever thought...

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- I am rather entertained by how this thread has been viewed over 1,300 times...way more interest in making up a name for an imaginary airplane than I ever thought...


Sport of the gods. :biggrin:

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...way more interest in making up a name for an imaginary airplane than I ever thought...


Why not, it's the next hardest thing after building the sucka!

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Ok, well at this stage I'm leaning toward Warhawk II, but what do people think of Rapier?

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Sparko> It's just we have nothing better to do and positively love seriously arguing about something so trivial (especially since changing a name is one of the easiest change there is).



Rapier has a Vought ring to it, somewhat not fitting as most Vought crafts were Navy crafts and the Rapier name might evoke the cursed Cutlass, another (Vought) plane named after a blade type.

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- "Sparko> It's just we have nothing better to do and positively love seriously arguing about something so trivial (especially since changing a name is one of the easiest change there is)."



whoa...that is the most honest answer I have ever read...thanks!

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I can live with rapier. We can always just leave it F-29A and not bother with a name, they didn't bother in ATF but I want to do better.


Of more importance is getting this terrain autotexturing to work properly with transition textures.

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UHMMMM... ATF :notworthy: .. UHMMMM :biggrin: I remember when I played USNF, ATF.... Even today, I play in Jane's Fighters Anthology. It reminds me when I was 12 years old:) Great times.... :salute:


Let's leav.... wait a secoooonndd heheh, how about F-29A ATF? :biggrin: You know, like in example, F-16A ADF :good:


And if this doesn't fit, I propose to call it Cougar II. Cougar was also a plane from Grumman and it was a great aircraft:)

Edited by Hubertus

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Since it has the same front as an F-5, why not Tigershark III? :grin:

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Was there ever a Tigershark II (apart from, according to google, a pool cleaning robot) ?

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Kitty/Warhawk II is a Curtiss-Wright product..not in the airframe business anymore these days. Doesnt sound cool or contemplary enough.


Cobra II doesnt work too. The F-17 Cobra I never entered AF service.


Cougar=Ex-Navy fighter (unlikely to be adopted as name for AF plane..Corsair II ring a bell ?)


Rapier=Lame...F-22 was named Rapier at one stage.


ATF=Like the feds ? :D..I dont see the 'A' in it compared with the YF-22 and 23 just around the corner.


Puma/Panther sound too much like armoured cars.


I think Lynx is best since it is a first for fighter and cat. The westland helicopter is a british product and doesnt count.


Did we suddenly run out of names of fierce birds of prey ? Buzzard, Caracara, Kestrel, Skua, Kite..Albatross..etc

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I think Lynx is best since it is a first for fighter and cat. The westland helicopter is a british product and doesnt count.


What's wrong with British products?


Kestrel was a British aircraft, forerunner to the Harrier, so was the Skua and Albatross British.



How about Mustang? I know Mustang I, II, III already existed as British counterparts to the US version

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Mustang II is going to be the F-31 unless someone can come up with a better name for her.

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Mustang II is going to be the F-31 unless someone can come up with a better name for her.


I had originally gone with Peregrine for the F-31A I drew, but I changed my mind based on someone's suggestion and have decided to use "F-31A Sparrowhawk" with my drawing.


Kestrel was used by the XV-6A Kestrels used in the Tripartite squadron the US participated in.

Edited by Talos

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Ok, so let's call the F-29A with "Mustang II" callsign:) It's also a light fighter. He's very agile, maneuverable and fast. Mustang II is - IMO - the best name for F-29A. But if that doesn't fit? Let's stay with "Razor" callsign. Razor is cool:D Especially that 32% of users voted for "Razor" name:)

Edited by Hubertus

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The F-5A-D were the Tigershark. F-5E/F was the Tigershark II.

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Why, because :

F-5A to D were Freedom Fighter.

F-5E/F were Tiger II.

F-20A was Tigershark, a name partly given due to the new shark nose, also fitted to late F-5Es, and upgraded ones.


Yet, if we accept your distopian naming scheme, that still would make the F-20A as Tigershark III, thus making F-29A the Tigershark IV (yeah, I know that IRL the X-29 flew before the F-20, but in a distopian situation, the reverse would probably have been true, manufacturing processes for building the F-20 being already in place while they would require extensive changes for the F-29 due to its wing). ;)

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I could go for F-29 tiger III since its an evolution of the design. Or wy not use sparrowhawk or peregrine for the F-29? I decided on Mustang for the F-31 a while back, and unless someone else builds one, my fugly half built airframe that will eventually be an X-31 will be called 'Mustang II'


Why? it's even more agile than the X-29 with its thrust vectoring, and its blue and white paintscheme is reminiscent of many P-51 schemes and makes it feel more fitting.

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I like the


New Crusader





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