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My thoughts on the demo, feel free to disagree

Is pushing the demo back a good idea?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is pushing the demo back a good idea?

    • Yes, UBI has done the right thing.
    • I don't know, but I'm not happy about it.
    • No, too many people are upset. The sim will fail.

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This will be my only thread on this topic. I beleive the pushing the demo back is a good idea. I've been following LOMAC for about a year now, and I am not surprised. UBI Soft is a company, and most companies are here to make as large of a profit as possible. With this new strategy, I think they will reach a MUCH larger community than possible with just putting the demo on the site. I will wait, and I will be glad to pay my $60 for the full game, whenever it comes out.


In regard to all the people complaining and claiming to leave, I beleive most of them will be back within a month, yelling at Matt for a release date on the demo... again. A few will download the demo when it comes out, and not say anything on the boards again. I doubt any will actually never buy LOMAC because the demo being pushed back. Many who say they won't, will. In all, I think all the UBI has done is create a temorary inconveiniance that will go away very soon.

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I just think its kind of sad to see this level of maturity being shown on the boards. It's just a game, and dont think everybody who's bitching is some 13 year old kid; I bet half of the people whinning are guys in there 30's and 40's. I really do not think the demo should be leaked; it would hurt the standing of the DEV Team with UBIsoft. Personally I do not know where people get the time to bitch like this.... christ its the end of week one of classes and I have 300 pages of crap to read.


People just need to find something else to do. I have a lot of video games, but they are more of a substitute for TV during down time, and that is all LOMAC will be for me, unless it is such a phenomenal game that I want to give up all life outside of my room.... and this isnt likely.


So all I have to say to some of these people is doing something else, play another game (Madden 04 is out, and its good), go to the beach if you can, Bar B Q, go get sh*tfaced, just do something and stop bitching about some demo being pushed back a couple of weeks (if you had a life outsided of flightsims.... like a job or something, then a month will fly by, and before you know it the final product will be here).





Note: Not intended as a reply to this thread, just my feelings on the matter.

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My opinion on this is that we we're led to believe that the demo would be made available this week. Then at the last minute we are informed that it will be delayed by the publisher UBI. I'm sorry but this is more of the "lead em on" BS that's been going on at UBI for quite some time. :(

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I think people need to grow up and get a life. It is only a sim for christ sakes. I think some of them need to get laid and go have a beer. :roll:

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ok first of all nobody said anything about the demo being released this week. You might have understood it that way, but thats not the case and you should be carefull to read carefully from now on.

Until you get a finished store bought copy in your hand everything is "what if" and subject to change without notice. Carl and Matt have been very carefull not to set specific dates for this very reason, because many people like to take 1 sentence and turn it around in thier favor or use it as ammo later on that they have been decieved in some way. All the crying will die off in a couple of days, but the ones that really burn me up are those few that make it thier personal quest to be negative any chance they get in these forums. These are the people running around saying "See! I told ya so" all over the place. If you dont like this sim and you have no intention of supporting it then LEAVE! its as simple as that. Yes, everyone has a right to thier opinion, but some are clearly in it for the mere gratification of watching people get ticked off, basically trolling.


Nobody is happy about what is going on and we all wanted this sim yesterday, but it's how we handle disappointment in times like this that reflect what kind of person we are. Are you a cry baby or are you going to stay positive? the choice is yours.


(this is not geared toward anyone in particular, but at the community as a whole)


Personally I will rely on guys like Jeff and MrMudd to keep putting out great stories and keeping the interest fresh. WTH its football season so at least there is something to watch on TV folks, its not the end of the world ya know.

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What ya drinkin, I just cracked one open. Nice cold Becks


I think people need to grow up and get a life. It is only a sim for christ sakes. I think some of them need to get laid and go have a beer.  :roll:

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Having a Bass Ale myself. And you are so right about what you just posted.

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"Proudly Not Served in 41 States"

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Guest MrMudd



OH yeah....



"Honeys can i have another! " :lol::lol::lol:




8) Why just have one!

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Just took a peek at the LOMAC forum. 479 replies to the petition post and 847 signatures. SHEEEESH!!!

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no, it was said that the demo would be released this week - MAYBE.


It's like having your wife strut around in front of you in lingerie, lead you to the bedroom, then turn the lights off and go to sleep. At no time did she say anything was going to happen for sure - but you'd still be somewhat pissed ;)

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Yes, it will be ready when it is ready...just like a quality Lager

Did not sign the petition.


All I want is a Game to work in Multiplayer right out of the Box.


Petes Wicked Fan here


Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nothing like a Petes while surfing the ol' Boards.




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Guest MrMudd
no, it was said that the demo would be released this week - MAYBE.


It's like having your wife strut around in front of you in lingerie, lead you to the bedroom, then turn the lights off and go to sleep. At no time did she say anything was going to happen for sure - but you'd still be somewhat pissed ;)


Hmm ..suxs to be you!


my wife and I have an understanding,


im the infamous panty burglar in my home... :lol:


Bow chicka bow bowwww..... bump bump......Bow chika bow bow.....

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Hey, maybe Jeff will offer his preview for us to unzip. How's about it Jeff? I'm sure Ubi wouldn't mind. I'm currently inhaling:




good pale, and dirt cheap $6.99 per 12 pack!!

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no, it was said that the demo would be released this week - MAYBE.


It's like having your wife strut around in front of you in lingerie, lead you to the bedroom, then turn the lights off and go to sleep. At no time did she say anything was going to happen for sure - but you'd still be somewhat pissed ;)


Hmm ..suxs to be you!


my wife and I have an understanding,


im the infamous panty burglar in my home... :lol:


Bow chicka bow bowwww..... bump bump......Bow chika bow bow.....


wifey KNOWS better ;)

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And for you BLITZPIGS!!!








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My thoughts on the Demo....


Well....I Think UBI made the right decision. Carl may have made a bad decision to post the fact that the DEMO would be out SOON, but he's living with that...and He's probably just as disgusted as everyone else. It sounds like there is a GOOD demo on it's way to UBI, yet it's UBI's decision to withhold it. So be it.


I did not sign the petition.


The petition is a swell idea, but is not gonna change ANYTHING. Carl had an excellent breakdown as to "why" on the lomac forum. There is not a single person that post on this forum that will NOT buy the game (except those that feel their computer is not potent enough). You can BITCH about it now...but you'll still put it on your X-mas wish-list.


Stormin has always stated "IT WILL BE OUT WHEN IT"S OUT"... I think that goes for the DEMO as well. In other words, "Quit your crying, we are trying to put out an ERROR FREE product as much as possible." I would rather see something that works right outta the box then to have to wait months for patches. Any Producers that complies with that is OK in my book.





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OK here´s my 2 cents :wink:


1. I fail to see the logic in pushing back the demo. The demo is finished and has a OK stamp for release. relesing it to the "hardcore" part of the potential byers now dosen´t limit you to reach a larger grope a few weeks later in magazins and other chanals. This would keep every one happy. I read some where that this would be a bad idea tho there would be no need for the magazines to have it on there cover disk if it was out on the net all ready. Sorry but that dosen´t fly, most demos are available to download long before the Magazines have them on the cover disk and that dosen´t seem to stop the magazines from putting them there.


2. Can´t i wait a few more weeks ? shore i can! But i think this is badly handled bye every one involved, but there is no need for bitching that wont help any one. A petition even is i think it wont change a thing is a good idea to show UBI that wath they do has an impact on the comunity . Remember that we (the consumer) is what makes or brakes UBI. i think many times marketing people in big organisations like ubi loses tutch with the potential byer of the product and this is a way of hopefully draging them back.


3. Will the ones bitching and whining bye the product ? offcorse they will they wouldent be here whining and bitching if they dident have a huge interest in the finished product.


4. Will lo-mac be bugg free on release? I don´t think so it´s a complex game and it´s bound to have buggs left and get patched (hopefully :wink: )


5. I read some where that "You should be thankfull you get any thing and the dev. team dont own you any thing" Yee thats real smart in any other bussines than software development that way of treating your customers would putt you out of bussines in a hurry.

Who would accept that attitude from your local chevy dealer " Yee so you orderd o green chevy with black interior, your getting a black with pink interior yest be thankfull we let you bye a chevy att all" I mean C´mon.


6. hope we still be herring as mutch from Carl in the future as we have in the past. tho i for one really appreciate his input and dialog with the comunity.


OK thats it :)


Sorry for my bad spelling :(


Best regards



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I just wanted to say thank you to all the posters above, this is why I think Biohaz's forums are second to none. It just goes to show you can have different views yet still be adults and discuss without decending into a flamefest. Thanks to all! :D

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no, it was said that the demo would be released this week - MAYBE.


It's like having your wife strut around in front of you in lingerie, lead you to the bedroom, then turn the lights off and go to sleep. At no time did she say anything was going to happen for sure - but you'd still be somewhat pissed ;)


Hmm ..suxs to be you!


my wife and I have an understanding,


im the infamous panty burglar in my home... :lol:


Bow chicka bow bowwww..... bump bump......Bow chika bow bow.....


ROFLOL! Mudd, you are too much dude, leave it to an airdale, must be the altitude...ROFLOL! Between you and skater and the rest of these charachters on Biohaz, I usually get a good gut laugh every day. :D

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Oh, I almost forgot, my beeeeer of choice, tastes AND looks good, I can drink a cold one and get an eyefull all at the sametime. Now what beer delivers THAT kinda quality? Eat yur hearts out... :shock: :D :wink:




Take a look at this webpage, hehehe. 1984 was a VERY good year.




:D aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh......

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Hmmm. I dont know if posting a pick of Crown and Coke is worthwhile.


2000 was pretty fine year.... Angela Little, Playmate of the Month August '98.


Who the hell is '84 (forgive me I was 1 year old).

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