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Congratulations are in Order

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Ole Jimmybib got accepted to Surrey University and will be starting his degree work in aerospace engineering next month. This university is one of the few accredited by the Royal Aeronautical Society. Having spent many hours talking to Jimmy, he told me of the trials and tribulations he went through to get accepted and this is a huge mile stone for him. So congratulations is in order.


Most outstanding my friend.

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Excellent! Congrats to JimmyBib!

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Congratulations and best of luck in the years of study ahead!



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Congratulations and the best of luck JimmyBib.


I'm currently in the last phase of my aerodynamics master degree. Aerospace engineering is not easy, but it sure is fun! (Especially the lab flights)

Edited by bwild

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Congratulations, Yo! :good::biggrin:

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Excellent! Congrats to JimmyBib!

Ditto. Persistance and determination.

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Congratulations and Best of Luck Jimmy dude!! It's not easy doing any degree but aeronautical stuff must be insanely math and physics based, kudos to you to have the brainpower to do it! :good:

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great news :)

congrats and good luck...!

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Thank you very much guys, now the real hard work begins :drag:

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Guest Tazkiller

Congrats Buddy!!!!!!!!


Always told ya , "You're Something Special!!!!!!!!"

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Well done Jimmy. Good luck in the coming years.

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I wish my school had Aerospace Engineering, I'd have definitely gone with that instead of a psychology/political science dual degree.

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Congrats and best wishes! I'm sure it's going to be hard, but it will pay off!

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Hey, congrats Jimmy. :good:

way to go man!!!

Best of luck and most of all, ENJOY.

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Bigtime congrats Jimmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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