WDH 0 Posted September 12, 2008 Thank you WDH. Dave you and all here deserve it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Typhoid 231 Posted September 12, 2008 I find that amusing for some reason. Perhaps i'm misunderstanding what you mean. So i pay to upload files that i've worked on so everyone else can get them for free?....hmm ok i quit. good point........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KingAlbert 0 Posted September 12, 2008 I find that amusing for some reason. Perhaps i'm misunderstanding what you mean. So i pay to upload files that i've worked on so everyone else can get them for free?....hmm ok i quit. You don't pay so that people get them for free. You pay for the space your files take up on the CA server and the bandwith that is consumed when your files are downloaded. If you don't want to pay, you can always post them at filefront, but how many people surf filefront for TW mods? But like Dave pointed out: they are not here for making money, just covering expenses. So that means that this thread needs to keep popping up in the Latest Posts section on the frontpage. The more people reading this thread, the more hopefully will think "Geez I guess I should pay for all this wonderfull stuff" (well I did after reading Dave's first post) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 12, 2008 No we aren't going to make people pay for space. Then that defeats the propose of this site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Viggen 677 Posted September 12, 2008 To the staff of CombatAce: I would love to give a donation to the upkeep of this website, however, my age, somewhat restricts my ability to, and I doubt you'd accept cash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted September 12, 2008 No we aren't going to make people pay for space. Then that defeats the propose of this site. Rgr what Dave said. We have to strike a balance between funding the significant costs of running the site with our determination to keep things open and available to everyone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+DoctorQuest 129 Posted September 12, 2008 I look at it this way. I do not have the time or talent to contribute to this community through modding. I'm not rich, but this is a major hobby for me and the price of a modest membership is really nothing compared to what I've spent in hardware, etc. to enjoy simming. If my membership helps the community by keeping CA going it's the least I can do. What DOES F**KING PISS ME OFF is being asked to pay $4.95 a month to Yahoo to listen to the Kansas State football webcasts.......(I'm not going to. I'll suffer...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Fates 65 Posted September 13, 2008 If you guys accept CC or checks, I'll sign up. If I remember correctly, you guys only accept paypal? Falcon I do believe that Paypal allows transaction via a credit card. M Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FalconC45 170 Posted September 14, 2008 I do believe that Paypal allows transaction via a credit card. M Ok. I'll see what I can do. That kinda eased my mind some. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 16, 2008 Pay Pal is easy to use. I see a lot of old members here lurking too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PIGHUNTA69 0 Posted September 16, 2008 Wow, this if the first time i've heard of this thread. I am also not rich but i can give what i can afford. Since i do download the good stuff from here, where do i signup? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 16, 2008 Just click at the bottom of any page with a download on it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted September 17, 2008 We realize there are unemployed members here, or those who are employed but are either barely (or failing) to make ends meet. Of course, the unemployed are the ones that spend a good amount of time here simply because they have time those of us who work don't. Combatace is an entertainment website, plain and simple. For those incapable of paying (whatever the reason), we're not going to cut you off because many of them make valuable contributions in other ways. Help a n00b. For the rest, though, entertainment costs. It costs in every area. Even a book you check out at the library isn't "free", your tax dollars pay for that. TV is paid for with ads but the internet ad model kind of sucks right now. You need such massive numbers to justify good rates that I think you're stuck in a spiral of having to pay more in costs to justify higher ad rates that won't cover them! This is definitely the "honor system" and we realized we weren't going to get some 50% contribution. We did NOT realize how few cared to try. So you can't swing a 12 month cost, but you've been here months and plan on hanging around for many more. You could at least swing ONE month. If you went out and bought dinner but only paid for the salad, the restaurant wouldn't accept that, but we will here. If MOST people just paid for one month it would help a LOT. What's that cost now anyway? Less than 2 gallons of gas! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 18, 2008 Good words JM, really good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ace888 327 Posted September 18, 2008 Dave, Where can I find the subscription sign-in for Combat Ace? I know about the donation part but where can I sign up? I use search, no go there? Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted September 18, 2008 I think this will work: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?act=p...&CODE=index Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ace888 327 Posted September 21, 2008 Thanks Jedi Master... it is done... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raven-1 0 Posted September 21, 2008 this is the first time since march i've spent more than 2 min. online to see whats going on.my son tried to kill himself on march 14 ,my worlds been upside down since.not to add another sad story why i hav'nt subscribed yet ,but family comes first!been a member since it was biohazard, and always thought everyone should contribute.sorry to see the lack of support.i will get back to normal and support the best site for flight sims there is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 21, 2008 this is the first time since march i've spent more than 2 min. online to see whats going on.my son tried to kill himself on march 14 ,my worlds been upside down since.not to add another sad story why i hav'nt subscribed yet ,but family comes first!been a member since it was biohazard, and always thought everyone should contribute.sorry to see the lack of support.i will get back to normal and support the best site for flight sims there is. Dude real life first. I know all too well about the suicide thing. Ever need to talk, PM me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gbnavy61 1 Posted September 21, 2008 (edited) Raven, hope things get better for you and your family. *** I agree with King Albert in his assessment of the "charity model" - it needs to be sold. Am I correct in understanding that the only real reminder for folks to donate is the little banner at the bottom of download pages? If so, that's lousy advertising. It's a tiny box at the bottom of every page - the saturation is a good idea, but the presentation is all wrong. On those pages, I'm looking at pictures, for the "click to download" button, and maybe - maybe - glancing over the readme section. I'm sure as hell not noticing that the little box at the bottom that says something about CombatAce and has images of jet aircraft is asking me to help keep the site running. I had no idea we were looking for donations until I saw this thread. Honestly, this was more informative than the little banners. I've since kicked in my bucks, but I think we need to revamp the way we're asking for support from the community. Also, while the guilt is a good motivator, we need to be careful about alienating folks by bashing them (free-loading so-and-so's, etc.). As we've established, not everyone has the means to contribute even if they have the desire. I think we should redesign the subscription support banners. They need to be bigger and more eye-catching. They need to be placed differently on the page. They should probably say something about supporting the site, rather than just subscriptions. When you simply state it in terms of a subscription, ask yourselves: why would someone pay for something they can get for free? Now, if you put it in terms of keeping the site running, it changes the perspective. Sign up for an "Elite Membership" - Support the CombatAce site, and get the following benefits: yadda, yadda. Additionally, we need threads like this every so often to let people know where we stand financially - what we have, what we still need, what things could change - for the better or worse. The biggest thing is to get this kind information out to the community. It does little good for a handful of people to know the situation. And then, they're surprised when they aren't seeing any support. How well has the community been informed? Edited September 21, 2008 by gbnavy61 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 22, 2008 Raven, hope things get better for you and your family. *** I agree with King Albert in his assessment of the "charity model" - it needs to be sold. Am I correct in understanding that the only real reminder for folks to donate is the little banner at the bottom of download pages? If so, that's lousy advertising. It's a tiny box at the bottom of every page - the saturation is a good idea, but the presentation is all wrong. On those pages, I'm looking at pictures, for the "click to download" button, and maybe - maybe - glancing over the readme section. I'm sure as hell not noticing that the little box at the bottom that says something about CombatAce and has images of jet aircraft is asking me to help keep the site running. I had no idea we were looking for donations until I saw this thread. Honestly, this was more informative than the little banners. I've since kicked in my bucks, but I think we need to revamp the way we're asking for support from the community. Also, while the guilt is a good motivator, we need to be careful about alienating folks by bashing them (free-loading so-and-so's, etc.). As we've established, not everyone has the means to contribute even if they have the desire. I think we should redesign the subscription support banners. They need to be bigger and more eye-catching. They need to be placed differently on the page. They should probably say something about supporting the site, rather than just subscriptions. When you simply state it in terms of a subscription, ask yourselves: why would someone pay for something they can get for free? Now, if you put it in terms of keeping the site running, it changes the perspective. Sign up for an "Elite Membership" - Support the CombatAce site, and get the following benefits: yadda, yadda. Additionally, we need threads like this every so often to let people know where we stand financially - what we have, what we still need, what things could change - for the better or worse. The biggest thing is to get this kind information out to the community. It does little good for a handful of people to know the situation. And then, they're surprised when they aren't seeing any support. How well has the community been informed? Well it has been advertised, I do agree though we can make it bigger though. From our perspective we did want to saturate everyone too. Its a very fine line. Also, while the guilt is a good motivator, we need to be careful about alienating folks by bashing them (free-loading so-and-so's, etc.). As we've established, not everyone has the means to contribute even if they have the desire. Starting this thread was not put anyone on a guilt trip, it was out of my frustration because there are a lot of old heads running around here and know what is going on and I haven't seen any action by them. I also stated real life is #1 and I understand if a person doesn't have the money. However there is some that do have the money and have not contributed and that is what I fine disappointing. There are people who do want a free lunch and are the first to complain when something changes that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparkomatic 7 Posted September 25, 2008 Do they accept contributions like C5 did, outside of the subscription? Also, and someone else mentioned it, but perhaps a limiting feature...I have used and thoroughly enjoyed flightsim.com for over 10 years and they have a cap per 24-hour cycle...basically one can download a given amount during a "day" and then it is off to enjoy what you just received for free. I have long said that too many people in this community download stuff and then ask for more stuff...no freakin' way people have actually used each of these fine projects to their fullest...heck all of the excellent F-4 paint schemes alone are staggering. But its too often download the MiG-28 then "cool, when will the MiG-28B and did you consider the MiG-28C, that one is my all time favorite!111!!!" thread...seriously. And my personal idea: pay per post...that is right...pay for posting...that should limit the "me too" and "look I posted to watch my post count go up". What Dave et al do around here is great and I for one, cannot say thank you enough. Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted September 25, 2008 Thank you Sparko! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+ace888 327 Posted September 25, 2008 And my personal idea: pay per post...that is right...pay for posting...that should limit the "me too" and "look I posted to watch my post count go up". You crack me up "Sparko" Look, my count just went up one more! Great idea! But I think "Dave" already stated clearly how this "place" is to be run. Thanks Dave... and to all who provided "US" with great mods! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jodandawg 18 Posted September 25, 2008 i sent a message once before about this subject. i replied that i do not have access to paypal and asked if there were any other means of paying. i was told that that was the only way to pay. i tried to pay so unless another option is offered, ie, checks, money orders, etc, i guess im s**t out of luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites