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The Official Sept/Oct Patch Thread

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Guest pfunkmusik
oh yeah!!


Now to find out if my terrain still works.



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Hope my WOV campaign still works. Any idea if Helos or CVs still will work as well?

Edited by JA 37 Viggen

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Now to find out if my terrain still works.





Yes, loving the new patches, but, checking out 5x wip terrains and twice as many wip campaigns to make sure they still work is gonna be. . . fun :blink::crazy:


OTOH, YES :biggrin: New Patches :biggrin::good:

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Hot damn! I can ditch my WoI--->WoE zombie mutant ninja installation now :D

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I can`t read the readme can someone post it here I get everytime an error



Second that. Also, I'm no expert on this new patch so I think I'd rather wait until some feedback comes this way on how effective it is. It's an awful pity they've decided to leave Strike Fighters in the boneyard.......anyone concur??

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If everything that is in SFP1 (other then the terrain) can be found in WOV/WOE/WOI, then it doesn't matter. I have a mutant install already with the SFP1/WOV/WOE terrains in my WOI install and they work fine. This will be even better in that a lot of the WOI enhancements will now work in the other sims. And I think I can get those enhancements in the SFP1 terrain too. So if the campaigns work, the objects exist, and the terrain objects have the new enhancements, then I can leave SFP1 and be happy.



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Second that. Also, I'm no expert on this new patch so I think I'd rather wait until some feedback comes this way on how effective it is. It's an awful pity they've decided to leave Strike Fighters in the boneyard.......anyone concur??


Well kinda but we must move on.

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Also a lot of mods are riding on these patches, so if you want the Desert Storm mod, you better upgrade.



Wings Over Europe / Sep 2008

Readme File




Table of Contents



1. Update Notes

2. Troubleshooting

3. Contacting Customer Support



1. Update Notes



This Update contains all the fixes from previous patches, and it can

be applied to any version of the game. Earlier patches do not need

to be applied.


This Update also raises the mimimum system requirement for the game to

the following:


OS: Windows 2000/XP

Processor: 1.0 GHz

Memory: 1.0 GB RAM

Hard Drive: 1.5 GB free space

Video Card: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c


After installing this Update, the game may require newer version of

DirectX to run correctly. Please visit the Microsoft website at




to download and install the latest version of DirectX.


We highly recommend you install this update over a clean install of

the game - uninstall the game first, manually delete the folder to

remove any mods not uninstalled, reinstall the game from original CD,

then apply the Update.


Many previous mods are not fully compatible with this Update. If

you find any mods not working correctly, please check with mod-makers

to provide you with updated version of their mods.


List of changes in this Update include:


Sep 2008



* Updated Nations list and additional insignia decals are included.


* Using the zoom controls on in-flight map will no longer zoom the

view after exiting the map.


* Air-to-ground gunsight is only depressed when unguided bombs

are selected.


* Shadow option is changed to adjust distance as well as the types of

object casting shadow. Low: No shadows are cast. Medium: Aircraft

cast shadow only in external view and only at close range. High: Aircraft

and some ground objects cast shadow. Unlimited: All objects cast shadow

at furthest distance.


* Rear view (Shift+F5 by default) and Engine On/off toggle (Ctrl+I)

are added.


* Better support for dual-analog sticks on gamepads are added.


* Version numbering system has been changed to show month and year

in less ambiguous format.


* View limits are adjusted correctly for widescreen and Matrox

surround gaming display.


* Shadows can now be cast using more detailed geometry model.


* Airfields in Single Mission and Campaign play now include randomly

placed parked aircraft.


* B-52D 3d model has been re-scaled to a more correct size.


* Flight model and AI have been further tweaked.


* And numerous other minor fixes and changes to enhance the overall

gameplay experience.



2. Troubleshooting



Troubleshooting Tips


Before installing the game, please try the following:


- Close all other applications.

- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.


If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,

please try the following solutions:


- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.


- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:




- Install the latest update for your game from:




- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.



3. Contacting Customer Support



To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please

send an e-mail to:




Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:


· Processor type and speed

· Operating System version

· Memory (RAM)

· DirectX Version

· Video Card type

· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.


Or visit our forums at




and leave us a message.


For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending



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Wings Over Vietnam / Sep 2008

Readme File




Table of Contents



1. Update Notes

2. Troubleshooting

3. Contacting Customer Support



1. Update Notes



This Update contains all the fixes from previous patches, and it can

be applied to any version of the game. Earlier patches do not need

to be applied.


This Update also raises the mimimum system requirement for the game to

the following:


OS: Windows 2000/XP

Processor: 1.0 GHz

Memory: 1.0 GB RAM

Hard Drive: 1.2 GB free space

Video Card: 128 MB DirectX 9.0c


After installing this Update, the game may require newer version of

DirectX to run correctly. Please visit the Microsoft website at




to download and install the latest version of DirectX.


We highly recommend you install this update over a clean install of

the game - uninstall the game first, manually delete the folder to

remove any mods not uninstalled, reinstall the game from original CD,

then apply the Update.


Many previous mods are not fully compatible with this Update. If

you find any mods not working correctly, please check with mod-makers

to provide you with updated version of their mods.


List of changes in this Update include:


Sep 2008



* Updated Nations list and additional insignia decals are included.


* Using the zoom controls on in-flight map will no longer zoom the

view after exiting the map.


* Air-to-ground gunsight is only depressed when unguided bombs

are selected.


* Shadow option is changed to adjust distance as well as the types of

object casting shadow. Low: No shadows are cast. Medium: Aircraft

cast shadow only in external view and only at close range. High: Aircraft

and some ground objects cast shadow. Unlimited: All objects cast shadow

at furthest distance.


* Rear view (Shift+F5 by default) and Engine On/off toggle (Ctrl+I)

are added.


* Better support for dual-analog sticks on gamepads are added.


* Version numbering system has been changed to show month and year

in less ambiguous format.


* View limits are adjusted correctly for widescreen and Matrox

surround gaming display.


* Shadows can now be cast using more detailed geometry model.


* Airfields in Single Mission and Campaign play now include randomly

placed parked aircraft.


* B-52D 3d model has been re-scaled to a more correct size.


* Flight model and AI have been further tweaked.


* And numerous other minor fixes and changes to enhance the overall

gameplay experience.



2. Troubleshooting



Troubleshooting Tips


Before installing the game, please try the following:


- Close all other applications.

- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.


If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,

please try the following solutions:


- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.


- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:




- Install the latest update for your game from:




- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.



3. Contacting Customer Support



To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please

send an e-mail to:




Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:


· Processor type and speed

· Operating System version

· Memory (RAM)

· DirectX Version

· Video Card type

· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.


Or visit our forums at




and leave us a message.


For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending







Wings Over Israel / Sep 2008

Readme File




Table of Contents



1. Update Notes

2. Troubleshooting

3. Contacting Customer Support



1. Update Notes



This Update contains all the fixes from previous patches, and it can

be applied to any version of the game. Earlier patches do not need

to be applied.


If you have installed any mods to the game, you should back up any

changes you've made before applying this Update. Update will delete

any files that may conflict with newer files. You should re-apply

the change to the new, updated files installed by this Update.


List of changes in this Update include:


Sep 2008



* Fixes the problem of game locking up when gunpod is fired.


Aug 2008



* Updated Nations list and additional insignia decals are included.


* Using the zoom controls on in-flight map will no longer zoom the

view after exiting the map.


* Air-to-ground gunsight is only depressed when unguided-bombs

are selected.


* Player sometimes not able to recieve "Mission Accomplished" on SEAD

missions even after all the primary targets are destroyed is fixed.


* AI pilots sometimes not taking off from their airbase is fixed.


* Campaign engine not generating player mission correctly when low in

supply is fixed.


* Decoy dispenser key no longer releases multiple decoys per keystroke.


* Cockpit ON/OFF toggle not removing the external model when using

Medium Shadow option is fixed.


* Flight model and AI have been further tweaked.


* And numerous other minor fixes and changes to enhance the overall

gameplay experience.


The following is a list of files that are explicitly deleted by the

Update installer. Additional files may be over-written by newer

















































































2. Troubleshooting



Troubleshooting Tips


Before installing the game, please try the following:


- Close all other applications.

- Verify that your system meets the minimum system requirements.


If you are experiencing difficulties in getting the game to run,

please try the following solutions:


- Obtain the latest drivers for your video and sound card.


- Obtain the latest version of Direct X from:




- Install the latest update for your game from:




- Run scandisk and defragment your drive.



3. Contacting Customer Support



To obtain further technical assistance regarding this product, please

send an e-mail to:




Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail:


· Processor type and speed

· Operating System version

· Memory (RAM)

· DirectX Version

· Video Card type

· Error messages encountered and where/when you saw them.


Or visit our forums at




and leave us a message.


For all other comments or suggestions, you can contact us by sending




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Ha! And on the day that I finally broke down and bought WOI because I needed an up to date WO* for my week off. Well, I'm glad to support TK, and now I have even more flying to do this week. (Flying or installing various mods? Hmm, probably a bit of both.)


Happy patching, everybody!

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Oh god yes. They better need to be able to make shadows without making it look weird! (ATI user here.)

Edited by kct

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I'm uploading the patches to our server right now, all three should be available within 15 minutes. That should free up some of TK's bandwidth.

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This may not be such a bad thing since I'm getting a new laptop this weekend (sound of rubbing hands). Will be looking forward to

to some feedback AND more importantly; screenshots. Especially from WOE

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Hi guys, just tried the new WOE patch on a spare install, silly question.....

How can I prevent the patch from completely screwing up my weapons? (Buny's pack + countless addon weapons)

I also noticed that many aircraft now show avionics issues, like the MSIP F-15Cs, not showing radar, HUD and other thingies.... escept for this issues, it looks SWEEEET!!!!!!!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Edited by hide86

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This is what I did. Install the said WP in another folder, and copy them over to your installation AFTER you patch the said installation. This should solve the problem of BunyapPak screwing up, or anything that might change bits of aircrafts (BunyapPak does that).

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Well, i patched the install and found out that my weps folder was still there, almost intact.

I copied back a copy of the latest wepdata and open/saved it with the editor, but nothing, it doesn't even show the wepdata.cat....

What the heck's missing now???? I mean, I don't even see any new weapon, like AIM-54s or something.... didn't recheck the avionics but I assume the problem's still there.......

Edited by hide86

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You guys should patch a clean install. Otherwise you're more than likely going to lose some things.



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You know, I'm thinking I just may go scorched earth as well.


It will take a lot of tweaking to get things back the way I want, but I have such a ginormous amount of HDD real estate with all these varied installs.


Install, patch, combine and tweak.


I have the day off tomorrow for my wife's Birthday, but I'm sure she won't mind me taking half the day get my Thirdwire sims squared away, eh?



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