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Sept 2008 Patch Weapons Issue and Findings Thread

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This is for all the default aircraft in Wings Over Vietnam.


After the new patch, then adding Bunyaps Weapons pack, all the aircraft data.ini files were overwritten to a previous standard, taking out some of the new features.


As per request, in this zip are all the aircraft Data.ini's as they should be with the new patch enabling Bunyaps weapons and the new features.


The hardpoints have been changed to either USAF or USN. With the Migs, WP for the hardpoints still works.


Copy each file to it's respective folder overwriting the old ones.


Best regards




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This is for all the default aircraft in Wings Over Vietnam.


After the new patch, then adding Bunyaps Weapons pack, all the aircraft data.ini files were overwritten to a previous standard, taking out some of the new features.


As per request, in this zip are all the aircraft Data.ini's as they should be with the new patch enabling Bunyaps weapons and the new features.


The hardpoints have been changed to either USAF or USN. With the Migs, WP for the hardpoints still works.


Copy each file to it's respective folder overwriting the old ones.


Best regards






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Could the file have a longer name? :lol:

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Isn't this all covered in my KB thread "Editing weapons for the Bunyap Pak?".....40+ pages with the needed tweeks.


Granted, the end user still need to pull BOTH the data and loadout inis (which you forgot to include, btw -- editing the data ini WITHOUT an accompanying edited loadout ini don't work)....but the data has been there for a loooong while now



kevin stein

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Example of new bits in the Data.ini files, after the new patch:

























In [Pilot] section:




This stuff is not in the old thread for WOV fixes.


I didn't include the loadout.ini files because the Bunyap ones work ok.


I'm sorry I bothered to answer a request, now!

Edited by The_Editor

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Isn't this all covered in my KB thread "Editing weapons for the Bunyap Pak?".....40+ pages with the needed tweeks.


Kevin - I'd like to read this post, can you point me to it?



Mike D.

Edited by mppd

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oppps..I lied...it's only 9 pages, with 174 entries




TMF edits are also there too, in a seperate thread


Editor: dude, I didn't mean any insult! Really!!! Since those new items ARE stock, they don't need to be added to the 'new' data inis (having extracted all from my 'clean' version of WoE to examine them). But the data inis would still need extraction to edit the AttachmentType= nation's names, and the loadout inis to change the weapons names. (and to change pilot figures, if so desired!)



kevin stein

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Well, updating the aircraft_data and loadout files of the Soviet planes is definitely a 'must do'...took me a while to realize why they were flying aroung without missiles... :blink:

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Isn't this all covered in my KB thread "Editing weapons for the Bunyap Pak?".....40+ pages with the needed tweeks.


Granted, the end user still need to pull BOTH the data and loadout inis (which you forgot to include, btw -- editing the data ini WITHOUT an accompanying edited loadout ini don't work)....but the data has been there for a loooong while now



kevin stein


The data is all there in the knowledgebase, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't make sense for a few people to go through the exercise the first time and then just post the files so people don't have to keep repeating something that someone else has done.


Plus, bunyaps weps pack came with the fixed data and loadout files, so if anything, we're just getting ourselves back to where we were before the patch...


Like I said in another thread, I'm more than willing to work with a group of people to create the post patch, weps pack compatible data and loadout files for all the WOE/WOV aircraft and post them for download. Let me know if interested...

Edited by malibu43

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This is for all the default aircraft in Wings Over Vietnam.


After the new patch, then adding Bunyaps Weapons pack, all the aircraft data.ini files were overwritten to a previous standard, taking out some of the new features.


As per request, in this zip are all the aircraft Data.ini's as they should be with the new patch enabling Bunyaps weapons and the new features.


The hardpoints have been changed to either USAF or USN. With the Migs, WP for the hardpoints still works.


Copy each file to it's respective folder overwriting the old ones.


Best regards





I have now deleted the Zip file.


Read the knowledge base.

Edited by The_Editor

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O.K. sorry to bother anyone. I certainly have all of this archived - I was thinking that you were referring to entries for individual weapons, not loadouts etc. for individual aircraft. My mistake.


And just to throw a comment in, the Knowledge Base is a bit difficult to search thru for a specific item, and I don't blame a newer reader for asking something which may be so obvious to you guys who spent so much time putting this together. Sometimes it is easier to ask rather than to poke thru all of this.


Thanks again for all of the help I have received for stupid questions in the past. I hope that I can answer some for newer members some day.



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And just to throw a comment in, the Knowledge Base is a bit difficult to search thru for a specific item, and I don't blame a newer reader for asking something which may be so obvious to you guys who spent so much time putting this together. Sometimes it is easier to ask rather than to poke thru all of this




Problem with that Mike, is that the KB has been revamped over and over and over again and its a lot more use friendly that it ever was. The KB was created so people can be self sufficient.


Example: Looking for weps editing information


Start here:




Then Here:




Then Here:




If someone has a better way of making it more plainer than that, I am all ears.

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Well I've been at this for the last six hours or so, and it's now 4am where I am so before I get some racktime I thought I'd run this by you all to see if anyone can shed some light on this.

I've managed to install the Jan 08 MF Weapons Pack with the help of the Feb 08 Weapons Editor and for the most part things seem to be fairly ok. But I've noticed that although certain weapons, fuel tanks and attachments are present in this pack, they don't seem to appear on my aircraft. Take for example the MiG-21MF; I extracted the aircraft DATA.ini and LOADOUT.ini files from the ObjectData.cat folder and placed them in the MiG-21 MF's main folder, made the appropriate adjustments in both but they dont show up in the weapons layout or in the available weapons list at the side. The same applies to things like the ALQ-119 (not for the MiG-21 of course). They're all in the WEAPONSDATA.INI folder after checking it with the new Weapon Editor and all the BMP and LOD files are present in the Weapons folder.

Any ideas anyone? Ciao for now.

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Add "SOVIET" to the attachment types on ALL the MiGs and Su-7. That's what I had to do yesturday. Couldn't get Apex's on the Flooger for some reason



kevin stein

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Add "SOVIET" to the attachment types on ALL the MiGs and Su-7. That's what I had to do yesturday. Couldn't get Apex's on the Flooger for some reason



kevin stein


Wrench, I had also problems with the Apex missile, especially with the IR version. You'll have to remove the SpecificStationCode (AA7) of the Apex stations of the MIG-23M or add it to the missiles of the R-23 family in the weapondata.ini

Edited by Gocad

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Add "SOVIET" to the attachment types on ALL the MiGs and Su-7. That's what I had to do yesturday. Couldn't get Apex's on the Flooger for some reason



kevin stein


Did it already bud. I noticed on the old patched versions of the games that if the attachment types on the DATA.inis had 'WP,SOVIET' it wouldn't show up unles I changed it to 'SOVIET,WP'. The same applied to US aircraft, where I had to reverse NATO,USAF' to 'USAF,NATO'. I had the same entries here with the new patch and changed them over.

I also went through the attachment types of all the wepons in the Jan 08 Weapons Pack with the Feb 08 Weapon Editor and noticed that none of the attachment types were ticked off. I ticked off the neccessary nations there. Still no changes.

I was thinking about it before I went to sleep last night and it occured to me that the wepons that are showing up are the ones you'd find on the default WEAPONDATA.INI list, even though I'm using the WEAPONDATA.INI from the Jan 08 Weapon Pack.

Strange, dude..........and very f**king annoying

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Let me ask 1 stupid question.


I get all my weapons to show, and they are all there. What I cannot get is the EOGB & LGB's to hold a lock and fly to the target.

I know it's something simple, bit I have missed it obviously.

I have read as much as i can but I can't find the fix.

What is it I am not getting in this matter?


Thanks in advance.



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Let me ask 1 stupid question.


I get all my weapons to show, and they are all there. What I cannot get is the EOGB & LGB's to hold a lock and fly to the target.

I know it's something simple, bit I have missed it obviously.

I have read as much as i can but I can't find the fix.

What is it I am not getting in this matter?


Thanks in advance.




Wecome to the 'It's probably so simple but I can't fix it' club. You're probably like me; a guy who's no stranger to the world of modding and upgrading so it should theoretically be a piece of cake. I never had this kind of problem before (like yourself I'm sure) but I really can't understand this at all. Is it my OS? Is the new Weapon Editor supposed to run in compatibility with something other than Win98/ME?

A quick suggestion for the moderators and experts who might be reading this:

For the sake of both me and my good colleague Nightshade's sanity, would it be possible for you to reply with a HIGHLY DETAILED, STEP BY STEP guide as to how you accomplished the things that both of us have problems with.

This is a fine game series and every other mod that I've added to this new patch works perfectly. I just can't seem to get all the weapons to appear, and this is NOT from a lack of experience in modding.

Nightshade; I feel your frustration my friend. Let's hope our problems can be solved soon.

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Is the new February 08 Weapon Editor still supposed to run in compatibility with Windows 98/ Windows ME? Are there any other settings to be applied to it in the compatibility window?

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Is the new February 08 Weapon Editor still supposed to run in compatibility with Windows 98/ Windows ME? Are there any other settings to be applied to it in the compatibility window?


Only if it doesn't open for you. Take the editor put it in your windows/system folder, the make a short cut to and place it on your desk top. It will work and you do not have to mess with any compatibility modes. I really wish I knew why you are having issues. I have redid 5 sep weps packs not a single issue.

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Let me ask 1 stupid question.


I get all my weapons to show, and they are all there. What I cannot get is the EOGB & LGB's to hold a lock and fly to the target.

I know it's something simple, bit I have missed it obviously.

I have read as much as i can but I can't find the fix.

What is it I am not getting in this matter?


Thanks in advance.




Gotta be an in game thing - have you modded anything? replaced any ini files with older ones etc?


What height are you dropping from? - are you diving and putting the target in the pipper after pressing E?


Also what bombs are you using - some are hopeless anyway.

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Nightshade; I feel your frustration my friend. Let's hope our problems can be solved soon.





If the Weapons show up okay in the latest weps editor in weapondata.ini then they are installed OKAY


Next to check would be to see you have the correct models and skins in the weapons folder - which you should have anyway



err as an example







AttachmentPosition= 0.0,-0.37,-1.06


LoadLimit=1000.0 <---- is this to small for you store? increase it

AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,FT,EP <------EP signifies it can take an ECM pod like ALQ-119 etc

AttachmentType=NATO,USAF <------is this correct?




FuelTankName=Tank300_F16 <---------this has to be the correct name for the fuel tank to show in loadout screen



There may be other params that specify max length of the store etc


Also no SOVIET stores can be loaded on the above even if you put WP/SOVIET attachment types because they are ENEMY nations

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I think I´m forgoting to do something , because it seems to trying to lock the target on TV but it is not "fixing " in the crosshairs, so when I drop them , from 1500-2000 m at 3 km distance, it always fail to guide.

Is there a key to "lock" the bomb on target?

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I think I´m forgoting to do something , because it seems to trying to lock the target on TV but it is not "fixing " in the crosshairs, so when I drop them , from 1500-2000 m at 3 km distance, it always fail to guide.

Is there a key to "lock" the bomb on target?



Yes, here in Combatace, in the seccion of downloads in jet cockpits there is a sight mod to drop bombs at diferent level of altitude, here the link:




or other mod that help you to drop bombs with more presicion:




I wait that I do help you...

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Got all that covered.

What they won't do is GUIDE after I get the lock and launch. As soon as I drop them, they fall like bricks.

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