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Correct way to eat a Burger?

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Please don´t laugh.


What´s the Correct way to eat a Burger? :dntknw:


A friend of me use sometimes a fork and a knife for it. I think there is only one way to do it: use your hands



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I use a fork sometimes depending the burger. Why? I can't use my both hands.



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Assuming it's not an open face burger, the only time to ever use a knife is if you're cutting it in half to make it easier to hold.


Otherwise...even a big old messy chili burger should be eaten with your hands...



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Assuming it's not an open face burger, the only time to ever use a knife is if you're cutting it in half to make it easier to hold.


Otherwise...even a big old messy chili burger should be eaten with your hands...



AMEN!! (a fork and knife?) :haha::rofl: That does NOT fly here in the states!

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With lettuce,tomato,onions,cheese and mayo.


Hold it with both hands(where possible),with the grease and condiments running down your arms and dripping off of your elbows.



Oh Yeah!!!! :ok:

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lots of cheese, bbq sauce, and onion rings on it!


oh yeah and you gota use your hands, thats why there is a bun there in the first place.

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Ok people..... REAL burgers are as follows: (May be BBQ on the grill or cooked in pan on the stove)


It is beef, cheese with onions, dill pickles mustard and ketchup. The only seasoning on a burger is salt (kosher of course) and pepper. (Mayo, lettuce and tomato are for bacon cheeseburgers ONLY)


No BBQ sauce, no fruit, no chili, no peppers etc etc, you use 80 to 85% lean beef for the fat content. It must be eaten with the hands. ANYTHING else is a travesty and frankly quite uncivilized.



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This thread is making me hungry...I guess I know what I'm having for dinner!



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Hell, I don't use them things for half the food "normal" people eat with them....


IMHO, all "whole meat foods".. ie burgers, hot-dogs, steak, chicken... should be picked with your hands and gnawed at like frick'n wild animal.


... Anything else would be uncivilized

Edited by Zurawski

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Take a look at C5's snake thread, and you'll see the proper way to engulf a burger! Unhinge the jaws, and a full frontal assault.

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Wow, thats worse than people eating pizza with a fork and knife!


Any other way using your hands to stuff as big of a bite into your mouth at once is just plain wrong Certainly not Manly, but that doesn't even describe it right because not even women eat burgers like that.

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you eat with your hands...

why being civil while eating half a pound of meat?? :P

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1. Put burger in blender

3. Pour into shallow dish

4. Apply face

5. ????

6. Profit

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Also, never set it down once you pick it up, that's when they fall apart :ok: So never stop, and eat like a man dammit!

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I have nothing against gays or the homosexual lifestyle. If somebody wants to eat a burger with a knife and fork, it's up to them.

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I have nothing against gays or the homosexual lifestyle. If somebody wants to eat a burger with a knife and fork, it's up to them.


Greycap FTW!

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Try to put it onn your mouth and close/open frequently untill it slide down to your stomach.

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