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WHOA Check This!

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There's a lot up there we dont know about.

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Alien or not, i'm not so sure. I'm not arrogant enough to think that out of all the planets in the universe earth is the only one with life, but i personally believe that most UFOs are made right here on earth. The Nazi's,The Allies and the Soviets all experimented with disk shaped aircraft and to think that they just stopped is kinda silly.


I have always believed the best recon aircraft would appear to be a UFO. Even if its spotted and reported it won't incriminate the country who operates it unless its shotdown. How can they fly manuevers that would kill a human pilot? Well we have had Remote Controlled aircraft for many years, UAVs are nothing new and not risking a pilot would be a major plus on a recon mission.


As for this Story, who knows, it could have been anything. It is interesting that we were working on new jamming equipment at the time, but who knows?


A Simular case happened involving a F-89 Scorpion over the great lakes and resulted in the loss of the aircraft. Will we ever know the whole truth about UFOs? Probably not unless one is shotdown in a major city with alot of witnesses where it can't be covered up.


Have i ever seen a UFO, well yes. When i was a teenager we (about 10 of us) saw a bunch of lights in the sky in the general direction of Homestead AFB and they appeared to be making 90 degree turns and rapid accelleration beyond anything i have seen a fighter jet do, They were there every night for about a week. It was a little creepy, but i still doubt that they were little green men, I tend to think it was the Boys in Blue with a new toy.

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" No military record; Britain’s military said it had no record of the incident, according to the files. Neither did the U.S. military. The second pilot’s account, also included in the files, paints a somewhat different picture of events, saying there were not one but several “unknowns” and that he did not remember being contacted by anyone about staying quiet. He did not mention the targets’ size. "



Ah yes another pilot sighting a UFO... Blury pictures, strange lights, a farmer saying he got 'probed'. Yet nothing concrete, no real pictures, no spaceship on the white house lawn. Same thing with ghosts sightings.


C'mon Dave, you don't believe that tripe do you?

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C'mon Dave, you don't believe that tripe do you?


To a point yes I do, thought the article interesting.

As far as ghost go, I have seen them, so I know they exist. My wife has too. I am not going to try to convince anyone of it l but I know what I saw. To quote Ghostbusters, I have seen s**t that would turn you white."

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Have i ever seen a UFO, well yes. When i was a teenager we (about 10 of us) saw a bunch of lights in the sky in the general direction of Homestead AFB and they appeared to be making 90 degree turns and rapid accelleration beyond anything i have seen a fighter jet do, They were there every night for about a week. It was a little creepy, but i still doubt that they were little green men, I tend to think it was the Boys in Blue with a new toy.


When I was younger my family left the city and moved out in the rural south. Way out in the woods. Use to see a lot of air traffic, mostly low flying National Guard helicopters or Navy helos. Occasionally F-15s and F-16s would breeze through and buzz the local towns.


One night when I was about 16 I came home real late and I saw what looked like a U-2 scooting over tree top level, could even feel the wind a few seconds after it passed by. The problem wad, the AFB and Naval Bases were over an hour and some change away, the plane was quiet as a mouse peeing on cotton, and even planes on final do not get that low that far out.

Edited by ironroad

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"I had a lock on that had the proportions of a flying aircraft carrier.”....lmao, Gotta love that comment,


P.S. still got that 300mm telephoto sittin here, Dave, just get me in to see the aliens and its all yours,,

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I mean, I would have to be a fool to discount anything. I even admit it is a mathematical certainty that we're not alone in the universe. So who knows... :dntknw:


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When I was younger my family left the city and moved out in the rural south. Way out in the woods. Use to see a lot of air traffic, mostly low flying National Guard helicopters or Navy helos. Occasionally F-15s and F-16s would breeze through and buzz the local towns.


One night when I was about 16 I came home real late and I saw what looked like a U-2 scooting over tree top level, could even feel the wind a few seconds after it passed by. The problem wad, the AFB and Naval Bases were over an hour and some change away, the plane was quiet as a mouse peeing on cotton, and even planes on final do not get that low that far out.


Does not surprise me at all, You probably saw a flight on a low level training mission in some form of Black (Classified) Aircraft.


I strongly believe that our Air Force has several aircraft and possibly spacecraft that the public know nothing about and keeping them secret is key to keeping us safe.


I don't believe the USAF should tell the public about Black Operations Aircraft if it might give a hostile country insight against us.


I also believe that if they do tell us about a secret aircraft its because they already have something better.


There have been too many things seen in the night sky to dismiss them all as hoaxes. All the Triangle UFOs seen in recent years lead me to think that the TR-3A (if that name is correct) may be operating now and is above and beyond anything we currently know about.


Some people are disturbed by the thought of Secret Aircraft, but to me its reassuring that the USAF is doing its job protecting America. :good:

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There has to be more to the Universe than just us...go outside and look up (works better at night) and tell me that we are it...hey, they Europeans didnt believe in China or Japan not to mention a little place (to be) called North America...


Also, no one believed Galileo...

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I am a believer aswell LOL


On a serious note it is a high probability that we are not alone in this universe, given the billions of stars in the sky and that each of them could sustain a solar system such as ours it seems a bit far fetched to think we ARE alone in the universe.


Maybe one day we will find out

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I am a believer aswell LOL


On a serious note it is a high probability that we are not alone in this universe, given the billions of stars in the sky and that each of them could sustain a solar system such as ours it seems a bit far fetched to think we ARE alone in the universe.


Maybe one day we will find out

I am a believer as well. I just don't have any credible proof. The UFO crowd is a dodgey lot with not much else going for them (my opinion). I flew the U-2 for some eleven years on active duty and converse with the brotherhood (active and inactive) at our conventions every other year in California. I, also, know most of the SR-71 aircrews as they worked right down the hall from the U-2 Squadron at Beale AFB, CA. I don't know anyone of the aircrews that has ever seen any type of UFO. Doesn't mean they don't exist or haven't been around, but you'd think the guys regularly flying in near-space would be the first to see something if it were happening. I am one of the few people you'll encounter that has actually been to area 54 in the Nevada desert. The place was mostly empty and that was 15 years ago. Sorry, UFO crowd, no aliens. All of that leaves me with the UFO crowd and their vivid imaginations for any type of credibility. I, also, think if the RAF has no record of the incident in Dave's article, it probably didn't happen. Sorry guys, government conspiracy theories are usually just figments of imagination and until there is some real proof, I can't buy it.

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Not being alone in the universe is damn certain. The real question is, is anyone out there as advanced as us or advanced enough to communicate or reach here.


Alien bacteria is probably common as dirt. Animals less so and civilizations even less.


If the supposed UFO in this case was ours, well why would we have been ordered to fire on it?


We likely won't know anything for certain until we stumble across them in space, or until someone lands in the middle of times square or the national mall in broad daylight.


As for governments, it makes perfect sense to keep any kind of contact or incident involving aliens highly secret. True proof of such would have such gigantic implications for society and religion. The whole of judeo-christian belief would be rocked to its core. Mass panic and paranoia would likely ensue.


I've seen my share, UFOs, ghosts(more often than ufos) my school is haunted and I'm pretty sure my house is after the freaky s**t that has happened.

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this might help understand these reports;




As can modified sunglasses....


"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."

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Guest 531_Ghost
To a point yes I do, thought the article interesting.

As far as ghost go, I have seen them, so I know they exist. My wife has too. I am not going to try to convince anyone of it l but I know what I saw. To quote Ghostbusters, I have seen s**t that would turn you white."


Didn't we meet in Jacksonville? :wink:

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To quote Ghostbusters, I have seen s**t that would turn you white."



Who ya gonna call... :biggrin:


Seriously, you're right Dave. The spirit world is real. I know.


As for UFO's...I've never seen anything I can't explain. However, I keep an open mind.


I think the military has stuff way in advance of what we see, that's how it should be. R&D baby!

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Back in '71 over southern Honshu I spotted something about 5 miles away and about 3000 ft higher than me. I was at 25,000. It was about 2100 hrs. and I saw a very bright light. It seemed to be traveling parallel to my course. My ECMO cranked up the ECM gear and it was sort of scanning us.

We fired up the tapes and recorded what the gear was reporting.

I called center and they didn't have anything on radar.

It stayed there for about 5 minutes and then it accellerated to about warp 9,went ahead of us about 5 miles and then appeared to go straight up.

Center asked us if we wanted to report a UFO,We said "NOPE"!!! A JAL crew also saw it and they didn't want to report anything either.

The next day some Air Force people showed up at the base(MCAS Iwakuni) and took all the tapes from the plane and the ECM Van.

I've seen SR's at night over Vietnam and when they light the burners you can see the flames even from 5 miles away.

It wasn't one of them.



You bet I believe!!! :yes:

Edited by ezlead

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Guest 531_Ghost

Well, as far as belivin' in sumpthin' out there, I believe there is. As I mentioned in my earlier post, Dave and I met in Jacksonville. I was on a return trip from my Moms place. I did some work in my Pops machine shop (if you didn't know, my Pop passed away last year). As I was working, guess who was there with me, making sure I didn't screw up. No worries Pop, ya taught me well. :wink:

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This story is purely about a radar contact, so it's quite possible it was some sort of ECM test gone awry.


As for UFOs, the weird part is most of the stories stem from the 50s and some in the 60s then they stop. I think it quite likely there WAS some sort of visitation going on then that has since cut way back. Maybe they were passing by, spent a few years doing in depth research, then moved on. After all, we went to the Moon then left for over 20 years. We went to Mars with Viking and didn't try again for 20 years. It's hardly unusual to think that we may get "waves" of explorations. I also don't doubt many of them are UAVs...er, U-UFOs? Just probes, hence the ability to make maneuvers that would flatten a pilot.

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