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First Screenshot with my new GeForce 9400GT (1024MB) its a real new experience....

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How does it handle seasoned WOE? my 8800 died and it choked on seasoned WOE with NF4 (despite blazing through crysis) I just got a gts 250 to replace it and haven't tried WOX yet with it.

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hit by my own bombs...


Happens to me way too often in BF1942:FH. Hectic approach, bomb release and *boom*, back to the spawning screen. xP



The concerns of a high altitude pilot :biggrin:


Nice NF-104 mod. Wish they had it in "The Right Stuff".




Oh, and speaking of "I'm taking damage!"...wingie got toasted by this Fishbed's comrade.



Taking revenge on Paran's newest ride...



...and since I believe in "two eyes for an eye"...



The last pic was a gun kill at Mach 1.2 with a gunpod. Is that even possible IRL?

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Coupla Harrier shots:



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Just a very, very bad day to be



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*Falls of chair due to Heart attack!* :swoon::yikes:


:shok: :shok: :shok: :shok:


Having fun at the range and enjoying this new beauty:








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2 months?



PD: It's not quite understand the joke in 2 weeks :rofl:



Good job.



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We need a bigger map :good:


(Lexx's 6 million one)


edit: quoted with img

Edited by CA_Stary

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PD: It's not quite understand the joke in 2 weeks


"2 weeks" is the mythical deadline, the Holy Grail of flight simulation mod-making in terms of time constraints. My best guess is that it originated from within the Falcon 4.0 community; when the average Joe asked a modder or developer when any given addon or mod was to be ready for release, the usual answer used to be "in two more weeks". It's funny since flight sim developers are known for taking their time in finishing their work, so "in two weeks" is usually an unrealistic, overly optimistic deadline for release that, I would say most of the time, is never met.

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I had thought it was Oleg Maddox of IL-2 fame with a the infamous, "2 weeks, be sure!'



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Guest a10boar



Taking out power plant in WOV/WOE Oct 2008 patched. Anybody see how ironic this screenshot is?

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Back from my trip, here's my first screenie; Escort Sandy.


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you are right .. it was Oleg invention :-D



From my frame of reference "2 weeks" came from the 1986 movie "the Money Pit" with Tom Hanks & Shelly Long...


[Walter has missed a meeting with the permit man, who got steamed and left]

Curly: If he ever does come back, you call me and we'll finish the job.

Walter: When I do get the permits, how long will the job take?

Curly: Two weeks.

Walter: Two weeks? Two weeks?

Curly: You sound like a parakeet there. "Two weeks! Two weeks!"

Walter: Well, two weeks. It- it's amazing.

Curly: Amazing nothing. It'll be a regular miracle.

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:shok: :shok: :shok: :shok:


Having fun at the range and enjoying this new beauty:


Are you using that Bloom mod? If so, what are your settings?

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Are you using that Bloom mod? If so, what are your settings?


Not exactly the bloom mod, but cellinsky's WideSky. The dawn/dusk sun flare effects are very nice.


Flares come with CA_Stary's Enhanced Explosion Effects 3 pack.

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A near miss puts me in a bad position.



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B-52H Phase V.


Base skin by JSF_Aggie, details by ST0RM, decals by me.


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B-52H Phase V.


Base skin by JSF_Aggie, details by ST0RM, decals by me.


upload, please? :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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