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Ferry flight to New Zealand July 1984. SAD to see them go, but we had no more Carrier.

Ferry flight 84.JPG

Edited by MAKO69

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Harrier action


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McDonnell Douglas F-4L's - VMFA-333 'Shamrocks'

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Close air support in progress:






MIGS Closing in:




Top cover will sort them:



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CVAN-65 USS Enterprise circa 1968 with VF-92:



By streakeagle at 2010-01-24



By streakeagle at 2010-01-24



By streakeagle at 2010-01-24



By streakeagle at 2010-01-24



By streakeagle at 2010-01-24


Notice in these photos as in my screenshots that 215 is an F-4B (67) with the RWR tail cap and chin pod, whereas 214 is an early F-4B with the slick tail and chin pod. TK's attention to detail on the F-4 variants (both inside and out) make the SF2 series well worth the money even if you are happy with the SF1 series.



By streakeagle, shot with HP pstc7200 at 2010-01-24



By streakeagle, shot with HP pstc7200 at 2010-01-24

Edited by streakeagle
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"Our" cat...... :grin:




Looks like a fantastic new skin on the Jag there?

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Nice screenshots of stolen property, Streakeagle. Is zero getting you to post screens over here now?

Edited by Old Diego
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Ahhh! Two of my favorite squadron markings. Looks great, Spinners.

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Nice screenshots of stolen property, Streakeagle. Is zero getting you to post screens over here now?


This is a thread about posting screenshots. I took some screenshots and posted them. End of story.

If someone isn't happy with the content, then maybe they shouldn't have sold their soul to the devil... I mean done business with 05.

Edited by streakeagle

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Heard over the slipstream...

"Ah...revered Colonel Qadir, the battle has been swift, the enemy is at our heels, and our bomber is stricken fatally-may I be so bold as to propose we eject?"




The Makings of a Bad Day.




Cat to Bat; You're It.




Happy Landings.

Edited by Stick
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Like the last shot Stick :good:

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McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4L - VF-805 Royal Australian Navy

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TY gents.

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Money well spent............. :grin: :whistle:



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Nice one Sundowner :good:

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Thanks MigBuster. My screenies pale in comparison, So I decided to stay in the hanger until another day.



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