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Excellent, something to shoot down with F-101B, F-106, and F-102 (soon I hope).


Mike D.

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Excellent, something to shoot down with F-101B, F-106, and F-102 (soon I hope).


Mike D.


not to mention F-15C's, CF-18's and F-22's!!!



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I would like to do some bombing to ASW, being I live in Texas, and of course firing a nice missile, or two, or even three at it! Looking good, this plane is WAY overdue in this sim. Thanks for your efforts!




Edited by WombRaider

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not to mention F-15C's, CF-18's and F-22's!!!




You have forgot someone. The F-14, and the intended purpose of the Phoenix.

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You have forgot someone. The F-14, and the intended purpose of the Phoenix.


and F-4's



I didn't notice a Bear D or F in that mix. All of them look like the strategic variants for going after North America and Europe. So us Navy guys would let them go by for the AF types to practice on......



Edited by Typhoid

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Where are you getting the sound file from, Veltro?


I hear it has a very unique, and some say scary sound when running up on the ground...

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Where are you getting the sound file from, Veltro?


I hear it has a very unique, and some say scary sound when running up on the ground...


untill one is provided i will use the B-36 engine sound

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I think someone would be dumb enough to kill this one with a gun. :yes:

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Well yeah looks like it's Bear huntin season :smile:

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Can't wait to have a bear to shoot at. One of the very first plastic models I built was the Bear. Beautiful!

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Judging by the P-108, Veltro makes some nice 3Detailed external model canopy frames. A Veltro BEAR should work exceptionally well with a stargetic cockpit.

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Also. I can't wait to drop the heavies from this guy.

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It's looking very nice so far, until it goes down in flames! J/k, I'll enjoy doing some bombing & recon runs with this as well.

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Looking good, Veltro.


Of course, it'll look better after it catches a Sparrow...


Or Pheonix, AMRAAM, Sidewinder, Genie, or 20mm!


(After all, it's the season for giving)

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wow, Veltro that stuff look great :ok: keep going on :biggrin:

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last pic before release


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I think one of the differences is the nose section, visualy...


yep. different radar bubbles between the models. The D of course has, or had, the Big Bulge, so named by us because it was a big bulge in the belly. I've hunted a lot of these over the years. Looking forward to finally being able to shoot a few!!










Edited by Typhoid

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