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Evading SAM & Air to Air Missles

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I just got this game in this is the first game where I notice there are no countermeasures on the 60's+ aircraft until you get the F-15. I've been blown out of the sky numerous times in an F-4 by SA-2 SAMs. Any tips on how to evade these things without countermeasures? Insanely tough, yet funny to watch myself get blasted into a US parts distributor. :rofl:

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The best way to evade SAM´s is to fly really low, and stock enemy air to air missiles aren´t that effective (at least in WoV) so a simple hard turn can defeat them.

Another good technique if you´re in easy difficulty is barrel rolling, because on easy you don´t bleed off airspeed and can evade the missiles with the simple manouver.


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Fly low and fast. Or if you get cought high, turn twards the missile and then break off hard at high speed. Nerve shredding, yes, but it works.


Barrel rolling is good too, but what's the fun in that? :tongue:

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Since WOI all the the stock A-A missiles are a lot worse at low level - but saying that against AA-2 Atolls just dont fly in a straight line for too long.


If you flying a Mig for example down low is a good place to be - AIM-9Ls used to be unrealistic death rays but they have now been changed/improved somewhat (and more suceptable to flares if you have them)

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Fly at tree top level!

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If you are going to get in the weeds, stay away from population centers.


They tend to have little zipperheads ready to stitch you a new one.


I cannot describe how many times I was down there blasting along, hear the tell-tale >plink-clink< and get a view of my smoking jet in a low arc.


I usually just sit there dumb founded for a second or 3 and let out an Aaa-aaw...

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I highly recomend you add chaff, flares and ECM to any combat aircraft operating in the 70's or later. Check out the knowlage base. If you still have trouble P.M. me and I will show you how.

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Fly low and fast. Or if you get cought high, turn twards the missile and then break off hard at high speed. Nerve shredding, yes, but it works.


Barrel rolling is good too, but what's the fun in that? :tongue:

Actually, I have found after a low fast ingress, that a barrel roll is perfect for gaining the altitude I need for a dumb bomb attack, a built-in defensive maneuver, and an opportunity to set up the attack. However, it is a far cry from one of those gracefull manuevers that are described as a barrel roll in books or displayed in airshows. It is more like pop up heading about 30 degrees offset from my target, pull over the target while gaining a couple of thousand feet, no burner (don't care to provide a heat source to interested parties), roll inverted down to my planned attack dive angle and quick roll to upright, hopefully with the pipper on the little red box (target). Leave the throttle where it was during ingress. Your airspeed will have bled off during the pop-up so you have a bit more time for final attack adjustments. Drop everything you have (One pass - haul ass). If you are smart, and I am not always smart, my egress will have already been set up by moving to the target egress waypoint. Drop down to an altitude where the alitimeter reads red (real low) and let the jet accelerate on out bringing the heading around to the white triangle (waypoint). If available, chaff and flares out at various stages in the maneuver. Most of my in-game experience is in WoV, but in my intermittant excursions into WoE and WoI, the same attack pattern is good to go.

Edited by Jug

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The golan heights are hell with Wrenches target enhancement.Even the f-15 is vulnerable...

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Fly at tree top level!


too high!




flying high you will get smoked by sams.


fly low and the AAA that you go by will hit you.

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Get revenge and fly the Wild Weasel!

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If you flying a Mig for example down low is a good place to be - AIM-9Ls used to be unrealistic death rays but they have now been changed/improved somewhat (and more suceptable to flares if you have them)


yes, they are no longer uber missiles


and it's a very good thing.

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Evading air to air missles in WOV is easy if you know you are the target. Break as hard as you can and thats all there is to it.


SAMs are another story.


I'm one of those that deal with them while at altitude. While the barrel roll evasion does work, it also leaves you somewhat vunerable in multiple launch situations. A steep dive for the deck also works, but you better be real smooth on the pullout and some areas are so infested with triple A that prolonged time down below is not suggested for those interested in long term survival.


Planning is key when dealing with SAMs. Knowing where they are and when you are in their envelope helps a lot. I posted a SAM map here a few months ago that is the first thing i consult when going further north than Vihn. For certain targets, the map( and area knowledge) lets me anticipate enemy SAM launches and preplan evasive moves using terrain to break the lock of the Fansong guiding the SAM.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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For A-A missiles, a hard break followed by chaff flare "normally" does the trick. Mind you, WOE is my poison of choice. As for SAM's, in the modern era, it's tough because the SAMs are very good. Don't get caught low and slow with a nest of SA-13s and Tors around. In the 70's and 80's, the SA-6 is your most potent threat. I make for the deck like a brick, crank on the noise (ECM), and pump chaff. Chances are, if they pop one at you, they will pop two. Pre-70's, get low. ;)

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A good defende maneuvre against SAM is the german "Steil hochziehen". If you see them come pull with full power, then roll and dive back to earth.

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A good defende maneuvre against SAM is the german "Steil hochziehen". If you see them come pull with full power, then roll and dive back to earth.


Seeing them is the problem.


Read any number of books on the Vietnam war or see any video concerning up north and you'll know that, all things considered, SAMs were able to be seen and tracked with the MK1 eyeball. However, it's not the case in this sim. The launch is decently done. We can see the plume left at liftoff and know exactly where it took off from. What we can't see for the most part is the SAM coming in to get us.


I believe someone had a mod for this?

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