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Bering Straits Terrain & Targets Upgrade

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Bering Straits Terrain & Targets Upgrade

Bering Straits Terrain Upgrade for SF, WoE & WoV


This is a rebuild of Major Lee's Bering Straits Terrain from his superb :good: !!! DBS mod.


The terrain has been fully updated to the latest standards, as needed by the 9/08-10/08 patch for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. As it stands, it really needed very minimal editing, mostly to the targets and types inis, to remove the 'fixed static' parked aircraft, and the extraction and renaming (with some editing) of the new Desert airfield inis to allow for in-game generated parked aircraft. Some new targets and target areas have been added; mostly some small items, dressing up a few places, and the additon of US air defense batteries. The airfields have been 'cleaned up'

somewhat, but to a large extent, remain pretty much as Major Lee built them.


The mod is designed to completely replace the terrain as originally issued. Or any other variants thereof.


This is the FULL terrain, plus the 'tweeks', as seen in the DBS Total Conversion Mod, with no changes to the dogfight BUT some additions to the movements inis. The Types ini has been expanded substantually, with the additon of lots of new ground objects. As you can expect, there ARE Easter Eggs at various places on the map...you'll just have to find them for yourself...and there's a LOT of them. Water effects are active, but this should pose no problem for Vista users, in the post-patch world. Playing on the 'safe' side, I've left the instructions for commenting out the shaders in the sections below. For those that haven't patched up yet. Not that you can really see the water, what with all that ice and all...<grin>


Included are several 'new' ground objects; most of which are available in several other terrain mods I've done (basically, the NIKE batteries from SoCal) BRAND NEW Nike units, by ErikGen. New planning maps, although I've kept (ie: reused) Major Lee's US Flag and Soviet Star style icons for the airbases on both sides on PlanningMap3.


=This map is designed ONLY for use in SF/WoV and WoE.=

= It is NOT reccomended for use with WoI What with it being frozen and all=


As expected, there is a HIGHLY detailed readme -- I'd reccomend reading the document all the way through before installing; it might make you life just a bit easier. Expecially the 'General Notes and Other Nonsense' sections.


Good Hunting, and Keep Warm!!


Kevin Stein


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Yes sir!Can't wait to get in sim with this beauty!Made my week!


EDIT:OMG!My Weasel had there arse's handed to them....REVENGE!Payback is at hand!BTW,Brrrrrr....chattteerr...

Edited by WDH

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I have tried to get in and kill my target 3 times in 3 different planes so far, and gotten SMOKED each trip. I actually saw the SAM that detonated in front of my canopy in the F-111.


This one is a LOT of fun.


Hat's off.

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I noticed that during testing, too. Is it just me or are the Russian SAMs a lot nastier on this terrain???


Don't forget people ... look for them Easter Eggs!!



kevin stein

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Well guess I'll have to snatch this one up later... I liked this one a bit, so when I get a chance I'll get it.

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Easter eggs, huh?


Where can a guy get a good borscht `round here?


Sorry, nisnomer, I maeant Hot Dog, komrade. Over by Wrench's toolbox, da?




Yeah, I just hope I get some time this weekend to fly it, it just begs for the F-101, which I've yet to try here, as it's been yeatrs since I flew DBS...



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Is it possible install it in an unpatched sp4 config?

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Is it possible install it in an unpatched sp4 config?


Anyone having water shimmerring?

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I still have DBS '72 campaign and seems to work fine.Definitive ECM and strategy required though!Can't help to think your devilish targets need an attitude adjustment.Like a good ole' MK28 1.1MT right down the kisser of the Reds!And when the "Bear" comes out,it will fit like a glove in this era of interest.I've flown RED missions also,til 2am,and it's just as hard to get to the blue side!Always been a fan of Major Lee idea's and your tribute to him Wrench (with others) is well done.Wrench Easter Eggs make it more interesting by thinking "Should I look,no no can't look now!Too busy!Well,just a peeek......BOOOOM!".


THIS IS F-U-N!*****stars and congrats to ALL of you!(Inculding Wrench's altered ego) :biggrin:

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a superb terrain!!


another one off the chart!!


SAM opposition will clearly get your attention.


I really like the snow and ice rendition of the arctic rather than the one month of summer in the earlier Bering Straight. Combined with the snowstorm effect posted earlier this makes a real interesting night attack and RTB mission!


Anyone having water shimmerring?


nope. Haven't seen that.

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Brrrrrrrrr....., but thank you just the same !!!




Derk :i-m_so_happy:

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Ok, i found an Easter Egg


Brand New F-16Cs against MiG-29...



Edited by Silverbolt

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Dunno about the SAMs, wasn't that bad the recon mission I just did (then again most are at Random so at that time must have gotten lucky). Was more concerned about the plethora of Migs that popped out of nowhere. First it was two Mig-21s, then all of a sudden it's Mig Central (thankfully no Sukhois!), I'm Winchester on missiles, and being chased by a Mig-23, wingnut still behind, he's going after his own tail, and won't splash him as I'm skimming the water as the Mig-23 is trying to lead me and make me take a bath in the water. So I get to the island (name I forgot at the moment) and he breaks off. Methinks the Hardened Stingers just don't work, along with the SA-7s. And utilizing ECM is something you should do....

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This is nice.


This is very nice.


The attention to detail is exceptional.


I hope to take the DBS `72 campaign and modernize it to 2002, with a hypothetical, "sensing weakness after 9-11" type scenerio.


It may become my new favorite terrain.


Darned good job, gents...

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Is it just me, or are there no runway textures???? I see obviously the tower, but is it a revisit of Firefox landing and taking off on the snow?

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Pointer for the Cat file set accordingly?


Chose which one to use by commenting out the wrong one and select the right one.


Is set to use germanyce.cat had to change to the VietnamSEA.cat for my WoV install.



Wrench this one is a definate hit, have so much fun with the DBS72 campaign.





Edited by Tannethal

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Yeah... may be the issue. Not a total loss per se but it's odd.


Also, read the KB article on adding carriers... but don't seem to have worked it right. This terrain... it needs one, though I do enjoy long missions where drop tanks are needed, but Wrench, I think you figured out how to add the carriers for your Midway terrain?

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Is it just me, or are there no runway textures???? I see obviously the tower, but is it a revisit of Firefox landing and taking off on the snow?


The couple of times I've flown it Eric I've had runways, and the textures are in the zip. Are you using the 'current' Sept/Oct2008 GermanyCE.CAT?



Shimmering Water: I have it, but I admit to modding the terrain tiles straight from the zip ( FUBAR voice made me do it :biggrin: ,..."WATER tiles should be a SOLID color for the alpha shaders" ) and also the watereffects.fx and a lot of the DBS_data.ini

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It may be WOI, but I don't think I did the normal CAT copy routine, will do it later...

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Might NOT want to run it with the WoI IsrealME.cat...I think that even after the last round of patching, there still may be differences.

Which I why I NOT reccomended it use for WoI, and why the IsrealME.cat is NOT listed in the DBS.ini for a cat pointer line.


Of course, if you have one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ IN you WoI install, use the GermanyCE.cat. That what I set it up for, and all testing was done in WoE. As I always do



kevin stein

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Nah it's cool man, though I would think the same files would be in there (I mean, the same sounds are), but it's all good man, as long as I don't blow up on takeoff I'll be good :good:

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Ok, i found an Easter Egg


Brand New F-16Cs against MiG-29...


If Thumper hadn't been showboating him and Cobra wouldn't have been jumped by those MiG-29's. Oh well, that's what Thumper gets for trying to blow the roofs off Anchorage :biggrin:


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Fixed the .CAT issue and now runways worky!

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