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a weird thank you.!

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Hello all,..first yup im female and love flight sims,have done since as far back as i remember..(btw im 36 so any compliments on how young i look will go far... :biggrin: )..Ok,i want to say a strange thank you to so far all n everybody on this forum and site...why,for you all being ..lets say normal-ish people,this all comes from a long running argument on another well known sim site that deals with lock on,they complained there wasnt enough females,but after me being there they kinda didnt take to it and not because i was female..no..because i had a personality,because i made friends n chatted about things to with flight sims and non flight sims,but that wasnt professional enough in there words,you shouldnt talk about anything but the "correct shade of green in a the hud" and that the "new super f/a300 invisible jet has wrong make of front tyre pressure" so there for its not real life...well they didnt take to me explaing that games and sims above all else should be there just for the user to enjoy and have fun with for thenselves,it a personal choice of what n how you want in your sim.


BUT..the big thank you for this site and people on it is for that,as i said i havnt yet met anybody on here who hasnt been nice,who cant share a joke,everybody has been helpful and everybody has been real......SO THANK YOU ALL x


xx Vanessa xx


ps..i know there aint an f/a300 invisible jet before someone tells me... :rofl:


oh and before i get the usual why racindriver and not pretty princess type name...its coz i love race cars more than aircraft..l :smile:

Edited by racindriver1

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oh and before i get the usual why racindriver and not pretty princess type name...its coz i love race cars more than aircraft..l :smile:


Blasphemy :blink:

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People that are too serious display a serious lack of personality!

There are a few of us here that enjoy racing, and we do talk about it in the racing forums, but I must admit this is a combat flight sim-oriented site!

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hi...I know this is a flight combat site,i was just sayin that on most places i go i get the ..huh..why your name racedriver1..they expect females to have names like pretty princess n fumble slippers..cutsie name like that,but i been messing with flight sims for loooong time and love em,i was just stateing that for some reason the people on here seem more relaxed and normal with things regarding sims...and to be honest,you find alot of places want female sim pilots,racers to join..but then it goes back to a boys club thingy...i fly alot on hyperlobby with lock on...its amazing that when i go under my name gothgal...it switches from red vs blue to red and blue vs the woman... :biggrin: ,yet i go on under racindriver and they assume im a guy and its a cool time together.


but anyhows..i love tk`s stuff...mainly woe / woi and ill keep fly7ing till they make the my little pony simulator... :rofl: ..(jokin)


and who mentioned drinks !!...i want drinks..buy me drinks....strong and alcoholic...see guys a way to a gals heart is through alcohol x


xx vanessa xx

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who mentioned drinks !!...i want drinks..buy me drinks....strong and alcoholic...see guys a way to a gals heart is through alcohol


xx vanessa xx


HAHA legendary!

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Welcome to the site! :good:


Theres alot of really cool people in this community and you can find almost anything you will ever need for Thirdwire sims here. If you need any help just ask, theres always someone around who will try to help!

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Muesli's buying the first round!

30-mm AP depleted-uranium round for me, plz.


People that are too serious display a serious lack of personality!

Makes one just want to come up to them and ask "Why so serious?" sometimes...

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i love race cars more than aircraft..l :smile:


Blasphemy!!! :shok:


In this forum you can say anything about politics, start a thread about economy, and even

say that airforce childs are as good as naval pilots, but last who said something like that was sent

to the Gulf of Aden to bait for pirates


EDIT: And you even dare to smile at it...

Edited by macelena

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thank you all..as to your quote macelena.



well airforce arnt as good as naval pilots....airforce are soooo much better than naval.. :haha:


must admit flying over the water can be pretty hard...but is it true that navy pilots get confused when they see a mountain and try to fly straight through em.? huhuhuh :biggrin:


xx v xx

Edited by racindriver1

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Experienced flyers/drivers are always welcome.




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Nothing wrong with a weird thank you for a weird bunch of us! :)


Glad to have ya!

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Welcome Aboard!

Anyone who likes TK and his Sims is always welcome here. :good:

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Well hello V - enjoy your stay and more importantly the flight sims - check out the download section - though dont get too hooked - its nice to just play these sims occasionally u know :)



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well airforce arnt as good as naval pilots....airforce are soooo much better than naval.. :haha:


must admit flying over the water can be pretty hard...but is it true that navy pilots get confused when they see a mountain and try to fly straight through em.? huhuhuh :biggrin:


We´ve got a vacant place in Malaca Straits for heretics.


And a woodpile, also.

Edited by macelena

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sim site that deals with lock on....you shouldnt talk about anything but the "correct shade of green in a the hud"

HAHA no huds needed in this The Sim.


They are available, but I keep it MFD-FREE and ZERO HUD TOLERANCE zone!!

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wooops ... I forgot this was the shared PUB and not The StrikeFighters forum hehe

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I guess the clever disguise we used worked then!! MUHUHUHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!


I admit the reaction to women in some sites is really weird. I mean, you'd think 90% of the forum regulars deal with women on a daily basis, yet you find one online that has a similar interest and it's like a bar with one girl and 50 drunk guys. :dntknw:


Not to say shared interests aren't important, I married my wife in part because she told me she liked Beavis and Butthead when we met :biggrin: , but sometimes it gets hard to take. Syrinx had to deal with some of that when she first "outed" herself here. :wink: By and large, though, we are indeed a relaxed lot. Maybe it's the beer in the TCP/IP?

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Or maybe its that knowing about TCP etc is such a turn off the girls think they can be more like friends :)

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