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So I guess everybody is ticked off at me

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I don't know if this is a right thing for me to do posting this. It might seem like beating a dead horse, but I was still asked questions after I had tried to rephrase something that I said. I responded to these questions in P.Ms. because I thought that responding to them in the open forum would fan the flames of something that I said even more. However, after responding to the P.M. I felt that it was nescessary for me to make a new post about what had happened, and make an attempt to clarrify something here. My recent post here wasn't intended to offend the members here at CA, it was to express how I felt about something and how it reflected to the community here. I have the highest respect for all members here at CA, and what I said wasn't about you. Apparenlty, what I said ruffled some feathers, and that wasn't the goal of what I was trying to accomplish. However, even saying that, it doesn't change the point of view that I have on what had happened, because what I spoke of wasn't about the members of the community. It wasn't about whatever relationship that you may have with what my post was about. It was to address something that I saw was wrong not only towards me, but to everyone here and I was encouraged to express that (all though, it was later said to me that the way I expressed it wasn't how they had expected). So, if you were offended by what I had said, you shouldn't be. It wasn't aimed at any members or staff personell here. I'm also not posting this as to say that you should reconsider about my point of view. That's not what this is about. This post is to just clear the air on what had happened. If you still want to take a position against me on that, fine, but I really don't understand why you feel the need to. So that being said, I hope this clarrifies what has transpired. Again, I don't know if it is right of me to post this, but I am doing so.

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Nah, I saw the feathers fly but you used the wrong word. Been there, done that! I do know the feeling of frustration sometimes.


What are you most looking for in the sim? I went back to SF at 2006 Patch level because the new sky grafix I can't stomach No.gif, but SF 2006 or 2008 or Vista its still a fantastic product overall but I *need* the older sky grafix because, well I'm just weird.

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Hey man,take a step back and breath.I for one saw your correction of the word (con) and it's use of.It was an honest human error of getting your point across.Besides,I can't get mad at a person stating an opinion as such and not fact.You feel bad because the wrong wording,that's all!Everyone is under pressure of the holidays.

No way,no how mad at you!



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Well, just to clarify this, I don't feel bad about what I had said. I truly believe in the post that I made in the context in how I had intended it to be. What might not be understood, is how offended I am from, not members of the community, but on the subject that I was speaking about in that post, and that is why I posted the way I did. I can't go into more detail in this without bring up what this is really about, because I'm sure there are folks here that don't know, and may react in a way that will just make things worse. Like I said already, I just wanted to clarify what had happened.

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You did nothing other than express your opinion. And if anyone's mad at anything, it's with your calling the new title a "con job", which it clearly isn't. I wouldn't worry about it, though, as anyone who knows you realizes that your intent wasn't to troll.


BTW, regarding SF2, I'm sure that there's a lot of stuff under the "hood" that TK has not told us about....yet :biggrin:

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Not the best choice in wording, but I can understand the sentiment.


There was a Mac sim of the Hornet back before the turn of the century. When I saw it's 5th or 6th iteration, I picked it up, and did a review on it.


Tore it a new one.


There were a couple of new features, but it was, overall, the same thing as the original Mac version, which was only fair when it 1st came out, I found out later.


I am not comparing this, SF2, to that, but there are parallels. With a name like SF2, you'd expect a from the ground up re-write. New everything. Especially the

terrains, which IMHO is the main draw back to this series.


Sure, it is clearly stated what it is, and isn't, and the price point reflects it, so I have no problem purchasing it. It is just convincing some folks on other forums

I inhabit to do so. I can only take the fanboi cracks for so long, ya know?


I, too, am a sensitive guy... :biggrin:

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BTW, regarding SF2, I'm sure that there's a lot of stuff under the "hood" that TK has not told us about....yet :biggrin:



Well, if that's the case, I'll wait until what is under the hood is exposed before I buy anything. I'm just not comfortable with paying for something that really seems like something that I already have.

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I'm just not comfortable with paying for something that really seems like something that I already have.


Absolutely nothing wrong with that viewpoint, Server.


I feel the same way about milk, coffee, tea, hell my whole shopping list...I have it already but I still go out and buy more :biggrin:


This being the good old t'internet it's very easy to put your virtual foot in it, we've all seen far worse. Don't worry about it.


I don't think you will be on TK's christmas card list though :haha:

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I think that SF2 is more of a test to see what fanbase will want.Or,trying to get a younger generation involved more into flight sims.We all like are eyecandy but,there's a few of us that is on a standby bases.Those us want more of a new direction then the same,a rewrite as mentioned above.Different storyline and different interaction with aircraft.Don't get me wrong,all TK series intrigues me and for $20,you are getting what you pay for.To have a sim and they way we want it,would cost out the kazoo!I would invest in that knowing that's what I want as long as it's under $60.

My pet pee is no multiplayer,again.But,TK explained why this is over at Thirdwire.And again with the cost to TK,along with the resources,would be outrageous.TK is a business man and not saying he is greedy.He is smart and knows what is going to sell for profit.All the same time has to balance loyal followers and what he wants to do.Not easy shoes to fill.Congrats on a successful series!



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I don't think anybody is permanently ticked off with you SAE. My take is that you used a slightly harsh word then made a very honorable tactical withdrawl. Freedom of speech is maintained and the world just keeps on spinning.

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Anyone who's spoken to you or worked with you for more than two seconds knows you're a stand up guy. And we all have moments of tactlessness. :good:

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you did what i do every time..xpress your opinion,you have the right to do that as does eveyone else...and i agree with what you said 100%,and the way you worded it was fine,its exactly how i would have,alot of people get offended way to easy these days, ..and you always have to watch how you say things...well why do you.?...the people opposed to your views will be able to say anything,they will be able to make it personal against you,they will be able to do what they see fit to punish you because they dont agree...but what makes them right.?...thats the hard thing with personal view.


its xmas...lets all go shopping..xx vanessa xx

Edited by racindriver1

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Well let's get this out in the open.IMHO,thinks there should've been a bigger improvement.Not saying it's bad but,it ain't what loyal followers really want.That being said,also feel a bit disappointed.Is TK really listening to us that has invested their money and time in this series?Yeah it's great for eyecandy and thank you for getting the Vista users something to play hassle free.But,What does TK have in store for the hardcore series users?I'm very grateful for the series.SF2 isn't going to hold up too much with us on the playability factor.Hoping that too that more information is giving in the further progress other than telling us "It's coming out soon!".Seems to be a routine developing that a few or more of us is not comfortable with,and that's being forgotten and not heard.This could be consider blasphemy,I consider it a constructive criticism.Let's here the real pros and cons!This is a game series that a lot of folks have a unique passion for.This shouldn't be a problem.I'm sure TK doesn't want to lose his loyal followers. Not gonna give up hope yet.I'll wait and see not on WOI Suez but,on WOV2 or WOE2.Don't own WOI and don't care too,yet.

BTW,We spend the money on products and all have a say on pro's/con's.



Edited by WDH

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Time to calm down..... These are harsh times and anything that TK produces that brings in cash is OK in my eyes. If you don't like it, don't buy it but let's hope it brings in enough for him to survive !!

In the mean time there is plenty of life left in the stuff we had up to now, with addons arriving almost daily proving the point .....

Of course there is always room for something really new but let's take our time.

And at least let's stop making noise about something that costs less than one decent meal in a restaurant......


Merry Christmas everybody :friends: ,



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It's not noise,it's an opinion.Not talking about the cost either.And I'm very calm.Missed the point,respectively.



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Well, if that's the case, I'll wait until what is under the hood is exposed before I buy anything. I'm just not comfortable with paying for something that really seems like something that I already have.



You have been a loyal customer who has supported TK with your hard earned $, you have a right to speak your mind. You just used a word that was perhaps a bit harsh, it is not a "con" job but perhaps

a bit of a rehash. I hope there are some new functions "under the hood" as well, it would be good to see this sim grow a bit. The new air to air AI with the last patch was most welcome, heres to cranking up the realism with the AI mud movers!!!!

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Everyone has their opinion but for a newbie SF2 is a great game out of the box - something SF:P1 was nowhere near - so at least they will get to like the series from the start - maybe TK had a demon to lay to rest or somethin lol.


for the rest of us - it just confuses the hell out of everything a bit more :search:


Nice to have better cockpits - but something I wouldnt notice - look how pants the 3D pit is in F4:AF!

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That being said,also feel a bit disappointed.Is TK really listening to us that has invested their money and time in this series?Yeah it's great for eyecandy and thank you for getting the Vista users something to play hassle free.But,What does TK have in store for the hardcore series users?


You--and everyone else--already know that the expansion for WOI is the next "all-new" release coming from TK. You also know that he has tentatively set Spring 2009 as the release time frame for it. You also already know that he is planning to update the previous games along the same lines as SF2. I believe it has also been stated publicly that another First Eagles expansion will be made.


So what is the source of this angst that seems to be bubbling up? Please enlighten me as to the loss of faith in a company that has done nothing but serve you all up one great sim after another for the past six years.



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So what is the source of this angst that seems to be bubbling up? Please enlighten me as to the loss of faith in a company that has done nothing but serve you all up one great sim after another for the past six years.




I would like to know the same thing. I would also like to add, he has served up patch, after patch, after patch (or service pack if you will) with new stuff everytime.

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I would like to know the same thing. I would also like to add, he has served up patch, after patch, after patch (or service pack if you will) with new stuff everytime.


And all for free. You pay $30 for a flight sim and get seemingly unlimited free patches as well as direct access to the developer on his forum. Its unheard of.

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"We have been hood winked, bamboozaled. We didn't land on 3rd Wire, 3rd Wire landed on us." :lol:


I know, I need help...

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That's a good ending for this. :)

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