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Marine jet crashes near N.C. base, killing pilot

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Btw: what the hell is going on in the Corps aircraft?

Edited by macelena

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Harrier transitioning from hover to forward flight or vise versa especialy in a training squadron is where is I expect to here this kind of news. Doesn't make it any better tho.

:ph34r: CL

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These arn't piper cubs these are war machines built on the ragged edge.



Btw: what the hell is going on in the Corps aircraft?

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I do not believe that this is a pilot error.Witnesses report AV-8B,being on fire.Thinking aircraft could've inhaled a bird in intakes.Returning from training exercise and was in close vicinity of Airbase.The aircraft had to be pretty low.So,chance of recovery or ejection would be lowered.I grew up in Eastern Carolina or Piedmont area and have seen all kinds of aircraft.USN (Myrtle Beach,SC),USMC and USAF.Saw many different types of birds ranging from pelicans to doves.Moved away from there around 11yrs old.Still,one of my favorite place to visit due to the variety aircraft there.Hearing this breaks my heart.

It's always sad to hear of any loss of personal and my heart goes out to the family and friends of the pilot.



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RIP and my prayers to his family


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Rest in peace.


It is a tragedy when a person dies regardless of circumstances in the incident, whether they are in a piper cub or a harrier with a bang seat.


Sorry if this gets a little 'soap boxy', it's just I have lost 7 friends/colleagues over my aviation career, 4 this year in one incident, and I really don't feel they are worth less as human beings because they flew pipers instead of military hardware.


Yes this is a reaction to a naive statement earlier in this thread, but it is not an attack on an individual, I'm just a bit upset this christmas remembering a friend who held respect from his peers which include military pilots.

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Another Marine off to guard heavens scenes. Semper Fi.

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Its naive to think that flying a piper cub is as dangerous as flying a Harrier. I take nothing away from your friends. We all know somone in the buis of military aviation that has been hurt or killed. I was simply responding to Mac's statement about the USMC. Its the nature of the buisness. "WAR MACHINES" are different than piper cubs :therfore; Incurre A-LOT more risk. That is all, so I leave it at that. I have compassion for your friends as well. I hope you see and understand my point.

Edited by MAKO69

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