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Skins are just about done. Getting the serial number decals to show up on the nose gear door is proving to be a major headache. Still working on it.


No.7 Sqdn "Battle Axes" Skins






Got the other two Indian AF Mirage 2000 sqdns - No.1 "Tigers" & No. 9 "Wolfpack"in the works as well

Many thanks to Florian for this most excellent addon & the Indian AF Blue camo skin which I used as base.:ok: .

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Great job mate, I had the idea of doing it, but your work is way better than what I could have done :ok:

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I don't have enough words in english for these skines!!!! Great work


Muy buenos Ghost, los quiero

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Downright beautiful Ghostrider! Can't wait to have copies for myself!




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Thanks guys. I need help with this:


This of course is a single seater having srl no. KF140, the twin seaters have KTXXX series. In the pic you can see the srl no. painted on the nose gear door.

Now, I have made KTXXX series decals for the same. BUt I am having trouble getting them to show up on the nose gear door..;problem with the co-ordinates or mesh name.

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...I feel your pain! I remember the first time I tried decalling a RAZBAM Intruder before I discovered the joys of reading an .OUT file. I think I spent days on it before I finally got lucky. Good luck Sir...



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You mean this, I finished the skin only need decals.. its an older pic



Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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This is the only thing holding up release.


No.1 Sqdn




Would you be releasing those drop tank textures in your screenie? Have you made similar one for the centerline tank as well?

Edited by ghostrider883

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One of the experimental camos that was painted on single seat Mirage 2000H, adapted on a twin seater Mirage 2000.

I am done with the skins. Had no luck in getting the nose gear door decals to show up. Will be releasing them as it is.

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The Frontgear Doors have the mesh names, FMDoor (Big door in back), FSDoor (Very front door, wich covers the support strut) and FLDoor / FRDoor wich are on the sides of the FSDoor.


An Decal entry should look like this:





DecalFacing=BOTTOM <--Notice the decal is placed in closed (Frame "0") position!


Position=0.0,3.058 <--Center of the wide part of "FSDoor"



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> ghostrider: Are those Mirage 2000 the equivalent of our Mirage 2000-5/-9 or the equivalent of our Mirage 2000 D?

Edited by fougamagister

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The Frontgear Doors have the mesh names, FMDoor (Big door in back), FSDoor (Very front door, wich covers the support strut) and FLDoor / FRDoor wich are on the sides of the FSDoor.


An Decal entry should look like this:





DecalFacing=BOTTOM <--Notice the decal is placed in closed (Frame "0") position!


Position=0.0,3.058 <--Center of the wide part of "FSDoor"




Thanks Florian. You are a life-saver :good:

That did it. I need to make some minor adjustments in the decals for posting. Will post screenies soon.

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> ghostrider: Are those Mirage 2000 the equivalent of our Mirage 2000-5/-9 or the equivalent of our Mirage 2000 D?


As you may be knowing, the Indian AF was the first export customer for the Mirage 2000. An order for 42 single seat Mirage 2000H and 7 twin seat Mirage 2000THs was placed by the GOvt of India in 1984. The H model was the export model of the single seat Mirage 2000C & TH was the export model of Mirage 2000B. A further 10 aircraft( four Hs & six THs) were acquired in 2003. Its is high likely that the 2003 twin seater acquisition was of D model. All older aiframes were fitted with refuelling probes.

It has been proposed to upgrade IAF Mirage 2000s to 2000-9 standards.

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Sorry guys. These skins are not going to see the light of the day. I lost all my stuff in a HD crash. I did the crime of not backing up my things on an external HD.....i lost my files, songs, movies, games, SF files(many of which are WIP)..... so many things which are impossible to replace.

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Oh man Ghost, thats sad....

i had this experience last year...

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Sorry guys. These skins are not going to see the light of the day. I lost all my stuff in a HD crash. I did the crime of not backing up my things on an external HD.....i lost my files, songs, movies, games, SF files(many of which are WIP)..... so many things which are impossible to replace.


How many HD crashes you had since..... it's "suspicious" a bit my friend :yes:


EDIT > back up your things at regular basis - or...

Edited by starfighter2

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Try easy recovery, it works for all our office needs, but back up emails, so far

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I lost all my stuff in a HD crash.


Oh sh*t! That freakin' sucks dude. None of it is recoverable?

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