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Fast food worldwide

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Ok, that's the situation....you, in your country just have 10 bucks of your own currency , there is no food in your house and you are almost dying for inanition there is just international fast food store(BK, Mc Donalds, Subway...whatever) as neighbor....

what you can buy to not die and feel satisfied?

offcourse if you are an activist of something you can allways eat the note



Here in Brazil...


in Mc Donnalds: A double cheeseburger(actually it looks microscopical) and a French frie size "L"...or just one Big Mac and wich the payback you can buy a barbecue sauce, or 2 chicken wrap....


in Subway: one 30 cm chicken chest Sandwich


in BK: one extra Chedar wooper .....


in T.G.I Friday's: Nothing, you'll die by inanition...


in Pizza hut:same as above


in KFC: well....tons of things, maybe an small bucket with chicken filet...



10 years ago here with same 10 bucks you could buy much more things such as Big mac combo or a medium mozzarela pizza in pizza hut :good:

Edited by Silverbolt

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I guess your dollar is smaller than ours, since my wife and I can get lunch at most fast food places for just around $11, including 2 burgers, one fries that we share, and 2 drinks.

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Taco Bell Grande Meal. 10 items of your choice. Hard tacos, soft tacos, or burritos.

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I think by inanition (?????) you mean starvation?


Actually, here at least, you can get a calzone from pizza hut for about $10 including a drink and tip. but neither pizza hut or fridays is really "fast food" expect at least half an hour there.


Now I love greasy junk as much as anyone, but the real way to go would be non-chain restaurants. Cheaper and better food. This pizza place near my school makes a chicken sandwich that beats the pants off of anything at McD, BK, Wendy's or KFC.....and at 5 times the size.

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Yep, international corporate chains offer fast poisons.


Best international fast foods are always local: Polish Deli, Italian deli, taco trailers outside surf shoppes, etc...

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I'm sure 'The Economist' occasionally runs a Big Mac Index on the back page. Basically it converts the currencies of all the countries polled into dollars and then charts the cost of a Big Mac meal in a range of countries. Last time I looked a few years back it seemed to imply the pound was overvalued, who'd have thought....


Explained better here, but you need a subscription to actually see the index!


Or a 2008 Index here no subscription needed.

Edited by SkippyBing

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In the US, you can get the all-you-can-eat Pizza Hut buffet for about $8. You can get two of the footlong Subway sandwhiches for $10.

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Quick (Franco-belgian) is quite good.


I must say that I just loved Egyptian Cook Door and Mum'een in Libya.

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In Spain, if you want to go for cheapest, you can get the "Euro Save" in McDonalds (1e, per each small burguer, drink or fried potatoes)

and in BK, 2.99e a full menu. Small rations, for a fast lunch

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What you can buy with ten bucks here in El Salvador, is a couple of lasagnas from pizza hut with a salad and iced tea, and if you are really starving you can get a bunch of chinese food from several restaurants.

Edited by FLOGGER23

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in that case..why dont you all buy a bottle of wine with your 10 what ever currancy you have...and I shall cook you all dinner instead... :biggrin:



xx vanessa xx

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in that case..why dont you all buy a bottle of wine with your 10 what ever currancy you have...and I shall cook you all dinner instead... :biggrin:



xx vanessa xx



chips and fish :biggrin:

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in that case..why dont you all buy a bottle of wine with your 10 what ever currancy you have...and I shall cook you all dinner instead... :biggrin:



xx vanessa xx



I'll be needing more than 10 buck for that, good wine is expensive here, you know!!!

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I'll be needing more than 10 buck for that, good wine is expensive here, you know!!!


well...here a 5 liters of "Ox blood" costs it....is the worse kind of wine that someone ever saw.....

it actually looks , smell and probably tastes ox blood....


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I recall a MacDonald's TV-ad during the mid-1970s, where they offered a "Big Mac, medium fries & soda, and change back from your dollar." A Big Mac by its lonesome was like 69 cents back then, so it was a helluva deal. Then again, Burger King was offering 2 Whoppers (not Whopper Juniors) for 99 cents back then, too.

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I guess the Uk aint as expensive as i thought...our supermarkets do dirty cheap plonk..(wine)..have noticed that kfc is gettin more expensive,and there moving to more the bucket things...not so much the little meal box,....also McD`s have differnent prices where you are....im in blackpool,northwest uk and a kids meal is £1.99,same meal in cornwall southwest is £2.15....either of them aint a bad price...but times it by my 5 kids and it aint sooo cheap anymore..lol.



xx v xx

Edited by racindriver1

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Whatever the price, quite good taste and "romance" of fast food, all fast food in this world is junk and very unhealthy stuff. (unfortunately)

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.im in blackpool,northwest uk and a kids meal is £1.99,same meal in cornwall southwest is £2.15


I'd never realised Cornwall was some sort of affluent area that could afford high prices, good job I moved out!

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In Spain, if you want to go for cheapest, you can get the "Euro Save" in McDonalds (1e, per each small burguer, drink or fried potatoes)

and in BK, 2.99e a full menu. Small rations, for a fast lunch


You're getting ripped off. We get that for $1 and the euro was worth well more than it last I checked.


Yes, local stuff is the best. They had all the american junk down in mexico, this one guy ate nothing but McD's while the rest of us had delicious authentic mexican at numerous little hole in the walls and stands.





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Funny, everyone I know who's eaten at local Mexican places say the ones in the US are better because the quality of the food they cook is higher.

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You're getting ripped off. We get that for $1 and the euro was worth well more than it last I checked.


Well, that ain´t much of a difference (1.45$), as in Europe we pay a lot of taxes and checks for it (i would eat less healthy if cheaper :smile: .


You should see fuel, tobacco and cars.

Edited by macelena

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Whatever the price, quite good taste and "romance" of fast food, all fast food in this world is junk and very unhealthy stuff. (unfortunately)

not at all...

you can alllways choose the Subway :good: at least in Xbox Live propaganda they were saying that was healthy

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not at all...

you can alllways choose the Subway :good: at least in Xbox Live propaganda they were saying that was healthy

And that depends what you get and what you put on it :blink:

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Easy...Haddock & Chips twice, scraps, large pot of mushy peas and two cans of Dr.Peppers for just under a tenner.


Salt & vinegar and wooden fork free.


The taste...priceless.

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Easy...Haddock & Chips twice, scraps, large pot of mushy peas and two cans of Dr.Peppers for just under a tenner.


Salt & vinegar and wooden fork free.


The taste...priceless.

:blink: lol

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