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man I'm getting shot down like Nam '72 over Hanoi :blink: the many different types of sam's make it...interesting!

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man I'm getting shot down like Nam '72 over Hanoi :blink: the many different types of sam's make it...interesting!


Yeah, it's quite hard flying strike sorties there. Very interesting campaign missions must I say.


Again, many many TY to the team! :ok:


BTW, I've uploaded small realistic effects pack (beta) for this mod, should be up soon.

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Guest ruhzyo
... BTW, I've uploaded small realistic effects pack (beta) for this mod, should be up soon.
And it's up for how long? Here come the vultures.

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And it's up for how long? Here come the vultures.

waiting for a GO from Moderators; but it's nothing spectacular, mostly nice bomb effects

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waiting for a GO from Moderators; but it's nothing spectacular, mostly nice bomb effects




You may want to watch making them to fancy. I turned my EFFECTS down to MEDIUM, because the B-52's flattening an airfield with 51 M117's a piece, killed my frame rate for a short time.


Crashed my GFX drivers once, when EFFECTS were on HIGH.

Edited by JSF_Aggie

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You may want to watch making them to fancy. I turned my EFFECTS down to MEDIUM, because the B-52's flattening an airfield with 51 M117's a piece, killed my frame rate for a short time.


Crashed my GFX drivers once, when EFFECTS were on HIGH.


Sir, they aren't much CPU hungry... few months ago, testing Czechoslovak S-105, I've experienced a friendly flight of 12 Tu-95s droppin' about 24 bombs each... the trail lasted several miles on the ground... 288 bombs, my system had severe slowdown, but survived.


Generally effects in the series are quite flexible, knowing what you're doing.


It's up.

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And it's up for how long? Here come the vultures.

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Sir, they aren't much CPU hungry... few months ago, testing Czechoslovak S-105, I've experienced a friendly flight of 12 Tu-95s droppin' about 24 bombs each... the trail lasted several miles on the ground... 288 bombs, my system had severe slowdown, but survived.


Generally effects in the series are quite flexible, knowing what you're doing.


It's up.

Your effects are ALWAYS great! My 1gig card can handle them!! You rock!!

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Great mod! I got the silver star on my second mission. The migs are dropping left and right and the sam's are deadly.

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Great mod! I got the silver star on my second mission. The migs are dropping left and right and the sam's are deadly.
I'm doing RECON in the EF-111 and just got shot down from behind by 2 fulcrums made the mistake of picking my nose up off the deck :blink:

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OMG OMG OMG OMG THIS IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!ELEVEN!!!!!!!!!!



Anyway, SAMs are really intense, my F-4G barely made it over the target before getting an SA-9 up the ass. So, I took the F-117A out so I couldn't get killed by SAMs. That bird, and cockpit are awsome.


Only problems I'm getting are that clouds and bombs are killing my FPS.

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E-8s are bad to fly when there are migs on your tail.

i was able to avoid them for a couple of minutes and got my wing shot off. was able to recover and fly for a few more minutes but had to punch out. I took screens but cant find them at the moment. Anyone else want to try go up against migs in a modified 707?



Yes i was folling around.

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E-8s are bad to fly when there are migs on your tail.

i was able to avoid them for a couple of minutes and got my wing shot off. was able to recover and fly for a few more minutes but had to punch out. I took screens but cant find them at the moment. Anyone else want to try go up against migs in a modified 707?



Yes i was folling around.


Only if it has the airbourne laser.

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Getting back on topic...


Has anyone developed a good way to carryout SEAD in the Spark Vark or Wild Weasel? It's a bit harder over Iraq than Hanoi or Germany.

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those are 747s not 707s



sorry for getting off topic


I know, but they have another laser in AC-130's so i don't see why they couldn't. But that's beside the point, it was a joke.

Edited by zmatt

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I've had one mission in each of the following;


F-117 Nighthawk

F-111F Aardvark





Awesome skins on all of them. Every mission was outstanding - I'm gobsmacked at the quality of this FREE add-on. Even the medal screen has a touch of class!

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Getting back on topic...


Has anyone developed a good way to carryout SEAD in the Spark Vark or Wild Weasel? It's a bit harder over Iraq than Hanoi or Germany.

I'm working on it, I complet the mission but I'm still getting shot down trying to RTB :blink:

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I'm doing fair, it is a target righ environment, but my wingmen are falling like flies!


The enemy AI is right up to snuff, and with mostly deep strike missions, they have a heyday with my poor wingies who just can't seem to follow orders.


One will do something right, and then switch into sheep-dip mode. >Pop< another happy SAM flinger or MiG driver.


Prolly go for some solos as they aren't even worth being MiG magnets. :blink:


Oh, yeah, this one has ratcheted up the difficulty bar a few notches...

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Odd, I' having te opposite problem... like I said earlier theres two many bloody eagles lol. One of my wingies is actually doing better than me, the git has 7 kills by mission 4 and I've only got 5... all BVR as I've yet to see a Mig thanks to those *&%$&* Eagles lol. Come to think of it I think I've only had to order them to engage twice. Though I've yet to loose anybody even after having around 40 SAMs fired at us so far.


So congrats guys youve faithfully recreated the experience of being a Tomcat driver in the Gulf lol :tomato2:


Craig, a seriously under achieving Cat driver.. still enjoying the show though :)

Edited by fallenphoenix1986

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DS mod TEAM, Gentlemen-I just blew my socks off with this one. Sheer brilliance!

And the fact that it is free leaves hope for an ideal world.

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Just played my first mission in cmapaigne mode. Was in a flight of four f-16C in the middle of a total cluster*^&% of allied aircraft. I had to return with not a single weapon deployed after a flight of B-52s desimated the airport where my arget hangar was located. I was rolling in and the whole airport lights up. Even though i did jack squat the mission was exiting as hell dodging sams and bogeys.


sweet sweet mod

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