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England shuts down

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That is nothing for New England :tongue:


When I was in the UK in 2006, I remember it being wicked hot and warnings about the heat :blink:

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Disappointingly at some point in the last ten years the UK seems to have lost the ability to cope with weather. I remember getting snowed in at The Lizard back in the '80s, the snow on the road in/out of the village was a good four feet, and there was less fuss raised about that than the couple of inches we're getting now.

As for warnings about it being too hot, seriously!

Edited by SkippyBing

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Been cold but sunny here in south wales...had a small flurry and it promptly stopped...and sun remained for a while...

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BTW...all us watching this on the main bbc news in uk...have you noticed how there praising london and the people for getting through it,showing how fun it can be on the hills,and saying how much money the city has lost due to closure,how brave the passangers are at heathrow and how they had to change there flight plans and get a nice hotel free for the night,how the transport system ran as much as it could braving the blizzards..and all the other bull....yet none have mentioned the 1000`s who will be sleeping rough in this weather tonight.


xx v xx

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Good point indeed. By the way, Reading is nice enough, it's got a good cinema and the Oracle shopping centre has got plenty in it. Oh and it's got an obligatory Nando's right by that cinema! :biggrin: Also if I recall correctly, for some reason there's 5 or 6 Burger Kings in the town centre :blink:

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Good point indeed. By the way, Reading is nice enough, it's got a good cinema and the Oracle shopping centre has got plenty in it. Oh and it's got an obligatory Nando's right by that cinema! :biggrin: Also if I recall correctly, for some reason there's 5 or 6 Burger Kings in the town centre :blink:


see how you get my attention by just mentioning shopping centre...lol...nando`s..everywhere theres nando`s,the primark of restaurants.. but im more a chiquito`s kinda girl..xx


xx v xx

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Good point indeed. By the way, Reading is nice enough, it's got a good cinema and the Oracle shopping centre has got plenty in it. Oh and it's got an obligatory Nando's right by that cinema! :biggrin: Also if I recall correctly, for some reason there's 5 or 6 Burger Kings in the town centre :blink:




Does Reading still suffer from playing host to the Butts Shopping Centre? It's been some twenty years since I was there.

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Haha, there's a massive Primark too! I'd guess it's got just about everything they sell in there. Just watch out for when Reading Fest takes place each year, it can get pretty hectic indeed.

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We are totally closed today even im not going in - 5 inches of snow on the road - WHAT - spent 5 hours shoveling the stuff this morning!!

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well that's strange. We've got about the same ammount you have, but for us it's a bummer because it's not enough. All the roads are clear and all the driveways are shoveled, but I've put two huge gouges in my skis because there's not enough of the white stuff at the local hill to cover the sicks and stones.


I personally find it hilarious to watch how other countries deal with the weather that us Canucks are so used to! Take the day off and don't go anywhere, you lucky buggers. And don't panic. the stuff melts!

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And don't panic. the stuff melts!




Not here in Massachusetts! We've been looking at the same stuff since mid January, plus about 5 inches more. It's going to be 50 degrees Farenheit here this weekend, so it's going to melt...damn

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We are totally closed today even im not going in - 5 inches of snow on the road - WHAT - spent 5 hours shoveling the stuff this morning!!


Yep, I remember........... way back when (mid-70's say.......... Southern England).......... attempting to clear the driveway with my father's garden spade after an inch or so had fallen and stayed. Not a pleasant experience.


What you need is a dedicated snow shovel. Hereabouts, you can pretty much finish 5 inches in 30 minutes.

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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Yep, I remember........... way back when (mid-70's say.......... Southern England).......... attempting to clear the driveway with my father's garden spade after an inch or so had fallen and stayed. Not a pleasant experience.


What you need is a dedicated snow shovel. Hereabouts, you can pretty much finish 5 inches in 30 minutes.

When I was stationed at RAF Alconbury I chanced on the most lovely of weather incidents, a snow thunderstorm, lightning and all. It was gorgeous. Big puffy flakes of snow and soft flashes of brilliant lightning to set it all off. Actually made Brampton appear quite nice!

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I've been enjoying the scenes of consternation. A rather routine morning commute here in the Rockies.


we get the Thundersnow pretty often in the springtime, followed by a foot or so............


good hunting weather!!

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Yep, I remember........... way back when (mid-70's say.......... Southern England).......... attempting to clear the driveway with my father's garden spade after an inch or so had fallen and stayed. Not a pleasant experience.


What you need is a dedicated snow shovel. Hereabouts, you can pretty much finish 5 inches in 30 minutes.


oh dear god, these poor people. If I could show them my snowblower (which this winter I have been using on the driveway every friggin day after class) I'm not sure if they'd run away scared or think it was a gift from above.

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In the old days, more than 20 years ago, we had a joke: "what is needed to defeat the the socialism in germany? answer 30cm snow."

At this time we found it was a good joke. Now we know: "What is needed to bring Germany in a chaos? Answer 3 cm snow." It seems to be that some people in germany think that the Strassenwinterdienst (cleaning the streets from snow and ice) was a part of the communist suppression system.

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As a resident of northen Sweden, I just shake my head at all this.


You aint seen s**t when it comes to snow. What I seen on pics so far qualifies as "Normal" here.

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As a resident of northen Sweden, I just shake my head at all this.


You aint seen s**t when it comes to snow. What I seen on pics so far qualifies as "Normal" here.



Well spoken !

as i also live in Sweden (the southern part) nevertheless we're quite used to snow and a couple of decimeters of this

should not force a country into total disaster ...

It's nothing realy new that snow is comming now and then ... especially when it's winter ... ;-)


You should take the opportunity to go out skiing and/or skating .. i'ts fun and makes simming afterworth even greater ... :-)



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Surely the point is that we don't normally see this kind of weather in the UK. In fact it is the worst for 18 years. Hence we are unprepared. It could reasonably be considered a waste of resources to be geared up for massive snowfalls all the time when we hardly ever get them.


Having lived in the middle of the continental US for a few years, I can tell you that I'm very happy to live somewhere warmed by the gulf stream despite our northern-ish latitudes.


Now rain, that is something that we understand!

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Surely the point is that we don't normally see this kind of weather in the UK. In fact it is the worst for 18 years. Hence we are unprepared. It could reasonably be considered a waste of resources to be geared up for massive snowfalls all the time when we hardly ever get them.


Having lived in the middle of the continental US for a few years, I can tell you that I'm very happy to live somewhere warmed by the gulf stream despite our northern-ish latitudes.


Now rain, that is something that we understand!


Lol, they don't call Manchester the Rainy City for nothing!


More seriously, with the increased global warming, apparently this will lead to more snow in the UK in the near future so the government had better start planning for that now.



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