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I did this one first thing this morning. No cuts at all. Single shot Campaign video starting from first contact. Starts a little slow but then the action gets pretty good. There's one pass I made against a DVII that I don't know how we didn't crash into one another. We literally must have missed one another by less than a foot at over 120 mph. It was a rush!


Hellshades Campaign Video #5 (6:46) HD


Hope you enjoy it





I love how you have to cut your engine at about 2 minutes 55 seconds to avoid the collision. Nice video again

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Some like it hot, eyh? diablo.gif

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Hellshades Campaign Video #6 (7:37) HD


I'm starting to see why so many of the great Aces never survived the war. It's completely unforgiving up there and your fortunes can change in an instant.




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Thanks Scouse, yep, I tried the lowest rez sttings for the first time and I was amazed at the loss of detail compared to the middle setting. So then I tried the Hi-Rez and saw so much nice detail. You might not see bullit holes in Hi-rez with OFF-P3 but damage still happens and the crates are superb.

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Outstanding screenies everyone. And Rickitycrate, how did you manage those close-ups?! Wowzers.



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"A split second given to pull the trigger as a plane zips across the sights: an eternity spent to try and twist out of the path of the bullets. An entire lifetime won or lost in less than an eye blink."

(to quote myself)



More B-E-A-U-tiful movies there Hellshade. Thank you for creating and sharing these exciting video vignettes. Well done, Sir. Also, I'm betting you can make a meatloaf last a long time, given how thinly you like to slice things. :wink:







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Hi Lou! Well to answer your question... I mostly take my pics during deliberate photo flights. Most of my pics tend to have a purpose. IE getting a pic suitable for my beer lables. So in this case, as many times, I fly way too close but I want a tight shot of 2 planes. When I think a good pic is possible I Pause. I then cycle through all possible views and I try to compose what to my eye is a nice pic. Besides cycling the views I pan in and out. That pic of the DVII pilot was a max zoom-in shot while we were already in spitting distance. The shots with the Spad and Fokker so close were taken just prior to collision. If one looks you can see the DVII's rudder poking up through the upper wing plane of the Spad. I send the picks to Photobucket. I find Photobucket has all the tools I need for editng the pics and providing the image links for forum posting. I always try to crop the pics to aid in composition and to eliminate any on screen messages. If I take pics while Pause is flashing I wait until Pause is not displayed. I use the free FRAPS program.


So there, more info than cared for but maybe someone will get a new idea for thier pic taking.



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I got assigned a ground attack mission on a hun airfield. I lost my flight somewhere and decided to proceed to take out as many hun planes on the ground as I could until I was either killed by AA & ground fire or I ran out of ammo. I got a few planes and the germans got the grass on their field mowed by my propeller.


Hellshades Campaign Video #7 (7:37) HD




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Flying for the "other side"

post-45893-029505800 1276871810.jpg

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On a lone wolf patrol I flew high over two flights of Fokker DVIIs totalling 9 aircraft. A flight of 6 and a flight of 3. After identifying all of the enemy planes, I flew back to the flight of 6 and dove down on them in my SE5a Viper. Glory has a high price but it was a hell of a fight.


Hellshades Campaign Video #8 (6:52) HD




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:drinks: I am useing the screenshots from fraps I nevr could re adjust the normal screenshot Prt Scm.



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:drinks: I am useing the screenshots from fraps I nevr could re adjust the normal screenshot Prt Scm.




The default for screenshots in game is ctrl + ;

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Carrick, as Cameljockey said - there's where it is now.

But you can go to "controls" and assign a different key to make it easier - like the "space bar".


What's that D VII from - Jasta 6 ?

Edited by Olham

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A great screen capture program that is free is called Snapper. They are saved in jpeg format to a folder or file of your choosing. A search will find it easily, a small program

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Carrick, as Cameljockey said - there's where it is now.

But you can go to "controls" and assign a different key to make it easier - like the "space bar".


What's that D VII from - Jasta 6 ?



Thanks Olham and cameljockey. The D 7 is Fritz Anders from Jasta 73


:drinks: Thanks Raz I will search for it.:cool:

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A great screen capture program that is free is called Snapper. They are saved in jpeg format to a folder or file of your choosing. A search will find it easily, a small program

Sounds good

I'll check it out

Thanks Ras!




Edit: Found it, Hre's the site: http://www.ovosoft.net/snapper/




Edited by Duce Lewis

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Thanks Duce




:drinks: You too Ras Thanks Now if only I can find another Movie maker:salute:

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Flying for the French, ESC 84 squadron, 6 April 1917 in Nieuport 17s. We were assigned to bomb a Rail Road station, however I found a couple of extra targets of opportunity after the primary target had been hit.

Definately one of the more successfuly ground attack missions I have ever flown! Let me know what you think of my unorthodox attack timing for making a strafing run. It seems to have worked very well!


Hellshades Campaign Video #9 (7:27) HD



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Wow, that balloon almost wiped you out, nice flying, Ace! :salute:

Edited by rabu

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