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You're living out the opposite of your name (and job) here in OFF, do you?

It might have been the Schnapps supply for the brass you hit there.

(If they ever catch you - don't tell 'em I made that skin for you; they'd hang me on the nearest ree!)

Yes, you're quite right, Olham. OFF allows me to be someone else. A very different lifestyle and job in real life, but it doesn't mean that my usual calm and tranquil self is left behind when I play OFF - on the contrary, it helps me stay calm in a crisis. 6 Albatros versus my Se5a..............no worries :grin:.

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Hellshade, I'm not really with the Crumpets - I'm with the "Barbeque Boys", my name is Dennis Marlowe, and I like it here!

One soon day, I will also fly my British alter ego, David Oldham, with 74 RAF in April 1918 - he'll fly the "Viper".


Hihihi - yes, I need more of your temper, tranquillo - today I attacked a D.F.W. with my Nieuport 28, and twice I snatched

from impatience and excitement. I'll work on that.

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Well, with full DiD setting and himself on 'Ace' experience (naturally), it took a while and, ahem, a couple of pilots, but at last... 'Hawker Avenged'


Hawker Avenged.jpg

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This is what can happen if you dive at top speed for too long in a Nieuport 28 using the revised FM!!

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Hey, that's well simulated then - top wing fabric coming off! And now I won't have to try it myself anymore.

My American pilot has enough other problems; mainly, that the Germans are very experienced.

I'm beginning to accept the crate - with your FM I am having less stalling, but it is still "available",

so you seem to have hit the nail quite well.

Edited by Olham

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:yikes: :yikes: :yikes:




This is what can happen if you dive at top speed for too long in a Nieuport 28 using the revised FM!!

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These are Great news guys!

Keep up Herr Prop-Wasche... :clapping:


Nice piece of alternative history there Dej... :good:


I, in my last Campaign, (in RoF), had flamed Albert Ball during Bloody April '17, (still flying Nieuport),*

to be killed in vain a few missions later, in a collision with a hard manoeuvring Sopwith Tripe, just upon the announcement of my decoration with the "Pour le Merite"... :dntknw:


*No mystery for his death in my alternative history whatsoever. :yes:

Edited by elephant

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I'm gonna take the next few days to try and tweak the N28 just a little more to see if I can make the upper wing fabric come off a little more easily without sacrificing some other aspect of performance. Currently with the revised FM, the wing fabric will come off, but only after dives of more than ** feet if the plane is undamaged. I would like to shorten that distance a bit.


**EDIT: removed reference to number of feet in order to retain the mystery for a little while.**

Edited by Herr Prop-Wasche

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Sometimes the little bastards really do come right out of the sun at you

Beware the Hun in the Sun (0:12) 1080HD





OH DEAR GODyikes.gif. That would've given me a heart attack if it were my campaign, he passed so close to you I was sure you were about to have a horrific head on.



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My first pic post - of my first pilot (RIP) 'confirming' the demise of his E.III opponent.

Bruay, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, 21 June 1915.



post-63519-086003600 1290652681.jpg

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RIP? What do you mean? Did he make a cheerful victory roll at too low altitude? :grin:

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So what do you do when you suddenly find yourself at a low altitude going head to head with an enemy aircraft and you don't want to pull up because you know you'll be in his gun sight longer than he'll be in yours?


<click video link below to find out> (0:12) 1080HD




All else fails Dive... aaahhh bit low for that one... so dive I say... it's okay the trees will get out of the way... :lol:

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RIP? What do you mean? Did he make a cheerful victory roll at too low altitude? :grin:


:lol: No, I'm not that much of a rookie! Just meant that the pilot in that pic had died in a later mission.

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Some I found in my OFF folder, I think these predate HITR addon (means they are really old)












After seeing the revised cockpits and updated scenery WIP shoots, Phase 4 safetly landed on my "must buy" list :good:

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The Pups are especially nice, with the metal shimmering. :good:

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The Pups are especially nice, with the metal shimmering. :good:

Thank you Olham, I was doing various experiments with ENBseries settings at that time, resulting with high contrast desaturated image :ok:

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Trying out a new personal skin now that we've switched from the Sopwith Triplane to the Sopwith Camel:





Any credit for it should go to the OFF Skinners, as this is heavily based on a tweak and recolour of pre-existing skins. :salute:

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I like especially the nose design! Must have been hard to line up the stripes with the cowling.

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Thanks, but like I said, the OFF skinners did all the work with that - all I did was recolour it dark grey, do the black and white wheel covers and black and white chequered tail plus the personal decals (ie the name, logo and kill tally), the cowling is pre-done by their expert hands. :salute:

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I just uploaded a new N28 for youse guys. This is a historical skin used by the 213th in France. It was so colorful, I figured Rickitycrate would love it ;)







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A pity that they didn't allow this or similar skins for combat duties - it looks marvellous!


The End of a young Aviator


My Jasta 1 pilot (April 1918, Argonne) has just shot down a single flying Nieuport N24.

Instead of trying to run, the French flyboy turned to fight - despite a load of Le Prieur

rockets. I ordered my flight to remain passive, and took him on.

Three minutes later, his beautiful craft went down in flames.

The moment touched me somehow - here the victor, cheering about the almost certain

confirmation, with 5 witnesses for his kill; there the young flyboy, having left to himself

only one last and so very terrible decision: wether to jump or to burn to death.


Before anyone asks: I have manipulated the picture. It was a work of only a few pixels,

to give you the impression, as if the young aviator in his despair tries to climb up the

rear fuselage, to save himself some more seconds of his lifetime - not more...



Edited by Olham

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