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SE5a-Vipers vs Albatros D.Va 200 in QC.


Edit: I removed this video as it's having issues playing in HD. Will troubleshoot and post back later.


I already got to see it! The little buggers sure are hard to line up for a clean shot, aren't they?


I started my German campaign. The Allies seem pretty serious about having a go at our airfield!


OFF German Campaign 1 (3:21) 720HD





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Damn I had so much fun flying the DVIIF in a campaign I had to do a few more patrols. What a great little fighter she is.

The Allies have certainly kept me busy in early August 1918. It isn't easy staying alive up there.



OFF German Campaign 2 (8:00) 720HD - August 2nd Morning Patrol



OFF German Campaign 3 (7:14) 720HD - August 2nd Afternoon Patrol




Edited by Hellshade

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Nice vids Hellshade! Those Camels were very aggressive and their maneuverability was impressive. It almost seemed like they were buzzing you in order to intimidate. I don't blame you for ditching - it was a fight you couldn't win. It's what I love about 1918 - plenty of action.


The other day I got involved in a fight with some Camels while in my damaged Dr.1 - loss of power on engine - and I quickly realized I was in over my head. It's tough enough to fight them while 100% but if your compromised, it's probably better to disengage.

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Three of their SPAD VII did not return today - I brought one of them down.

Tough and fast fighters - they must make mistakes, which allow me to get at them.

This pilot made two.

He remained at my altitude.

He tried to turn-fight with me.


He fell just north of our lines, 1 mile north of Le Claon in the southern Argonne.



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Beautiful screen shots Olham. They could almost be photos the feeling in them is so great. Glad you were able to bring your men back okay too. It must be no easy task against such a difficult foe.



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Yo, the SPAD could dominate the situation, if the pilot wanted it.

My AI-choice is set to "historical", so the sim varies between the "aggressive AI" and the original AI made for HitR;

which is more defensive and flying safely.

These SPADs were the second type - they remained high, until we had climbed all the way up to them.

When my men fired up at them, they became active and circled with us.


Had they attacked and dived away, to re-climb a dominant altitude out of our range,

and repeated that on and on - we would have had a tough bite.

But when he circled with my wingman, I shot him up - or down.


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Really solid pics there Olham - especially that one viewed from inside the shed. Spads can turn a fight as quick as most fighters and I never underestimate their ability to fight until the last one is downed.

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Thanks, Shiloh - and yes: never underestimate any opponent, until he falls.

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Thanks, Shiloh - and yes: never underestimate any opponent, until he falls.


Unless they explode or lose a wing, I often watch them even after they begin to fall. I've seen some tricky AI lose altitude dropping flat as a rock and then once they get enough speed built up pull out and try to lumber away home. A few even sneak back into the fight while trailing smoke! They can be most determined. I don't feel safe until they are on fire, lost wings or have impacted the ground.


I can't wait to see how devilish the combined new AI, FM and DM in OFF 2 will be.



Edited by Hellshade

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Hellshade, I wouldn't want to be an opponent of you - you're shooting so well.

I noticed, that you usually fire very short bursts - but against SPADs even you need to fire more rounds.

Damn tough to kill, aren't they?

I had to laugh, when you chased the SPAD and checked behind you, and almost flew into the French.

Shiloh, in your vid I liked the view down on the Fokker formation very much!

You could learn about shooting from Hellshade. Try more deflection shooting.

A SPAD moves fast, so you need to fire your rounds a the spot, where the SPAD will be, when they arrive.


I had to let some steam off today, after lots of carefully flown sorties with my two "very serious pilots"

in Jasta 14 and Jasta 15 in the Marne region.

So I took my Jasta 10 pilot for a flight in northern Flanders - where the real tough action is.

I fly him still without all aids, but not too careful, to be honest. Here is a tableau of his deeds on 30 May 1917:



Edited by Olham

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Shiloh, in your vid I liked the view down on the Fokker formation very much!

You could learn about shooting from Hellshade. Try more deflection shooting.

A SPAD moves fast, so you need to fire your rounds a the spot, where the SPAD will be, when they arrive.




We can all learn from Hellshade - he shoots like a machine. :grin:


Seriously though Olham, this is what's great about these videos. We can watch how others fight and critique them, be critiqued, critique ourselves - it's all good. I realize I need to work on my accuracy a bit and watching others fight gives me a reference point and a mark to shoot for.

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Wasn't meant as a critique - just a tip among brothers in arms. :grin:

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We can all learn from Hellshade - he shoots like a machine. :grin:


Seriously though Olham, this is what's great about these videos. We can watch how others fight and critique them, be critiqued, critique ourselves - it's all good. I realize I need to work on my accuracy a bit and watching others fight gives me a reference point and a mark to shoot for.


I think more of us could learn from Creaghorn and Olham. Nobody would fly and fight the way I do for real. At least not and have any hope of living through the war. Maybe I fight like Voss, but without his incredible skill. Which is to say I will fight no matter the odds and make a good show of it, but eventually I will fall to the odds. I can survive a lot of missions but I have never survived all of them.


and I agree Shiloh. This is exactly what these type of videos are great for. Learn from others and see how they do things differently. You can almost see the mind of the pilot when he decides how to approach the situation.


Those are more fantastic screen shots Olham. If anyone can tell a good story just from screen shots it's you sir.



Edited by Hellshade

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I always welcome your advice Olham. You've guided me more than anyone and I appreciate that. :salute: Agreed Hellshade. The great thing about this forum is everybody contributes in their own way and there's something to be learned at every turn as long as one is open to it. I would love to see some videos of other pilots as there is much to be learned by all styles.


Not a fantastic fight but some great scenery in my new Jasta 10 D.VII.


Edited by Shiloh

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Here is something quite different. This video is NOT made by me, but by Koncadia.

He (or she) made it already in 2009, using a Zeppelin mission from the downloads.


The Shape of Things to come - "Attack of the Zeppelins"


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I couldn't get my sights properly aligned hence the sloppy shooting but I still managed to down a few.


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Olham, that was a very cool video. I think I remember seeing it long ago. It makes me anxious for OFF 2 where those big floating targets will be part of the campaign!


Shiloh - good flying bud. Were you trying to land lengthwise on the top wing of that first DVII? grin.gif Close call indeed. Good save on the low level turn at the end. Those can be very tricky if not handled correctly!



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A fine work - the Terrier is wearing a CO's cap, it seems?

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Flying with my Pilot Leutnant Karl Hochmann in Jasta 6, November 1916. Today's duty was an Railyard Attack, and I did a fine strafing run without any enemy Fighter in the Wild :salute:

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Ah, good old Jasta6!

I did my "Full DiD Campaign" with them in the time you are flying now with them.

I guess you are based at Ugny-l'Équippee right now?

Enjoy the peaceful time, Andy - it will get harder and harder later on.

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Olhams fantastic Jasta 10,Alb dv skin.Thank you sir :salute:


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Wow, you honoured it well with those "old photographs", Adger - thank you!

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Thanks very much gents,very much appreciated,been playing this fine sim for some time now and always wanted to show some screenies

just really got into it seriously and always loved the screenshots and reports posted.especially Olhams,Raf louverts,Shilohs and countless others ,i also love

your videos Hellshade,your one of the reasons i bought this incredible sim.I hope the Devs arn't to long in giving you some OFF2 code to work with i look forward to more

of the Vids .Thank you once again

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