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Fast Eagle Is A Fraud...

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You know, it's not that damn hard to get in the damn military. Why lie about it? People really piss me off.


USMC 98-03


UAV Instructor Pilot


Never got past Corporal becuase some people thought I was chubby, and that's the damn truth! Can't get any more honest than that folks.

Edited by MCG_Rattlesnake

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Well, I can honestly say my first initial is S, and my last name follows.


And as for the signature image, Delta Company '07, baby.

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Well im no Catbutt!!!!!    :rolleyes:

Well I AM AceMan!!!




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This is a real shame.

Back on focus


Cheers to column 5




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Yeah, it is a damn shame that people think these boards are here to live a different life. I mean, sure they're welcome to do it, but not at the expense of others, and not here.


Too bad FE isn't coming around to say anything.

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I freely admit that I am a cretin, that I am powerless over cretinism and that it has made my life.... well,.... interesting. Furthermore, I am an avowed heterosexual, my father was a Homo sapien and my mother was a Thespian! There, now you know it all! ;)

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OMG! I have a good one for you. I joined the Army at 17 yrs, and after 4yr tour, switched over to the Marines-0311, (25 now), but had to get a discharge early b/c of an ancient injury cropping up at SOI. Anyway, before I re-enlisted or whatever, I met a guy who was about 25 or so in 1998, claimed he got the Navy Cross/ 2 Silver Stars etc. with a chest full of medals and so forth.. I got to one of my old Sgt's turned recruiter, and he told me he never made it out of bootcamp. Just the thing here lads. This guy is sitting at Friggin Starbucks coffie shop telling fake war stories! Living in Texas, that can get you killed or worse- not kidding! Going with the flow of this post, there are lots of guys out there who claim to be MOH recipients, Navy Seals, and the like. Some even wear medals that they bought at the local surplus store to dinings out. This is terrible and pathetic. When I found out the truth about that guy who claimed on his life to be Recon, I called him on it right in front of everyone. To make a long story short, we never saw him again, and I guess he found another group of believers. Anyways, I know most people that come to Biohaz are true veterans, so here is my call of challenge for you. If anyone sees a person claiming to be an MOH recipient; don't be afraid to call them on it. That's a federal offense that can only get someone jailtime. That just bothers the hell out of me.

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I am not a Sledge. I do own one, however. I used it last week to disassemble a fence that was damaged by the wind.

Before this gets out, I should mention that I am a Native American, born-again Christian, gun owning, NRA member, country music listening, SUV driving, (Chevy Suburban) sole bread-winner of the house, father, husband, conservative Republican, union member, decidedly politically INcorrect, Traditional American Male! There it is. I said it. If I ever decide to run for political office, everything anyone could want to know about me is on Biohazcentral!

As far as Fast Eagle is concerned, I find it sad but not unexpected. This is the internet after all. His silence on the issue is also expected. I don't expect he will ever answer these questions. When your personality is discovered to be fraudulent, you just disappear and reappear as someone else. It will happen again. That is certain. The great thing about these sims is those of us who never got to fly these fantastic machines can get a small taste of what it would be like. It does'nt matter if you are a Cessna pilot, a computer programmer, an airline pilot, student, or...whatever else kind of folks make up the flight/combat sim enthusiast ranks, we can all enjoy flying them, and coming here to talk about it. We can all be who we are, while pretending to be fighter pilots! What a hoot! Merry Christmas to all, and I hope y'all get what ever new programs, hardware, or other toys and accessories you want! That is all. -Sledge

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Yes, but you must be carefull zagnut. You dont want to accuse the real deal of fraud either. ;)

Most decorated vets that I have spoken too dont go running around gloating about it. They are more than happy most of the time to tell thier story, but they dont go in search of attention.

I would believe some scruffy old guy in the corner drinking coffee before I believed some dude in a suit with ribbons on his jacket. ;)

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I`m just curious. How "knowledgable" was FE with regards to F-14 systems,

operation and tactics? Did anybody try to get him talk a little? Not just

Naval admin stuff. I`m not a Tomcat pilot, but I`m sure I could come up

with questions that would make him sweat a little. Well, unless he was one!

No classified stuff.

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Ok, how about this?


"At 7,000 ft ASL, 350 knots, in an F-14, what is the mean temperature, in degrees C, of the relief tube." :P

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Ok, how about this?


"At 7,000 ft ASL, 350 knots, in an F-14, what is the mean temperature, in degrees C, of the relief tube." :P

:D It depends how much booze he had the night before.

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I only spoke with FE a couple of times. I was a maintainer in the Navy, not a pilot, but he did a good job of giving me the impression he was the real deal.


Oh well. Chalk another one up to experience. It is definitely disheartening, to say the least.


By the way, I really AM a retired Navy Chief. The picture attached was taken this past week. My wife and I went to NAS Pensacola for a few days, and I donned the khakis to take her to dinner.


GO Navy.


Navy Chief

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Looking sharp Chief!

Since you mentioned Pensacola - I was stationed at Eglin and Hurlburt Field

(USAF - enlisted) and I visited Pcola NAS quite often. I actually landed at

Sherman Field couple of times, flying small "puddle-jumpers" from Eglin AeroClub.

I like the NavAir museum there - they got some cool stuff.

It`s been a while though - `85-`90

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