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The end is near

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Yesterday I began my last year in my 20's. Start looking for those apocolyptic signs people. Once I hit 30, the world will be going to hell. I've already experienced being falsely arrested and hosed down in public (courtesy of my unit). Civil unrest is imminent.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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30 is no age. Sounds terrible, i know, but its a great time.

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im now 32 and i can´t say that Life is over now! :nono:

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In four days, I will say goodbye to 35 and slide into the 36, that's the old half of the thirties....

But the best thing is; You are as young as you feel! Now, that is 21 at this moment!!!



Enjoy every day, month and year because they all have its charmes!





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From this old timer at 37... age does not matter as it was created by the young to make the old feel old...


no matter what your age all you have to do to get the most out of it is enjoy it... just a bit more slowly... :wheelchair::rofl:

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you buncha whipper-snappers! Why, back in my day we used to,,,,,,,errrr :wheelchair: <---- 49

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Aye the end if nigh for you....

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When I turned thirty, I saw it as the end of life....I went out with a few friends, got gloriously drunk, howled at the moon (etc. etc. etc.), and.........everything was fine the nest day. In fact, my 30th year was a blast. I went through the same thing when I hit 40....and my 40's were a great decade.


By the time you hit your 50th birthday, you'll be an old hand at this, and you'll undoubtedly take all the (so-called) negative aspects of hitting that august number, with a grain of salt. Guess what? Everything will be fine, and in many respects, you may find yourself a whole lot better off than you were just a few few decades before. I know I did....

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29's nothing mate, I've be married twice since that age. Hang on a minute, I'll get the rope :suicide: (Don't generally have guns in England)


Ps. Just joking, the best part of your life is still to come, probably!

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Haha!! :yahoo: I´m nineteen... and growing older :sorry:


You know, 30s look not as bad

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At least your not as old as Dave :biggrin: :whistle2: Ho! I mean, age, is just another day :smile2:

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I'm 40. I'm alive. World is pain in the a** sometimes, but life is only one. It's great to be alive and enjoy it, to be with family and friends.

Life just started again when I turn 40 :smile: , I'm now near to 41, best years in life.... :smile:


And serverandenforcer, whatever the problem is, I'm sure it will be solved.



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Yeah, when you're about 40 or so, you've got (Hopefully ;D) a whooole 'nother lifetime ahead of you...

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I remember when I turned 30...I was sitting at the same desk I'm sitting at now. Well, metaphorically as we got new desks at work a year or so later. :wink:

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It's been a while since I turned 30. At the time I thought I was settled for life, married, my daughter just born. I will hit 40 in two years and my life has completely changed. Five years ago my daughter died (I will love you always), her death drove us apart her mother and I so we divorced and I left Europe to heal my wounds. You don't start your life anew, you just move on as best you can. I don't sleep so well anymore but I'm still standing. Got remarried and now my second wife is 5 weeks pregnant!


So if nothing else just remember this: never ever give up!

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Yesterday I began my last year in my 20's. Start looking for those apocolyptic signs people. Once I hit 30, the world will be going to hell. I've already experienced being falsely arrested and hosed down in public (courtesy of my unit). Civil unrest is imminent.


I find that the older I get, the better life gets...but I did not think so when I was in my 20s. There seems to be less angst and stress compared to back then. Even though, I am in the scientific field and have been in the middle of a publishing science showing inevitable changes (perhaps overwhelming) headed our way, I take things much more in stride.


I have on purposely kept in superb shape (I can do more situps than in my 20s, when I was no slouch). My mind seems much sharper than in my 20s. I have to currently learn reams of information and it comes easier now. I'm not so worried about what everyone else thinks about me and I can navigate socal situations infinitely better than I used to in my 20s. So far in my late 40s, I'm enjoying life much more than I used to, go figure.


Haven't you heard of that famous person in their 60s who said, "I would never give up my 60 year old body and brain for my 20 year old body and brain?"


So, your best years are ahead!

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